Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

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  • #242


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yeah, at the Vets now. Geoffrey is so frightened. Meatloafed. Never saw him this way at the Vets. He is usually looking around, trying to come out of his carrier. This is very unusual for him. Withdrawn.

not feeling so great about this blood test. Fearing anemia and diabetes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Yeah, at the Vets now. Geoffrey is so frightened. Meatloafed. Never saw him this way at the Vets. He is usually looking around, trying to come out of his carrier. This is very unusual for him. Withdrawn.

not feeling so great about this blood test. Fearing anemia and diabetes.
How is he doing though? Has he reached remission? Stable gut and stable butt? Can his pred dose be reduced? That should help a lot with his behavior changes. It should also reduce his risk for diabetes. Anemia is a reversible side effect of the chemo. If he’s in remission, you can discuss pulsed dosing (a larger dose given only once every two weeks) which may also help with the anemia.
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  • #244


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I do not know if he is in remission. I do not know how soon to tell, especially since the only symptom was vomiting. Nothing on Blood Work or ultrasound. I do not even know how they will be able to tell, because there have been no outward signs. When I mentioned he was mopey, The IM Vet said he would hate to take him off the chemo. I was thinking more along the lines of decreasing the pred.

I would love to reduce the prednisolone dose, to half: 4mg per day. The pred was needed, as it stopped his vomiting. He has not had a vomit since July 1-- a tremendous amount of time for him. His stools have been on the harder side. So GI stableness.

His appointment with the IMVet is Sept 9.

I should get the results of the CBC this afternoon or tomorrow. ImVet is in this afternoon. Probably going to hang out, waiting for a call.. or email.

I took him into Angell because this is the first blood test, since the borderline anemia.. For further testing, I am going to suggest if I can take him to the regular vet.. just for a tech visit--blood. It is more local, still a bit away, but more local.

I am dreading the results.. I really am.. I have had such bad luck lately.. that is why I am dreading it.
When I was told his diagnosis, I was shocked.. then I said to myself:" it is cancer-- no cure-- I cannot have this poor baby suffer with tons of medications, as I did with Artie." I gave 6 months as a time frame, to see improvement.. since then, many people are saying 3 months and then re-evaluate (every 3 months)... Kind of freaking me out..
And to see him not being himself.. It kills me.. It really hurts my heart.
Geoffrey was much perkier when he entered our apartment building. He is always the 'star' in here. Everyone wants to see and pet him. He was very interactive--adrenaline. He knew he was home. He even meowed a few times. Almost like his old self.

just waiting..
I should do laundry, but do not want to miss a phone call. The laundry room is a floor below me. It takes forever to do. I have a couple of things to do, for errands, but I do not want to miss a call..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
If he's symptom free since July 1, that's fantastic! I would definitely discuss reducing the pred dose. It may take a couple tapers to get down to the minimum effective dose. But I wouldn't leave him at such a high dose if he doesn't need that much to be symptom-free. I would be looking for the minimum amount he needs to remain stable--with the vet's guidance, of course.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Mine is visiting the vet twice a week. He loves the vet and the visits are non-invasive, but I know it really knocks him out when we get home. I think they're a lot like us, just being on the go more than we're used to can really wipe us out. If he perked up when you got home, that's awesome!! It's really sweet how people who live in the building want to see him and "talk" to him :)
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  • #249


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
No, No results yet.. I am a nervous wreck.. I do not know if Dr B was so busy that he could not call me.. or he is putting off talking to me, to have a longer conversation. He may be too busy. .. anyway, my imagination is running away with me.. I have had so much bad luck lately, I do not feel as if I can take anymore..
This was only a CBC. The results should have been back this afternoon. It is done in-house.

I have an early dentist appointment and some errands to run, and have laundry. to do. A full day.. and a Chemo day for Geoffrey. I do not want to miss a phone call. I want to be intellectually of d mind when I take it, not distracted and not in the middle of doing something else; definitely not on the road, driving.. So, I am on edge.

LTS3 LTS3 That is so funny of J.. yes, I had emailed her around, 6;30am.. I am supposed to give thrice weekly updates.. Today was an update day.

Kind of losing it.. I want my baby back.. This 'new' cat is not my baby.. He is losing so much fur--from the steroid.. He is gaining so much weight from his increased appetite.. Yes the Pred has stopped his vomiting.. but it has done a number on his body and personality. He is not playing. He runs from me.. I cannot attribute it all to the chemo---or as Dr B wants me to refer to it as: "Medication"..I am also kind of questioning Dr B because he overdosed Geoffrey on the Orednisolone.. twice the amount he should have been prescribed. "I" discovered that.. and I questioned him on it.. I could not believer it happened... Whether it was Dr B or his associate, at the time, I do not know.. but--it makes me question things..

I wish Geoffrey would play and not run from me. It really hurts my heart. Yes, I am frightened. Yes, I am scared. Yes, I am afraid of losing him. Geoffry is my emotional support cat... now I am emotionally supporting him.. not the other way around.. It is getting to be too much for me...I cannot hide it anymore.. I am really letting out my feelings.. not good-- not to an entire forum..
Even though I have all of you guys.. I still feel alone.. I miss my little boy.. I have not had much 'normal' time with him.. I miss him..

Artie had issues which could be treated.. There were medications to deal with it.. It was not an inevitable death sentence. It just progressed.. Geoffrey has Cancer.. small cell lymphoma..
There is NO cure.. only a hoped for remission..Life span for cats with it is, at the most 2 years..There is NO cure.. only meds to possibly have remission, only to recur and then...

I guess I am really putting so much into this because when G was diagnosed, I was in shock.. then I read up on SCL.. I promised myself and Geoffrey that I would not allow his life to be revolving around medications, as I did with Artie. I decided on 6 months, to see how he was progressing with treatment.. my friends and his regular Vet--whom I discussed this with, advised 3 months.. He was diagnosed in May... it is 3 months now, so this blood test means a lot to me.

This is a other reason why it is so important to me:I had to insist on a Fourth of July weekend blood test, because I suspected anemia.. I was told that his CBC was ok--only to find when I looked at the results, to see that several values were low.. I questioned that. I was told by Dr B that G has a mild anemia, but can also be within lab error... sorry, I do not believe that.. I also kind of feel that the steroid has induced some diabetes.. just a gut feeling.

So this CBC is really important to me...I am afraid... and I still question Dr B..
Dr B is an excellent Vet.. but, I think he is overworked.. and in being overworked, with too many sick animals--there can be an associated burnout.. Things could have been attributed to his 'associate'--but.. I think he is experiencing burn out. I have been there. I know the symptoms of it--from my own employment. I have noticed a difference in him since Artie.. and even a year ago.. LTS3 LTS3 You may not agree, but I am seeing it.. I have always trusted Dr B and J... always.. I love them both..

ok--having really bad time.. and I am decompensating.. I am not a strong person..

Thank you, for reading this-- if you have gotten this far...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I'm not a vet or a specialist or an oncologist. But it's my impression and belief that, since there is no cure, you should hope and aim to achieve a quick remission, then lower the dose on the steroids to the minimum effective dose that keeps him symptom free. Leaving him at this high a pred dose isn't doing him any favors, and it may work against him in the long-term. I believe that if you lower his dose, with the doctor's blessing and guidance, that you will start to see more of the G you have been missing.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
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May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
No, No results yet.. I am a nervous wreck.. I do not know if Dr B was so busy that he could not call me.. or he is putting off talking to me, to have a longer conversation. He may be too busy. .. anyway, my imagination is running away with me.. I have had so much bad luck lately, I do not feel as if I can take anymore..
Geoffrey, from all of us,
and artiemom, hugs for you

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Crying can help…gets it out of your system a bit, maybe take a breath & a reset. Just be sure to have Geoffrey’s lucky pickle ready when you get the results, for both of you. :hearthrob:
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  • #255


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
HOORAY!! The CBC is normal!! No Anemia.. Dr B just called me!! at 7:30 AM!!! So nice!!
We are going to cut the prednisolone dose in half, because Geoffrey may be very sensitive to it.

He explained the anemia was only down one point and now the WBC is up one point.. so within margin of error. Explained the only true way to see the path of SCL is scoping, and we are NOT going to do that. We will follow with CBC and symptoms..

Next month he will have a Vet appointment and have his blood sugar tested. Meanwhile, with the decreased dose of Pred, I am to decrease his food intake... He is an eating machine!!

I feel so much better. He will feel better also, with one less medication.. and hopefully fur will regrow, a bit.

The way it was explained is that, Geoffrey has been feeling sick for so long; that now, he does not feel sick and is really enjoying food; and the large steroid dose is not helping him. It has stopped his vomiting.. so we will see.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
HOORAY!! The CBC is normal!! No Anemia.. Dr B just called me!! at 7:30 AM!!!
Woohoo, this is fantastic new!. :woohoo:What a great way to start your day and especially going into the weekend. Now go out and do something special for yourself, e.g. go to the ice cream shop you mentioned in a previous post or get that special pineapple passionfruit lemonade refresher that you like. You deserve it. 🤗 And Geoffrey will be glad you can reduce his Prednisolone. :cutecat:
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  • #260


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thank you everyone.. I was really a basket case last night.. My anxiety got the best/worst of me... Love each and everyone of you.. even the members who are reading this, and not responding...❤
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