Artie and his Issues

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kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Not really. Yes you do get a "summary " ; however , I was specific and asked for the exact reports. Now to find them. If not, I will make a trip over there and get them myself. Even if I have to make a scene.

There are no specific rules for x-rays. You can get the reports and sometimes copies of the X-rays.
Physical X-rays are a part of the record that each vet has to keep for a set amount of time for any animal treated. Veterinarians must give clients the full records as specified by your state. I mean uniform rules would never do. Since physical x-rays are part of that record they can usually only be loaned. Most are on CD now and a copy can be made. The BBB will do little for you.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Not really. Yes you do get a "summary " ; however , I was specific and asked for the exact reports. Now to find them. If not, I will make a trip over there and get them myself. Even if I have to make a scene.

There are no specific rules for x-rays. You can get the reports and sometimes copies of the X-rays.
That's good, having the actual records.  Switching to the human experience a doctor wanted to repeat a test on my daughter.  She had the test years before but it was either during or just before a transition time when they went from looking at the chromosomes for damage to measuring the repeats in the gene that causes the damage.  Having the actual test result copy showed she had the newer test and therefore didn't need to take it again.  Switching back to the cat experience, having a really nice old vet who faxed the records to the new vet allowed the vet to figure out exactly what mammary tissue was removed from where and where the incision was exactly.  That allowed her to say a lump was in just the right area to possibly be scar tissue so watchful waiting was a real option.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Glad the appointment went well
Did N vet change any of Artie's meds or doses? Did he say anything about Artie's poop issues?


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I couldn't wait to get home and find out how your appointment with the N Vet went today.  I just knew it would go well but it sounds like it even exceeded your expectations.  Pushing the cart in himself and telling you to call if you don't hear from him.  Wow, that's unbelievable!  You are in good hands and should sleep soundly tonight.  I'm sure Artie is happy and content too knowing he is in good hands. You are the best for being his advocate and never giving up. Kudos mom. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Physical X-rays are a part of the record that each vet has to keep for a set amount of time for any animal treated. Veterinarians must give clients the full records as specified by your state. I mean uniform rules would never do. Since physical x-rays are part of that record they can usually only be loaned. Most are on CD now and a copy can be made. The BBB will do little for you.
@Kittens Mom  is definitely the resident expert on Evil and/or Incompetent Vets.  She's good at getting things done.

I am SO thrilled that this went even better than one might have expected!  You are now the Captain of Team Artie, and there is a REAL Quarterback on board!  Of course, the cheering section is always here.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Glad the appointment went well :woohoo: Did N vet change any of Artie's meds or doses? Did he say anything about Artie's poop issues?
We are keeping everything the same for now. The lactulose is at a minimal amount. It seems he is fairly stable right now. Having the echo is paramount. After the cardio; we can then begin with trying to change things around and cutting back
Or increasing some meds or adding more sub-q's. Or even switching up his food.

It seems we are pretty much starting from on square one. N Vet did say he is on a lot of meds. The id a of a novel protein diet is to eliminate the steroid. In Artie's case his dose has remained the same since 2015. It may need some tweaking.

He may not even have a motility issue. It may be from the IBD or something else.

The pathology report seems to be very important. I need to get that.

He had minimal poop on palpation, although he left a huge heat in the litter box tonight. Amazingly so much came out of him. It was huge!! Nine inches of poop
In a heart/pretzel shape.

It is all trial and error. So we begin again. This time I feel really confident and comfortable. And peaceful. And have faith.

Artie did not mind the commute home. He was really good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
We are keeping everything the same for now. The lactulose is at a minimal amount. It seems he is fairly stable right now. Having the echo is paramount. After the cardio; we can then begin with trying to change things around and cutting back
Or increasing some meds or adding more sub-q's. Or even switching up his food.

It seems we are pretty much starting from on square one. N Vet did say he is on a lot of meds. The id a of a novel protein diet is to eliminate the steroid. In Artie's case his dose has remained the same since 2015. It may need some tweaking.

He may not even have a motility issue. It may be from the IBD or something else.

The pathology report seems to be very important. I need to get that.

He had minimal poop on palpation, although he left a huge heat in the litter box tonight. Amazingly so much came out of him. It was huge!! Nine inches of poop
In a heart/pretzel shape.

It is all trial and error. So we begin again. This time I feel really confident and comfortable. And peaceful. And have faith.

Artie did not mind the commute home. He was really good.
I'm sure Artie knew your were helping him and was enjoying the ride home because he probably sensed that you were happy and more confident.  They know us...

I'm so glad you'll get the answers you both need.  xoxohope


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Glad that you had a good appointment. Hoping you guys can get things set in a pattern and less meds. I don't think he has a mobility issue either-just from the improvements in the past 2 weeks. I hope things get better for you. All my cats calm down on the ride home. They scream and meowwww on the way but once we go to the vets they all sleep on the ride home. Except Honeybee...she has to get up high and look out the window. I have an old rug ontop of the dog cage that she climbs up and you can see her giving herself a bath and looking out the window..then comes walking on my lap to make biscuits a few times then goes back up on her perch. Knock on wood she hasn't had to deal with vets in 2 years.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie left me a pretzel in his box last night..

Gross picture for anyone, but what is poop?? we are all friends here?

It was 9 inches in total!!      OR you could say it was a HEART... for taking such good care of him..and for @LTS3  for all her help.

Today is a strange day for him. I know he is exhausted from yesterday.. He did try to pee 4 times this morning, and nothing came out!! I am not worried because there was a normal sized pee clump from the night.. 

I called The New Hospital and scheduled an appointment for a Cardiology Consult and Echocardiogram-- per N Vet's orders and what I was planning on doing anyway, in the spring, before all this happened..

They are really booked up!! especially for off of rush hour appointments.. We have to wait until March 28... this is just really a month.. They had one available the same day, at a different location.. but I would rather get it done in town at 11 am vs satellite at 4pm...I have an appointment with the secretary's own cardiologist.. so I feel good.. although, I honestly do not think there is a sub-par vet in that entire place. They have such a great reputation. 

I also went through all of Artie's Records from the Evil Hospital... I am so fanatical about getting copies of records.. so happy I am..

I found the pathology report, and the echocardiogram report!!!  should have taken them with me yesterday, but I cannot second guess myself. 

I just called and alerted the Vet Tech that I am faxing in these records for the N Vet.... so glad I spent the money for a combo printer/fax/scanner... It has really come in handy.. Fax went through--no problem at all...

Artie had a nice brushing.. he shed clumps of fur yesterday, after the appointment. I am thinking it is from him scratching where he had the blood drawn. He is resting on his cat tree right now.. lying in the sun. 

Soon I will be giving him his last med of the morning.. and then wash the dishes and give him his sub-q's... he needs to be completely relaxed for that..

He ate half a can of food last night.. he licked the bowl.. but if I leave more for him, I end up throwing it away....

I did find a pet store, in Virginia, which has some cans of the Hound & Gatos Lamb.. it is different labeling and is much more pure. It only has lamb in it.. no duck liver at all... strange.. I ordered 5 cans of it to try. It took a week to arrive. I am thinking of trying it over the week-end and see if he will eat it. If he does, then I will order a case from this store.. strange they have this, instead of the older stuff.

Unless this is going to be the new stuff??  

The label is in English and Spanish...The customer service rep at H &G told me last month that the food should be hitting the east coast in February.... this month he told me it would be in March when I would notice who knows????

whatever works... That is the saying of the New Vet... thank God.. 

It is a beautiful day here... sun, warmth.. 
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verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Hope you had a good nights sleep, you sound more positive about things today. So glad yesterday was good for you and Artie


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
No experience with cardiology and the vets but I know you and Artie are in good hands
The other location is even further away from you so I don't think you and Artie want an even longer drive there.

Nice pretzel poop, Artie
You must have felt really good after visiting with the N vet yesterday
Now let's have some pee.


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Wow.  That pretzel.  I have never seen anything like that come out of one of mine!  I am impressed!!!

Shortstack poos like a dog.  Seriously, it looks like a medium sized dog left a pile, they are that large.  My other two leave tootsie rolls, one larger, one smaller, and it's suitable to their size.  But a!

Way to go Artie!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
that's a good bm. Nothing wrong with the colon! All uniform in size and looks perfect consistency. no evidence of constipation. Honeybee makes big plugs. I am surprised at the size that comes out of a peanut like her. I keep her on canned pumpkin 3 times a week seems to work best. The organic pumpkin works better on her for some reason. And less works better. The other brands it's like she has to eat 3x the amount. she eats about 3 tablespoons full of non organic-the organic only needs a tablespoon or so. She loves pumpkin. She will lick for hours if I let her. She licks the squash babyfood too but not in a dish-has to be on mom's finger...same with wet foods..yuck! The pumpkin doesn't bother me-it doesn't smell food?! YuCK! Pumpkin makes pellets so we give miralax which makes it easier for her to expel and sometimes a good sized pile. as long as they are going and not puking I am happy!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
No experience with cardiology and the vets but I know you and Artie are in good hands
The other location is even further away from you so I don't think you and Artie want an even longer drive there.

Nice pretzel poop, Artie
You must have felt really good after visiting with the N vet yesterday
Now let's have some pee.
I really did not want to go to the other location, but if they had an appointment soon, then it could have been an option. I had to drive to that city for many of my shoulder/arm appointments..I know someone whose cat had an echo and cardio consult there. She loved the cardiologist; a very kind, caring person. 

Artie did listen to you, again... he peed... a nice clump.. 

Yes, that is the size of his poops since I have gotten him off the Nature's Variety I actually think the N Vet squeezed it out of him!!
. The N Vet did exam his belly really well, and for a while. not just a quick, quick..He was feeling for masses or any kind.. and to see how much poop was in him.. N Vet said that there was a 'nominal" amount of poop

Artie is resting.. I am not going to stress him out, because he had a stressful day yesterday.. He is not a kitten, so I do not want to tax him too much.. 

Not eating much.. but that is ok.. I am ok with it.. 

feel so much better.. whatever happens, will happen.. I now know I do not have to second guess anyone..I can go with the flow.. and respect their advice. 
   trust!! finally!!! 
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