Been in hospital


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Right Behind You
I have acid reflux, bile reflux, colonic inertia, hiatal hernia, and gastritis! I have some wicked digestive problems! my heartburn is so bad Im suppose to take two protonix a day, general people take only one! That doesn't seem to help me though my bravo surgery showed it did! I get pain that is so intense it affects my breathing (which is bad on the daily as is) and it send shooting pain into my back! My gi said the intense back pain is due to both of my reflux issues because the back is in the general area, the esophagus is radiating all that pain into all the general locations! I have had in my life so far 3 endoscopies, one was a bravo surgery and 2 colonoscopies! For some reason I found that pepto helps me better than the protonix and the gaviscon... I am suppose to take gaviscon before I eat (in addition 2 my two protonix a day)! Have you ever checked into getting a wedge for your bed (wedge pillow).? I haven't because they are expensive! Try to avoid eating at least 3 hours before bedtime... Of course Im sure you have a list of all the things to avoid... fried foods, caffine, spices, etc! I did want to let you know I feel your pain... I also have MVP which sometimes causes me chest pain... In addition to heartburn it is no fun! Definitely see the GI, this is not normal!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 3, 2006
Big Apple Country
Sorry to hear that you're feeling so horrible! I hope you'll feel good soon!

See a gastroenterologist ASAP (GI specialist).

If you have stomach acid problems that are severe, and are not already taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), ask your doctor about starting one, e.g. Protonix (the generic names of this class of Rx ends in -prazole, e.g. pantoprazole or omeprazole). There are other acid reducers out there, but PPIs are mostffective.

Ask your doctor about specific foods to avoid, e.g. chocolate, fatty foods; these can delay gastric emptying, increasing the possibility of reflux. Also, he/she should help you come up with an eating schedule, e.g. more frequent small meals.

This may not apply to you, but: If you're overweight at all, lose weight (as though that were easy!!
) Helps a lot with GERD.

Your GI doctor should probably do an upper endoscopy to look at the inside of your stomach, esp. if you have a bleeding ulcer. The last thing you want is for the ulcer to perforate your stomach and hit an artery (sorry to be so ominous). Also, prolonged acid erosion of your stomach-esophagus junction can potentially lead to esophageal cancer 10-20 yrs down the line -- which you definitely don't want! Your doc can also check to make sure it's not other organs causing the pain, e.g. pancreatitis can cause a nasty pain radiating to the back.

You shouldn't have to suffer like this.
GOOD LUCK! And Be Well!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 11, 2005
North Texas
Oh how painful it sounds. I have no other suggestions, just lots of healing <<vibes>> and hope you get to feeling better soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 26, 2005
Originally Posted by KitEKats4Eva!

Yep - bleeding ulcer. Man, the pain. Honestly I was going through stages where I thought I had cancer the last two weeks (although I know that's a bit extreme...). The next day I was feeling so weak and pathetic, but I was starving so I had a mandarin and a banana. Then I hopped in the shower to try to make myself look presentable for work and threw the whole lot up before I could help myself. Not pleasant. But I've been eating normally since then and haven't had any recurrences. Hopefully the specialist will be able to sort it out for me.

I think what you have is almost worse in a way - there must be nothing more uncomfortable than a constant choking sensation and then throwing up all the time
I'll be ok.
you just learn to live with it after awhile.I went and had the endoscopy done and was told I have GERD.I have tried everything from avoiding certain foods and drinks, to sleeping on 2 pillows at night so my head is propped up.
With Seth's incident, I haven't went back to my Dr about the reflux.I know what he will say and I just don't have the $$$ or the time.........who can take time out for a surgury when you have sick kids at home?

I hope you're able to figure something out SOON and get the very much needed relief that you deserve.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
About 20 yrs ago I was diagnosed with duodenal ulcer. Nights were the worst-I would "sleep" kneeling over the bed. The baking soda thing does work but its gotta be in warmish water about 4 oz then I drink another few ounces and then pace around the house waiting for the burps!! I had a couple of triggers on my ulcer-pizza was the worst. Also when it acted up I had to avoid caffiene, alcohol for two weeks. Also aspirin and nictotine are to be avoided too.
I hope the docs can pinpoint a cause for you.
Get a couple blocks of wood and put them under your bed's headboard to prop you up when you sleep.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Right Behind You
Originally Posted by crittermom

I'll be ok.
you just learn to live with it after awhile.I went and had the endoscopy done and was told I have GERD.I have tried everything from avoiding certain foods and drinks, to sleeping on 2 pillows at night so my head is propped up.
With Seth's incident, I haven't went back to my Dr about the reflux.I know what he will say and I just don't have the $$$ or the time.........who can take time out for a surgury when you have sick kids at home?

I hope you're able to figure something out SOON and get the very much needed relief that you deserve.
2 pillows is not sufficient! No matter how many pillows you use it doesn't give you the elevation you need. Get a wedge if you can... my GI is awesome and recommended it... All three of the GI's I had said pillow proping is not effective! Surgery isn't highly recommended for any digestive issues due to risks and there isn't a high success rate of improvement (3 of my gi's told me it is only used in extreme situations) I don't need it, and I have severe acid reflux, bile reflux, gastritis, colonic inertia, and a hiatal hernia!

Here is a link to wedges! It is highly recommended!

I have been seeing GI's yearly since I was 19 (I am now 24)!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 26, 2006
Originally Posted by crittermom

My hubby uses 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water for it.Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww he says it works, cause you burp really loud and then feel better.I tried it once,and threw up.
I am using Prilosec 2 times a day and 4-6 Pepcid AC
So, I know what you're going through.I think the worst part is at night,waking up with the acid in the back of your throat choking you.
I talked to Mom and she said her's was hormonal related. The prilosec helped big time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
I have severe GERD (so bad it's caused hiatial hernias- i also have a lot of other GI issues though so i can not get surgery to fix my GERD symptoms because of that.) I have had to completly change my diet to eliminate foods that cause my symptoms and cut way back on them. The ONLY thing that has helped me is a double dose of Zegarid. I take one in the morning and one at night and it keeps me for the most part symptom free. Definitely ask your doctor about Zegarid!! Nothing else has helped me (tums, pepcid, prilosec, prevacid, nexium- nothing else!) Zegarid has been a total life saver for me
And it's great to be able to sleep at night and function during the day without having to constantly deal with GERD symptoms. I pray your doctor finds something that can help you
I know Zegarid helped me!- i hope it can help you too
It takes a few days to really get into your system- but once it does you will really (hopefully!) start to see a difference in your quality of life