I just want your opinion


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 23, 2016
I was wondering if it's mean to keep my cat out of my bedroom at night? Like I put him in the other room and shut my door he meows at the door for a while but usually gives up eventually I feel so bad. The reason I do this is he is a big cat and for some reason in the middle of the night he likes to stand right on top of my belly (which doesn't feel good considering I'm 9 months pregnant) I try to shew him away but he insists on that spot. And he occasionally climbs on top of the basinette that is right next to my bed and I don't want him to make a habit out of that for when the baby gets here. I know I asked for opinions but any tips would also be very helpful, I hate making my kitty feel all abandoned at night


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Our girls do not sleep with us.  DH is allergic so that has been the arrangement since day 1.  I agree that it's better to establish this boundary and keep the bassinet cat free before your baby comes.  I have 2 young children.  I did find that my girls wouldn't go in things when the kids were there as babies.  They only ever liked the Pack & Play; never the crib.  One liked the basket under the bassinet; but once they learned it was the kid's space they kept their distance.  But I didn't want cat hair, litter, etc in there either.  And then even worse; you don't want your kitty waking your baby. 
  Once they were big enough to be sleeping in their own room; we kept their doors shut so the cats wouldn't go in and wake them.  We live in a ranch style house; so it helped with some of the house noises in general too.

I would suggest making sure you sit down and give him attention every day.  Have a play session followed by treats and/or cuddles; depending on what your cat likes.  My Mooch was always on me before the kids came so it was a big adjustment for her.  Sometimes she would sit in my lap while I fed the kids their bottles; but she generally got less cuddling than before.  Now the kids are a little older and she gets more lap time again.  Noodles is less cuddly; but she missed her attention too. She started doing things like racing me to the kitchen and getting underfoot.  So focusing a little time on her was a big help too.

So to answer your question; yes it's perfectly fine!  

Congratulations on your impending arrival! 

buddy keeper

TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 3, 2016
Cats do not like closed doors.period. everyone knows that pregnant women should not change litter box and whatever germ is in their feces is still on their butt.
I know you love your cat but your baby is more important.
maybe a little special food treat before bed might satisfy him.
besides maybe he is just getting you used to getting up in the middle of the night:)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
We have our cats sleep wherever they want but one chooses to sleep with us. I don't think it is bad that you do not want your cat to sleep with you. Especially under the circumstances.

My advice, give him a reason to want to sleep elsewhere. A really comfortable heated bed should work. As MoochNNoodles mentions a lot of play and attention will help a lot especially right before bedtime. And just a lot of love and attention.

But the best advice I would say is a warm comfortable bed. Once he loves that he will most likely not want to sleep anywhere else.

Hope this helps.