Extreme Cat Aggression


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2015
Hello there, 

Before I start explaining to you what happen, I just wanna say that English is not my native language, so excuse any mistake I might do. 

I had to put to sleep my 10 year old female cat and I really am heart broken.. Actually taking medication to calm me down. 

I had my girl for 10 years, since she was a few weeks old. Always a little devil, overstimulated, a little play-aggression which we managed to control but extremely smart, trained, spayed and absolutely in love with me. As I was with her. For me she was my daughter!

The problems we had was that she was anti-social, too dependend to me, and quite easily irritated. But she never ever EVER attacked me. 

Even if had people at home and although I told them not to try to pet her, if they did, she wouldn't claw them. She would just slap them just to let them know she doesn't want to be touched and would leave. 

Two years ago I found a really sick male kitten, around 4 months old. I couldn't leave him die alone, so I adobt it him. My girl accepted him (although not with pleasure) for 3 months. 

Out of the blue, the boy was sleeping on the couch and Georgie (the girl) did something wrong and I scold her. She ran away, then turn around and attacked the little one viciously. She was going to kill him, she actually peed herself while running to catch him. I tried to break them up, took the male cat and put him in a room. My cat started attacking me all over and tried to get it into the room. 

After a while she went out at the balcony and managed to close the door so I can get the other cat out (really small appartment). When she saw me through the curtains she started hissing and bumping her head to the glass to get in, at that point I though she would break her head. No need to say that I gave rehomed the male cat. 

After an hour, Georgie was normal. I had to go to the hospital! We had no incidents since then. 

Almost ten months ago I moved in with my boyfriend in a new house. I was a little scared about how Georgie would adjust. But she did pretty well. 

She loved my boyfriend so much, I think she replaced me with him actually, she loved how big and sunny the house was. She seemed happy. 

About two months ago we had one or two intence fights with my boyfriend. When she heard us yelling she came to us running ready to attack us both. Even when we were trying to calm her down, she would chace us from room to room and hissing and us. She would calm down though after an hour or so and become her old sweet self. I though she was trying to protect me, because we were so bonded, but that can;t be it, since she was attacking both of us.

After those incidents, Georgie starting attacking us even when she heard loud noises when we played or laugh. We had to calm her down everytime. (She didn't draw blood like 2 years ago though. just warning us) . Those incidents became more frequent, almost every other day. 

Two days ago, she heard from an app from my cell phone a little kitten. And that was it!! I saw the devil himself. I cannot even describe what we faced. She attacked us both so visiously. She even tried to climb the chair so she can jump on my boyfriend. I managed to lock my self in another room. My boyfriend stayed in the living room and she wouldn't leave him move a finger. 

After almost an hour she was hiding under our coffe table, always starring at my boyfriend ready to attack and howling. When we though that she was kinda calm we went and sit down in the living room and talked to her softly so she can calm down. I told my boyfriend to unplug the Christmas light because I was starting to think that she might be epileptic or having a seizure. 

When my boyfriend tried to unplug them, and alhtough he didn't came close to her she ran towards him and attacked him again. 

She had us completely immobilized for 4 hours!! Everytime he tried to move she would attack! 

We got a chance and closed her in the kitchen with food and water and hoped that the next morning she would be calm. 

She was crying all night, when we opened the door I managed to pet her head once, and my boyfriend got her new food. When I tried to exit the room she attacked me again. 

We managed to close her in another room and went to 5 different doctor. Unfortunately not with her, we couldn't even get near the door. 

All of them told me that it might be something neurological, a tumor, feline ania, or a very violent behaviour. 

They all told me that either way, the solutions was keeping her sedaded for the rest of her life, or euthanasia. We don't have many doctors for pets in my country unfortunately. 

At night the doctor came to see her, if she was calm we would see what's wrong with her. but no luck... So we had to put her to sleep. 

To give you an example this is how she looked:

I don't know if I did everything I could. I want you to believe me I did everything I could. I love her with all my heart.. I'm quite sedaded right now as well.. 

Please tell me that I did the right thing. Please tell me something.. My heart is braking for my little girl
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zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I'm so sorry you had to go through this.  It sounds like you tried what you could for her; but she just "triggered" really easily.  That must have been very unpleasant for her as well!  If you had a small child around; the consequences could have been devastating.  It left you having to make a very difficult choice that no pet owner wants to have to make.  It sounds like she was becoming worse; for whatever reason.  I don't envy your choice; it was a no-win situation.  

I hope in time you can find some peace with your decision.  
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2015
First of all I want to thank you all for your support and time to answer.. I really don't know why I wrote here.. Maybe for a person that gone through the same thing or a kind word. 

I feel terribly guilty about my little girl.. I love her more than you can imagine! 

Zed Xyzed I saw that post, when I was searvhing to find something simular.. But Georgie never showed any signs of any syndrom like the other cat, and what happened this time wasn't redirected aggression. We have no other cats anymore.. She just viciously attacked us over something totally insignificant that other cats wouldn't even mind. The person in that article said that he could get in the room with her, even pet her.. We couldn't even get next to the closed door. 

MoochNNoodles we are actually thinking of having a baby and that was our first though. What would happen if we already had a baby or I was pregnant at that time. 

I live in Greece and the vets here are "generalists" .. We do not have a neurologist. We only have one pet behaviourist that is really expensive for us. 

I've read every article I could find (not in Greece, there are not that many, especially for cats), I've seen every video. 

The closest thing I could find is Idiopathetic Aggression, they get triggered by any event and get extremely dangerous reactions and then they calm down. 

The difference is that this time, Georgie didn't calm down. I couldn't get in the same room to catch her and get her to the vet and most vets don't pay visits. I only found one that came to help me. 

All of them though though that my baby most possibly had a tumor. That triggered those vicious attacks. 

The thing is that I will never know for sure and I will never know if I did the right thing for her. If I did enough or I gave up easily and that breaks my heart! 

She was such a loving and king cat.. She was family! She was my daugther. 


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
@ArtGr I really feel for you. 

It sounds as though your girl was deeply disturbed and life was not good for her at all.

I think it is a blessing that we have the ability, after much research and soul-searching, to make that call and end her suffering.   I'm sure she is grateful that you were able to do that for her.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 8, 2015
ArtGr, I was that other person. I'm so sorry for your loss. Im still feeling devastated myself. If it is of any comfort to you, you may very well have released your kitty from pain.

I could get in the room with my cat Hazel, but I could only get in there sometimes and only for short periods of time while holding a towel and wearing gloves. I'm still healing from bites and scratches on both legs and from my wrist to shoulder on my left arm. We would have to hurry back out when she started getting overstimulated again. The problem with that kind of aggression is that one moment the cat can seem fine and the next moment out of nowhere they are attacking like their life depends on it. In my instance, the vet had explained that some animals can develop a state of overstimulation where everything is basically painful for them. The animal can even become confused when "coming down" from that exhausting state of overstimulation like my cat did when she seemed to be "lost" in familiar territory. There are of course many possible reasons for such extreme aggression such as a brain tumor like you noted or FHS or seizures, but I hope you can take some comfort in knowing you gave your kitty a loving home and may have mercifully released her from pain.

I'm not going to follow this thread (meaning I won't get updates) since this is still too fresh for me right now too, but feel free to private message me if you need an empathetic ear.

Hang in there.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 8, 2015
Oh, one more thing. More than one kind person on the Cat Site suggested I write a tribute to my cat on the Crossing the Bridge forum when she passed. I'm still feeling the pain, but it did help to write something and share with others. Maybe it would help ease your pain at your cat's loss a little bit too.

Take care of yourself.