Boo-Boo's getting his Epogen! (Health updates)

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  • #81


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Ah. So they don't belong to the BBB, would I still be able to file a complaint you think? I will try anyway, but I will try that after we get his surgery done and I am going to ask that Dr. Pierce save the shards from the socket so I will have evidence of that, and possibly his incisors if she will allow it. <3 <3 He is stoned again
but doing the rolling-onto-his-side thing and wanting pettings every now and again. So still doing OK right now.
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  • #82


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I also wanted to add, just in case, that I've been doing a load of research on mandibular canine extractions in cats (Lower jaw, specifically tooth 304) and everything I am reading (which is geared towards Vets, so it's in vet language and takes awhile to read) ends the procedure of a tooth extraction (particularly a canine extraction) with a suture. They usually put a graft product of some sort inside the extraction site and suture it closed so bone will grow into the spot where the root was, and if I'm understanding correctly, prevent the jaw from possibly breaking later on down the line because of lost bone. So perhaps this is what was purported to be "bone" fragments in the extraction site, it was from his jaw (Only place I can figure it came from) and also, (I swear, give me the instruments and I could probably do an extraction myself! Kidding! Would never attempt!), they all state that a "bur" should be used inside the site to remove any "bone or other material left" ... hmmmm..... I am thinking I have almost all I need here. Just need to get copies of a few more things. I also have printed out an x-ray of the exact kind of x-ray Boo had. The same tooth was extracted. I mean to tell you WOW. The one I found online looks very clean and neat. The one I saw was very very wrong. His incisors WERE CUT. It is very obvious on my x-ray. The differences between these two x-rays are sickening. It's obvious to me that if he'd just sutured this up, no food would have gotten in and possibly we wouldn't be going through this. Why no suture? It is simple!

Sorry, just had to post this as I've been working on this all night and am actually really getting into it. It is also very amazing to see that the canine tooth's root is much longer than the canine itself. Anyway. Sorry for the rant! Hadda tell ya'll!

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  • #83


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Ok guys. He has totally gone off of his food, or so I thought this morning. I assist fed him 6-7mL of pureed Hi Tor after he refused fresh out of the can Hi Tor (He NEVER refuses -that-) and he won't touch his temptations of purina one. Soooooo... umm.... I went to the store and was getting can food for the outside cats and when I got home I fed them, I got Friskies, all different types. I had opened a can of Lamb and Rice in Gravy and had some left over, so I put it on a plate to see if Chickster would eat it, no dice. So I took it upstairs and thought, he's not eating ANYTHING and I can't assist feed him a full belly because he starts to get really ornery and upset and is spitting a lot of it out. So I gave him the plate.

You guys, he went nutso and ate all the gravy off of every single piece, then ate quite a few pieces of the meat. He's grooming himself now and purring. My question is ...... how bad is it that he just ate Friskies? I had read on Tanya's CRF site that Friskies isn't that terrible of a wet food, it's maybe not the most ideal but I wouldn't think that a temporary go of it this weekend to keep him eating =something= would be too detrimental?

He ate the first time, then left the room, then catapulted himself onto the desk to eat some more and now has come back for even more. There was altogether about 2 tablespoons maybe of it on the plate, and he's down to a little over 1 tablespoon with no gravy left. He's eating meat now.

I'm really happy to see him eating but at the same time scared as crap ....

thank you so much
Also, oddly, he's not wincing at this food like it is hurting him like he does with the Hi Tor. Maybe because of the texture? His food isn't cold when I give it to him ever.
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  • #84


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Disheartened this morning. Boo's breath smells like ammonia. It was smelling like dead animal, but that smell is gone. There is no food stuck in his site right now that I can see, it's just bright red in the center, and it's bleeding a bit and it has a bit of puss/clear fluid coming out. I gently touched it with a q-tip. Making it even worse is that his lip/inner cheek at that site lays over the extraction site covering it up (Unless he's eating I guess) So I guess the antibiotic is working, but I'm just upset about the ammonia smell. I've never noticed him having that before.

I mixed Hi Tor into his Friskies and he ate it. So going to try to put more Hi Tor than Friskies. monday can't get here soon enough.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Any food is better than no food. Give him what he wants to eat, is my advice. He needs to keep up his strength.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I don't know about CRF, but I know kitties need to eat. I'm with Otto - I'd give him whatever he'll eat. When Tuxie became very anemic, he lost interest in eating. The vet said - I don't care WHAT it is - figure out what he'll eat.

It was shrimp. Horrible for kitties when that's all they eat - but that's what he would eat. Jump shrimp, boiled, cooled, and mushed into mush with warm shrimp water.

Now that he's fine, we cannot bring shrimp into the house - even for ourselves. He goes NUTS for it - and will literally cry for MONTHS for it after we ate it, so no more shrimp. But if he ever won't eat again, we know what will do the trick!
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  • #88


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Boo's been eating Friskies (Now it's Turkey dinner in gravy) mixed with Hi Tor still, and his energy is wowzers. Everywhere he goes he trots quickly and he still has not had a collapse again. he's been begging to go outside and doing well with his medicine. We did have a potential crisis when I told Mom I would give him his Buprenex at 4pm (I was laying down at 3:30, set alarm for 4, give him his Buprenex and go back to sleep) By the time I got ready to lay down it was already close enough to 4 that I just gave it to him. It's .1 on the syringe, and Dr. Pierce said she was going to give me a very low dose. When I woke up about 9:45pm Mom said she had given him his medicine. I said WHAT!!! I gave him his medicine at about 3:45! "Well you didn't wake up when your alarm went off!" I told you I was going to give him his medicine !! I freaked but Boo was absolutely fine. He didn't even look stoned like usual. So this was 5 hours afterwards and he was fine. Eating, running to the pan, drinking water. He was fine. So Mom's not allowed to help out anymore

When going out he's been rubbing on my legs and purring. More like himself. His extraction site is looking really great due to the antibiotics. One night this past week he was on the back of the lounge chair and he was bumping me on the head. I was just

So he goes this morning. It is very weird that I am actually excited about this and ready to get it done. And I do not think I will cry when I drive away from the place like I did at the old place. I'm going to visit him every day and take his blankie, litter, catfood with him so he will eat and pee while he is there. And his LRS bag too (fresh) ... So much to do this morning!!!

Will let you know how things go!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Best wishes to BooBoo this morning

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  • #91


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I'm sorry to hear that Mews, I hope Coco will be ok.

I was strangely not worried at all about him when they took him off from me, and signed the anesthesia papers and paid a bit on the account, and then went back home! I miss him soooooo much, he is 15 miles away from me right now. Can't wait to get him home and fattened up!
I will be visiting him tomorrow after 1 o clock so I will update then. Chickster seems to not notice too much yet. I am going to clean up my room so it will be nice and fresh for his return.
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  • #93


TCS Member
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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
Letting you guys know, Boo came through surgery like a champ. Went and visited him and he was still a little loopy and trying to get out of his cage but is doing ok. Kept twisting his IV up but otherwise has all the nurses in love with him. The vet even took pictures with a camera of his mouth to show me what she had done before and after, and took 5 x-rays throughout. I was so amazed she was so thoughtful to as taken pictures.
But it looks great. She said his other teeth look fine, they could do with a dental but they weren't bad enough to be done right then and she didn't want to keep him under any longer than necessary due to his CRF.
Bonus: I get to bring him home today instead of tomorrow, since he is flopping about in his cage and generally keeping the nurses busy untangling his IV line. He should be un-dopey when I pick him up in an hour and a half. So happy!!!

Meanwhile she will be emailing me a copy of the x-ray so I can have it for other things and get the other matter in order. Here's to hoping Boo can put on some weight and be his old self again!!!

Thank you all


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Wonderful news! I've been anxiously awaiting the news of how his surgery went. (thought it was yesterday!)
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  • #96


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
I didn't think they'd let him go home until tomorrow which was the plan (Wednesday) But she said since he was being so rambunctous in the cage (twisting his iv line all to poop) that maybe it would be alright to let him come home. He's been fine. He drank a LOAD of water, tinkled in his carrier on the way home (What IS it about Boo? He will not pee at the vet's if he can help it!) And ate some Friskies. They said he ate Friskies at the vet like it was running away from him. He's resting now and I took the tape off of his little arm where they stuck the IV.

I am so glad to have him home and he looks like he is actually comfortable and resting now. Thanks you all


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
So glad Booboo is home where he belongs and all is well.
It's awful when they are in hospital.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 8, 2010
O'Fallon, IL
I'm glad Boo is home and all is well. He's more comfortable at home I'm sure.

I hate it when they have to stay at the hospital. I swear I called 10 times a day for updates the week Mama was in the hospital(it was 30-40 miles away so I couldn't go visit her.)

I know about the "I'm not peeing at the vet's" thing, Nuts does it too.

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  • #99


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Jan 28, 2008
Central North Carolina
He's doing ok. He is eating like a pig but his eyes are still a little squinty. His nose is running a bit too. He hasn't done much but laid on the back of the lounge chair on top of my half put together knitted crazy quilt and refuses to be covered up. Otherwise, I guess I am going out to get more Friskies because that's what he goes nuts over. They call it kitty crack for a reason I suppose!

thanks everyone


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Boo, you're such a good boy! Keep eating and drinking - it makes mommy so happy!

Aw - such a relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your new vet sounds SO wonderful!

Enjoy eating now Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!