Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

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  • #281


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
It has been almost 5 days since we decreased the prednisolone dose to just once a day.. Almost immediately, I have seen a difference in Geoffrey. It is such an improvement! I am almost afraid to say anything.. 🙀

Geoffrey is much more alert, not lethargic, not plopping in weird spots, almost interested in play---not yet--- hopefully will be soon. He is not drinking as much, his pee clumps are smaller, he is not ravenously hungry!! His appetite is more in control

Geoffrey is back to TALKING to me!! Yes!! almost immediately.. I really missed that. Yes, he is still running from me--not trusting me due to medication. I understand.

I tried to stretch out filling his dry food bowl--giing enough, but not overfeeding him. He is NOT crying or more! In fact, he is not eating all this I am putting out for him. Instead of eating at least a full cup of dry, he is voluntarily eating 3/4 cup..
I do not want to limit it too much, too soon-- slow and easy is good.

Sunday, as I was changing the bed sheets, Geoffrey decide to "HELP" me!! OMG.. I almost grabbed him and cried with joy!! Of course, he got a 'tent' under the top sheet and the spread.. I think he has forgotten about jumping under the bedspread for a tent. I have to re-teach him...

Still hiding under bed, but more in the little quiet corner in my bedroom.. I can deal.. that is good.

The only thing-- G is still loosing fur--- He is demanding brushing many times during day. I think his skin must be itchy..
He has lost his top coat along his lower spine, eyebrows. I can see the white bottom coat, in patches. His entire body fur seems a lot thinner.. I am getting a lot of fur off of him.

I only hope that this decreased dose of prednisolone does not have any detrimental effect to him, and his SCL.
Geoffrey is still taking his Chemo--- every other day.. That will probably not change. He is on his 7th week of it.
fingers crossed. 🤞.

Geoffrey has an appointment with Internal Med Vet, in Mid-Sept, for an exam and blood testing... 😬

I wanted to give an update.. Hope I am not taking advantage of this forum...


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
I was reading a little bit about chemo in cats, and I read that it's rare but some cats do experience patchy hair loss that grows back once the chemo run is completed. I've also read about "Chemo Coat" in cats, but I'm unsure as to whether or not this could be what's going on?
However it sounds like he's over all feeling fantastic!!! The "helping" while changing the bedsheets is so encouraging, and sounds so cute :)


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Geoffrey is much more alert, not lethargic, not plopping in weird spots, almost interested in play---not yet--- hopefully will be soon. Geoffrey is back to TALKING to me!!
Thanks for the update, this is absolutely fantastic news! :cheerleader: So glad Geoffrey is talking to you again. :hugs: I hope it continues and his appointment with the IM Vet in September goes smoothly.
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  • #284


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, I spoke/wrote too soon... Geoffrey did not have much of an appetite yesterday, or during the night.
He kept me Up ALL NIGHT... walking over me, nudging me with both head and paw--- crying at me.. all to get me UP...
All night long.
He was searching, looking for something to munch on---PICA back. He found a crunchy plastic bag, which had a pair of earrings. I heard him crunching, jumped out of bed... it was on the floor at this point. I grabbed it away from him.
He then walked into the kitchen and vomited!! dam... No fur, just a tiny almost fully dissolved piece of dry.. and liquid.

I am attributing this to the decreased dose of prednisolone.. I guess we will have to increase the dose. Not certain as to how much, but it is obvious that the prednisolone is helping with he inflammation; thus the vomiting. Last Vomit was 7/1/22---before meds began.

Geoffrey is not eating breakfast---only nibbled a bit during the day..

Dam.. I want my cat back---but not at the expense of his health..

If he continues not to eat, or vomits again, I will give him Cerenia..
I did contact IMVet about this... dam..
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  • #285


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yeah and not only did Geoffrey Vomit, I ended up giving his Chlorambucil on 2 consecutive days!! I was frantic, when I saw that' after the fact.. I am going to skip tomorrows dose, and dose on Thursday.. dam..

I guess I cannot deal with stress... and I guess I was so tired, discombobulated.. (Bocce guy still not talking to me).. It is difficult. I think people are getting tired of this league and lack of communication. It is not only myself who feels it, but a couple others. We do not think this league will be in existence next year.. The other... Too much complaining, fighting.. it is out of control.
I got upset at something in bocce.. not playing until tonight.. did not know that until I went down. No one knew.. poor communication. I came upstairs, showered, and just gave the chemo to Geoffrey.. dam... It is so out of habit with me.
I am kicking myself.
I do not even feel like playing tonight. Glad it is only less than 2 hours.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
You said you were moving Geoffrey's pred dose from morning to evening. Maybe it was just "growing pains" of having his dosing time shifted. If he seems no worse for the wear, I would put this in the monitor for recurrence category.

A double dose of the chemo won't harm him and skipping a dose is not a bad idea. For irregular dosing like every other day or every x days, I use an alarm on my phone to let me know which days are dosing days. I know Apple Calendar and probably all the others have a "every x days" custom repeat interval that's perfect for this kind of thing.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
I do this too…esp since w/ all this hunkering one day can blend into the next. The computer chemo reminders are very helpful, esp since you can set them for a certain time, each time. Don’t blame yourself for getting mixed up. I also put good old fashioned stickers on a real live calendar & then put a check through them (with an actual pen). Makes a good backup.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I’ve probably double dosed Krista at least once. And I know I’ve advanced Betty’s med schedule by 6 hours mistakenly thinking her overnight meal was actually breakfast.

Because I’m losing sleep to first Krista and now Betty, it just makes more sense to offload this sort of thing to something that doesn’t need sleep to keep this stuff sorted.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
I’ve probably double dosed Krista at least once. And I know I’ve advanced Betty’s med schedule by 6 hours mistakenly thinking her overnight meal was actually breakfast.

Because I’m losing sleep to first Krista and now Betty, it just makes more sense to offload this sort of thing to something that doesn’t need sleep to keep this stuff sorted.
Also it can “ding” if you want which kinda turns me into Pavlov’s Dog: “Time to dose the kitty!”
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  • #290


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks.. Yes, being sleep deprived and stressed out, is what did it to me..
I made a old fashioned medicine chart, and put the time the dose was given. I usually give the chemo before 12 noon.

It was a disorganized, sleep deprived day. I was upset about a couple things.. and all I could think of was Geoffrey's chemo dose.. I think this is the first time I have done this with him.

For whatever reason, Geoffrey has cut way back on the amount of food he is eating.. on his own. I am going to keep watching him.. IMVet is on vacation this week, but checks in periodically. I will up date tomorrow.

Sweet boy, was cuddling with me all night, in bed.. He woke me up, as I was lying on my side. He decided to lie down on my left shoulder, and lick my temple and side of my eye.. sweet thing.. Just wanting me up.. no food, just wanted me up..

I did sleep fairly well. Fell asleep while watching TV, then slept fairly well.. each time I turned over, there was Geoffrey, right by my side.
I think his PICA is returning.. he is scrounging around for something to nibble on. I see evidence of that on my dresser.
I wonder if that means his upset stomach is back.. Something to think about.. oh oh.. battery low in computer.. have to plug in...
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  • #291


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Kind of concerned about Geoffrey. He has gone from voraciously eating to almost nothing.
Today he flat out refused the wet food which he loved last week. He has only eaten about 1/3 cup of dry, in the past 24 hours. I am worried. I need to be realistic. He will have good and bad days. He has an incurable disease. I am doing my best.. but so frightened. scared.. I am being open-- perhaps too open.. Geoffrey means a lot to me. I feel that since his diagnosis, I have just been on automatic.. and my personality has changed. I am so focused on the fact that I may lose him..

He keeps coming over to me, crying, jumping on the arm of the recliner, calling me to go into my bedroom to brush him. He is constantly wanting to be brushed.. wonder if it like the newbie jeebies from pred dose withdrawal??? who knows with this cat!! He still hides from me-- afraid of medications. I was putting the pred in a gel cap.. but I stopped.. He does not seem to mind it when without one.
This afternoon, he is on top of my bed---not wanting tent. He wanted more brushing-- 4th time today! Instead, I Tok my phone at one point, on a call... and then at another time, I sat with my laptop, on top of the bed. He was happy.. G was purring. It was obvious, that he wanted to be with me--- sweet boy... really sweet..

The only thing really negative I have noticed: Geoffrey seems to be more physical, since diagnosis, and the steroid.
He is asking for brushing; but, if/when I touch an area--- tail, belly, which he does not want-- he goes for a "nip".. not a love bite as he used to-- not a swat with a paw-- if he swats me, claws are out--dew claw digs in me.. If he goes after me with his mouth, his canine tooth bites me... New behavior
Today, I hissed very loudly at him.. a couple of times. He was shocked; ears went back, and he immediately ran under my bed. Before, he would respond to the words: STOP IT... I discovered those words, by mistake. I think his prior owner used that phrase; so, he knows what that means.

I have been smelling a fire all day. Overnight there was a big 4 alarm fire, encompassing 2 3 decker houses in the city next to me. We usually have a NE or Easterly Sea Breeze. The Wind shifted during the night, coming from the West..
I finally realized that the fire smell, is coming from that fire. I want my Sea Breeze back!! I wonder if that is why Geoffrey has been crying/talking so much.
It is hot in here because the windows are closed, but the smell is gone. it was beginning to give me a headache and bug my asthma.

Geoffrey did not poop today... dam... He does this occasionally.. Please God, do not go into motility issues, or MegaColon--as Artie had.. I cannot deal with any additional Geoffrey issues.. Okay. I am fatalizing. I have to stop that.
I gave him some laxatone today; and yesterday. I will give him more tomorrow.

Time for his nightly prednisolone dose. I will give some miralax in the water chaser....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I wonder if the pred was scaled back too quickly. You halved his dose, right? Maybe call up the doc and see if you should inch it back up and do a slower taper. Instead of going from 8 to 4 (forgive me if I have these numbers wrong), perhaps he needed a smaller step down of 6 mg for a week or two before coming down to 4. Definitely something you need to discuss with the doc and not just try on your own or take my word for it.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
I wonder if the pred was scaled back too quickly. You halved his dose, right? Maybe call up the doc and see if you should inch it back up and do a slower taper. Instead of going from 8 to 4 (forgive me if I have these numbers wrong), perhaps he needed a smaller step down of 6 mg for a week or two before coming down to 4. Definitely something you need to discuss with the doc and not just try on your own or take my word for it.
I was wondering the exact same thing, since I had the exact same results, from trying to pull back too far on the pred. We’re now on a steady zone of 5mg…any lower and it all goes back to square one. Pooping wise, I’ve had good results w/ the occasional dose of tiki cat tummy toppers pumpkin purée, which I only use as needed.
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  • #294


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
daftcat75 daftcat75 Yes, You have a great memory.. and Margot Lane Margot Lane
I was wondering the same thing.. While it sounds so easy to just eliminate one pred dose; perhaps it was too much for him.. Thinking of a BID dose.. perhaps the 4 and then the 2 daily, which makes the total dose of 6 mg daily.

In 24 hours, Geoffrey has only eaten about 1/3 cup of dry.. completely refusing the wet food. For breakfast, he refused the wet, walked away. I brought the food over to him, he nibbled a bit, around a teaspoon. He is also constipated--no stool in 2 days.. he goes daily... a bit on hard side. I use a combo of laxatone and miralax for him. If I give him laxatone, he usually goes the next day.. I gave him a double dose of laxatone yesterday and over 1/8 tsp of miralax when pilling him. I was expecting something in the box this morning..
He is also getting a bit aggressive .... wonder from pain, or not.. always talking.. demanding brushing.. weird. nn

I sent an email to IMVet... He is on vacation.. I called his secretary .. She is off until Monday... dam.. She was in the other day...
This is Angell Medical Center.. She posted the number to call to speak to a covering Vet. I called right after 7am.. All the doctors are in early morning rounds, but the person I spoke with was very, professional, kind, and knowledgeable. I think since it was early, I was speaking to someone in the ER.. She took down all my concerns, Re: pred dose, giving a dose of Cerenia, ...

I, myself, have a doctors appointment this morning, in Boston... I will be leaving here at 10 am.. I will be showering around 9am... dam... I do not drive and use the phone... I cannot answer a cake during my doctors appointment. The phone has to be on vibration.. dam..all around..

DAM. IMVet cannot go on vacation.. I cannot deal with all of this, again..

I hate dealing with this.. I do not know if I can handle all this up and down, again.. especially when my 2 support people, Dr B and his secretary are on vacation at the same time... dam
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  • #295


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
ugh... No contact from the covering vet at Angell, before I left for my own appointment and after appointment.
Since I was in Boston for my appointment; I decided to order some more Cerenia, and if I needed to pick up mirtz, Iw as already there.
I got into Angell, went to desk to pick up script--told them I was waiting for the Covering vet to speak with me. While I was there, I said I would wait form him. I had water, and a brownie..

Waited for about 40 minutes. Cell phone rang from unknown number. IMVET, who is on VACATION, called me!! His Vet Tech called him; telling him I was panicking. I made sure IMvet knew I was NOT panicking. I just needed to know if it was ok to give Cerenia and needed an answer if we needed to return to the BID dose of Pred. Finally IMVet-- understood, as he was reading the email I sent early in Morning.
I re-iterated I was not panicking. I was in Boston for my own appointment. Came in to pick up some more Cerenia; as Iw as there, I thought I could catch the vet covering for him.. I think he finally understood me...
Answers to my questions: Yes, Cerenia at any time I think G needs it.. If he is not improved by Friday morning (tomorrow) then, restart the BID dose of Prednisolone. To definitely update on Monday. Ok..

I was NOT panicking.. I touched base with the receptionist at the front desk of Angell. I said that H called Dr B telling him that I was panicking.. I asked them-- 3 not them, if I was.. They all said," Definitely NOT... You are so calm.. sitting there patiently.." I asked to tell H that I was NOT panicking. The one I checked in with said she would send her an email..

I have been so misinterpreted lately.. maybe it is me.. but... I do think I am stressed out.. not only from Geoffrey, but from tons of stuff in my personal life.. and I think everyone who is associated with veterinary care, is stressed to the MAX..
the woman at the desk said that the ER was very busy today. The covering doctor for IMVet is also covering the ER..

While I was there, one of the other receptionists told me that she inherited the IMVet because her dog was so complicated. He got down to the bottom of it.. and while I was checking in she also told me, when she got off the phone, that the IMVet had another patient calling in, for the covering doctor. They one I was checking in with also told me that ImVET is so really good.. This is at Angell Memorial.. it is really THE place to go, for veterinary care..
Since I got home, Geoffrey has had his chemo, Cerenia, another dose of laxatone, and the pred is when I get off.
He started nibbling more dry food, an hour after I gave him the Cerenia.. does it work that fast?? and after I refreshed the bowl

At 6: 45pm. Geoffrey POOPED!! I feel better.. now I can really tell if he has an upset stomach or not. If Geoffrey does not poop daily, he does not eat much. So we will see.

Now, on to nighttime dose of steroid..

I do not know if I can survive this.. along with everything else going on in my life...
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  • #296


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey is still just eating enough to survive.. I thought he would do a turn around after having a poop, Thursday night, and getting a dose of Cerenia... but nope... He ate a bit yesterday. I went out, and he finished his breakfast.. not a normal amount, but he ate a bit. By the time I realized this, it was too late in the day to give him a second dose of steroid.

All he wants to do is cuddle on the bed with me..
He ate a tiny bit of food for breakfast. Gave him the steroid. I hate to try baby food, but I may.. also have a can of sardines in here for him. Hate to start that.. If the BID dose of prednisolone does not help him, I will be force to do so..

It is the weekend.. I hate this.. Im Vet and his sec are still on vacation. I will send an email to IMVet on Monday, hoping that he gets it. I wish I had some mirtazapine on hand -- hate to use that drug, but.. Geoffrey needs something for his appetite.
Geoffrey is going back to the second dose of steroid today. I should have done it yesterday, but I thought there would be a turn around ... He is also getting the Cerenia.. I really hate to medicate him so much... It is also a chemo day..

Feeling defeated.. feeling down... feeling as if I am losing him. Feeling as if he is shrinking before me.. yet still wanting all the cuddles I can give him... What do I do? I feel that at this rate of decline, Geoffrey will not be with me much longer.. maybe another week, if I cannot turn this around.. The end is kind of in the short distance.. I can see it ...

I do not know what to do... I f I even attempt to call his regular Vet.. IF she is working today (Saturday)... I do not know if she would be wanting to intervene.. and give him some mirtz... all I want is one pill.. I will give 1/4 of it.. I do not know if this is been an option.. just throwing out crazy ideas.

I expect a Vet visit this week.
It has been 1.5 hours since giving him the steroid. G is hiding under the bed. I took the food over to him, under bed. He finished the bowl! So, about 1/8 of 5 oz can of food... more than what he has eaten this week.. Hopefully he continues this..

I know SCL is a death sentence.. Just not ready to have it happen so fast.. in shut a short period of time.. .. nothing I can do to help me emotionally with this..

If anyone is still following this thread.. I thank you.. for putting up with my whining, rambling.. tears... desperation, depression..


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
I have read no whining or rambling. Tears, desperation and depression are justified IMO. Things here aren't great either and this morning I thought it feels like I'm being forced to walk the plank. I'm being/have been pushed into a situation that I would give anything to get out of but I'm wearing a blindfold and surrounded and there's literally no way out. It's a scary place to be. You're absolutely not alone.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
If anyone is still following this thread.. I thank you.. for putting up with my whining, rambling.. tears... desperation, depression..
I'm sorry I have been away from the site most of this week but I'm back and catching up with your thread. I have not been through the exact same situation as you with Geoffrey's diagnosis but can empathize because I've been there with other pets, both cats and dogs. When I say, We, I'm sure everyone would agree that we understand what you're going through and are always here for support. :hugs: Our animal's health takes a toll on us because we care and feel responsible for their well being. Although I cannot advise you one way or the other on dosing G I think it might be a good idea to have the Mirtazapine in the house just in case and for your own peace of mind. 🤗 I hope you hear back from the IM Vet Monday.:crossfingers:


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
No one thinks you are whining or rambling; everyone understand the seriousness of what is going on. I agree that asking for the mirtazapine is a good idea.....there is no harm in asking as you have been vigilant about Geoffrey's care.
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  • #300


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, Geoffrey is back to his Pred BID dosing. Waiting to hear from IMVet. He is back from vacation, tomorrow. Spoke with his secretary this morning..
The steroid has kicked in a bit.. but not much as far as appetite.. that is UNTIL I opened a new case of RC Rabbit. This one has an expiration date of 10/23....
Upon opening it, I almost threw up!! man, it looked disgusting.. small chunks of food, not mixed in, oil a bit separated..
I was thinking it was a bad can. Opened up another one.. same thing.. at current price of $100 a case, from Chewy... and with a worldwide shortage.. I was unsure.. gut to just dump it, but that means I cannot replace it.. nor do I want Geoffrey to get food poisoning from it... dam ...

Geoffrey got a whiff of it, came over, rubbing my legs, meowing for it.. dam... So I gave him a tiny bit.. Hoping that cats can sense bad food.. He scarfed it down-- licking the plate!! dam it..

So far he has kept that down, plus more that I gave him with the chemo.. he seems ok.. now eating some kibble.

I think the prednisolone has kicked up his appetite..

Now, on for daily pooping. I do not like this every other day pooping.. I remember Artie.. .No, G needs daily poops..

I wish he would play.. still no interest in it whatsoever... dam..
I never thought I would be saying this; but, I miss his nightly jaunts on the top of the cat tree.. chasing his tail, on the highest level... afraid he would cause the tree to fall, or he would fall off of it..

He has not played, or gone to his cat tree since he started all the meds... dam.. I really do miss MY cat.. my little boy...
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