Kittens a week old and Kittens 3 days old! I need advice!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Both of the cats and my 2 dogs get multi vitamins every day. And they get this stuff for hairballs every 3 days. All the medicine I get for all my animals is from the vet. Except for the infant Tylenol that I just pick up at a drug store. Kush did great being out last night so I'm leaving her out today while I take my dogs to their play date. I give my dogs an egg a day to help with their coat and skin. Kibawib has dry skin could she also eat an egg a day?
Yes, the raw yellow is very nourishing, and the most important  minerales and extras are in the yolk.

Raw white isnt so good, it somewhat inhibites one of the b-vitamines.  Thsi problem is partly balanced out by  the youlk, but why experiment?

Its better to give raw yolk, and boiled white - which is very much proteins in it.   The old swedish word for proteins is in fact  " white of eggs"

And the crushed into fine powder eggs shell are useful as a calcium source.   It is easier to crush if you take away the inner skin which is between the egg and the shell.
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  • #22


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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Yes, you could mix it in with her food or formula. It would be extra protein too. I'm very impressed with how well you take care of your animals. And the pictures of the cats co-mothering is just precious! So glad Kush has settled into motherhood now too. Be sure Kush gets formula too! :)
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Yes, you could mix it in with her food or formula. It would be extra protein too. I'm very impressed with how well you take care of your animals. And the pictures of the cats co-mothering is just precious! So glad Kush has settled into motherhood now too. Be sure Kush gets formula too! :)
Well I don't have human children yet lol my animals are my children. They mean the world to me. I would do and I do do anything in the world to insure that they are taken care of as best as they can be. I don't always have the means to take them to vet when I need to but as soon as I have the means to do it I get them in as fast as I can. I'm actually going to school to be a certified welder right now and as soon. As I'm done I want to go to be a vet. I go without at times to get my babies what they need and want. Also Kush gets the same things as Kibawib does. Same as my 2 dogs and my 2 frogs. None of them are treated any different from each other. Except that the dogs get dog stuff cats gets cat stuff and the frogs get frog stuff.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
[quote name="sarthur2" url="95697/kittens-a-week-old-and-kittens-3-days-old-i-need-advice#post_3728488"]Yes, you could mix it in with her food or formula. It would be extra protein too. I'm very impressed with how well you take care of your animals. And the pictures of the cats co-mothering is just precious! So glad Kush has settled into motherhood now too. Be sure Kush gets formula too! :)[/quote]

Also thank you that means alot to me especially because I'm only 21 and I have no support system behind me. I also love the picture of them parenting together. Cats are very territorial especially when it comes to their kittens and for those 2 mothering together is completely crazy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 3, 2015
Also thank you that means alot to me especially because I'm only 21 and I have no support system behind me. I also love the picture of them parenting together. Cats are very territorial especially when it comes to their kittens and for those 2 mothering together is completely crazy.
actually it not as crazy you may think, mother cats will share the work, nurse each other kittens, babysit, etc
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  • #26


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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Even my full grown female pit bull gets the puppy milk replacement formula just like my 2 month old male pit bull. They are my children and are treated just like children. I'm glad all the animals are doing so well together. Kush and Kibawib even let my female pit bull Mammas come near the babies. I try to stop it but when I go to move Mammas Kibawib smacks me with her paw lol.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You are doing fantastically, especially for your age. Please give us the update on Kush and Kibawib. Rooting for you and your kits! :)
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  • #29


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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Okay so I'm really needing some help/advice! Kush's kittens turned a month old Thursday May 7th and Kibawib's kittens will be a month old tomorrow Monday May11th. I know that I'm supposed to start weaning them at 4 weeks well because of all the problems I've had I tried starting this at 3 weeks. The babies just aren't taking to it at all and they are really starting to drain their mommies. Kibawib is starting to stray off she doesn't seem to want much to do with them at all anymore other than she does come clean them and every once in a while she'll let them nurse from her. Kush on the other hand doesn't leave them for very long. The kittens are all doing great. All of them are up walking around and they are all using their back legs really really good. They act like they've been using them since birth. I did have them in the dining room because it's the most quite place in the house but we've been having 90 degree days for the past 2 weeks so Igot a llittle baby bassinet to put them in so they'llhave mmore room and moved them into my bedroom with me and my 2 dogs. They love it in here. The dining room had 3 fans set up in it so that they didn't get too overheated but my bedroom has an air conditioner and they like it so much more. I moved my bedroom around yesterday so that Ihhave more room for them to run around and play on the floor and not just on the bed. The dogs I have are pit bulls and the kittens absolutely love them as the dogs love the kittens. The kittens actually watch the dogs play with them well more like torment them lol. The one I know for a fact I'mkkeeping Inamed Flicka and she is most definitely the leader. She's actually laying on the bed sleeping whole the rest of them are in thebbassinet sleeping only because Flicka crawled out and started to climb the side of my bed. She is so ornery and has the other 8 kittens following her every step. That's a good thing because I feel if Ican get Flicka to starteeating the wet kitten food mixed with the kitten replacement formula or the wet food mixed with the goats milk that the others may follow her as they always do and eat what she is eating. They all have really great homes to go to and actually I have 3 homes besides mine for all of them. I have 2 kittens going to a good friend of mines home and then one to a woman trying to teach her kid responsibility 4 going to my best friend I'm keeping Flicka and trying to convince my husband into letting me keep this one that I named Little Bear and he named him Mr. Kitty so I'm almost positive that I'm keeping 2 if not then Little Bear is going to my best friend who is taking 4 she wants one for each of her kids and one for herself. I just really need ideas one what to do to get them wweanedbbecause they are supposed to go to their forever homes TTuesday May 26. I have 6 kids rreally excited to get their babies and I won't be able to let them go if they aren't eating like they should be. I've tried so many different wet kitten foods with and without the milk replacement formula and with and without the goats milk. I've also tried this kitten broth with and without the KMRF and with and without the Goats Milk. I'mrrunning out of ideas. Please help me.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They are only 4 weeks old and need time to grow accustomed to eating on their own. Have you tried wetting the kitten chow with formula? That is the dry kitten chow and pour the formula over it. It will soften and be easy for their little teeth. Mine love that! But they will eat better and better over the next week or two.

It is not ideal to give the kittens away so soon, although it does sound like you have found very good homes for them. On May 26 they will only be about 6 weeks. Ideally they should be at least 8 weeks and preferably even 10 weeks.

Have you begun their litter training as well? They usually learn this very quickly around this age if you give them a little kitten pan and put them in it. With 8 kittens you will need more than one pan.

Another thing I use to transition my kittens is Gerber turkey or chicken baby food mixed with formula and baby rice cereal. Eventually you can begin to mix in larger and larger amounts of kitten food.

I am going to urge you to go off your deadline and keep the kittens at least until they are 8 weeks old. They are also still very fragile and the children receiving them must be careful with them.

But you simply cannot speed up this process of eating as they must learn. Please let the moms in your room with them so they have time with her as well as some nursing too. If you must, put the moms in the room and the dogs out while they are in there unless they all get along well.

It is good they are in the air conditioning. And do you plan to spay the 2 moms soon?

They are very cute kittens! You are doing quite a nice job with them! :)
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  • #35


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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
I've already been doing the litter box with them since 3 weeks. Also the deadline is not mine I'dkeep them forever if iI could. My landlord gave me a deadline she has already threatened to kick us out over them. They will be over 6 weeks on the 26th. I do wet down their food and their moms are able to come and go as they please. Actually the one mom cat Kibawib belongs to my female dog Mammas. They all get along very well. I would love to keep the kittens until they are 10 weeks but unfortunately we have our landlord coming to inspect the house for kittens on the 27th. She knows and is okay with my 2 dogs and the 2 mom cats because our house recently fell over the hillside with us in it and we had no place to go so she made an exception for us but I did not know my cats where pregnant or how they got pregnant because they are inside cats who havenever been out to my kknowledge. Actually my husbands dads girlfriend went to the landlord and told the landlord about the kittens and we almost got evicted that same day. She has told us she will give us till they are 6 weeks old and they need to be gone the next day. It's very upsetting, we are looking for a new place to live but haven't had any luck findinga pplace that will allow us to have our animals. Also yes I plan on getting them spaied. They where actually already supposed to havebeen but then the thing with lloosing our home and them having kittens happened. I do plan on keeping 1 kitten from each litter and as soon as they are able to be fixed they will all just go at one time so I can get it all done in one shot. I'm beyond upset about the whole situation because I myselfam scared the bbabies won't be ready. I just have been left with no choice but to push them to eat on their own sooner. I actually got one of the kittens to drink some formula all on her own tonight and without the bottle and the crazy thing is out of all 9 of them 3 being from the first litter and 4 daysolder tthan the 6 from the second litter it was the 6th one born (runt) from the second litter. I was so proud of her. I also used her as anexample to qall the other kittens and put each of them in front of her on the other side of their little bowl to show them what theirbaby sister was ddoing. Also she is the only female from that litter. The second litter was 5 males and 1 female and the first litter was 2 males and 2 females but sadly I lost one of the males Deciduous at 6 or 7 days old. He got named Deciduous because it means short lived/life. Also all 4 of the kittens from the first litter came out with messed up tails. Including Deciduous. One has 3 places on her tail where the vets said it must have broke while the mommy was pregnant one with 1 place one his tail same situation while mommy was pregnant Deciduous had 2 places where his was broken while mommy was pregnant and the other female came out without a tail she just had a tiny stub. All of their tails are ggrowing and don't bother them their tails are around 3 inches long except for the one that had just a tiny stub her tail is less than a half inch long. Other than that they are all doing great. I just have to get them eating now I really have no other options. Thanks for the advice about the baby food. That's what I had to do with my puppy because I got himat 3 weeks due to his mom almost dying but he ate baby food and cereal and I have tones of it left. I'm going to try this their next feeding from me.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You have my deepest sympathy for the loss of your home. I am thankful all of you, along with your pets, were not seriously injured.

I am so sorry that your landlord has imposed this early deadline upon you. I now understand what your rush is. I cannot imagine why your father-in-law's girlfriend would tell the landlord about the kittens. Perhaps she does not care for cats.

Even though you say your cats did not go out to your knowledge, they obviously did. They will be pregnant again soon unless you go ahead and have them spayed. Please consider taking the moms in right away for this surgery. They will still be able to nurse.

Is there any chance you can ask the landlord for a 2-week extension? The landlord is probably afraid you will keep all of the kittens and the house will become overrun with pets and become smelly. Maybe you can explain that weaning is more acceptable at 8 weeks and that you already have the homes arranged.

Also, please urge those who adopt your kittens to have them spayed and neutered. Even the males stay home and are healthier when they are fixed as we say in the US.

It is not surprising the little runt is drinking first! They seem to have a survival instinct when they are born smaller! But that is good!

It is superb that they are using the litter box, and they will hopefully enjoy their mush!

I am sorry that you are under a deadline, and wish you all luck with the kittens. It is clear that you love animals very much, and only those of us who feel similarly will truly understand that! Please continue to update. :)
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  • #37


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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Yes it is very very upsetting that I am having to push them to do things that theysshouldn't be doing yet. I explained to her before and many times after that they shouldn't leave their moms until 10 weeks and if they need to before that 8 weeksis the eearliest they should be leaving their moms. I think that my fatherin laws ggirlfriends problem is with my brother in law who lives with us and works for our landlord at her restaurant. This has been very stressful. I'vetold our llandlord that I'mnot kkeeping them and that I have homes for all of them and her reply was good so tthey can leave at 6 weeks and when I do my iinspection there won'tbe aanymore animals then the ones Iagreed to. I'm going to talk to my husband about this but I think I'm just going to take them and go to my friends house while she pathetically looks for kittens who should still be with their moms. And when she is done I'llbring them back. WWe are trying to find us a new home and we should be able to by the time the kittens are 6-8 weeks old so now I do plan on keeping 2 of the kittens. AlsoI have urged all 3 ppeople taking kittens to get them fixed. Just at the time because of losing our home along with everything inside of it, I mean we have had to start 100% over I do not have the means to get my cats fixed right now although I really wish I did. As soon as Ihave the means to do it even if it has to be at separate times they will all be done by fall along with the kittens going to new homes because I myself will pay for that! At least where we are at the moment we are 3 stories up and there is no possible way for them to get out of this apartment. I really do appreciate all the kind words and advise.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Bless you! I am sorry it is so complicated for you right now, but I was going to suggest that you do exactly as you said: hide the kittens and then bring them back. But you must make sure that this news does not get back to the landlord, of course.

And hopefully you will find a new place to live very soon to eliminate this problem for the future.

Please know that during the time that you cannot afford to have the cats fixed, that they will go into heat. They will exhibit mating behavior, which includes loud meowing at all hours. They will want to go out very badly and mate. It will be hard to deal with during the week-long heat cycle, but you must not allow them out. You can get through it. I just did with my mama cat! And the cycle will repeat until they are fixed. You just must endure it.

I am happy that you will be keeping 2 kittens, and I know you will enjoy them! Please do discuss your plan with your husband so that you have his support.

I am sorry that you lost everything, but you appear to have that which is most important: a good head on your shoulders and a heart filled with love! :)
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  • #39


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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Yeah no one except my husband and myself will know that the kittens will be here. Not even his brother who is the one who spread the word to their dad and his girlfriend. Losing the house to me wasn't anything about a year before that I lost my house due to a house fire and that is why I moved in with my fiancée who is now my husband. What bothered me the most about the one thatcaught on fire was that iI lost 2 cats and 2 turtles who meant the world to me. Now with our house going over the hhillside with us in it what bothered me was the trama that it brought to my animals. We where all still asleep when this happened. My husband looked at me and told me not to grab anything and to justget out while I ccould. I woke up to the cracking sounds and loud bangs and all themmovement but I had no idea our house shifted downhill 10 feet and split in half. I was alreadyhalf way out of the bed because of it falling so Ijjumped up threw on my houseshoes and started llooking under eeverything and he again yelled at me to get out of the hous . So Illooked at him and yelled back " I don't know what the bleep is going on but I'm not leaving without my animals " he then said that the dogs are right behind you andthat instantly made me mad bbecause I also have 2 cats and a frog that Iraised from ttadpole along with my 2 dogs and they are my children and they mean the world to me. So I told him I know they are but I'm not leaving until I have all my animals and that I know they are safe so that means my dogs cats and frog so he found them for me and pretty much pushed me out the bedroom and the door next to our room was the back door but I couldn't go out it because for 1 I couldn't get it open and 2 it was the only thing holding up the back halfof the hhouse. I had 2 cats clawed into my chest and the dogs right at my side and then I figured go through the front door but the hallway was completely blocked because the wall split and bblocked the pathway so my husband came and pushed it back just enough so that theaanimals and I could get through. Once we where in the front of the house we couldn't get out the front door because the tree that saved us was all I ccould see so Iwas rreally scared. I had to help my husband push the wall forward so that he could come to the front to get us out safely before the rest of the housewwent. He had to bust out a window and I made him put the dogs out firstthen he hhelpedlift and drop me out and I still had the cats hooked to my chest they where so scared I didn't have a hold on them at all they had a hold of me. I ran to the car through the cats in and came back so that my husband couldhand my ffrog out to me and then I madehim get out. The hhouse was actually a trailer but it was our home. That we just finished paying off 2 weeksbbefore that. That doesn't bother me the trama that the animals suffered is what bothers me. Still they can hear loud sounds without getting really scared and running. After we where all out Iwwent to the car and had allthe aanimals with me. I tried to comfort them and calm them down after about 15 minutes the dogs where fine butthe ccats on the other hand where not acting right for aabout A month. It's been 3 months and it's better but still not 100% normal. That happened in February and myhouse fire happened in MMarch of 2014. It seems like Iccan'tcatch a bbreak. Once we are in our own place again I'mttaking all the cats in to get fixed but right now we really don't have the means because of having to start 100% over trying to save money to get out on our own again and still paying everything here at my brother in laws. I consider it our apartment becausewe pay for 70% of eeverything even though it's really my husbands brothers apartment. It will get better and the animals will oneday be ccomfortable once we are in our own place that isn't above a noisy restaurant and when we don't have all his brothers idiot friends that theyddon't know running in and out. I just gotta keep staying positive and strong for all of us. My animals are my children and they are treated as so. They even got me a mothers day present and card. It made me cry. It was the best thing to happen to me since loosing our house!
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  • #40


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Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Also I have never aloud my catsto go ooutside. I honestly they got out when they got pregnant at our house that we lost by the washer and dryerwhen wwe got new ones and where moving them. Won't happen again. We should be in our own place in about a month and as soon as we are I'mttaking them to get fixed. Both mammas cats and the female kitten I'm keeping named Flicka along with the male cat I'm keeping named Little Bear but my husband calls him Mr. Kitty. Also how old do they have to be to get fixed? I want to get it done as soon as they are aloud to.