Babysitting! Never again!


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Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2008
Northern Virginia
Ugh. So normally I adore spending time with our little nephews. No more.

First, I spent the last three days scrubbing my house, and making thanksgiving dinner for everyone (we had thanksgiving friday). Then, my fiance's family showed up for maybe 3 hours, long enough to eat and run. His sister asked pretty please if I could watch her boys for the night (ages 2.5 and 7 months). Being the nice person I am, I said sure! I was informed that the older boy, Kaiden, finally sleeps through the night. That Michael was a hellion and cried constantly. This is not what I experienced.

Also, please note that not the best mom out there. I went through the diaper bag, no pants for either boys other than what they are wearing. Only one bottle for the baby (I have extra formula) but no bottle brush to scrub said bottle. Also, no toys for Kaiden, and only a single rattle and a play pen for Michael.

Ugh. Kaiden was pretty good till bed time, and went right to sleep. I was ecstatic, expecting the fights we used to have with him. Michael on the other hand, was awake till midnight. Midnight! He has no schedule at home, and when I asked how often she feeds him she said "when he screams" Ugh. Luckily, he is not the horrible crying child that his mom and grandma make him out to be, but amusing him until midnight when I was dead tired was not fun.

Half an hour later, Kaiden is half awake and crying. He wants his cup. He wants his blanket off. Then he wants his blanket on. Ugh. Finally get him to calm down and sleep some more. 2.30 rolls around. Kaiden is doing the same thing. Finally get him out again. Now it is 6, and Michael needed a bottle, Kaiden needed his cup filled, and Quinn needed outside (it is cold out there!)

Now, I know that this could have been a thousand times worse, and that Kaiden is expected to be upset waking up in a strange house, but the lack of schedule for Michael, and mom's inattentiveness to everything they will need makes me think- never again!

Also, my poor kitties are locked in the spare room for the night. They are not happy. But, since the baby and Kaiden are sleeping in the living room, I didn't want to risk Ringo thinking "Oooh, baby faces make excellent pillows!" So, in the spare room they went. My dog also randomly jumped up next to me and peed on the couch last night. She has never done this. It was not a fun time.

So any way, as much as I love these boys, and as much as I want my own babies...I just can't bring myself to babysit them ever again, lol


TCS Member
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Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Oh honey, NOT a fun night! But, you're right, it could have been worse. Yeah, it doesn't sound like their mother has it all together. I mean, I'm not a mom but even I know that you pack a change of clothes because kids will be kids and diapers aren't perfect. Take today to relax, regroup and SLEEP!


TCS Member
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Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
There is no amount of money large enough for me to say "yes" when someone asks me to babysit their kids!

I tell people that I have a perpetual allergy to children and stay far and away from them!


TCS Member
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Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
Originally Posted by laceface

Also, please note that not the best mom out there.
A polite way to say that the parents need to act more like parents which is the heart of the problem! I'd wager that your nephews act the exact same way with their parents. The kids need a routine, and there are many ways to continually and gently guide the children's behavior into a restful night for everyone. There's really no excuse these days, with the internet, the info is there for the trying.
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Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2008
Northern Virginia
Yep, that's what drives me crazy. Turns out the shirts that were in there for Michael were 0-3 months... he is 7 months, and waaay too big for those. So, he had his pants from the previous day, and a zip up sweatshirt till we got them home.

It does drive me very crazy. I adore kids, and I love those boys. But it is SO stressful. To add to the fun, when we were packing up to go home, their car seats drove me up the wall. Michael has really outgrown his baby seat, and the straps on Kaiden's were too low for him, so I just felt completely unsafe. I need my own babies to spoil, that can be safe, with a routine, and fun to be around!


TCS Member
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Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by SwampWitch

There's really no excuse these days, with the internet, the info is there for the trying.
The problem is that you don't need a license to breed! And there are many people producing kids that have no business doing so because they are too irresponsible. It's easy to say "Let's have a baby!" But they don't give thought to anything that comes with that responsibility.


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May 22, 2002
new york city
Originally Posted by Natalie_ca

It's easy to say "Let's have a baby!" But they don't give thought to anything that comes with that responsibility.
And many couples don't even think that. In other words, tons of babies (and grown babies) out there are the result of unplanned pregnancy. (a.k.a. "oops" babies)


TCS Member
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Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
Oh dear - not fun at all! And puppies and kittens are SOOO much easier to babysit

You'll have to plan on just future day hours and not overnight ones.


TCS Member
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Nov 25, 2008
This is crazy. I would never agree to babysit a kid younger than 5 overnight...let alone a 7 month old!! I think it's stressful for kids that young to have to go through not having their mother there overnight. And even for older kids for that matter..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2006
I have been in situations of babysitting like that, one thing I give my sis credit for her kids are always sent with enough stuff they are just wild at times. But I have a friend who at 25 I think, has five kids and the oldest is 7 and she never sends enough clothes with them and when they get to me they are always hungry and needng of baths and I think why have babies if you can't care for them. And I guess my wanting kids makes it worse.


TCS Member
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Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
Originally Posted by c1atsite

Whenever I hear this I always think sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Or both.
Hmmm. I have 3 children aged 8, 4 and 3 and I don't let them have sweets or anything with "crap" in most of the time. Once a week I take them to the sweet shop and they have a 20p mix each, really not much. My kids are polite and well behaved but yes they can get over excited and mis-behave at times. It cannot be always blamed on e-numbers and sugar. I admit most of the time when they do play up it is my fault as I tend to give in but I will be no way labelled as a bad parent. I cook 7 days a week and try to make sure that they have veg and basically a decent meal atleast 6 days out of 7. I love my kids, I chose to have them but believe me its flippin hard at times.
I am 27, a full time housewife and when I worked full time I have never worked so hard as I do now, I miss work, my kids are worth every effort and I am proud of what I have, there are people out there who cannot have children and people out there that have brrods and don't give a stuff, believe me, I know, there is a two kids at my sons school and it makes me cry because they are in a bad situationa nd their mum doesn't give a poo, it breaks my heart.
I think this thread has gone Off topic but I just wanted to say my piece really, not all mums with kids that play up occasionally are bad mums.xx

tara g

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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Originally Posted by Kailie

Awww hun, this thread is one of the MANY reasons I'm sticking to kitties!
!!! I do not babysit at all. Sometimes I have a hard enough time just dealing with my friend's kid when I hang out with her because the child acts like she's on a sugar high all the time
I have never really been "kid friendly", and was forced to babysit my half-sister's kids one night, O.M.G. That is what ended my willingness to ever watch any child! I got cursed at (by a 5 year old
, screamed at, bit, hung off of, etc.

The mom that dropped the kids off with you seemed quite ill-prepared!!!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Originally Posted by calico2222

I think that's just kids being kids. Lord, I would KILL for their energy right now!
Same here! I watch my grandchildren go and go and go and I'd give anything to be able to do that!

A few months ago, we were in a restaurant with friends. There was a couple sitting close by with three kids, who simply did not know the meaning of the word "behave". They were screaming, running around the place, crawling in the aisles. You name it; they did it. One server almost tripped over the one kid. And the parents just sat there eating, totally oblivious to their children.

Not too far away from that family, sat another family, also with three young kids, all boys. Those boys were wonderful. They sat there quietly. They ate their dinner. They were fantastic. I had to....I stopped and chatted with them and told them all that their parents had to be incredibly proud of them because they were just super boys. The parents smiled and thanked us. Sometimes it's nice to be complimented, simply because your kids are well-behaved.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
Originally Posted by c1atsite

Whenever I hear this I always think sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Or both.
A friend of mine's sister is allowed to have as many sweets as she can at 7...I was babysitting her once, it was night time and her mom had to work. She said basically she helps herself to whatever she wants in the fridge and pantry- there were frozen dinners if she wanted a meal, but she never touched anything besides candy the whole time I was there. And before going to sleep of course I was instructed not to forget to give her her ADHD medicine....I was just appalled, it was just like out of the Green Day song Jesus of Suburbia - " a steady diet of soda pop and ritalin"

Of course my cousin is even more wild than the little girl I babysat even though he eats real food.