Dreaming Kitty's Introduction

Dreaming Kitty

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 23, 2020
Hello! My name is Stella, I'm a 24 year old lady, and I think I could be appropriately classified as a cat lover. I'm in a stage right now where there are big changes going on in my life. I just got a new job that pays really well, I graduated college not too long ago, and now I'm starting to look at what I need to do in order to get my first apartment. I'm not quite there yet, but it never hurts to dream and imagine what my future could look like.

One of the things that I'm looking at pursuing in my future is getting a cat or two. I've loved cats ever since I was a really little girl and would go on websites about them and read books about them all the time. There was no denying it; I was crazy about cats. As I got older, I seemed to forget a lot about what I used to like and want when I was younger, but steadily I seem to be remembering all of it again.

Originally, I thought having a cat would be out of the question. I was ambitious in my plans for the future and really wanted to get married and have kids. The thought of having a pet was out of the question, in my mind. How could I ever possibly afford it with kids in the house? But, alas, I've yet to meet anyone whom I have even considered dating, let alone marrying. This threw a wrench in my original plan for the future. If I wasn't going to have the role of being a wife and mother, what was my life even supposed to look like? That's when I decided I needed to take some time to rediscover who I am as a person on my own. I needed to remember my own worth and purpose, even if a man does not factor into that equation. That's what has led to me remembering the things I used to love as a child.

It's been fun rediscovering the things that I used to love and seeing how I can fit it into my current life. I feel like I'm walking with a younger version of myself and honoring her wishes in a reasonable and completely possible way. It feels so comforting and empowering to be able to see such a future now where I can fully be independent, be myself, and be happy. And, you know, I thought about it, and I think that I could still be a mom on my own in a sense. While I'm not yet in a place where I'll be having any children anytime soon, I can still be a mom to some cats. I'm not sure how old the cats I'll get will be, but in any case, I still think that I could call myself their mama.

I always said I'd end up being a cat lady, but I didn't actually think that my jokes would come true, ha ha! Anyways, that's my story, and I believe that I'm well on my way to being a funny cat lady. I'm glad to be here and I hope that I can make some new friends on this forum while I wait to get my own cats! :catlove:


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Stella, on behalf of The Catsite community, a warm
to you.

So glad that you’ve joined this wonderful site and you are in the right place for all things cat and this site is loaded with tons of rich resources and you’ll find friendly and helpful cats around and many of our cats are very knowledgeable in cat related stuffs.

Please remember to show us your kitties when you have them and we love to see their photos :camera: :camera: :camera:

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Feel free to ask questions if you have any and start a new thread of your own and post them under the appropriate forums and do check out the many informative articles we have here in Articles | The Cat Site and don't forget to subscribe to our Newsletter :- newsletter-subscription-tutorial.33873 to stay informed of what goes on in TCS!

Enjoy your stay and see ya around :wink:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio

You may be single now, but you never know what the future holds. You are still young. Of course, there is nothing wrong with staying single, either. I have had cats since shortly after my son was born. I have two children and (used to have) a full-time career. You can certainly have a family and a cat or two. Or three. Or whatever. My children are adults now, and I have a 7 1/2-month-old grandson. My "new" husband and I have 12 cats in our house that are spoiled rotten! (I say "new" because I am remarried and we are about to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary. My first marriage was rough and ended poorly, but it led me to the love of my life. I was well into my 30s at that time.)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Welcome to TCS! Yep, you can call yourself their mama when they come! Get those cats and enjoy! And don't count out getting married and having children. I married at 27, and had my first son at 29. I knew who I was, and what I wanted. It wasn't a bad deal. AND you'll find that even if you have cats, they won't hamper your ability to mother a child or two at all!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. :wave2: Hope things work out and you get your apartment, and become a "cat mom" soon. :petcat: And don't worry about when you find a husband and have human children. Your heart will be able to love all of them. :redheartpump: