Boo-Boo's getting his Epogen! (Health updates)

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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Just a quick update and a pic -- he has a Friskies goatee. He was eager to go outside this morning and has been jumping up and down off the chair, drinking water and peeing LOTS. I had to go buy some more World's Best today and got a 17 lb bag for 20 bucks, a 7 lb bag at Petco cost me 12!! I didn't realize Petsmart had cheaper prices on some things.

He's doing well though for now, I took a quick peek at his mouth and with those sutures it looks a whole heck of a lot better than it did. Mom said she opened the back door to give Boca some dry food this morning and before she knew it Boo was right there, touching noses with Boca. They smelled of each other, but we were both amazed there was no fighting, growling or fussing. Boca seems pretty chill to both of them. Chickster is still hissing at Boo and hates Boca (Or is lusting after him, I can't really tell)

Anyway, here's the pic, I'm off to pass out. Everyone have a great day!!

EDIT: Yes I am cleaning his face! Don't wnat you think I am neglecting him! I clean him up then he shoves his face right back into his food! That stuff is hard to get off !!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm so happy that he's recovering so nicely. Chickster's reaction is SO typical! She should get back to her normal self soon, once the hospital smells get off of Boo.
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  • #104


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I was just looking at his eye (It's about 9pm) and it looked watery, his right one. I got a q tip and gently pressed the corner of his eye near his nose but there wasn't anything. When his third eyelid came up I saw a big snot ball in there and gently rolled the q-tip near it and managed to pull it out.

Um, last time he got eye snot like this it meant he was dehydrated ..... I'm confused? Anybody else know if this could mean something else besides dehydration? His skin tent isn't bad, he's drinking water and eating very moist wet food....

Guess I will have to leave a message for the vet in the morning.
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  • #106


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Well, I can't wait to get him off the Buprenex, it's a pain med and an opioid and it makes him think he's superman. He just leaped onto the desk from the chair here and missed, and I caught him before he hit the floor. Then he laid on the desk not panting, but breathing a bit fast.

No more eye mucus yet.

His clindamycin, I think, is giving him gas and the runs, or it COULD be the friskies, or both together. He is cleaning his rear end now thankfully, I got home and he had a nice spackle of it on there. Then he went poop and he had gaaaaaaaaaasssssssss........ so bad. It almost made me laugh but then I remember how bad gas pains can be. HIs poop smells WEIRD. It's not anything like it was last time he had the runs, that "sick" smell like someone gets when they have stomach flu or something. This was just an odd smell. Hopefully the meds and/or infection coming out of him. Going to call the vet and just update them and see if she is concerned.

He wanted to go outside. He will not groom his face yet. He is purring. But he is stoned, too. He still looks pretty sleepy but every once in awhile I can see his eyes clear up and focus really well.

It just didn't seem to take this long last time for him to come back from a dental surgery. I am just a little worried. All these meds are probably messing with his tummy. He got 115mL of fluids today because of the mucus in his eye yesterday.

Mews I am not sure what kidney meds you are talking about? I have not managed to get any yet. His Epogen is still in the fridge until we see his PCV drop. He hadn't had a "Collapse" until his superman stunt just a few minutes ago so I am going to go check on him.

Otherwise things seem to be ok. Thanks guys


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
anesthesia and the stress that comes with procedures can cause really smelly poop and gas. Get Boo on some kind of probiotic, that will help his tummy and intestinal flora. I like (and use) Probios, but there is also benebac and fortiflora, all made for pets, or just the contents of an acidophillus capsule sprinkled over his food every day.

Glad he is having such a fun time. I love buprenex for short term pain control in kitties, but it does make them pretty stoned.

Good catch, by the way!
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  • #108


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Just had to liquefy some Hi Tor with a tiny bit of Friskies in it and assist feed him a couple of syringes. Poor baby, with all the stuff in his tummy I want some food in there to help mix it up you know? He is ok after his superman stunt. He is resting now (I know he's thankful for me leaving him alone!) I think his sutures may be dissolving because he is chittering and moving his head around a lot when he tries to lick his lips.

Anyway. Just had to update on that. I can't wait for this to heal up!!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Will he eat plain yogurt? That should have probiotics in it, and is good for tummy issues (though possibly more for nausea than for gas...not sure). Anyway, some cats love it, and others, not so much. My two that have sensitive stomachs won't eat it, and the two that don't really need it, love it! Go figure


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Mar 7, 2008
Ootay really loved yogurt, vanilla, cherry and orange creme mainly, and had some every day to help her tummy.

Benebac isn't medicine though, it's very good for him. Won't he just lick it off your finger? My cats love the pro bios.
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  • #112


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
He is not a finger-licker. He's very "mannered" as we like to call him, he'll only eat something once you put it on a plate or put it down on a hard surface. I believe he DOES like yogurt, but he hasn't had anything for a long time.
I will get the Benebac and some yogurt and see if he likes one if he doesn't like the other.

He got his fluffy white blanket washed and put back in his box and today was the first time since he went to hospital that he's SLEPT hard. Curled up on his side with his head all the way down. That was nice to see. He is eating well and hasn't had any Buprenex for over 8 hours (to be given every 8 hours, I just woke up to give him some food and going to give him some Buprenex now)

Had a question -- I went to buy baby shampoo but as always, Walmart was so packed I couldn't even find a parking spot. I stopped at Sally's and asked if they had any (To clean his tail and between his back legs really, that dirt/waxy stuff off) .. she said she had a cat with really bad skin allergies that was, long story short, allergic to herself, and recommended "CureCare conditioner" It's a professional Hair and SKin conditioner and here are the ingredients:
Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Bromide, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Methyparaben, Prorylparaben, Citric Acid, Methychloroisothiazolinone (Good gracious!) and Methylisothiazolinone. It does NOT say Hypo-allergenic and I have NOT used it on Boo yet (I wasn't real sure, it was only 2.99 and it's a 20 OZ bottle)

Says no fragrance or coloring, you can use it on hair and skin for lotion, the Sally girl said she put it on her cat and then rinsed well and it really helped her. Says it can be used for shaving, makeup remover and after tan moisturizer.

I am hesitant because of all those strange ingredients. Anyone heard of this stuff? I saw "tearless" shampoo at Petsmart but didn't like the ingredients in that stuff at all. I think I will just have to stop and get him some baby shampoo. I'll just use this for me probably.

Anyway, back to bed, gotta be up early this morning for Saturday work! Have a great day everyone!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I don't like the alcohol in that sally's product. Could really bother his tender skin. How about an oatmeal bath type shampoo? Definitely avoid any product with alcohol in it.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I was thinking the same thing when I saw alcohol. For one, it's drying, and second, if it gets in the eyes....ouch! By the way, I DID ask my groomer what he uses on Sven to keep his coat from matting, and he told me, now I just have to find where I wrote it down. It seems it's a system rather than a product. They sell the system at Walmart ($30ish) ...something that attaches to your faucet that mixes the shampoo/conditioner with water AND air which helps get every hair/fur folicle all the way down to the skin and coats them nicely. He said otherwise it's practically impossible to rinse shampoo/conditioner off, which can cause other problems. However, he doesn't use this on their faces, just because it's a powerful spray. The "home version" isn't as powerful as the one they use at the groomers.

Anyway, sometime today I'll try to find my notes of exactly the name of this system and also what the conditioner is that they use with it. I swear, Sven didn't start matting for a year after this was used on him! (and I cannot get near him with a brush or comb or he freaks out)
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  • #115


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Awesome thank you! I will try to pick up some Baby shampoo to use at least on his tail until then. It is getting icky looking but doesn't seem to bother him at all. He is SLEEPING so deeply guys. It's like he's finally free of pain and has just been dreaming and grumbling in his sleep, turning his head upside down and curling up real good. He's eating, Mom soaked some dry food in water for 15 minutes until it was very soft and mushy and gave that to him (I was at work and unaware of this, at the time) But he ate a bit of that. I mixed some hi tor with some more friskies and he's chowing down on that. Have to clean out the pans now and hope there's no soft stool, otherwise things are going great! Haven't given him any buprenex since midnight last night, he doesn't seem to need it (Vet said "as needed")

Thank you guys so much


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Terrific update. Eating, and sleeping the deep sleep. So glad!~
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  • #117


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
He's still not coming up to see me, he's just staying in his bed we made in his box and put it in the livingroom on top of the server, but he's happy there. Mom said he bumped her lots and rubbed his face all over her face last night and nuzzled her neck. I guess he's saying "Hey you feed me the good stuff and don't stick me with needles, I luv yooo!!"

His mouth stinks of ammonia, but the upside is his mouth doesn't smell like a rotting animal left in the sun. The ammonia is bothering me though so I am assist feeding more Hi Tor today. He passes over the Hi Tor for Friskies. :T
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  • #118


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Doing head bumping and getting down to ask for dry food (We soak it in water for 15 minutes and then give it to him) He still doesn't want his Hi Tor so am assist feeding him. Headbumped and rubbed on me yesterday and looksl ike he's feeling better. Still hates his Clindamycin with a passion and faked me out acting like he choked on some hi tor (That was liquified!) he just didn't want me giving it to him. He's ok tho.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Thanks for keeping us updated
. Is the ammonia smell gone?
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  • #120


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
No, the ammonia smell is not gone yet but maybe not as bad as it was. He ate hi tor this morning by itself so we're going to start directing him back that way. He is cleaning himself now, rear and face, and I think most of his soreness is gone from his mouth. He's eating well and is begging to go outside (Already went this morning, Mommy needs sleep so can't take him out again unless my mom wants to)

So everything's going good for now, Just mailed off the complaint to the veterinary board this morning and received a reply a few days ago about a request for any complaints and he didn't have any, but I guess that's about to change.

Thank you all