Elderly Cat Approaching The Rainbow Bridge

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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting this other than I feel like I have to get it out and I know fellow cat lovers will understand (and may have some advice). If this is the inappropriate forum please move this post.

About a year and a half ago, my oldest kitty Athena started to have a few issues. She started to lose weight, and had a couple of infections that turned out to be kidney infections. Of course we took her to the vet and other than the infections an ultrasound showed a 'nonspecific thickening of the intestinal tract'.

Over this year and a half she has slowly and steadily lost weight (save a brief period where she did gain a little back). She's had, I believe, two overnight vet stays to be treated with IV fluids and antibiotics for her infections, which haven't reoccurred. Her most recent vet appointment was two months ago where her kidney values were found to be fine but her weight was just under four pounds (she's been an eight pound kitty all her life).

It is to the point now I'm not sure how her organs are even functioning, she's literally no more than skin and bone. The vets had put her on a special urinary support diet but she wasn't fond of it and refused to eat. Eating anything else caused her to vomit frequently, but we finally nailed a urinary support diet she would eat that she didn't just vomit up. She's only vomited three times in the last month or so, two times just large amounts of water, once some food. At its worst it was frequent enough she was vomiting several times a week. If not quite once a day it was close to it.

Despite all this, she's been her normal self. She's an old cat and she acts like an old cat but she's been alert, interactive, eating and drinking, not giving any behavioral indications that she's uncomfortable or closing down.

Fast forward to yesterday. She asked to get on my lap once and I held her for bit, but when I had to get up she disappeared. We located her sitting in the box house on our upstairs cat tree. Other than rest in the box house and her little 'sleeping box' in a shaded little side hall off the kitchen, she didn't seem to do anything. We weren't sure we had seen her eat so I tried to coax her a bit with some food. She didn't want it or her treats, so I tempted her with a tiny bit of ham which seemed to pique her interest. She had a 'strange' look not only in her eyes but to her face as a whole. The look in her eyes was as if she wasn't quite focused, her face was hard to pinpoint. It didn't look like her face was *her face* but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I finally realized her eyes were sunken and her lower eyelids were a little droopy, showing the whites. I've since looked this up and found out it's common in cats that have had dramatic weight loss. At this point, I'd put her weight at about two pounds, if that. She is literally just skin and bone.

She showed interest in the ham though and she's still drinking. When she walks she wobbles a bit from side to side like she's really weak, but she still seems not to be in discomfort, just lethargic. We had to go out last night and I was telling my wife that if we couldn't tempt her to eat when we got home it might be time to take that final trip to the vet. We stopped and bought some salmon oil and some really stinky fish based canned food. Mixing this into her normal prescription kibble did perk her up and she ate a few mouthfuls, both last night and this morning. No vomiting, and she's still drinking regularly.

She slept with us last night which is her normal habit. This morning she had a few mouthfuls, and my wife told me that she's had a few mouthfuls again since I've been at work. She still looks 'glazed' and not quite focused, however, and she's spending all her time in the cat tree box in the spare room. She eats but we have to bring her to it or bring it to her.

I feel like she's starting on her way out and I know that if she does go, it's going to be due to multiple organ failure as she just cannot nutritionally support herself any more. Even eating, she's not absorbing nutrients through her intestines (we still don't know why, the vets are stumped. They thought it might be a type of lymphoma but if it had been she wouldn't have lasted this long, they said).

I know multiple organ failure is not a nice way to go. It's painful and I don't want her to go through that. But as long as she's eating and drinking I keep telling myself it's not time yet. We didn't think she'd make it through that first year but she did. At Thanksgiving, I thought for sure she wouldn't make it to New Year's but she did. I know it's probably just wishful thinking but I keep procrastinating. My biggest fear is that she'll die in pain, or that she'll pass away without me there with her. I keep questioning if I'm doing the right thing...she's eating and drinking so maybe I can put it off a bit longer? But what if I put it off too long? I'm terrified of both making that decision too soon or too late.

I guess I don't even know what I'm really asking. Right now we're playing it hour by hour but my gut feeling is that by this weekend it will be decided one way or the other. I don't want her to go without me there, and I don't want her to go in pain, but I keep telling myself 'one more day, she's not hurting and she's still eating...'


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Burnley, UK
My heart goes out to you. It's such a difficult decision and I've had to make it a few times with cats and dogs. She sounds as if she's very near the end I'm sorry to say but I'm not a vet and obviously I could be wrong. When we make the decision to send them to the bridge we will always ask ourselves if it was the right time and could we have done anything different. It's because we care. You're obviously a caring and loving person to Athena so trust your instincts and I'm sure you will make the right choice at the right time.
Bless Athena and yourself during this difficult time.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
Thank you. With all my other pets it's always been pretty obvious when it was time to go. With her it's just been a lot less clear, I guess.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I second mightyboosh mightyboosh 's words. I've been through this with four cats now and each time it's been an agonizing decision about when the right time is. But each one somehow let me know in their own way, either giving up food, or not being able to stand, or a certain look in their eyes. One just sat by the litter box and was done trying to move.

I'm so sorry you and your wife, and Athena, are going through this. It's such a difficult decision to make and there's no one right answer. You and your wife know her best and you'll know when the time is right.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
Thank you. I guess I'm just trying to process all this and talking it through with people who aren't emotionally invested in her as well helps, if that makes sense. I just want to do what's right for her, it's just hard sometimes knowing exactly what that is at the exact right time for it, I guess.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am so sorry for you guys! This is one of the hardest decisions to make for a family member! But honestly from reading your post it seems you have made your decision, and you think its time, that's just the feeling i get. I will keep you all in my heart and prayers, wishing you guys the best.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Honestly, I'm with you, in my opinion the continuing weight loss is very scary. That sunken look I'm familiar with and like you say, is in animals that are really weak. :grouphug2:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
But honestly from reading your post it seems you have made your decision, and you think its time, that's just the feeling i get.
Yeah, I think I have. I mean, I feel like I know it's time, or at least that 'time' is very very close, it's just doubt that creeps in about 'what if I'm wrong? What if I'm jumping the gun?' Etc. It's not that I haven't made my decision it's that I don't like my decision and I'm in some denial about it. I think it's true, I just don't want to admit it's true.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Yeah, I think I have. I mean, I feel like I know it's time, or at least that 'time' is very very close, it's just doubt that creeps in about 'what if I'm wrong? What if I'm jumping the gun?' Etc. It's not that I haven't made my decision it's that I don't like my decision and I'm in some denial about it. I think it's true, I just don't want to admit it's true.
I understand, there will always be doubt, and fear. Our Cats are our family, and the fear, anger, and grief is the same. Love is love, whether its a human family member, or a 4 legged one. you will never like the decision you have to make, its not fair that anyone has to make this kind of decision! Unfortunately for our cats we do, they are not capable of making it, and sometimes letting nature take its course is not the best, or kindest thing to do for them. It would be easier on us, but not always them. Maybe your vet can help you with the decision? If you trust your vet then i would take her in and ask. I am so sorry you guys are having to deal with this. Peaceful and loving thoughts headed your way.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
So, quick update. When I got home last night from work she seemed a bit better. She still has the sunken droopy look but her eyes looked more focused and less dazed. She spent some time hiding yesterday but for the most part was out with us interacting again. She ate a few more mouthfuls before we went to bed and she just seemed more 'there' if that makes sense.

This morning she didn't eat when I put fresh food down in front of her but she got up and left the bedroom about an hour before we did and she may have already ate (her food from the night before was still down) so we're not taking that as a bad sign just yet. Wife is going to continue to keep an eye on her throughout the day and make sure she's still eating.

I still don't feel like she has much time left but it's good to see her a bit more focused and there. We're still taking it one day at a time at this point and I'm just hoping to make it to the weekend.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Thank you ever so much for taking the time to let us know - we're a bunch of worry pots, to quote another person, around here.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Your story sounds exactly like my last days with my Burt. He was always a big 16 lb. cat, in those last days I doubt he weighed five. He didn't seem to be in pain at all, still even jumped up to the counter to drink from the faucet which he had always done. Then one day he jumped and missed, thank God I was standing right there and caught him, but I'm sure he was hurting a little by my catch. It was heartbreaking. We had made a promise to him that we would not take him to the vet, it petrified him beyond anything else. I started to put a chair by the counter and he continued to use that until the day he died. He started sitting in his litterbox too. I still don't know how he hung on as long as he did. He quit eating totally for a week before he died. That last day was horrible, he fought it so much, if it wasn't a Sunday (We have no ER vets) I would have taken him in.
The reason I'm telling you this is when your sweet little one quits eating totally, the end is very near. If at all possible have the vet come to your house so as to not stress her any more then possible. If not, get a pain med in an injection if at all possible or even liquid to syringe in. It would be so much better to relax them and take away any pain. I could see it in my sweet boy's eye's too that last week, don't delay too long on making a decision. When there is no chance of getting better, it is better to be a day early then to be a day late.
I'll pray for your little girl to go peacefully, I'll pray for your broken hearts to heal, bless you for taking such good care of her, she loves you more then you will ever know.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
So, quick update. When I got home last night from work she seemed a bit better. She still has the sunken droopy look but her eyes looked more focused and less dazed. She spent some time hiding yesterday but for the most part was out with us interacting again. She ate a few more mouthfuls before we went to bed and she just seemed more 'there' if that makes sense.

This morning she didn't eat when I put fresh food down in front of her but she got up and left the bedroom about an hour before we did and she may have already ate (her food from the night before was still down) so we're not taking that as a bad sign just yet. Wife is going to continue to keep an eye on her throughout the day and make sure she's still eating.

I still don't feel like she has much time left but it's good to see her a bit more focused and there. We're still taking it one day at a time at this point and I'm just hoping to make it to the weekend.
Thanks for taking the time to update. Sweet Athena, she's a lucky kitty to have such loving people taking care of her. :heartshape:
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
I could see it in my sweet boy's eye's too that last week, don't delay too long on making a decision. When there is no chance of getting better, it is better to be a day early then to be a day late.
I'll pray for your little girl to go peacefully, I'll pray for your broken hearts to heal, bless you for taking such good care of her, she loves you more then you will ever know.
Thank you for sharing your experience and your kind words.

When I got home last night she seemed disconnected and dazed again. My wife said she'd eaten a few mouthfuls a couple of times. She curled up on my lap while we watched tv but seemed foggy and out of it. I took her up to bed about 7:30, read for a while with her curled up beside me, then dozed off. Around 10:30 I woke up and went to move her to roll over and she was more or less just limp and nonreactive. I thought she'd passed already but she was still breathing. She did eventually lift her head and look at me but it was so unfocused she pretty much wasn't there. I called my wife up and we agreed it didn't look like she'd make it through the night. We ended up driving to the vet with her wrapped in my baby blanket. She was nonreactive to the trip pretty much but seemed interested in watching the rain on the window. I know that sounds melodramatic but that's what she was focusing on, watching the rain drops. I kept telling her I loved her and how good a girl she was.

At 11:45 she crossed the rainbow bridge with me holding her and my wife right there stroking her head. She went quietly and the vet was very kind. We'd never met her as she was a night shift vet (this is a really big hospital) but she remembered Athena from a year ago during one of her overnight IV antibiotic kidney infections.

Athena was 18 years and 24 days old. Today has just been kind of an exhaustive haze, but I know we did the right thing by her and she had a good, long, very happy life.

Thank you everyone who commented and offered your thoughts, they were greatly comforting and much appreciated.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I'm so sorry to read this news. Athena knew it was time, and so did you. I'm so glad you were able to be there and comfort her at the end. RIP, little girl.

We'll close the thread now out of respect for your loss, and we invite you to post a tribute to your sweet girl in our Crossing the Bridge forum.
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