Food Loving Cat Climbs On Counters/opens Cupboards


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
Hi everyone!
So I have this ongoing problem with my cat, Binx. Binx is a year and a half old and we are feeding him a diet of grain free dry cat food with a little wet food at night. We are feeding him just as much as the bag tells us too, and our vet says that he is perfectly healthy and we don't need to switch his food since he doesn't have an adverse reaction and he's at the right weight for a cat his size. He gets treats too, but not a ton and usually in an interactive toy. Unfortunately he's HIGHLY food motivated and is ALWAYS hungry (vet checked for parasites and he's clean). I'm fairly certain if we grazed him he'd be overweight in a month.

So my problem is that lately he's been getting up onto my kitchen counter. Originally it was because that's where we kept his wet food. So naturally, the solution was to move it. He got up on the counter several more times and after the fifth or sixth time we sprayed him with water since he wasn't responding to a stern voice. The counter is where our knives are and he likes to play with everything. Not to mention the stove top which he has access too and could turn on.

Just this past weekend it's really come to a head. He used to open up his food cupboard until we put his food in a plastic tub with a lock. Now he's climbing on the counters and opening the glass cupboard to get to his treats. We moved them to a higher, inaccessible cupboard, but of course he saw where we moved them and he got into the lower cupboard and chewed his way through a roll of paper towels. He's also scratched up the cupboard pretty bad so I'm probably going to be out of at least half my deposit for rent.

Now I'm baby proofing the house......I can't believe I'm baby proofing the house, but honestly I don't know what to do. I can't have him getting into the cleaning cupboard and hurting himself. We've also ordered double sided sticky paper for the counters. I'm not getting any good feedback from my family. Grandma is of a mind that you have to break bad habits by doing something negative in response, and Mom thinks that because we let him on the little table by the window that we are confusing him and reinforcing the habit. Binx doesn't like the stern voices but he likes getting sprayed and he loves water in general. I think we've just been turning it into a big game for him. Any help would be appreciated.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 28, 2018
:hithere: I certainly don't want to go against the advise of your vet but it's possible that the dry food isn't satisfying your cat's appetite the way wet food would. You might want to consider feeding more wet rather than dry? I feed my cats two servings of wet food a day with a serving of dry during the day while I'm at work. It will also help to add moisture to your cat's diet which is important because cats tend to have a low thirst drive.

I also had to "baby proof" my cabinets. Mizu just likes closed spaces (closets, my desk drawer, kitchen cabinets) and she figured out how to open them and just hang out inside. We purchased something similar to this to prevent her from opening the cabinets. My sons are grown and there was NO WAY I was going back to latched cabinets! :noway:



TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Is he bored? Bored cats will seek out things to do and learn that if they do something no-no they get a a reaction from you. Do you play with your cat daily?

If he's always hungry, then perhaps you need to feed him more food and / or have the vet check for something like diabetes. How much dry food are you feeding daily? What brand of food? Feeding instruction on pet food labels are often inaccurate. A cup of dry food, for example, daily isn't enough to satisfy most cat tummies. Could you feed more canned food and less dry? Canned foods tend to be more filling than dry foods.

Homed need to be cat-proof regardless. There are many dangers to cats in most homes: cleaning chemicals, medicines, plants, etc.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I would try those air canisters that are motion activated. I would keep the baby locks though :) Many pet owners need them. After a bottle baby that stole food out of the pan :argh: I was a very strict pet guardian with my boys. I never gave them people food and used penny cans if I saw them on the counters. So my boys never got into begging or stealing food. If I give them people food on very rare occasions it is on their plates on their food mat.
PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent, Motion Activated Pet Proofing Repellent for Cats and Dogs

Have you tried feeding him more? Our semi-feral has hollow legs. He eats twice as much as my indoor boys. He runs around the neighborhood so I guess he burns more calories? I free feed my boys. They are 12 years (at 12.5 pounds) and 13 years (at 12 pounds.) If I was worried about my cat's weight I would commit to a healthy wet food only diet or free feed low calorie food (a high quality one.) I just stopped giving my boys treats most days and they each lost half a pound over the last year.
*I have seen Jackson Galaxy recommend raw food diets, especially for overweight cats. However I have no experience with raw food so I can not say if it is good or not.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
My suggestion would be to cut back on the kibble, and greatly increase the amount of canned. Also, let him have food available overnight.
You can leave wet food out for several hours, or use a dish setup that has an ice pack underneath the upper dish. He needs less carby (carbohydrates) food and instead more protein.

Try more frequent meals, maybe a little less amount for each. He's working awfully hard to get more food. --The bag directions aren't all that viable, and some vets are to the point of paranoia that a cat will become obese.

Try adding probiotics, Tummyworks is just one example, it'll help his digestive system get everything out of his food.

Increase his activity, if he's not in actuality truly hungry, he's bored, but I think some of both. Try an exercise wheel, play with him more, and does he have scratchers and cat trees?

7 Proven Ways To Get Your Cat To Be More Active

A little wood putty and stain or paint should take care of things once your baby's food issues are squared away.

By the way, a penny can, referred to above, is a metal can half full of coins. When bad behavior starts, a good hard shake of the can can help stop things :)
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3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
My 3 cats do not eat the same amount of canned food. Maggie has high metabolism and runs around and plays by herself. She eats 1/2 a 5.5 oz can of wellness core in the morning,1/4 second meal,1/4 3rd. It is the only food thats grain,wheat,soy,and carrageanan free I have found to give her all the protein,carbs,and fat she needs . She is 5 yrs old.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
Is he bored? Bored cats will seek out things to do and learn that if they do something no-no they get a a reaction from you. Do you play with your cat daily?

If he's always hungry, then perhaps you need to feed him more food and / or have the vet check for something like diabetes. How much dry food are you feeding daily? What brand of food? Feeding instruction on pet food labels are often inaccurate. A cup of dry food, for example, daily isn't enough to satisfy most cat tummies. Could you feed more canned food and less dry? Canned foods tend to be more filling than dry foods.

Homed need to be cat-proof regardless. There are many dangers to cats in most homes: cleaning chemicals, medicines, plants, etc.
So the recommendation on the bag is 3/4th's of a cup for a cat of his size. He tends to get around a cup of dry food a day. What do you recommend for a good wet cat food? Right now we are feeding him Pure Balance wet cat food right now. I spoke to my vet about putting him on a higher protein diet but she said it wasn't necessary, but honestly I think more protein would help to fill his tummy.

We play the little bug daily and he has access to windows during the day, but he's not so much interested in the cat toys unless he's being played by us. We live in a very small apartment and my land lady doesn't want us to put up wall shelves, so the spaces he does have are limited. We try to maximize his space by keeping the house open and allowing him on good places like the bathroom shelving unit which is by a window and on the small table in the kitchen. There is definitely more we want to do for him, but at this point I have a hard time finding toys he will interact with on his own. Right now we are looking into either making or buying more interactive toys that he can use with his food since that is literally his favorite thing to do when we aren't home.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
My suggestion would be to cut back on the kibble, and greatly increase the amount of canned. Also, let him have food available overnight.
You can leave wet food out for several hours, or use a dish setup that has an ice pack underneath the upper dish. He needs less carby (carbohydrates) food and instead more protein.

Try more frequent meals, maybe a little less amount for each. He's working awfully hard to get more food. --The bag directions aren't all that viable, and some vets are to the point of paranoia that a cat will become obese.

Try adding probiotics, Tummyworks is just one example, it'll help his digestive system get everything out of his food.

Increase his activity, if he's not in actuality truly hungry, he's bored, but I think some of both. Try an exercise wheel, play with him more, and does he have scratchers and cat trees?

7 Proven Ways To Get Your Cat To Be More Active

A little wood putty and stain or paint should take care of things once your baby's food issues are squared away.

By the way, a penny can, referred to above, is a metal can half full of coins. When bad behavior starts, a good hard shake of the can can help stop things :)

Thanks so much for the advice on how to patch up the cupboard!

So we will start probably tomorrow looking at getting Mr Binx on a diet that is heavier on wet cat food. I think I'll need to change it up to something more protein heavy. Right now he's on Pure Balance for wet food, and he loves it. He looks forward to getting it every night and will actually beg for it, but he'll beg for more food an hour later.

Do you have any recommendations for the amount of food? He's a long boy around 10 lb. The only time I've ever seen him chunky is when he first got into his food cupboard, ripped open the bag of new kibble, and gorged himself on it for three days before we discovered what he was doing. He gained two pounds and refused to play at all. Fun fact, that was when I made a vet appointment about his food habits because for those three days he wouldn't eat his wet food and he only drank water. I was scared out of my mind!

Thanks for the link on how to keep him active! The struggle is real and a lot of the time we end up having to dig through his toy bin at night to figure out what he wants to play with or what he's interested in in that particular moment. He's a hard one to really get moving and jumping, and I'd love to see him doing more of it.

He has a tree, but we are planning on buying him a new vertical scratcher for the kitchen area since he's not playing with the horizontal one anymore. I'd like to get him a second tree, but with the limited amount of space I don't know where to put it. The only places available are the hallway, and he prefers to hang around near the windows hence why I allow him onto the small table in the kitchen. We put his favorite towel on top so he can have a cozy place to rest. Any ideas for making a small kitchen table more cat friendly? We'd planned on buying/making a few new feeder toys for him and putting one there. My Mom is absolutely horrified that we let him on the table, but he loves it and I'd read that if you don't want a cat getting into certain places, you have to make other places in the same space available. I'd rather have him there than on my counter tops.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 7, 2017
Hi again!
From a TCS article on how much to feed, an average cat needs one 5.5 ounce can, or another way to look at it would be 35 to 4o calories per pound of body weight for active cats. With your boy, you'll need to keep an eye on things and determine what works best for him. Cat.jpg
Thanks! Right now he's sitting at a nice 5 (by my untrained eye). This morning I'm going shopping for different cans of cat food to find one that is high quality but affordable for my house hold. Needless to say all the talk about wet food has gotten Mr. Binx excited and wiggly this morning!


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
If you do a search of TCS, you'll find a bunch of thread on healthy affordable canned foods. Here are a few:

Healthy but affordable canned food
Cheapest/Most affordable Grain free or healthiest canned food
New Affordable PetSmart Brand! =D

You typically feed enough calories daily, about 2 to 25 calories per pound of ideal body weight. A 10lb cat might need between 200 to 250 calories daily. Calorie content is usually on the can as kcal or look on this chart


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 31, 2018
I'm having this same problem.

Hell today the little bugger learned that we have the half cans of food in the fridge. Every time you open the fridge she is there trying to jump in.

She gets 1/2 can at like 6am, 1/2 can at 4pm and handfuls of dry around the day. She is NUTS as soon as food is out, any food, our food, hers, anything. we have to lock her up just to make dinner. She will ignore her own food for others.

6 month old kitten.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Kittens need to eat as much as they can consume. You need to feed her more. More frequent canned meals to where she's leaving food on the plate. Also be sure she has food overnight.
Feed her separately so that she stays focused on her plate, and comes to realize that she doesn't have to scramble for food.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Thanks so much for the advice on how to patch up the cupboard!
Hi! I was in a woodworking store today, thought of you and it was suggested that one of these would be a good product to use. There are numerous other wood filler products but most of those available to the homeowner aren't all that great.

Behlen Fill Sticks
M L Cambell
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