In need of reassurance


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I am so sorry you lost him.  He had a better life than he would have if you had not been caring for them, and you did everything you could to help.  He obviously trusted you to come when he was so sick and had the benefit of your love.  You can not save all creatures but you can, and do, offer your love and care when others do not. That is invaluable in this world. 
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
Thank you all very much for your kind words.

Lolo was cremated yesterday. The vet said it was a colitis that left him with no strength to fight.

I don't know what more I could say. I feel so frustrated and helpless.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 4, 2013
Near Carcassonne, France
Hearing this, I realize how lucky I am to live in the country with a big garden. But even here people abandon cats when they're pregnant or because they're moving or...what ever. I can feed them, try to catch them and get them operated, and I've 5 that live here with us all the time, nearly. Cats are so loving, affectionate, but timid, also, until you know them. The first purr from a stray you've adopted is wonderful.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Thank you all very much for your kind words.

Lolo was cremated yesterday. The vet said it was a colitis that left him with no strength to fight.

I don't know what more I could say. I feel so frustrated and helpless.
You did so much for this colony of cats, and because you have so much love for them they leave a huge hole in your heart. I hope that you still have Harley and Amelie and that they are both doing well si this can remind you of how much you continue to give. 
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
From left to right: Harley, Sophie and Amelie.

I still have them and I am not giving them away. They both have been a great revelation to me:

1. first of all, I did not realize how much Sophie needed companions. She was 1 year old when I brought Harley and Amelie in and she had sort of forgotten that she was a cat. It was not until she spend time with them that her instincts and energy kicked back in and she is much happier now. She accepted them both within a few days (I had to rush the introduction process because Sophie was crying for them on one side of the door and Harley and Amelie were crying for Sophie on the other side). I am now a strong believer that, except for a few cats that have territorial issues, two or more cats are better than one.

2. second of all, Sophie was free fed kibble with wet as a treat. After I observed Harley's and Amelie's litterbox habits I realized Sophie was suffering from constipation. All of them are now on a 70% wet 30%dry, working towards 100% wet (well, Amelie really is eating mostly wet. She doesn't like kibble). And because of Harley's digestive issues - because of the antibiotics his intestinal flora was a mess so he had soft stool, I have read quite a lot about cat nutrition and I am trying to make better and better decisions for them.

3. Amelie was  a bit feral, for the first month or so she greeted me and my bf with a hiss. We are now at the point when she sometimes allows me to carry her in my arms so she can smell and see higher objects that are otherwise out of her reach. And she has the loudest purr in the house, but she mostly purrs when Sophie is grooming her or when she thinks we're asleep and she lays on my legs.

And I am three times happier and I am never bored.

They improved my quality of life but the hard truth is that Lolo's death made me realize the conditions and the sadness in which stray and feral cats live and die. I was broken down the day he died, I was so  angry on everything and everybody - on me because I did not search enough for him those two-three days when he did not come for food, on the vet for maybe not doing enough, on Lolo for not fighting enough. But because of his death I am much more determined now to put more effort in finding them homes and provide a better life for them.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
IrenaSaK, that is such a beautiful story, with a photograph of three beautiful cats, and shows a beautiful hearted person giving everything they can to those around them. I wish you ever growing happiness for many years caring for Amelie, Harley, Sophie, and all the feral cats you are able to support. I am sure that Lolo will continue to hold a precious place in your heart and his spirit will stay with you. Thank you for sharing. 



TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
I am thinking that Lolo is looking down with gratitude and love for all you did do for him - and are doing for his pals.  God bless you all!
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
Thank you very much, your words are too kind. I have read here on TCS some really impressive stories with people rescuing, fostering or adopting so many cats, those are truly inspiring.

I am happy to report that Meka is finally putting on some weight. I guess that not being pregnant all the time really makes a difference with her absorbing the nutrients in food. She was so skinny.

Now my biggest challenge is Jonny, a black and white female whom I initially thought was a male, but soon enough the male was obviously pregnant. She is feral and smart, so she doesn't let me touch her and she doesn't go for that silly humane trap thing. I will have to come up with some new strategies. Another thing with Jonny is that she is not really the most caring and maternal cat out there. Last time she gave birth only one kitten survived, she never hid him and I took him from the colony when he was 3 weeks old because she had no intention of protecting him (I went to feed them one day, little kitten drag himself towards the other cats, his eyelids were stuck and he didn't really have control of all of his limbs. Jonny finished eating and left her kitten there, out in the open. I found a foster for him the next day, it was pure luck, the girl that took him in had a lot of experience with bottle feeding and now Teddy is a handsome kitten). So any advice on how I could trap her is most welcomed. I have tried all I could think of regarding food in the trap, raw fish, raw chicken, canned fish, canned chicken, kibbles, red meat and so on. She knows the trap is evil. I think my only option is to try to win her trust, although this means time and time means kittens.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Had you tried with such a "falling trap"?   A crate lifted up above the bait, supported by a pole with a long string attached, when she comes to eat and is inside, you pull the pole away with your string, you standing several meters away.   Trapped.

Good luck!
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
Had you tried with such a "falling trap"?   A crate lifted up above the bait, supported by a pole with a long string attached, when she comes to eat and is inside, you pull the pole away with your string, you standing several meters away.   Trapped.

Good luck!
No I did not. Interesting. I will get myself a crate and a pole and begin practice 


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
You can buy a drop trap online.  They are expensive, so a crate and pole will work as well.  You will need two people though, as the crate may bounce up when it hits the ground.  Someone needs to be close enough to hold it down.

You can also use a large carrier for trapping but, of course, only if she'll go in it.  Tie a length of twine to the top of the door, the side away from the hinges.  Lace the twine through the holes in the same side of the carrier, at the top.  Bring the other end of the twine with you to your hiding place, leaving the door open and the twine loose.

Put the food in the carrier.  You may have to put it towards the front and gradually move in deeper into the carrier as she gets used to eating there.  When she is finally eating at the back of the carrier, you can pull the twine and close the door.  Again, you or your helped must be close enough to the carrier to secure the door before she bolts.

Good luck!
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
I am so angry and frustrated right now! I just came back from the colony and it just grew bigger! Again! And not with kittens!

About a month ago I noticed a shy adult calico waiting for her turn to eat. She is mostly white with just a little orange and black and her coat looked really clean and nice and she is also quite fat. I have seen heer a few times but I had hoped she was a feral that came across this colony and stayed for food, although I knew her presence there was just weird....

And tonight I thought I saw one of the ferals but when I came closer it was a wonderful blue russian-like cat, quite fat and stayed right there, next to me!

I know what you must be thinking, 'poor cats, someone lost them' but I am 95% sure they are abandoned. An old lady asked me last summer if this is a place where people can abandon cats as she had two and she doesn't want them anymore. I am not saying the cats were hers, but my gut tells me they are not ferals.

Sorry for venting, I am just so dissapointed right now and I need to cool and figure out my next steps, like making photos and flyers just in case... And yes, it is winter here. Not yet extremely cold, but soon to be. We are around 0 Celsius at night.


TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
Feel free to vent here. I have no idea how anyone can ever just abandon pets to fend for themselves.
The two new ones don't sound feral to me either. Lots of hugs for you. I hope they are just lost and that someone comes forward to claim them. Good luck and bless you for trying to help them. 


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
That's terrible! I can't believe that anyone would be so heartless as to just abandon a cat like that. I've had cats abandoned near my house too. People know I take care of the stray cats around here and think I'll feed their unwanted pets too. I always send photos of them to the locals vets and animal control but no one ever claims them. It makes me furious.

Thank you for trying to help them. Winter is a really tough time for all of us who have a colony to care for.

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  • #35


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
I have no news. I haven't seen any of the newbies since that evening when I posted. This is not worrying me yet. We have had insane weather, yesterday were like 59 F (15 C) and today is a bit colder, 46 F (8 C), but still abnormally hot. We should be having snow. And winter.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 8, 2013
You are working so hard and it can feel so hopeless sometimes, and then there are always more.   But know your efforts are far-reaching.

I read through this thread fairly quickly so if someone mentioned this already, my apologies.  But I  had an idea I wanted to share with you.

Instead of facing this daunting situation alone with the less-than-ideal situation at the restaurant, have you considered hooking up with a larger, solid, TNR group?

Perhaps you can cut a deal ... you will help and volunteer with them, go out trapping with them, helping to build shelters, feeding, maybe kick in a little for food and materials, etc., depending on what they need, in return for them helping you.  Perhaps help in trapping some of he harder cases, an emergency fostering network, putting some of your cats into colonies they have set up that are safe, and watched over that have shelters built for bad weather already, etc. 
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  • #37


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
Instead of facing this daunting situation alone with the less-than-ideal situation at the restaurant, have you considered hooking up with a larger, solid, TNR group?

Perhaps you can cut a deal ... you will help and volunteer with them, go out trapping with them, helping to build shelters, feeding, maybe kick in a little for food and materials, etc., depending on what they need, in return for them helping you.  Perhaps help in trapping some of he harder cases, an emergency fostering network, putting some of your cats into colonies they have set up that are safe, and watched over that have shelters built for bad weather already, etc. 
Thank you for the advice, it would be great to be able to do something like this, but Romania just started to figure out what TNR is and the cat population is of no interest yet. We do not have any shelters for cats, we have volunteers who take the cats in their own houses and try to find them forever homes. Therefor we do not have large TNR groups. The only NGO that has a shelter for dogs AND also has a garage for non adoptable feral cats has already helped me with the humane traps and will assist me further if I need it.

There are individual people or groups of friends who are involved with TNR, we know eachother and help eachother. I do not foster but I donate.

We have animal police and different animal protection association, but they are all dog oriented and ony help cats ocasionally. I know this as I have done extensive reasearch with the hope of finding a shelter for these ferals, and there aren't really any options.

On the bright side, our vets, even if they are oldschool, are affordable and are willing to help with discounts the 'social' cases.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 8, 2013
My apologies, I tend to forget this is an international site and not every place offers the same options or views rescue the same way we do here.

However, if I could just throw out this idea for what it's worth ....

Seems like there's a gap in Romania where someone could, if they were inclined, start a movement to educate people, market it, fundraise, start an official tnr network, and get more people involved in order to raise the concern, and therefore what would done, for cats in your country and fight for their equal rights with dogs!

Could result in a national rescue organization in your name :).  You never know!

PS:  Thought you might like to know, I named one of my rescued fosters Irena (different spelling but same pronunciation).  This is her.  She staked out one of my chairs as hers and won't let anyone else on it, feline or human.  Everyone knows to respect Irena's chair.  Or she hits them.  LOL  She also tried to help us save 10 orphaned kittens even when she was sick herself by trying to nurse them.  Great kitty, named after Irena Sendler because she tried to save those kittens.



Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Irina,

I have the same kind of problem in Japan. Pet cats get very good vet care but feral cats are left to fend for themselves. There are a  few "Cat Ladies" like me, and Cat Gentlemen, who are trying to TNR the cats in our neighbourhood. It will take a while, but I think people are starting to see the benefits of managing the feral cat population in this way.

I posted an article about what's been happening in Japan here.

I wonder if the same kind of thing could be organised in Romania?
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  • #40


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013
Could result in a national rescue organization in your name :).  You never know!
PS:  Thought you might like to know, I named one of my rescued fosters Irena (different spelling but same pronunciation). 
She is beautiful!

I know what you are saying and we are currently giving it a lot of thought (my boyfriend and me) and, as I said, there are several other people who try to promote TNR and fostering. It is quite interesting though as cats really are of no interest. Nobody would care about the dogs, either, but a child was killed by dogs a few months ago and almost everybody went crazy (up to this point, there are two theories: first states that the child was killed by stray dogs, the other theory states that the child was killed by dogs bred for fighting. The truth is not official yet and there were no witnesses. But it generated a madness that lead to a law that has the dogs euthanized if they are not adopted in 14 days. The general public doesn't want dogs on the street, even if it means killing them. However, they think that the NGO's who try to help dogs are only after money and use the donations so that the people leading the NGO's can get rich with the money for dog food and shelters. So you see, my country is sick so cats are no priority).
Hi Irina,

I have the same kind of problem in Japan. Pet cats get very good vet care but feral cats are left to fend for themselves. There are a  few "Cat Ladies" like me, and Cat Gentlemen, who are trying to TNR the cats in our neighbourhood. It will take a while, but I think people are starting to see the benefits of managing the feral cat population in this way.

I posted an article about what's been happening in Japan here.

I wonder if the same kind of thing could be organised in Romania?
“Traditionally, pet owners in Fukushima don’t neuter or spay their animals,” he says. “When a female pet has an unwanted litter, it’s quite typical to take the newborn babies to the nearest river and drown them.” Same here. Or dump them on the street. But I have had good experiences with the vets here, who help as much as they can the feral/stray population (special prices, discounts, and so on).