Are You Offended When People Don't Compliment Your Cat?

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
I would not have been offended unless mine were the only ones in the room that were ignored. My own brother told one time that there was nothing special about my cats. I will never forgive him for saying that. The staff of the vets always made a big fuss about how sweet my carts were.
I wouldn't ignore them =)
We have two gorgeous cats and the rest are, tabbies, torties, short haired, nothing "special"..
People do make over one of our plain cats because he's just so danged friendly. Visitors come, the others kind of run off but he's right there in their faces, huge eyes, ears up, meowing like "oh hay, a new friend" and most people (even non cat people) are surprised at how friendly he is.
I shouldn't take it so personally but when people ignore them and make over others, it kind of hurts because these are "like" our kids. Sounds nuts but it is what it is. =)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 23, 2018
The vets assistant called my girl Shadow pretty the last time I was there. I was chatting with a guy in the waiting area at the vet and we both got our kitties back at the same time. He had the most adorable Siamese kitten so of course I was gushing over it. He didn't say anything about my cat but I was ok with that.
Shadow is a pretty cat but she doesn't have anything to prove to anyone. I love her more than anyone else could and that's really all that matters to me.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
The vets assistant called my girl Shadow pretty the last time I was there. I was chatting with a guy in the waiting area at the vet and we both got our kitties back at the same time. He had the most adorable Siamese kitten so of course I was gushing over it. He didn't say anything about my cat but I was ok with that.
Shadow is a pretty cat but she doesn't have anything to prove to anyone. I love her more than anyone else could and that's really all that matters to me.
Some people are shy about this and gushing isn't their "thing" but they may be admiring them from afar.
We used to foster puppies, we no longer do this, and I do remember the work...and the pee...and the noise..and the poop...and the pee and the noise and work and more poop and more poop and poop everywhere and puppies trampling in it and smearing poop and pee all over and Oh dear God the mess.
So I kind of prefer adult dogs to puppies for this reason. If I see a puppy out and about, I smile and say "how cute!" but don't really gush because I remember people saying "my husband/wife/partner said this puppy needs to GO" and saying "I'LL TAKE HIM!" and..the poop...the pee....
So when it comes to puppies, I admire them in my mind but don't say a word because I'm terrified I'll hear those dreaded "they have to GO" words and I'll be a complete idiot and say "OH I'LL DO IT AND FIND THEM A NICE HOME BECAUSE I LACK BRAIN CELLS."
Kittens are a different breed. I'd take a kitten any day in a heartbeat. There's some mess, some noise, but so little compared to a puppy (especially a large breed puppy).


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
United Kingdom
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It doesn't bother me if someone thinks my cat is gorgeous or it they think she's ugly. I think she's fantastic and that's all that matters to me.

However, I don't oppose someone if they think she's beautiful.
Yes I agree with you. It doesn't matter what ppl say about our cats either. Whether they comment or not, we think they are beautiful. Every cat is beautiful whether stunning to look at or not. What one person likes another person doesn't. Maybe we have thick skins but we don't really worry about about other peoples opinions in life of course it's nice to have comments said, but if people don't comment,we don't give it another thought. If I see an animal that I particularly like I always comment, esp in the vets, I could talk about animals all day. I find them fascinating, much more interesting than people


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
United Kingdom
My cat never gets complimented unless it's by a couple family members :bawling: No one ever cares to see pictures of her and she doesn't like strangers, so few visitors ever see her. Since she's just your average tabby no one pays attention to her at the vet, and the only special attention she gets from vet techs is when they find out her age and are very impressed with her health. I comfort myself by remembering that she's too good for all of them anyway. She's a strong, confident kitty and she doesn't need validation from anyone
That's fantastic that she's in good health strong and confident too, that's all that matters and totally agree she doesn't need validation . She's obviously looked after well and that is biggest thing she's happy n loved


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
What really annoys me is when people meet Keith (who is VERY sociable) and they admire and make over him and ask what breed he is. I tell them DLH or alleycat;) and then they just say "Oh." and completely dismiss him. As if not having a pedigree makes him NOTHING!:angryfire::censored: It's the same cat you thought was amazing 2 seconds ago!
These people are not invited back to our home. I only want good vibes in our house.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I don't worry about it. When I bring Mollipop to the vet, they all do ooh and awww over her, but I think that's more because she was born at the vet and they were all used to her being there. I brought her home when she was 6-7 weeks old. So when she goes in, they all talk about her, how pretty she is, they can't believe she's that old, etc. I walk into the waiting area and I'm expected to take her out of her carrier because the receptionists and techs all want to see her. But again, she was kind of their baby before she became my baby. And, of course, she really is a gorgeous cat. ;)

As for as other clients commenting on her or the other kids, it's rare. I tend to stay away from them; most of them have dogs and I'm not much of a dog person. And I always put Molli back in her carrier anyway while we're waiting for appt. Now, when I'd bring the Queen B in, she immediately got out of her carrier and would sit in my lap in the waiting room, looking disdainfully at the dogs walking around, whining, and barking. Everybody noticed Banshee, simply because she had that attitude. She almost demanded to be noticed, even when she was just sitting there quietly.

When people come to the house, if they say something about my kids, that's fine. If not, that's fine, too. As long as they allow the kids to sit on their laps, that's what matters to me most. If my kids can't sit on your lap, chances are you won't be invited back.


A cat's best friend
Super Cat
Jun 2, 2018
I can't count the times people have told me Daisy is beautiful. Seriously, I wonder why because she has only one layer of fur on her pink ears and they do not notice the tabby markings on the top of her head. I did not even want a white cat. She's the softest cat I ever had, but people who pet her don't fuss over how soft she is.

When I think later about people telling me Daisy is beautiful I wonder why people never said that about my last cat, a brown and white classic tabby. She was not a show-quality cat, but neither is Daisy.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
United Kingdom
What really annoys me is when people meet Keith (who is VERY sociable) and they admire and make over him and ask what breed he is. I tell them DLH or alleycat;) and then they just say "Oh." and completely dismiss him. As if not having a pedigree makes him NOTHING!:angryfire::censored: It's the same cat you thought was amazing 2 seconds ago!
These people are not invited back to our home. I only want good vibes in our house.
That's just mean when they say that, very rude!! Incidentally I've got pedigrees and have had several pedigrees also I've owned domestic shorthairs too. I would never dream of saying such an ignorant thing. Obviously the person ppl that make comments like that are obviously cat snobs. And who would ever want a snob in their house def not us


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
United Kingdom
I can't count the times people have told me Daisy is beautiful. Seriously, I wonder why because she has only one layer of fur on her pink ears and they do not notice the tabby markings on the top of her head. I did not even want a white cat. She's the softest cat I ever had, but people who pet her don't fuss over how soft she is.

When I think later about people telling me Daisy is beautiful I wonder why people never said that about my last cat, a brown and white classic tabby. She was not a show-quality cat, but neither is Daisy.
We had a pure white cat we called her Cilla white people laughed as said she should have been black n called villa black


A cat's best friend
Super Cat
Jun 2, 2018
People told me Patricia is a good name for a cat . . . after I read it means mother. That was a mistake.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 23, 2018
United Kingdom
People told me Patricia is a good name for a cat . . . after I read it means mother. That was a mistake.
I love choosing names for my animals we've had claudia Cilla moyles dasus dexter meesha Moses Kiki sooty Lita olly n now Luther n ZeusZeus


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I don't really think about it. The vet clinic that we go to is very efficient so we don't spend a lot of time in the waiting room and there often aren't multiple people in the waiting room. If someone has a particularly pretty and outgoing cat, I am a sucker for a Siamese, I will comment. If someone else is in the waiting room I will also comment on their cat but I know not everyone will think to do that so it doesn't bother me.


A cat's best friend
Super Cat
Jun 2, 2018
Seeing another cat in the waiting room is very rare. Once a guy brought his cat in with the carrier completely covered so I had to ask him if it was a cat or dog.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Nope I'm definitely not; but I haven't really encountered it that much anyway. The vet's office only has 3 exam rooms so there usually aren't too many other people in the waiting rooms. (Plus we mostly do home visits now.) The girls are usually laying in their carriers so not very visible anyway. Especially Noodles being solid gray; or shadow gray as I like to describe it. She just blends in. If it's winter or just bad weather; I often cover the carrier with a towel to keep them more sheltered and comfortable anyway.

If it's people at my home; as long as no one is rude I don't care. Just like people don't all go "ga ga" over babies; not everyone cares for cats/dogs/etc. That's their preference and there are much bigger things I'd rather spend my grievances on. :agree:

I think I have a low tolerance for getting offended as it is. Early in college DH and I had some mutual friends (one introduced us actually) and these guys were big on being offended. "I'm offended..blah blah blah." Translation: I'm upset so you have to pacify me. Big babies. :rolleyes3: All the time. :rolleyes3: Needless to say; we aren't friends anymore. I've learned to let stuff roll off my back. It's not worth my peace of mind. People don't have to have the right to spoil my mood unless I let them. So now I'll get off my own soap box! ;) :crazy:


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I don't get offended at all. I know how gorgeous and adorable my girls are and so do they. I remind them enough for everyone. I agree with MoochNNoodles MoochNNoodles . Not everyone is a pet person so it's all good. To each his own. Personally I'd rather look at pictures of people's pets than at pictures of their kids and I'd MUCH rather see a pet when out and about than a young child. The pet is likely to be better behaved.

I think I need to invent a theme park for adults and cats. Fun, cat friendly things to do and NO children allowed. :think: A cat cafe/adoption center would of course be included. :idea: