Help I need to get scared/aggressive cat into carrier


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
In my experience (with animals generally) the Jekyll/Hyde syndrome is most often driven by pain, and sometimes fear. That seems to fit Sissy perfectly. You're right - in a busy shelter it's very possible that she wasn't handled enough at a young enough age. As I'm sure you know, the first 12 weeks are crucial - anything that isn't instilled in that window will always be much harder for the animal to accept. A rush of new rescues in the first 6 weeks the shelter had her could be all it would take for Sissy's socialisation to have been part leading to all the problems she has now. This is why a lot of shelters prefer to foster kittens out so they can learn about normal home life when they're at their most receptive.

I'm well used to the laugh or cry scenario - sometimes even both at once. Just remember there is an end in sight. You've hit rock bottom with her, and it sounds like you're on the upswing (albeit still pretty low right now). You've been amazing to this little cat. It's blindingly obvious that you only want what's best for her (as well as the rest of your fur family). I really hope you get some answers when this is over.
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  • #82

maureen brad

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Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Columbine- I agree with you. This shelter does foster all the kittens out.The kittens do not enter the shelter unless much later ( 10 months or so) they have not been adopted from the foster home. Sissy was surrendered at 6 weeks covered in mange. I would be sure she spent time at the vet hospital attached to the shelter.I really have no idea what happened. Having spent so long with her at the shelter getting to know her I can say she had no fear of people at all.She was highly social if not sometimes distracted by her own play. It is a mystery to me.

 Just before I read your post I was thinking that the only time I had ever been bit by a cat was my Leo. I raised him since he was a kitten and many years later when he was dying and in pain I had to get him out of the corner he was hiding in and he did bite me. Nothing as bad as this but this is my one experience with being bit.

I am leaving Sissy alone right now, once again she seems depressed. I will go back in there this evening. I am making myself be patient after all Sissy has no idea what is going on and she will be ready to relax in the crate when she is and not sooner. Thanks again Columbine.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
In my experience (with animals generally) the Jekyll/Hyde syndrome is most often driven by pain, and sometimes fear. That seems to fit Sissy perfectly. You're right - in a busy shelter it's very possible that she wasn't handled enough at a young enough age. As I'm sure you know, the first 12 weeks are crucial - anything that isn't instilled in that window will always be much harder for the animal to accept. A rush of new rescues in the first 6 weeks the shelter had her could be all it would take for Sissy's socialisation to have been part leading to all the problems she has now. This is why a lot of shelters prefer to foster kittens out so they can learn about normal home life when they're at their most receptive.

I'm well used to the laugh or cry scenario - sometimes even both at once. Just remember there is an end in sight. You've hit rock bottom with her, and it sounds like you're on the upswing (albeit still pretty low right now). You've been amazing to this little cat. It's blindingly obvious that you only want what's best for her (as well as the rest of your fur family). I really hope you get some answers when this is over.
Couldn't agree more, and esp with seeing that you only want what is best for Sissy.

I know you feel the pressure of her being unwell in terms of getting her back to the shelter but spending time around her and letting her build up a little trust is going to be the best way for you to be able to shut that door on the crate so don't rush it.  Allow her to feed and spend time in there until she relaxes a little and can take her eyes off you for a few seconds otherwise you are going to be hurt again.  Now you have a means of getting her there in a larger crate this is more possible, just make sure you do not need to get close to her or reach in front of her.   Have you put a blanket over the crate at all as that might help her relax there. Maybe have it like a little safe space with a little soft blanket, a small litter tray and offer food and water there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
I am glad to hear they'll take her back. She'll be happy to be back with her old crew of kitty friends. 

I'm very sorry to hear about your Remy and Leo, may they rest in peace. I'm also sorry this has been such trouble for you, I hope when the time is right, you'll get just the kitty that'll fit in perfectly.
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  • #85

maureen brad

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Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
MServant- I am trying to be patient. I was just reading someones post on trying to trap ferals she had been feeding. Scrolling down someone had posted a photo of the scratches she got when  a momma feral got scared.

Yesterday I was reading an old thread , people were discussing the hazards of getting semi-ferals into carriers for vet visits. There were many responses on those two threads.Now for whatever silly reason I have just been sobbing.

Sissy wasn't supposed to be feral  or semi-feral and none of those people on those threads mention biting , tearing, ripping bites fro their ferals. My goodness, I can't understand how I am in this situation. For some reason, I am now just filled with anger that the rescue could abandon me this way. They do have a rule that people returning a cat do so at their own expense . I was willing to pay them.

I was also just fretting/crying about the fact that these people go to other peoples homes to help them collect cats.But they won't collect their own cat.

This is still a trial adoption. It was extended for me last week because I wanted to give it a chance.

I am hanging back from Sissy because I think she is wary...trying so hard to hold it together. This situation has taken over my life. Reallized that taking a big metal crate into that bedroom to set it up was one thing but, now I realize that to get it out is going to be difficult. I have to take the bed out of the room and the dresser too.I was hoping I could get this done today because my son has the day off and the crate will be so hard to carry downstairs and into his car. I hope someone at the shelter will help me unload it. I am also worried that it is so big the shelter may bet really mad at me for using it because if Sissy moves to the back of the crate they will have a bad time getting her out.

It is all I have though,I know this will end soon. I hope Sissy will be okay. I have real doubts about whether I will ever be able to trust myself when it comes to adopting another cat.Lol. I am sorry, I am at my wits end and getting very weepy all the time. This has just been unbelievable.I pray it is done soon.

Others have given me names of local rescue groups. In a few days if this has not worked I will request their help.

I wonder how my rescue will feel if they hear I actually had to call in a cat rescue for help?

Ah, I am going to stop focusing on this and rambling on. Sorry.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
Please don't be sorry, you've been through a stressfull and traumatic past few weeks. Yes they've not done you fairly, you've got every right to be upset with them. I've been bit and scratched by ferals, it was my fault for trying to catch them but still happened. I would not worry with them being upset, if anyone had a reason to be upset, it would be you. Hopefully you'll be able to catch her in the crate and it won't be too much trouble to take down.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I am sorry if you felt I was suggesting you are not being patient , it is quite the reverse.  You patience in trying to help this little cat is amazing.   It is more the challenge of not feeling rushed because of you worries about her health, and how stressful it is to see her unwell.  

The behaviour of stressed and sick cats is individual and unpredictable, and most definitely stressful.  I am not at all suprised how emotional you feel.  I have been in tears for just being growled at for a day by my 'babe' who sliced the back of the vet's hand incident mentionned earlier.  I'd moved us out of my place to a friend's house while my apartment was being renovated and she wasn't happy about the move.  She paced back and forth the rest of the day, looking me in the eye and growling each time she passed.  I honestly thought she'd spring  at me and attack she was so mad, and I felt guilty and had no idea what to do.  I sat, pinned to the sofa all day and afraid to go near her.  At night I snuck off to bed in the next room and she simply upped and followed me, jumped up and started purring for strokes!   I cried just about the whole afternoon and night.  You have been really stressed for well over a week and this has to be taking a toll on you as well as Sissy -  please do try to find some space to relax a little if you can.  This will help both of you.

These creatures get in to our hears and when they are stressed because of a situation that develops we can feel all the weight of their pain.   I honestly hope that at some point this shelter will accept some responsibility and find a way to help you.  I think getting her feeling safe in a crate is a better situation than her being loose in a room in terms of anyone trying to transport her.
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  • #88

maureen brad

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Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Mservant- No, I didn't take offense a anything you said. If it sounded like I did , I very much apologize. No one here has been anything but supportive to me and I am so appreciative.

Well everyone, I have Sissy in the crate!!!!!!!  Oh my goodness, I went in the room and left the door open so she and my cats could see each other, I played with the wand toy thru those gates and in the room between the three of them . That relaxes her. When she was tired I put some smelly sardin and Salmon canned food in the crate. She wasn't buying it but my friend called me so I was on the cell. When we were just about to get off I noticed Sissy was almost in the crate. She was looking to see if I was looking. I just jumped up and closed the door as soon as her last paw made its way in.

Poor little girl started crying and growling. Now she is laying in her litter box. I hope she can't hurt herself in there. It is a huge crate I used to have a big Rottweiler. The shelter is not going to like seeing that thing taking up their floor space until they can get her out.

If they tell me I have to take her out then I will just say they can have the crate as a donation.I hope they can be nice. I am trying so hard to not get into anything ugly. I can understand Sissys' behavior.I can't understand their Behavior.

I am going to stay out of the room  there is a blanket on the crate so she can only see directly in front of her and I have a relaxing classical cat CD playing on a loop. I hope and pray she can't hurt herself in there and , that I can get that huge thing down the stairs tomorrow without tipping it sideways and covering her with water, litter and food.

Once again THANK YOU ALL! I would have dissolved into a puddle days ago without you.

Now, if I can just watch my tongue tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
  Congratulations on crating Sissy!!!
Sounds like she will be glad to return to her colony. Poor thing - she sounds like exactly the kinds of kitties that Jackson Galaxy talks about when he explains that he got into cat behavior because of all the kitties that are put down merely because they are afraid and act out. 

You have done more for that cat than anyone else in her life would and I salute you for that!

As for you - I know that losing Remy has left a cat-sized hole in you heart and I know that, as you have lost your kitty, there are kitties who have lost their owner, either due to death or incapacitation.  Imagine, a lovely affectionate little cat, perhaps one who used to wear a pink collar and had her own little cat-bed & window perch, whose little world was turned upside down when the paramedics came, and left, and then Animal Control took the cat away. Alone now, in a cage, no longer known by her name but by a number....footsteps approach....a human appears....not the executioner, but someone Heaven-sent...sent in response to prayers of the cat's owner that her beloved kittycat will find a new, loving forever home, a real home filled with cuddles, pets, toys, her own cat bed, hearing a voice who calls her name with the lilt of Love!!  I send my prayers and vibes that you find your new Special Kitty soon

Wishing you the best!  Susan & Crew
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  • #90

maureen brad

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Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Thank you Catsknow me- Poor Sissy, She is so sad, crying and crying. I got her to calm down a little by sticking my fingers in the crate and rubbing her forehead.One of my cats ( Desmond) is laying in front of it now, they kiss thru the bars.

I may sleep on the floor near her . It is amazing what a sweet little girl she can be. I am glad I got her in there but, really sad about the whole thing.

We will see how it goes tomorrow. If the rescue will get her treated and , maybe just maybe she has been in pain. If I can be shown that she can be picked up when needed  I will take her back.

I am just not sure that will happen.

I don't really want to sleep on the floor there but she can stick her feet out the bottom bars and I am afraid that if she is scared she may hurt herself. She stops crying if I rub her forehead.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:clap: :woohoo: :D
Fantastic news that she's in the crate. I hope she had a relatively peaceful night.

I fully understand your being so emotional and upset by the situation. You're right - it was never meant to be this way. The shelter betrayed your confidence as well as Sissy's by placing the two of you in this situation. To be honest, it might not be such a bad thing if you lose it a little with the shelter. Being nice and polite has got you nowhere - maybe seeing some sign of how badly this experience has traumatised you will be enough to galvanise some action on their part.
Really hope everything goes smoothly from hereon out. You've been amazing throughout this experience, so many would have given up at the first sign of trouble. You didn't. That's huge :hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
So gald to hear she is crated. I don't think she will hurt herself in it, as long as its covered, like you did. Please let us know how it goes and how they treat you both when you get back to the cat shelter. I'm sorry its been such trouble for you both. Hopefully she'll be happy to be back with the kitty crew.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
It's a relief to hear you got her in the crate. From the sound of it, she'll come out on her own at the shelter, so you don't need to worry about that.
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  • #94

maureen brad

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Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Thanks, I am waiting until it is time to go. Sissy cried on and off in the crate but Desmond slept right there and she calmed down. She even ate. This morning she is eating the treats I throw in.

I feel sick to my stomach with nerves. My son is loaning me his SUV but he can only help me load the crate. He can't go with me . I will need help from someone at the shelter to unload her and I wonder how I will do it if they won't help.I don't want to just slid her out of the car onto the ground.

Praying this is not to awful , I am sad enough already.

Will let you all know how it goes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
I don't see why the shouldn't help you. But if they don't, do you have any friend who could help you? Could your husband help? Do you have a utility cart, or a dolly?  Hoping all goes well and that they can help you.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 8, 2015
I've been following your story and I have to say, I'm so very sorry you have to deal with it and I'm so glad you finally got Sissy into the crate. Thinking of you and hoping all went well at the shelter!
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  • #98

maureen brad

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Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
It is done. Shortly after my last post I decided just to call ( they open at 12 pm) and someone was there very early. I don't know her but she was very nice and said to come early and that she would help me unload Sissy. I did that and had to sign her over. The sign over form said I should understand that I could not call and inquire as to how she is or, come visit her. That upset me but the woman said that was not goig to apply to this situation.

I explained to her that I would like it f they find something wrong with her that has perhaps caused pain and aggression and they treat it, to please let me know.I told her that I would really love it if I could take Sissy back and be able to handle her when needed without danger.Ya know, that cat is a lap cat and so sweet. You just risk your life to pick her up.

Anyway, I cried and sobbed all the way home. I will see what happens from here. I still have no idea what the heck was the problem with how they treated me.At least it is done.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I actually feel slightly better in that she is in a nice place that she considers home, she is probably feeling better than I am.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 16, 2013
Midwest - US
Kudos for your patience and compassion!

I hope that they find and treat the problem so you are able to reunite. That little girl definitely found a place in your heart!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
It sounds like the handover went as well as can be expected. I just hope you get some answers over the coming days and weeks.

:hugs: No one should have to go through what you went through with Sissy. None of it was your fault. You went above and beyond for that little cat. I'm just hoping for a happy ending for you both.