Have To Stop Feeding My Ferals


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I hope this can be resolved so that you can continue to feed the cats.

Can the vet intervene with the city and/or the neighbor on your behalf and that of the cats?

You've done so much to TNR them and feed them all these years. The cats clearly depend on you!
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
I hope this can be resolved so that you can continue to feed the cats.

Can the vet intervene with the city and/or the neighbor on your behalf and that of the cats?

You've done so much to TNR them and feed them all these years. The cats clearly depend on you!
I thought of that too but he is this person causing the problem, her landlord and I really don't want a neighbor fight or cause him to loose a renter. That's not right. Though if I find her actually stalking me when I feed them there might be a problem.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
You are missing a valuable opportunity here in not speaking to the vet since he owns the house.

The worst he can do is decline to intervene. The best he can do is make it ckear to his tenant that he/she is not to interfere with you feeding the cats.

Tenants can be replaced.

The vet, as owner, actually needs to know what his tenant is up to.

He may be the key to resolving this without further problems or hardships for you or the cats.
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Thank you. I will sleep on it and hope it's all clearer to me in the morning. I'm a tenant too and I can be replaced too I just don't want to cause unnecessary trouble. But I've been feeding these guys for a very long time with no problems so I don't know why I have to have them now. It is discouraging.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I hope this is clearer for you tomorrow too.

It's not making trouble to show the vet the letter from the city and tell him that you feel his tenant is following you, throwing bowls away, and complaining to the city.
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  • #26


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
I hope this is clearer for you tomorrow too.

It's not making trouble to show the vet the letter from the city and tell him that you feel his tenant is following you, throwing bowls away, and complaining to the city.
And trying to make the cats ill.
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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Yes, and trying to make the cats ill.

This part should truly alarm the vet.
One of my neighbors said maybe I ought to go talk to this woman and tell her we're going to discuss this like adults and see if we can't come to an agreement but I don't know about a person that would hurt innocent animals on their own property.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Please, just talk to the vet.

This woman is ill-intentioned. If she were kind, she would have approached you already with her concerns.
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  • #30


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Please, just talk to the vet.

This woman is ill-intentioned. If she were kind, she would have approached you already with her concerns.

Please stop avoiding the obvious.
Thank you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 28, 2014
I would also advise not to leave any food out after feeding time. Cats get used to feeding times so quickly, and unless you are in a big hurry, you can watch them eating, check their well being and who is there and who is not, and after everyone is fed, you take the bowls and leftover. This way you save money (less waste of food!), avoid attracting wildlife, and upsetting the neighbor.
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  • #32


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
I would also advise not to leave any food out after feeding time. Cats get used to feeding times so quickly, and unless you are in a big hurry, you can watch them eating, check their well being and who is there and who is not, and after everyone is fed, you take the bowls and leftover. This way you save money (less waste of food!), avoid attracting wildlife, and upsetting the neighbor.
Yes I think I mentioned that somewhere. I leave their bowl on their property out overnight and all day so they have food though they usually eat it quickly. I took from the letter I got that that might be the problem, that the bowl left out at night attracts animals. There are and always have been possums on that property. There are all kinds of wildlife here as far as those critters go, all over, not just there. But she is probably complaining not realizing that the critters will just attack any garbage they can if they aren't at the cats. But it is no problem for me to gather up all the bowls. I often do when they are finished anyway and take them in and wash them. If the cats know the bowls are going away they will eat the food. And when i read that letter that seemed to be the big complaint that bowls were left out and those attract wild life. Of course once the cats left me a dead baby possum. Maybe she would rather the critters find their way into her basement and they will if there's an opening because I've had them die in mine and my basement is not built out so until that smell goes away it is terrible. I'm talking wildlife not the cats.


TCS Member
Jan 7, 2010
Northern California
That woman should not be taking your dishes. Can you borrow a motion activated wildlife camera and set it up to video her taking the dishes? That would be proof and might be useful for your case. There is a feral group in my area that lends a camera to people trying to trap a lost cat. Do you use glass or ceramic dishes? If not, get some old but pretty ones at a thrift store. You can put masking tape on the bottoms and write "Property Of Your Name". That might make her think twice about taking someone else's property.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
My partner is a circuit court judge and I had him read the complaint that was served on you. His opinion is that if it's the neighbors who are complaining you will have little recourse, even if the owner of the house is fine with your continuing to feed. Under the county ordinance, by feeding these ferals you are essentially harboring them and thereby allowing them to defecate and urinate in the general vicinity (i.e., the neighbors' yards) which constitutes a nuisance under the ordinance you provided.

These kinds of things make me completely and utterly sick.

His advice is to contact your local legal aid and ask them about it. If you have trouble finding them just call your County Bar Association and they should be able to direct you.
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  • #35


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
My partner is a circuit court judge and I had him read the complaint that was served on you. His opinion is that if it's the neighbors who are complaining you will have little recourse, even if the owner of the house is fine with your continuing to feed. Under the county ordinance, by feeding these ferals you are essentially harboring them and thereby allowing them to defecate and urinate in the general vicinity (i.e., the neighbors' yards) which constitutes a nuisance under the ordinance you provided.

These kinds of things make me completely and utterly sick.

His advice is to contact your local legal aid and ask them about it. If you have trouble finding them just call your County Bar Association and they should be able to direct you.
Thank you. That is what I figured it would be. I don't have time to mess with this. I'm just going to cluster myself in my house and not feed them. It's going to kill me but if that's what this woman wants then she can deal with it. Hopefully the little guys find someone else kind enough to feed them. This may not solve her problem as they might find food but come back and live but I don't own the cats. They are feral. I was only good enough to feed them so karma doesn't come back on me. But it looks like it did anyway.
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  • #36


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
That woman should not be taking your dishes. Can you borrow a motion activated wildlife camera and set it up to video her taking the dishes? That would be proof and might be useful for your case. There is a feral group in my area that lends a camera to people trying to trap a lost cat. Do you use glass or ceramic dishes? If not, get some old but pretty ones at a thrift store. You can put masking tape on the bottoms and write "Property Of Your Name". That might make her think twice about taking someone else's property.
That's a good idea but someone wiling to put something out that will harm another live being won't care whose name is on dishes.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Could you sneak out late at night and leave food at the empty house for them? It doesn't have to be on plates, just on a flat stone would be OK.

I can understand that leaving food out all the time might cause problems, but just feeding at night when no one is around would be OK.

Is your house close to where these cats are? Could you encourage them to come to your place to eat?

Lots of us have had to deal with similar issues, I feel very sorry that you are having to deal with this.
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  • #38


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
Could you sneak out late at night and leave food at the empty house for them? It doesn't have to be on plates, just on a flat stone would be OK.

I can understand that leaving food out all the time might cause problems, but just feeding at night when no one is around would be OK.

Is your house close to where these cats are? Could you encourage them to come to your place to eat?

Lots of us have had to deal with similar issues, I feel very sorry that you are having to deal with this.
My landlord and myself included do not want them hanging out where i live. They are very close and will be hanging on my doorstep as it is until they figure out I'm not coming out. They have their own place to hang out and that is where they need to be centered. The place the cats belong is right next door to the woman complaining and she appears to be stalking me so she will see me regardless if i try to feed them at night. I am too old for this and it is killing me but I just can't feed them anymore. It's all I can do. If this woman is willing to harm animals she might decide to go further so i can't take the chance of really getting in her way.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It's just horrible that she is bullying you like this.


If the cats are older they probably won't move away for weeks, if at all. There must be mice and birds around that they can catch. They'll probably lose weight and not be as healthy as before, but if they have an empty house they can shelter in they will stay where they are.

If this woman really wants the cats gone she won't stop at threatening you. She will probably stoop to doing something to harm the cats.

Is there anyone who can intervene on your behalf? I think the vet that helped you TNR the cats must be sympathetic to their plight. If he is this woman's landlord he could tell her to either put up with the cats being there or move out.

I'm worried that if you don't stand up to this woman now things will just escalate.
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  • #40


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 4, 2013
It's just horrible that she is bullying you like this.


If the cats are older they probably won't move away for weeks, if at all. There must be mice and birds around that they can catch. They'll probably lose weight and not be as healthy as before, but if they have an empty house they can shelter in they will stay where they are.

If this woman really wants the cats gone she won't stop at threatening you. She will probably stoop to doing something to harm the cats.

Is there anyone who can intervene on your behalf? I think the vet that helped you TNR the cats must be sympathetic to their plight. If he is this woman's landlord he could tell her to either put up with the cats being there or move out.

I'm worried that if you don't stand up to this woman now things will just escalate.
The cats have been cared for by this vet who is her landlord but I took them to where Cat Welfare for TNR and had to go where they told me. He doesn't impress me as the kind of person who is going to want to get in the middle of this. People say he doesn't even like cats that much and that it's his SO who is not a vet that cares for the cats that come their way. Cat Welfare won't help. They won't even answer their phones or return messages these day as they are are overcome with cats and no way or money to care for them thanks to the political air right now. People who used to donate have stopped until they find out if charities are going to remain tax deductions. I'm not happy about this for one thing i won't be able to stand knowing those guys are hungry and for another I already distrust people enough and this will only make me retreat further into my shell. It does make a person wonder if this is all worth it.