It's Valentine's Day - tell us your story!


TCS Member
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Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
If you have an SO, how did you meet?

Gary and I met when I was in high school. He didn't attend my HS - in fact, by then, he wasn't attending any. We met through a mutual friend. He showed up for our first date in a Limo. We didn't have what to do "set," so he threw a few ideas out there. We decided to go to a drive-in movie. We went to see Wizards on acid.
It was my first trip. It was a total blast!

At that time, Gary lived in OH and worked for a lithographer. He drove back to Chicago on the weekends. We dated for about two years before I left for college and he joined the IDF. We lost track of each other. He looked me up 12 years later and we got married within three months.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2009
I met my DH my senior year in college during co-op. I actually knew who he was before that because he was a year ahead of me in the same program, but I just never talked to him. He was working full-time where I was co-opping. I noticed his watch during a meeting and that's what got me.
We got to know each other through group lunches and happy hours. Were friends for several months before getting the courage to say anything. Started dating a few weeks after the co-op ended. Got engaged 3 years later. Been married a little over a year now.

When he first met me, I had 1 cockatiel and he is a dog person. Now we have 2 cockatiels and 2 cats.
He loves his Batman.

trouts mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
Josh and I met in college about 10 years ago. We hung out everyday, spent all our time together platonicly. We both had feelings but were too prideful to act on them.

We disconnected after college. One year I thought of him at Christmas and sent him a Christmas card, then he wrote back, and I wrote back. All this letter writing was when I was living with my ex boyfriend. The letters weren't inappropriate or anything.

Anyway the letters subsided, and then a couple years after that when I was single, I searched him out on Facebook. Sent him a message..and the rest is kind of history


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Doug and I met at a mutual friend's outdoor holiday sing-a-long and bonfire. I thought he was cute and smart and funny. He thought the same of me.

He had asked our friend for my number and the friend wouldn't give it to him!!!

So I saw him a few weeks later at another gathering and he asked me out. I hesitated b/c he lived about 40 miles from me ... and with his visual impairment... that would make it hard to get together (he doesn't drive.)

Well, I relented and we went out. Dinner was terrible, but the date was nice. He is the first guy I had ever met who had read the Illiad and the Odyssey from beginning to end - twice!

That was almost 6 years ago.

And we are still putting up with each other!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
No SO myself, but Sis met BIL rollerskating. That is, he was skating and came across Sis after she had taken a fall (she can't skate) and helped her up. He then tried to teach her how to skate.

That was about 1966 and they were married in 1967.

Sis still can't rollerskate.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
Hmm lets see BF and I met about 5 yrs ago..Maybe longer when I used to date one of his friends...Needless to say that relationship was horrible and we ended up hooking up then lost touch a for a little while. Like clock work I would call him once a month and see what he was doing but he always had a girlfriend and then one night we ran into each other at a bar and have been together since then. That was two years ago January 23rd and despite any issues I love him beyond belief and realized that anyone who is willing to put up with my dramatics and crap and still manage to go out of their way to say the things I need to hear and try and make me feel better is someone I need in my life. He is my pain in the butt but I wouldnt trade him for the world and Ill gladly marry him while hes in his work clothes because he will let me wear my hot pink monkey pants and ugly slippers and still marry me!!! Ahhh I love my hunni bunni bear!!!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I met my DH at a sledding party; his family had just moved into our neighborhood that summer. I was 12. Honest. He was 15. We hit it off right away and, although we didn't really start dating or anything (I was 12!), we did hang around together.

Well, the bottom line is that we ended up getting married when I was 16 and he was 19. I did finish school and DH had our son on his lap when I walked across the stage to receive my HS diploma. (Not only that, but I also managed to graduate from college with a B.A. in Geography, having gone back to school at the grand old age of 40; in fact, my son and I are were attending college at the same time for awhile.)

It was difficult, being married so young, and sometimes we wondered if it was even worth it. But that was almost 39 years ago and we're still together, so yeah, it was worth it. He makes me absolutely crazy sometimes and I know I make him spastic at times. We still have our share of "disagreements".

But you know what? I still love him.

russian blue

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 30, 2002
Where emerald eyes are smiling
I just came back from a European trip and was looking for a place to stay. I was in a University dorm finishing my last course and couldn't stay since I was part-time. A friend, Alex, suggested I move out with him since he was looking for a place to rent. During the same conversation, Alex mentioned he had set up a friend (Rob) on a blind date. Alex wanted to tag along on the date to see how it would go but didn't want to act like a third wheel and therefore invited me along to 'double' date.

When we arrived at Rob's place, the blind date never showed up......but I did.
I literally knew I would be with Rob from the moment we met at his front door. It was an instant connection.

We just got married in St. Lucia in January - but we've been together 13 wonderful years.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
Hubby and I met online - me in Maryland, him in Minnesota. After online dating and a few times in person over the next 18 months - we fell in love and wanted to get married.

As we decided when to have the wedding, I mentioned that people say don't get married on a holiday cause if you divorce it would ruin the holiday for the rest of your life.

But after failed first marriages we made sure this one was the last for both of us - we threw divorce out and we got married ON Valentine's Day. So not only is it Valentine's Day its also our anniversary too. We celebrated 8 wonderful years together today. We call it Valeversary Day


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Originally Posted by GoldenKitty45

Hubby and I met online - me in Maryland, him in Minnesota. After online dating and a few times in person over the next 18 months - we fell in love and wanted to get married.

As we decided when to have the wedding, I mentioned that people say don't get married on a holiday cause if you divorce it would ruin the holiday for the rest of your life.

But after failed first marriages we made sure this one was the last for both of us - we threw divorce out and we got married ON Valentine's Day. So not only is it Valentine's Day its also our anniversary too. We celebrated 8 wonderful years together today. We call it Valeversary Day
Happy Valeversary Day!!!

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
We met at Clark Hill Dam (Lincolnton, GA) where everybody went to hang out on Sunday afternoons when all the bars were closed. It was just far enough away from Augusta to make for a nice motorcycle ride. A mutual friend had a ratty old Harley that needed pushing and DH was a strong 16 year old that would help him. Our friend introduced us and we were friends for 6 or 7 years before we got together. It has been well worth the wait. We have been together 25 years today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
My boyfriend Josh and I knew each other in high school and were best friends for some time, we hung out all the time, but I had a boyfriend. Two years after we met we started to have feelings for each other, and the ex boyfriend I had then had recently moved and long distance wasn't working out for us so we broke up. Though I didn't act on my feelings for Josh, I was waiting for him to make the first move, it was really frustrating because I knew he had feelings for me, but he didn't want to risk our friendship by admitting it and I guess I was afraid of the same thing..
Then one night we had a night out with a bunch of friends and both me and him were there, we all went to the movies, but the theater was packed, and our whole group of friends got tickets for the same show, same time but were put in a different auditorium because the auditorium Josh and I got tickets for became full right before they paid for their tickets, so me and him were stuck just the two of us.
It was kinda funny, because I can't remember now why but we were mad at each other that day and we weren't speaking, lol..
So at first we were both like "oh heck no, i did not just get stuck at the movies by myself with you" first we sat kinda really far from each other, but as we watched the movie got more comfortable and forgot about why we were mad at each other, and sometime throughout the movie, he took my hand and when I didn't react badly to that he kissed me

This was in October 2005.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006
DH & I met where I worked. His friends also worked there and weren't driving at the time. He and another friend took turns picking everyone up and they would hang out. One night Mom's car was broken down and I needed a ride home. I asked my co-worker and DH was taxi driver that night.
Him and his buddy always showed up just before closing. They asked him, he looked at my butt and said OK! He spent 2.5 months staring at me from across the room (I started to hang out with them after work). He finally asked me out December 14th. Neither of us dated before and didn't know exactly what "will you go out with me" meant. That's our story. We had a few break ups but ended back together November 2003. We got engaged the following year, then married two years later.


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
I LOVE these stories!

Dana and I met at work.
We're on the same team but had never really talked, although I had noticed him and thought he was adorable. One day he sat beside me and we did more talking than working.
From that day on we spent a LOT of time together. We fell in love very quickly and move in together after a month.
We just knew, right from the get go. We've been together now for a year and 8 months. Where we live AND work together, plus where everything happened so quickly, many people said that we wouldn't last, or that we'd get sick of each other. Dana and I are VERY rarely apart, and truthfully neither of us would have it any other way. He is my everything and is very much my soulmate. I don't know what I'd do without him.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I love these stories too - and it looks like (from another thread as well) that there are at least two Valentine's Day anniversaries for people at TCS!

...I forgot to say, Gary said he fell in love with me the minute he saw me. The funny thing is, he never told me he was leaving to join the IDF, and I tried to look him up several times, but never knew how to find him. The friend that originally introduced us apparently had a crush on me, because I found out later he lied to me about his knowledge of where Gary was. He just said "I heard Gary moved to Israel." I wasn't smart enough to put 2 and 2 together.
Turns out Frank and VISITED Gary in Israel. Had I even known he was in the army I could have written to him with just his name, addressed to him in the "Army" and Israel.

Could have saved both of us a lot of time.

...but we made up for it by spending 24 hours a day together once we got back together, and becoming partners in business. We figure our 16 years together is equivalent to at least 2 or 3 times that for couples that don't spend all their time together.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
To add even more to the romantic stories, my best friend got engaged tonight!! I am so excited for her...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 29, 2006
Pacific NW
Good stories! Sweet!

I met my DH when he worked with my first husband at a small grocery store. I met DH before the 1st one and I were married, DH's Mom and my aunt were friends. I always thought DH was a hottie, seriously.
My first husband and I split when when our daughter was 3. He was the biggest mistake of my life but he gave me the best thing daughter. She is soooo awesome.
Anyway...I was out with another guy one night at a local hot spot, when I ran into Wm. Having been smitten with him years before, when he said "we should go out sometime" I almost fell over myself to give him my phone # and address.
We went out the next week-end and we have been together ever since.

We will celebrate our 26th anniversary on 3/31

To add...he raised and supported my daughter as his own and we had a son together that is 24.

I could not imagine my life without him, he is my soul-mate.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 9, 2009
Shreveport, LA
Josh and I met through work (though we do go to the same college but had never seen each other.) That was my first job as a vet tech/kennel worker/slave (
). He was the only guy working there and we spent a lot of time together throughout the days. We developed a mutual hatred of our boss and just really hit is off as friends. I was with somebody else at the time, but the relationship was going south so there was always a little thought in the back of my head. When that relationship ended, Josh and I quickly started seeing each other in a maybe more than friends way. And the rest is history as they say!