Are Aliens Among Us?


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Aug 6, 2018
I didn't know how to title this thread but I wanted to know how far into the "Alien Conspiracies" do you believe?
1) Earth is the only planet with life.
2) Many planets (in and out of our solar system) probably have microbial life.
3) Many planets have both microbial and intelligent (animal/humanoid) life.
4) Many planets have intelligent life and they have been to earth, and continue to do so.

I can't even fathom that earth is the ONLY planet in the universe that has's just not logical. I'll even go so far to say that other planets have intelligent life, and even that some of the older planets may even have more advanced technology than us.
Where I can't quite wrap my head around yet is if life from other planets in the far reaches of the universe have the ability to come to earth. Perhaps they have the technology to send "unmanned" drones and such, sort of like how we send out satellites and other technology to capture information from planets in our solar system, hence all the UFO sightings that can't be explained. But...unless warp speed and worm holes for time/space travel is actually possible, I don't think little green men have visited us. But who's to say that it's only because we have not evolved past our own understanding of the laws of physics......I do believe at the very least that their is probably "alien life" (past or present) on earth in the form of microbes from space debris that has hit earth.


Do you have any specific alien conspiracies that you believe or half believe or really want to believe because it's super cool?
EX: Area 51 - which has finally been admitted to exist.....took them long it an alien cover up base or simply a military base to develop advanced secret military technology, or perhaps that ancient civilizations had help from aliens to advance their technology. Were the pyramids made by aliens?
There are so many alien conspiracies and I love watching TV shows about "the unexplained" and UFOs and all that jazz.
So let's get our tinfoil hats on and talk aliens!

Katie M

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Jun 1, 2017
Kingwood, WV
I think alien life *somewhere* is likely. I don't believe we've been visited, however. There are too many logical explanations for UFO sightings.

I don't buy into any of the conspiracies, especially the ones about ancient astronauts. I think it's insulting to ancient peoples. Human ingenuity and strength created the pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Nazca Lines.


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I didn't know how to title this thread but I wanted to know how far into the "Alien Conspiracies" do you believe?
1) Earth is the only planet with life.
2) Many planets (in and out of our solar system) probably have microbial life.
3) Many planets have both microbial and intelligent (animal/humanoid) life.
4) Many planets have intelligent life and they have been to earth, and continue to do so.

I can't even fathom that earth is the ONLY planet in the universe that has's just not logical. I'll even go so far to say that other planets have intelligent life, and even that some of the older planets may even have more advanced technology than us.
Where I can't quite wrap my head around yet is if life from other planets in the far reaches of the universe have the ability to come to earth. Perhaps they have the technology to send "unmanned" drones and such, sort of like how we send out satellites and other technology to capture information from planets in our solar system, hence all the UFO sightings that can't be explained. But...unless warp speed and worm holes for time/space travel is actually possible, I don't think little green men have visited us. But who's to say that it's only because we have not evolved past our own understanding of the laws of physics......I do believe at the very least that their is probably "alien life" (past or present) on earth in the form of microbes from space debris that has hit earth.


Do you have any specific alien conspiracies that you believe or half believe or really want to believe because it's super cool?
EX: Area 51 - which has finally been admitted to exist.....took them long it an alien cover up base or simply a military base to develop advanced secret military technology, or perhaps that ancient civilizations had help from aliens to advance their technology. Were the pyramids made by aliens?
There are so many alien conspiracies and I love watching TV shows about "the unexplained" and UFOs and all that jazz.
So let's get our tinfoil hats on and talk aliens!
Out of curiosity, have you ever listened to Dr. Steven Greer? He is truly an expert on this and on alien encounters. I really like listening to him. He has been on the Art Bell show many times. I also follow up with MUFON a lot on UFO sightings.

I'm not sure how much to believe that aliens are abducting humans though. What would they want with us with the way we are fighting with each other and all. They may be observing us however. Mom and I have a joke that they probably are even dropping off their rejects here.
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TCS Member
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Aug 6, 2018
Mom and I have a joke that they probably are even dropping off their rejects here.
Do you have an example of what a reject is?
I'm half laughing but also very intrigued by that comment.
I watched a documentary (can't remember the name) that there are some researchers that believe that octopus, are in fact a result of alien life. There DNA is just SO different and unique, unlike any other animal on earth. I can't remember the details exactly, but I think it was that the octopus "evolved" on earth but that it is an "alien life" introduced to earth, perhaps from a meteor or something...again, I can't remember...that brought it here where it was able to survive and evolve from.
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Aug 6, 2018
If aliens ever came to Earth, we would all be super dead, obviously.
What do you mean by this? And are you specifically talking about an intelligent being or "life"?
Is it because the aliens would come in like in Independence Day, or that we would ultimately destroy ourselves out of sheer panic in trying to destroy them?
Or do you think that ALL life outside our planet's atmosphere is toxic or dangerous and would wipe out the human race like the plague?


TCS Member
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Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Well, pretty much all of the above, but specifically diseases. They don't have to be toxic---we wouldn't have any immunity to their viruses and bacteria. 90% of the North and South American population was wiped out when Europeans arrived, and that was on the same planet. Our bodies just don't handle novel cooties very well.

Unless---they were different enough from us that their bacteria couldn't affect us. Like if they were silicon-based instead of carbon-based or something like that.


Cat Food Bowl Referee
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Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
I would say that if aliens were coming here and advanced enough to do so they would also be advanced enough to not have diseases. But again why would they want to come HERE of all places. I think they probably lock their doors when they pass earth.

Considering there is no real proof of their existence or lack of all of this is just speculation though. They may not even exist but just for our own entertainment or they may. I'd like to think that if they existed they'd be like the Klingons, Vulcans and Bajorans from Star Trek.
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TCS Member
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Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
they would also be advanced enough to not have diseases
I'm not sure that's possible for organic life. But even if that were true, they'd need to have gut bacteria if their bodies were anything like ours, and Earth wouldn't be able to handle that bacteria. Done in by alien poop. . . :lol:
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Aug 6, 2018


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Dec 28, 2017
London, England
I do think there's some form of life in space, because if there's life here on Earth, why not the other planets too? After all, we're also in the solar system. I don't think they're necessarily the green monsters the media has portrayed them as, but other organisms. I also have always had a theory that the government knows they exist, but aren't telling us because it would cause panic. Call me crazy!
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Jan 8, 2016
I'm with the theory that it's almost statistically impossible for there not to be life elsewhere, and probably lots of it! I don't think there's any evidence that we've been visited though.

I took a Frauds in Archaeology class once, and we debunked all of those History channel-type documentaries that talk about aliens visiting ancient civilizations. It's all routed in racism: the fundamental idea is that non-European cultures could not be that advanced on their own. But the reality is that many indigenous populations had advanced cities and technology while Europe was experiencing the dark ages.