Horrible Dining Experience!


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
I keep it simple. Good service, 20% tip, bad service, no tip whatsoever. I don't equate bad service with the restaurant so I will return to that restaurant and probably get a different wait person.

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
The one place I generally tip really well is the small family owned Italian restaurant here (that keeps me sane with good Italian food, which is hard to find here!) The service is *always* great. The first time we ate there, the service and food was so great we left almost a 100% tip. Generally we leave anywhere from 30-50% when we eat in - always the perfect amount of attention, make sure everything is 100%, etc), and give the delivery drivers a decent tip if we have it delivered because they're quick about it. Last time we ate there, they even gave us free cannolis
(We go there so much they know who I am by my order/voice when I call in an order!)

The place we ate on Saturday for date night had one of those pushy servers, who actually took Rob's plate away before he was done with his salad, and put new sodas down when we'd taken 2 sips of the ones we had. I think she was trying to overdo it, really. Kept reaching in for plates and we'd have to tell her to leave them there because we weren't finished yet!

I agree with the idea that they should be paid a regular, higher wage to help out with the inconsistencies. My cousin works at my great-uncle's high-priced restaurant where they have to pool tips at the end of the night and equally split them, but I hate to think of the people who slack off because they know they're going to still get the same share of tips as the ones who busted their butts all night.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I have heard of places pooling tips and I don't understand that. I do get some of the tips going to the people who don't get tips like the bus people.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 10, 2008
over the years I've changed my view on tips. I used to tip a set amount unless it was bad service, but i over tip now. Frequently a lot. I like knowing it will make a day a little nicer for the person, and I remember when people left me tips way over the norm, I felt good.

Also, when I used to go to bars at happy hour 3 or so times a week, i way overtipped the bartender every time. Never had to wait for a drink either


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 10, 2008
Originally Posted by Denice

I have heard of places pooling tips and I don't understand that. I do get some of the tips going to the people who don't get tips like the bus people.
when I was young I worked in a place that did this, and it creates nothing but animosity.

but normal places I worked, we tipped the busboys that worked for our section based on the tips we got.

although, this was 25 years ago too (man did I just say that?) and people are a lot meaner these days. lol


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
Fastnoc, I don't know how it is now (if it has rebuilt) or how it was just before it burned down, but we had some of the best service we ever had at Coy's Steak House.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 10, 2008
ugh. i'm hungry right now, and when I read that reply my mouth started watering.. literally. i love that place.

and Colton's BBQ is awesome too.

/stomach growls....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 11, 2009
Trapped in the catroom! ;o)
Originally Posted by Denice

I have heard of places pooling tips and I don't understand that. I do get some of the tips going to the people who don't get tips like the bus people.
I find that situation crap. Pure and complete crap! A server makes on average $2.50-2.83 an hour, they get no difference in wage for the hours the spend doing side work still only making two something an hour while not being able to take tables to make tips. They dont get raises they are luckier then heck if they get overtime to get some extra oompfh in their checks. Then you get some bus boy who is hired at minimum wage or more to bus tables and they get to steal server tips. Or a cook who makes more than minimum wage gets overtime probably and steals tips. The same goes to hostesses and bartenders who get the same perks. With the small exception of bartenders who are paid the same as servers but also have the opportunity to take tables in the bar section and have to claim their tips from the bar. Those bartenders I feel should get a small percetage since they are in the same boat with a smaller section plus in charge of running bar drinks. The only place Ive ever met that has a situation like that for bartenders is Ruby Tuesdays but you also have to give a percetage to the hostess, salad bar attendant. Kind of a fudgey situation considering the two aside from the bartender make over minimum wage.

Originally Posted by Tara & Rob

The one place I generally tip really well is the small family owned Italian restaurant here (that keeps me sane with good Italian food, which is hard to find here!) The service is *always* great. The first time we ate there, the service and food was so great we left almost a 100% tip. Generally we leave anywhere from 30-50% when we eat in - always the perfect amount of attention, make sure everything is 100%, etc), and give the delivery drivers a decent tip if we have it delivered because they're quick about it. Last time we ate there, they even gave us free cannolis
(We go there so much they know who I am by my order/voice when I call in an order!)

The place we ate on Saturday for date night had one of those pushy servers, who actually took Rob's plate away before he was done with his salad, and put new sodas down when we'd taken 2 sips of the ones we had. I think she was trying to overdo it, really. Kept reaching in for plates and we'd have to tell her to leave them there because we weren't finished yet!

I agree with the idea that they should be paid a regular, higher wage to help out with the inconsistencies. My cousin works at my great-uncle's high-priced restaurant where they have to pool tips at the end of the night and equally split them, but I hate to think of the people who slack off because they know they're going to still get the same share of tips as the ones who busted their butts all night.
There is one local place that does that and I would NEVER work there. A old friend of mine inverviewed there and they explained their system and they basically said it doesnt matter if you took 70 or 7 tables the tips get split evenly with so much going to the bartender and hostesses even though the servers made less than the general server wage. They only make $2 even and the bartenders and hostesses made over minimum wage. You can bet your britches I would never work there because I bust my butt working and I would NEVER let anyone use my work ethic to slack off and take money out of my pocket. Id flip a lid!

**I thank my stars each and everyday that Id rather pinch pennies than ever go back into working in restaurants. Id rather go broke trying to open my own place**


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
Originally Posted by fastnoc

ugh. i'm hungry right now, and when I read that reply my mouth started watering.. literally. i love that place.

and Colton's BBQ is awesome too.

/stomach growls....
You know McClard's BBQ often makes the "top 20 in the US" lists?

McClard's BBQ