Birthday Boy, Theodore (1st Birthday)

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  • #22


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Feb 4, 2019
Northeast USA
I’m eyeing the tiger hair cut has a possible for my mom’s fluffy rag doll mix if she starts overheating this summer. Luckily her hair isn’t as quite long as poor Theo (at least her under coat isn’t)

They have some great hair cuts for fluffy cats now instead of just shaving them. The dragon is edgy and one where they leave the fur long on the mane/head/chest but shave everything else.
i could never do that to my beautiful Theo. I constantly tell him he has a gorgeous coat and I think he feels the same. The reason I get cats with long fur is because I love the look. So, why cut it off? Yes, it is more work but, the bonding the grooming gives me is worth it and then some! He LOVES to be combed and he purrs the whole time i am bathing him.


TCS Member
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Mar 27, 2017
She is a rescue mix and she overheats when playing. Hotter weather is coming so I was thinking of her comfort. (she is my mom’s teen kitty and my mom does not have AC.)

If you have AC and Theo puts up with baths well, then yeah keeping his pretty locks would be worth it.

I love his ‘I still haven’t forgiven you for the blow dryer’ pose by the the sliding glass door!
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Feb 4, 2019
Northeast USA
She is a rescue mix and she overheats when playing. Hotter weather is coming so I was thinking of her comfort. (she is my mom’s teen kitty and my mom does not have AC.)

If you have AC and Theo puts up with baths well, then yeah keeping his pretty locks would be worth it.

I love his ‘I still haven’t forgiven you for the blow dryer’ pose by the the sliding glass door!
I am fortunate that I live in the "Great White North" so it doesn't get terrible hot here much at all.

Oh, and the glare was about the camera. LOL He gets tired of me pointing the camera at him and he will whack it pretty good. I had it close enuff that he almost swatted it. You can see in the photos progression that he settles back a little as I backed away. In the first photo I was on the verge of a swat! LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Thanks for the explaination. The only times I got my cats wet were -1- found shrimp in someone's trash can, 2- another cat mom taught the other two how to bath and missed teaching him, twice getting wet worked, -3- third cat = heat exhaustion.

The heat exhaustion cat I'd gotten as a premi. I started brushing him with a human baby brush - the one like a powder puff. Everyone swore if I started brushing early enough he'd love being brushed. He didn't even have any hair when I started with the powder puff brush. He hated it from the get-go. He fought, he clawed, and when he was bigger that was it. You are very fortunate in Theo.

Mine overheated in the summer. My cats were all rescues. one kitten actually came and scratched at the front door. I never had the time to think about what I liked best in a cat. Now that things have slowed down I realize what I like best is the cat who needs me.

The cat I like second best is the one whose beautiful pictures I can see. I do adore seeing Theo.
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  • #26


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Feb 4, 2019
Northeast USA
Thanks for the explaination. The only times I got my cats wet were -1- found shrimp in someone's trash can, 2- another cat mom taught the other two how to bath and missed teaching him, twice getting wet worked, -3- third cat = heat exhaustion.

The heat exhaustion cat I'd gotten as a premi. I started brushing him with a human baby brush - the one like a powder puff. Everyone swore if I started brushing early enough he'd love being brushed. He didn't even have any hair when I started with the powder puff brush. He hated it from the get-go. He fought, he clawed, and when he was bigger that was it. You are very fortunate in Theo.

Mine overheated in the summer. My cats were all rescues. one kitten actually came and scratched at the front door. I never had the time to think about what I liked best in a cat. Now that things have slowed down I realize what I like best is the cat who needs me.

The cat I like second best is the one whose beautiful pictures I can see. I do adore seeing Theo.
Thank you and I will tell Theo that he has another fan. Theodore was an only kitten and his mother's only litter. He had no playmates so he got used to playing with hoomans. He is pretty demanding when it comes to play. He stays right at my side until I settle down in my desk chair which is when he goes to his window upstairs. He talks to me incessantly and he will answer when I talk directly to him. He always has a word when he comes down to check on me. LOL I think he is smart. He was easy to train and learned fast what NO means. He does seem to want to please me. He is a joy.
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  • #27


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Feb 4, 2019
Northeast USA
I forgot to note the comb you used. I was always told by breeders to NEVER use a hooman type brush. Only use a stainless steel "Greyhound" comb. I have 3 that I have aquired over the years. I also use a 'Flea comb" with fine teeth. A bristle type brush will charge the coat with static and cause it to clump and pull more. A comb like these would have been better. It is probably too late now. But, even Theo fights me when I try to do his belly and back legs. I give him a catnip toy to attack. It helps.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
The human brush was a human infant brush, really as soft as a powder puff for your bald human infant. When he grew some fur, I used a soft cat brush with rubbery twines, then when he got a lot of fur, (also some angora in there, so that makes two of mine who suffered from it) one with springy metal twines. I finally gave up and got round nosed baby scissors and cut the mats out. sometimes we had to go to the vet to get them to help. But we managed. He did pretty well, though he was annoyed I wouldn't let him chase the neighbor's dogs.
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Feb 4, 2019
Northeast USA
The human brush was a human infant brush, really as soft as a powder puff for your bald human infant. When he grew some fur, I used a soft cat brush with rubbery twines, then when he got a lot of fur, (also some angora in there, so that makes two of mine who suffered from it) one with springy metal twines. I finally gave up and got round nosed baby scissors and cut the mats out. sometimes we had to go to the vet to get them to help. But we managed. He did pretty well, though he was annoyed I wouldn't let him chase the neighbor's dogs.
I like the part about chasing the neighbor's dogs. LOL