HELP! First time kitten mom

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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2015
Holy moly, it's been  22 days since I've updated. It doesn't seem like that long at all. I've been so busy with finals for my summer classes And the kitties I haven't had much time for anything else!
The kitties are 7 weeks old!! :shocked: Can you believe it's been almost 8 weeks since I've posted asking for help?! I can't at all. The kitties are growing up way too fast.
I've made two videos about what we have been up to.


The kitties have upgraded from just the closet, to bathroom, to gated off part of the living room, to now full range (kitty proofed) living room! They learned how to use the litter box about 2 weeks ago and have almost no accidents now.

The kitties love to eat! They each eat out of their own little bowls now and mama taught them to drink water with no problem. They are still nursing, and mama's nipples are just fine so I still let them. it's up to dutchess when she wants to quit!

A big exciting event that occurred was introducing my pup Paisley to the kitties. Paisley has always been around cats, and always very gentle/sweet but I have never seen her around kittens. They finally got to meet when the kitties left the bathroom, and I was worried all along about nothing! Paisley is the biggest sweetheart to them, letting them play with her tail, climbing all over her, batting at her face to play. She accidently put her paw on one too hard once, and afterwards you could tell she felt so bad. she has been gentle ever since.

With all the kitties and paisley, We have become one very crazy happy household! :crazy:


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I love this video! They are too cute at their own little bowls! I love the part where they meet Paisley and lay all around her! I also saw Duchess standing there in front of Paisley keeping watch :).

Ah, sounds like it's been busy but positive at your place. It's really good to get an update. At least you can sleep normally again finally!

What's the re-homing plan down the road?
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  • #244


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2015
The babies!

I made a video of all the babies from when they were born to now! Enjoy!


So the babies have officially turned 7 weeks old, 8 weeks old this Sunday. I don't know where the time has flown and I wish I could stop time.

Stinker butt (Olive):

My little stinker butt! When born she was my biggest of all the white babies and was always the one trying to escape the box and explore new things. She has since mellowed out a bit and loves her cuddles. Her favorite thing to do is play with rolly balls and can chase them all night long. My boyfriend and I came up with the name olive to go with her brother Popeye.


Oh my cutie patootie. The boy of my white babies. Popeye was one of my smaller babies but has since blossomed and grown into his own. He loves to wrestle with his siblings and always seems to be getting in a mess. Hes my messy eater and leaves a trail of crumbs in his wake. He loves his siblings and always has to be close to someone at all times. His name is Popeye because at one point, he had one eye opened all the way and the other eye squinted half shut reminding me of popeye.


My sweet baby marie. She has grown so much since she was born. She is a little princess, always liking the attention on her, and will make sure she is the first one in my lap for lovings time. She's the first one of the babies to take to the litter box, showing everyone else how to do it. She loves to play hide and seek with her siblings in their little cat homes and is always on the go. She used to be very calm and always was sleeping but boy has that changed! I named her marie after my favorite childhood movie the aristocats (which is where I got mama's name Dutchess)

Catniss (Multi):

Catniss is mama's special girl. Everytime I come through the door and call for my babies, she's the first one at my feet. She absolutely loves sleeping in mama's arms and rolls out on her back to get lovings while snoozing away. She has recently taught all her siblings how to climb the cat tree all the way to the top, and I can usually find her snoozing in her tip top spot. She loves Paisley and when Paisley is sleeping, Multi is usually sleeping nearby if not on Paisley. Paisley returns the love with wet sloppy kisses. Catniss got her name from my boyfriend who named her after the character in the hunger games because catniss was the first one to take a bottle and the strongest attitude of all the babies.


My girl tabby twin. She is a mess, let me tell ya! She is in two modes, sleeping or running around like a wild banshee! There is no stop in this one. She is not about the lovings unless you have a toy in your hand. I am constantly playing catch the mouse and ball with her and she is always cracking me up with her crazy moves. She isn't as big into the cat tree and prefers chasing over anything else. Lilo, along with her brother Stich, are more scared of things than the others which I blame on my focus usually always being on little gray or popeye when they were younger.


My crazy tabby baby! Stich was always the sidekick of Stinker butt when they were little, always trying to escape the box and exploring new things. Unlike stinker butt, Stich still loves exploring and finds new places to explore, disappearing and giving me heart attacks! He has shown me no matter how many places I kitten proof, he somehow manages to find a new place to hide and jump out of. He loves to play hide and seek and also loves to wrestle with any of the kitties. He isn't big on lovings as the others. He and his sister got their names from the disney movie Lilo and Stich (can't you guys tell how much I love disney movies? Lol)


Mr. Batman! This one right here is daddy's little boy. He and my boyfriend have taken such a liking to each other, it cracks me up. As soon as my boyfriend lays down in bed to relax or sits on the couch, you can hear little scratches up the side, and in a few seconds here comes Batman to get love from my honey. Batman loves the cat tree and climbing as well as playing with his best friends (Multi, Marie, and Little gray. If you call one, they all come together. And they are usually always playing together. Batman got his name from my 3 year old little brother who took one look at his all black color and looked up at me going "this one name is Batman, he's the superhero kitten". Ever since then the name has stuck.

My very last but my absolute little miracle, Little Gray!!:

I'm still in shock at how big little gray has gotten. From 2.7 ounces to 2 pounds, I am one proud mama. She has had a will to live since she was born, surviving death twice, and has blossomed into her own. She loves to play with her siblings and is always chasing after paisley to play with her. When she is not playing, she finds me and will cuddle up in my lap until I'm done with whatever task I have and I'm ready to play. She and I get our cuddles in early in the morning. She always climbs into bed when my boyfriend leaves for work and starts purring under my chin to let me know she is ready to be loved on haha. I have still not come up with her final name, but I know I will soon!

Im sorry for such a long long update and that it's been forever, but thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone on this site. You guys help so much, and I honestly don't know what I would have done with out yall. This journey is nowhere near over yet, and there is much more chaos ahead, but I know you guys are always here to help. I have been blessed with a wondeful diverse bunch of kitties and am so thankful for everyone's help that I have received.

Here's also to my baby Simba. Just because you have crossed the rainbow bridge, you have defiantly not forgotten. Not a day goes by when I call for the babies that I count for 9 instead of 8, thinking you will be right there beside them. I am sorry I failed you, but you are always on my mind. I know you are watching over all your siblings and someday we will all be together again. Love you Simba. All this is for you baby.
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
catmommy22322 catmommy22322

Aww, Simba ... sigh. It was so sad to lose him.

But it is truly amazing to see how the others have developed, and how their colors and coats have changed. It's remarkable how 8 babies can be so different in personality and preferences. And how much they each grab a piece of our hearts and become family. You've had a truly amazing and probably once-in-a-lifetime experience here.

And thank you so much for sharing it with us every step of the way! I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your videos, and your individual write-ups on each kitten are so informative. You have truly been blessed!

It is hard to believe they will be 8 weeks old on Sunday. You also have a chronicle of your entire adventure in this thread. You'll have to print it and make a little book someday :).

Again, thank you so much for sharing your cat, kittens, and their adventures with us! [emoji]128149[/emoji]
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  • #246


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 26, 2015
I love this video! They are too cute at their own little bowls! I love the part where they meet Paisley and lay all around her! I also saw Duchess standing there in front of Paisley keeping watch :).

Ah, sounds like it's been busy but positive at your place. It's really good to get an update. At least you can sleep normally again finally!

What's the re-homing plan down the road?
Yes Dutchess is VERY protective of her kitties. It took Dutchess about a week to finally relax and not always stand watch by paisley.
Haha I finally get to sleep in my own bed! Although last night we accidently left the bedroom door open and all the kittens learned to climb the side of the bed...we did not get much sleep with 8 kitties running around chasing our feet lol.
We are planning on rehoming whatever kitties we choose not to keep in pairs if possible. We know we will be rehoming popeye and olive together (popeye MUST go with a sibling because he whines and cries if separated and alone) and my boyfriend close uncle has already agreed to take them. We are also rehoming Lilo and stich. They are not a must have together, but with their energy level we are going to recommend that they are or that they have a very time committed household to constant playing.
My boyfriend and I are still in talks about our final four, the best friends. Marie, Catniss, Batman, and Little gray. Since we are for sure keeping Dutchess, we are deciding whether or not it would be a good idea to keep the last four ourselves. My boyfriend is very fond of Batman and wants to keep him while I have a very special bond with the other 3. Luckily we still have 4 more weeks to decide.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Again, thank you so much for sharing your cat, kittens, and their adventures with us! [emoji]128149[/emoji]
Thanks from me too.  Love the new videos and the write-ups on the babies.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I like your plan for re-homing in pairs! I also like that you're not letting any of them go until a minimum of 12 weeks. Be sure that whomever takes them will have them fixed quickly.

I had my four done at 12 weeks. I personally think it makes a huge difference in keeping the aggression at bay in the males.

I have kept my stray mama cat and all four that she birthed. They are five months old now and I still do not regret keeping them. In fact, they are so sweet snd get along so well, that I have only become more attached. I do not think you would regret keeping the fabulous four that you have your eye on. Your home would feel empty if you were suddenly down to just one or two! :)