Good vibes/prayers for jasper :-(


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask for good vibes and prayers for Jasper. Today while I was playing with him with a teaser wand and trying to read the forum at the same time(bad mommy
) he managed to bite off and swallow about 4-5 inches off the end of the "teaser" material. He is at the vets now and I have to call them at three, I am a total wreck emotionally
, my husband is mad at me and I don't know what will happen now, the vet said she would squeeze him in between appts as they were booked solid, but says she probably will want to keep him overnight
, she says there is a "chance" that he will pass it, depending on how long of a piece he actually ate and whether it is "all chewed up or in one piece" and depending on whether or not she can feel anything during the physical exam...whether he has to have X-rays, surgery...etc. I am just sick. If only I had turned the computer off and watched him while he was playing with the durned thing.
Poor little jasper....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Georgia, US
Originally Posted by carolcat

Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask for good vibes and prayers for Jasper. Today while I was playing with him with a teaser wand and trying to read the forum at the same time(bad mommy
) he managed to bite off and swallow about 4-5 inches off the end of the "teaser" material. He is at the vets now and I have to call them at three, I am a total wreck emotionally
, my husband is mad at me and I don't know what will happen now, the vet said she would squeeze him in between appts as they were booked solid, but says she probably will want to keep him overnight
, she says there is a "chance" that he will pass it, depending on how long of a piece he actually ate and whether it is "all chewed up or in one piece" and depending on whether or not she can feel anything during the physical exam...whether he has to have X-rays, surgery...etc. I am just sick. If only I had turned the computer off and watched him while he was playing with the durned thing.
Poor little jasper....
Oh, carolcat! I play with my cats all the time with teaser wands while I'm reading, eating, watching TV, or reading the TCS forums! Please don't blame yourself! You just have a very very playful and intelligent cat who likes to play predator (look how he plays with "bad bunny"). Anyway, he could have managed to eat that even if you were watching.

He is a young kitten and I believe he will be alright, but you are doing the right thing taking him to the vet right as soon as possible. Please keep us updated.

I will be praying hard for baby Jasper.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2004
Morrisville, NC
Aw honey, it's something we all do, and if it had happened to us, we'd be just as ill.. I hope everything comes out well, hon *good vibes*


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
Awwwww CarolKat.... Jasper is in my thoughts. I know how scared you must be, because a similar thing has happened to my Holly girl. Your are also in my thoughts. Don't kick yourself hun!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 19, 2003
Hi there and am so sorry to hear of what the little monkey has been up to. First thing - you cannot blame yourself. cats are cats, they will do these things and eat bones etc. So its no ones fault. No one need be mad at you. Hubby is possibly mad cause hes scared and cares for jasper.
I know that the vet will be already looking into him and will do everything he / she can. When hes home in a day or so - you will look back and smile. My best wishes to you and sending megga vibes as well....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 3, 2003
Oh, dear.
That could have happened even if you were watching him - cats can do things like that pretty fast, before you even have time to react.

Sending prayers for Jasper
and hugs to you.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2004
Oh Carolcat
.. I am sending you tons of love. I have a lot of faith that
will be okay. I don't really know what to say because I know the feeling of self blame
.. I guess when we read or hear someone else saying it, those of us on the listening end can see how clear it is that it was not your fault at all. You have helped me to begin to recognize that about myself as well
You and Jasper are in my thoughts and will continue to be. I am here for you 100%..
You are not alone..EVER


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Carol, I'm sure Jasper will be just fine. Don't go blaming yourself.

My Siamese (Susie) that I had many years ago actually ate one of the palm fronds we got at church on Palm Sunday. We had no idea she had even eaten it until one day I saw a piece of it sticking out her bum. At the time I was too ignorant to realize I shouldn't pull on it, so I very gently tugged until it came out. It didn't seem to hurt her at all as she went on to live many years after that and only ever had to go to the vet once in 14 years for a bladder infection (other than irregular checkups and vaccinations).

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
Sending lots of positive vibes to Jasper (((((((((((((((((((((((((
...and calming vibes to you. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

I'll be hoping for the best and watching this thread for updates.


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Poor thing - you & Jasper! sure, i'll pray - tell Jasper Cable will be thinking of him as she goes for spaying tomorrow!
i'm so glad my cats didn't like the feather attachment! they prefer the leather strips - tho those wouldn't be too good to eat, either, i guess!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
Sending lots of *Good Vibes* to you and Jasper. Hope everything will come out by itself. Try not to be to hard on yourself, things happen fast sometimes.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 21, 2004
Paradise (Hawaii)
Originally Posted by carolcat

Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask for good vibes and prayers for Jasper. Today while I was playing with him with a teaser wand and trying to read the forum at the same time(bad mommy
) he managed to bite off and swallow about 4-5 inches off the end of the "teaser" material. He is at the vets now and I have to call them at three, I am a total wreck emotionally
, my husband is mad at me and I don't know what will happen now, the vet said she would squeeze him in between appts as they were booked solid, but says she probably will want to keep him overnight
, she says there is a "chance" that he will pass it, depending on how long of a piece he actually ate and whether it is "all chewed up or in one piece" and depending on whether or not she can feel anything during the physical exam...whether he has to have X-rays, surgery...etc. I am just sick. If only I had turned the computer off and watched him while he was playing with the durned thing.
Poor little jasper....
We hope Jasper gets through this okay. Don't blame yourself. Accidents happen. I'm sure he's in good hands, just be optimistic!

*Sending Warm Aloha Wishes*


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 19, 2003
Originally Posted by Yosemite

We had no idea she had even eaten it until one day I saw a piece of it sticking out her bum. At the time I was too ignorant to realize I shouldn't pull on it, so I very gently tugged until it came out..
.......well there was me about to sit and eat a beef curry from the local chinese take away with fried rice.... dont think i will bother now.....
The idea of eating those beansprouts just does not appeal anymore!!!!!!

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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Hi everyone, I have spoken to the vets office and as of now they have X-rayed jasper and the piece of teaser toy is in his stomach. My husband is livid at me for taking him there and leaving him, and at the vet for wanting to keep him overnight for observation...I am supposed to call back at 4:30 to see how he is, my husband is wanting to go up there and demand that they give him back to us right now
. I don't want to offend the vet, she is the nice one who agreed to treat Jasper for the bartonella virus after the other one refused and I have tried to talk to my husband and explain that I think it would be good to leave him overnight, but I just made him madder...he says that we can check his poo for the toy just as well as they can and that he doesn't want him there overnight
. I feel like this is all my fault and that no matter what I do, I lose
and mostly I feel awful that if I had just been paying more attention to him maybe it wouldn't have happened. Please keep the prayers coming that jasper can pass the toy on his own and doesn't have to have surgery. Thank you everyone for your good thoughts and prayers


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 8, 2004
New Jersey, USA
Carolcat - I'm gonna tell you the same thing everyone else is saying - please don't blame yourself. I was diligent enough to watch my little guy while playing with a ribbon because I didn't want him to swallow it and guess what??? Even watching him he managed to bite off a piece (I estimated it to be about 1-2" long) and it was down the hatch before I could grab it out of his mouth. I was just sick about it and kicked myself no end. I called the vet and of course they told me to bring him in but I decided to watch him and see if it passed on its own, since it was such a small piece.
Lucky for me and my little boy, it did, but I was horrified to see it was more like 4" long!

You did the right thing taking him to the vet. I took a chance not taking my cat when this happened to him. If Jasper is unable to pass this on his own, then he's right where he should be. Your husband sounds like he'd be angry no matter what you did, so at least this gives you some peace of mind in case Jasper does need medical care.
As others have said, this can and does happen to everyone, and when your husband calms down I think he'll realize that.

Sending good thoughts for Jasper and you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
Lots of love to "lil" Jasper and hugs to you and the hubby.

Hang in there, lil Jasper! Jasper T.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 28, 2004
Northern California
Originally Posted by KTLynn

Carolcat - I'm gonna tell you the same thing everyone else is saying - please don't blame yourself. I was diligent enough to watch my little guy while playing with a ribbon because I didn't want him to swallow it and guess what??? Even watching him he managed to bite off a piece (I estimated it to be about 1-2" long) and it was down the hatch before I could grab it out of his mouth. I was just sick about it and kicked myself no end. I called the vet and of course they told me to bring him in but I decided to watch him and see if it passed on its own, since it was such a small piece.
Lucky for me and my little boy, it did, but I was horrified to see it was more like 4" long!

You did the right thing taking him to the vet. I took a chance not taking my cat when this happened to him. If Jasper is unable to pass this on his own, then he's right where he should be. Your husband sounds like he'd be angry no matter what you did, so at least this gives you some peace of mind in case Jasper does need medical care.
As others have said, this can and does happen to everyone, and when your husband calms down I think he'll realize that.

Sending good thoughts for Jasper and you!
Thanks, well I called again at 4:45 and got the same report basically but this time we were able to speak with Dr. Coe. She said that she wanted to keep him overnight because in addition to hoping that he passes it tonight, she wants to examine him again in the morning, then we can pick him up at 9am in the morning. So hubby reluctantly agreed
. I hope that he DOES pass it tonight, although I am not holding my breath, but will be praying that it does, and would appreciate prayers to that effect
. We will be bringing him home tomorrow morning unless we get snowed in tonight as I am not willing to leave him there over Sunday when all they have is someone who comes in and feeds twice a day. Needless to say I will not allow him to ever play with that type of toy again. I will post again tomorrow after we get him home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2003
Scott Lake, Washington State
oh absolutely you're doing the best thing possible and keeping him there. And as everyone says, do NOT beat yourself up over this. It could happen any time with any other item just as well. As it was pointed out, I'm sure your husband is just scared and projecting a bit.....there's so much anxiety in having to wait and see, and no true answers right now. SiSi (Sasha's mama) swallowed a bird and got it stuck in her tummy
and we almost lost her but she passed it after 3 days... not that it was a toy, mind you but it took three days and this might take some time if they use an expellent agent.

We're thinking of you and Jasper and sending strong, positive, EXPELLING! vibes your way. Carol, sending good throughts!