Booboo is confusingly not well

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  • #302


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I am sorry for lack of updates. We had a serious financial crisis hit the household and it has just now calmed down in the house.
Boo is doing quite well, still eating like a piggy and taking his fluids like a man. He was even playing quite actively with the laser light this morning. His eyes still look wide and good, and I am waiting to apply Frontline towards the end of the month. I had given him 2 capstars (1 every other day) and the 3rd one he kept spitting out, we had no luck with so I tried mushing it between 2 pieces of dry food. I don't know how much of that he got, but he pretty much refuses to be on the floor for any longer than is needed. He has had no upset tummy, so no pepcid's and his poops are good. Chickster isn't scratching, and we haven't SEEN any fleas, I even gave Boo a bath and saw nothing, but who knows?
I haven't taken him to the vet for another test yet, (financial crisis) but he's doing well. The food change was not going over well, and Chickster was refusing her Purina One and trying to eat Boo's Royal Canin. Boo wasn't too thrilled after a few days, with the Royal Canin either. I think I tried for about 2 weeks with the new foods, but it wasn't working very well. I got another bag of C/D and put everything back the way it was, and everyone's overall attitude and playfulness has improved drastically. They were both being very snotty to me on and off, and that's unlike them. Food changes like this don't bother Boo, never have, but I now realize I should not have done it to Chickster, it only happened once, but she had diarrhea. She is back to normal now, but last night I thought she had stepped on a staple or something, she was running around hissing and trying to bite her rear, and finally she calmed down after about an hour. She's perfectly fine this morning, and last night I saw the poo, which was pretty much splattered in the pan. She had also accidentally stepped in it, and that really chaps her hide, she is very tidy and clean when it comes to poo.
Anyway *big breath* Everything is going very well right now, besides the fight the two had last night about who was going to cuddle with me, and when I tried to stop Boo from smacking Chickster, he hissed at me, then when I tried to check on Chickster, she hissed at me, then they both abandoned me in the middle of the livingroom and left me feeling like a total idiot. High school all over again

Thank you for your concern, and all of your advice and help. I know I shouldn't do diet changes so quickly, and won't do it again. Hope you are all well and your furbabies are doing well too!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Thanks for the update! sound like things are going par for the course now, I did giggle about the spat for mommie's Lap.

It takes time, but we do seem to get acclimated to any new routine that is associated with special needs cats. I'm glad you are coping so well.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Cats are so funny!
I can just see Chickster hissing at her own rear because she had poop on it! My Stinkpot (is that name appropriate or what) sometimes gets a dirty rear, and when we have to wash him off, I hold him over my shoulder, and hubby puts on the old latex gloves and washes him off, and he "trills" like when he's bird watching. Goofiest thing!

Anyway, glad everyone is doing AOK.
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  • #305


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Okay, new issue. I need to get Boo's belly (From chin to rear) shaved, he's got several mats and this is the one place he won't let me brush him. I usually get him lion cut this time of year, but since he's anemic and maybe already cold I was trying to wait to see what I should do. This shave has got to be done, though, on his belly.
My issue is, the vet knows he has CRF but questioned me about how he would handle a belly shave. I said I don't know, he may have issue (They have had to put "Biter" on his folder) but you can put the full face muzzle on him. They want to sedate him. Wouldn't sedating an already kidney function-impaired cat hurt his kidneys even more? I won't get him sedated either way, but I'd just like to know. If they won't do it without sedation I'll do it myself. He'll be ticked and I'll certainly get a few scars, but worth it.
Thanks for your time everyone
Some days I'm just not sure about him. He's been laying downstairs in a room by himself most days, he comes out to eat, drink and eat some catnip, and maybe get some petting, but otherwise likes the cool room and the down bedding we have folded up down there.
Hope you all have a great day. And your furbabies too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Originally Posted by Snickerdoodle

Okay, new issue. I need to get Boo's belly (From chin to rear) shaved, he's got several mats and this is the one place he won't let me brush him. I usually get him lion cut this time of year, but since he's anemic and maybe already cold I was trying to wait to see what I should do. This shave has got to be done, though, on his belly.
My issue is, the vet knows he has CRF but questioned me about how he would handle a belly shave. I said I don't know, he may have issue (They have had to put "Biter" on his folder) but you can put the full face muzzle on him. They want to sedate him. Wouldn't sedating an already kidney function-impaired cat hurt his kidneys even more? I won't get him sedated either way, but I'd just like to know. If they won't do it without sedation I'll do it myself. He'll be ticked and I'll certainly get a few scars, but worth it.
Thanks for your time everyone
Some days I'm just not sure about him. He's been laying downstairs in a room by himself most days, he comes out to eat, drink and eat some catnip, and maybe get some petting, but otherwise likes the cool room and the down bedding we have folded up down there.
Hope you all have a great day. And your furbabies too.
Yes anesthesia can affect the kidneys, a lot depends on what is used and for how long. My Ootay
had to have dental work when she was 17 (she was CRF, HBP, hyperthyroid, megacolon, arthritis, heart murmur, stroke). Her mouth was hurting her, so it was about quality of life and I decided that was more important.

My vet used sevoflurane which is a fast, short acting anesthesia, and she did not have any repercussions to her kidneys.

However, though I'm not there and can't judge, it sounds to me like people are making a bigger deal than necessary over Boo being a "biter". Seems to me they should at least TRY the shaving without anesthesia.

How about calling around to any other groomer services in your area? You might find a good one, who knows her stuff and will do Boo's mats gently professionally, quickly, and without anesthesia.
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  • #307


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Thank you. Yes, I will look for another groomer in the area if they refuse to do it without sedation. I have still not heard back from this one yet, we seem to keep missing each other. I'd rather him be mad at her than me


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I was going to suggest going to a groomer rather than the Vet's office too, if nothing else, just for the cost. I have found that our Vet's office charges drastically higher rates for grooming that a groomer, and groomer's are used to doing all kinds of things to cats and dogs without benefit of sedation. I can't brush Callie's belly, but the groomer can, and she even purrs while he's doing it!!

Sounds like Boo isn't feeling too well right now...hope it's just those mats that are making him uncomfortable. Sven gets mats on his hips because he absolutely hates being brushed at all, and he's old, so even though he's on glocosimine stuff, his hips are probably sensitive to the touch, so we take him to the groomer, and he gets a bath and conditioner, which gets his mats out, and the groomer says he seems to actually enjoy the bath and blowdry. "course, he doesn't have long hair.

Anyway, hope you get it all squared away and that he feels better soon. We're having "feel bad" issues with Sven as well. Maybe it's just spring fever or something and they wish they were somewhere else instead of being cooped up!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
What's new with Boo? Did he ever get his "belly shave"? Just checking in to see how's he's feeling.
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  • #310


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I've got him an appt at our Vet. She is a Master Certified Groomer and goes to seminars and takes regular classes. She is also the Mom of a girl I went to school with and helped me a few times with his Sub-q's. She's groomed Boo before, so I trust her, but when I go in I will ask about the gas sedation if it is ABSOLUTELY Necessary, .. of course, when he got groomed before his illness, he was always pretty chill with the vet/techs (Too scared to fight back) but as of this week he has turned into a pure t pain!

I am not sure why, but his fluids have turned into a chore for him, and he gets really ill about them. I'm not doing anything different, I am so calm, I even sometimes forget if I gave him fluids because it's become such a routine! He's now trying to walk away (With full face muzzle on) while I'm giving him fluids, and doing a lot of mad grumbling. Fluid's warm, window is open, nothing has changed but his attitude.
I've tried to snip some of the mats off, and the poor baby, it's my fault as I've totally let it go this long... he has mats on his back legs, hips, and beneath his back legs and on his belly. They are going to flog me at the vet's.
He gets really angry with me about trying to snip some of them off and they're almost right down to the skin. I am wondering if this is why he is itching, not because of fleas. In another week or so I am going to apply the Frontline.
He's also been going to the bathroom and sitting on the toilet and he starts yowling unlike anything you've heard. It sounds like he's dying! It's so horrible it will make you rush down there, only to see him either get on the sink or into the tub, wanting water. He has plenty of fresh water glasses all around the house, but prefers bath water... I dunno. He is waking me up during the day with the yowling, but he is pooping very well, (stinky, woo!) eating super great and otherwise seems excellent. He has been -running- up the steps and trotting about like a horse.
Earlier this morning after fluids, I was going to try to pick him up. Woo buddy, he bit me on the wrist, but not as hard as he could. It wasn't his normal warning bite, though. He's getting to the point where it seems he doesn't care what I think or how I feel about it, if I'm doing something he doesn't like, he lets me know. And he has never been like that before, even after his P/U and bladder surgery. *sigh*
I am trying to be calm and quiet when he acts like this, and walk away if it gets to a point where I get frustrated. It's not his fault, I know this, but sometimes it is just so frustrating when he hollers at you like this, and then doesn't really want water, he just sits there and looks at you. Almost like, "Ha, I got you to come aaaaall the way down here huh?"
He likes laying in a box that his can food came in with a towel in it. Otherwise, he won't lay in his usual spots. He is avoiding the floor as much as possible, so I am still not sure if it's fleas or not. We haven't been bitten, Chickster isn't itching but I've caught her scratching her neck only a couple of times. Will be applying the Frontline regardless. At least this groom (I may get him a lion cut, the vet said it shouldn't bother his body temp, especially since he's got one or two mats on the front legs too) should help some of the aggravation.
Sorry for the long post. It seems each day is a tiny bit of a struggle, I am just hoping he's being grumpy and not getting worse. I will be getting another blood test in the next few weeks.
Thank you for asking about him
It makes such a difference just having people who care and listen. Thank you and I Hope you are all well and your furbabies are spectacular!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Thanks for the update! I'm glad you have someone you trust to do the grooming. We will need pictures after it's done!

Sounds like Boo is exerting his authority around the house. Apply the frontline way up high above the shoulder blades,(above where you give fluids) you probably already know that, and do it a little while after a fluid session so the stuff has a chance to dry before the next session.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
With all those mats, he could be in pain from the fur being pulled, and that could be the cause of his grumpiness and why he bit you when you picked him up. Maybe it pulled the fur even more the way you picked him up or something. You might ask the groomer if she has some conditioner she can put on him (if she is also going to bath him) that helps keep him from matting in the future. I'm not sure what it's called, but as I mentioned, our groomer used some on Sven, and it kept him mat-free all last summer, and he usually has terrible mats all around his hips all summer long. He's about due to go in to get ready for this summer, since he's shedding up a storm now, so I'll try to remember to ask what the stuff is
Then you could maybe buy it and use it at home.
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  • #313


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
My friend who has cats mentioned conditioner and to rub it in and then the mats would come out easier, but I was afraid to put it on him since he won't let me try to mess with them as it is. But I will certainly try it if you remember the name! Maybe the groomer will even offer the same stuff. The thing is, after I give him baths and things (When he has long fur) he won't let me brush his legs or his lower belly, so this is why that's gotten so bad, aside from the CRF, vet visits and treatments.. I've just forgotten about it/let it go :T
I think picking him up, the pouch of fluid was on his side and I put my hand there, and it was very uncomfortable. Right after treatments today he jumped onto the nightstand and plopped down like it took it all out of him. THen he was fine! I think he is downstairs sleeping now (I have been too so I lost track of him
Thanks for the advice tho. If you remember that conditioner I'm all ears! And maybe my groomer already uses it, I just haven't had him groomed in awhile...


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 31, 2006
North Carolina, U.S.
You remember me saying that your thread is useful, that I would be reading it again if I had to do fluids? Well I am eating those words!
I now have to give Bear fluids everyday. He is not bad at all though, he will meow in protest sometimes but other than that he is great. On the days he is feeling bad he is extra wiggly, but I expect that.

Originally Posted by Snickerdoodle

And he has never been like that before, even after his P/U and bladder surgery. *sigh*
Awww, poor fellow! I didn't know he was a p/u baby.
Bear had to have that surgery in 2008.

I am with the others, I think his grumpy-ness is from the mats. I also think that when you went to pick him up, one of his mats were pulled tight and that is probably why he bit you. After his shave, try to get him use to the brush again. Make it a daily routine, you could even try brushing him while he is eating his food.
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  • #315


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Well, I just caught him standing beside his litter pan and then leaned in and tried to eat some of it. Not happy about this. Will be calling the vet in the AM and may have to switch to pine pellets or any non-clay litter....

Was so hoping he wouldn't do that
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  • #316


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
KatKisses, I am glad your Bear is doing well with the fluids. I was so terrified and was absolutely sure I couldn't do it, but it's so easy to do now, even if Boo is being grumpy and wanting to take a long walk while I'm doing it LOL.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
leaned in and tried to eat some of it.
Hmmm, isn't trying to eat or lick at clay some sign of a vitamin or mineral deficiency? Yes, better check with your Vet about this. Not that eating kitty litter is the same thing, but sounds like a definite sign that something is amiss. Keep us posted!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Golden, Colorado
Originally Posted by Snickerdoodle

My friend who has cats mentioned conditioner and to rub it in and then the mats would come out easier, but I was afraid to put it on him since he won't let me try to mess with them as it is. But I will certainly try it if you remember the name! Maybe the groomer will even offer the same stuff. The thing is, after I give him baths and things (When he has long fur) he won't let me brush his legs or his lower belly, so this is why that's gotten so bad, aside from the CRF, vet visits and treatments.. I've just forgotten about it/let it go :T
I think picking him up, the pouch of fluid was on his side and I put my hand there, and it was very uncomfortable. Right after treatments today he jumped onto the nightstand and plopped down like it took it all out of him. THen he was fine! I think he is downstairs sleeping now (I have been too so I lost track of him
Thanks for the advice tho. If you remember that conditioner I'm all ears! And maybe my groomer already uses it, I just haven't had him groomed in awhile...
Can you use something like Mane & Tail? We used that for a horse that had a horrible mat in her mane...I thought we would have to cut it out, and it worked out in about 15 minutes!
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  • #319


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Yes, his trying to eat litter (Only the 1 time, we have followed him to the pan every single time as much as we can) is a sign of his anemia (Most likely getting worse) I will talk to a vet if I can snag one today, and if not, I will call or drive over to the other vet and ask her approx. how much the "blood doping" costs. I am assuming it is in the hundreds, which I don't have, but I can always ask.
Otherwise he is doing great. I will try some mane and tail, he has his belly and butt shave at 10 am this morning. I put the frontline on him yesterday and he sleeeeeepppptttttt! Boy did he sleep! He slept for a solid straight 7 hours I think, then went tinkle, then laid back down for awhile. But last night he was all shannanigans and vinegar, he even snuck out the front door and made it down the steps before I caught him and brought him back in. He's doing fine today, but he grumbled about his fluids. A quick treat afterward made him happy again. I assume he'll be grumpy as heck after the vet appt, crossing fingers we can get this done quickly without them wanting to sedate or give him any gas!!!

Thanks for all of your concern and help
Hope you and yours are doing well!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I look forward to hearing how the shave goes. We will require a picture!