Downstairs Neighbor Complaining about Allergies


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 29, 2013
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know a lot of people who say they're allergic just don't like cats. I know severe cat allergies do exist but are rare. My mom was an asthmatic and she wasn't allergic to cats. She had other things that triggered her attacks and she avoided them. She also made it her problem and not anyone else's. My mom died at 62 from her asthma. He's just one who will not. I agree that if his allergies are real then he never should live in a place that allows animals. They are plenty to choose from and the noise well that's part of apt. living, as long as it's reasonable noise. Not loud music or parties. Honey please don't stress. Like some have said, this is not your fault. You did nothing wrong. Play nice and also be polite.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
The short, painful answer is that I'm down to one cat.  I really, really don't want to talk about that, or go through long debates about what I should have done.

This has mostly resolved the complaining, except he still has low level symptoms, so now I'm going around taping all the holes around the radiators in my apartment while we wait for maintenance to install new air filters in the HVAC.  
Jodie, I am so sorry for what has happened to you. I do understand about severe cat allergies as I am married to a man who has them. That being said, he loved our cats and we found a way to keep the cats so they didn't have to live in the house with us. I do think some good suggestions have been made here, especially the ones about the landlord changing the filters. It is unfortunate you had to lose a pet and it may or may not have solved the neighbors problem. People need to take charge of their own health and if he isn't better than he needs to find another place to live if at all possible. In the meantime, you have gone out of your way to help solve the problem. Hugs and prayers for peace.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I missed the bit where I asked to keep us informed to going down to one's kitty.


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Everyone please take a few minutes to review the TCS rules, particularly the part in bold.
2. There is always room for different opinions, however, intolerance, bigotry, and religious ridicule will not be tolerated. Additionally, there is no room for flames, slams, and personal vendettas that carry on to the public view.
This applies to everyone, not just TCS members. I know that you're trying to support ellyr, but a number of people have been bashing the neighbor without knowing anything about him.

1. He may not have known that he was allergic to cats. He may have been sensitized recently or a mild allergy developed into a severe allergy. All of these are possible and not rare.

2. He may not have known that the apartment building allowed pets. Most places don't advertize it and it probably didn't occur to him to ask.

E ellyr , I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this. Sometimes things happen that no one anticipated and there is no perfect solution. It sounds like you've done everything you could to help resolve the issue even though it wasn't your fault.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Everyone please take a few minutes to review the TCS rules, particularly the part in bold.
This applies to everyone, not just TCS members. I know that you're trying to support ellyr, but a number of people have been bashing the neighbor without knowing anything about him.

1. He may not have known that he was allergic to cats. He may have been sensitized recently or a mild allergy developed into a severe allergy. All of these are possible and not rare.

2. He may not have known that the apartment building allowed pets. Most places don't advertize it and it probably didn't occur to him to ask.

E ellyr , I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this. Sometimes things happen that no one anticipated and there is no perfect solution. It sounds like you've done everything you could to help resolve the issue even though it wasn't your fault.
Well said. I do know from first hand experience with my husband that sometimes these allergies can be a real problem and very hard to overcome with a solution.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
A lot of apartments around here have empty places and you can move to another for whatever reason (windows facing another way, etc.) without paying any more deposits or anything. So you could ask if there's another apartment you could take. Moving your stuff again would be a pain but probably better than living above him for years :/.
I was thinking about that too. 

I have also thought that like LaraLove mentioned about hotels etc.. having designated rooms for smoking, that now a days, apartments buildings would at least try to sort of "section out" certain buildings for reasons like this.  One for smokers, one for people w/ pets, one for people w/ kids. (because if you don't have any, you don't want to hear noise from other peoples). etc...

"makes sense to me." ...(but probably don't because they could be accused of "discrimination?")

If you do talk to him as SwampWich suggested, you could also bring a box of Zyrtec w/ a little bow on it. LOL! 

Good luck, try not to let it get to you too much, your cats will only pick up on your stress, & that can cause problems. I'm sure they already have some, just from moving.

Maybe there will be another apartment open near someone else w/ cats. 
 It would be a pain in the butt to move again, but depending how things go, it may be worth it for the long run.

Keep us posted.


TCS Member
Mar 31, 2019
Well, I am deadly allergic to cats and living in a triplex we just had a new girl move in this month. I read a lot of frustration of cat-owners about allergic people being too sensitive, but that's what it is. It's like peanut allergy but in the air instead of food.
Unfortunately I am deadly allergic to cats and knew there is one before I heard or saw it. I woke up at 4am choking and not being able to breath and I couldn't get for what reason until I went down the hallway and where the cat smell was apparent.
My neighbor is on the first floor and I'm on second. Unfortunately the effect is so significant that even taping the holes in the door and closing all central air flow ares doesn't solve the problem.
To the passive-aggressive suggestion of the previous commenter: antihistamines don't always work well with severe allergies (cats and some fragrances in my case) and they are all drowsy.
I am so frustrated that my home environment is not safe anymore (literally) and even with all windows open (in winter) not even sure what else to do from my side since my lease isn't even over yet.
So to all the hater comments about sensitive people- be kinder when someone politely tells you about it, even if from your side you can't do anything about it. There is enough daily pain already they are going through.


TCS Member
Mar 31, 2019
I did hear that there are tests for this cat vaccine (in US, i believe), which significantly reduces cat protein sensitivity, but I came to my doctor (i'm in Toronto, Canada) and they never heard about it.
If anyone's head anything about it, I will appreciate any information, would love for my allergy to vanish. Like, really..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
Well, I am deadly allergic to cats and living in a triplex we just had a new girl move in this month. I read a lot of frustration of cat-owners about allergic people being too sensitive, but that's what it is. It's like peanut allergy but in the air instead of food.
Unfortunately I am deadly allergic to cats and knew there is one before I heard or saw it. I woke up at 4am choking and not being able to breath and I couldn't get for what reason until I went down the hallway and where the cat smell was apparent.
My neighbor is on the first floor and I'm on second. Unfortunately the effect is so significant that even taping the holes in the door and closing all central air flow ares doesn't solve the problem.
To the passive-aggressive suggestion of the previous commenter: antihistamines don't always work well with severe allergies (cats and some fragrances in my case) and they are all drowsy.
I am so frustrated that my home environment is not safe anymore (literally) and even with all windows open (in winter) not even sure what else to do from my side since my lease isn't even over yet.
So to all the hater comments about sensitive people- be kinder when someone politely tells you about it, even if from your side you can't do anything about it. There is enough daily pain already they are going through.
I doubt you would have to worry about breaking the lease when your life is in danger like that. Explain that you are severely allergic! Tell the landlord what you told us.