Anti Social


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2010
I have never cared much for people, not even babies and children. But I have always been an animal lover, cats mostly. I have said and meant this many times that if I was able to rescue a person or a cat from a fire I would grab the cat.
The sad and explicit comercials for starving chldren and stuff like that have no effect on me. But they are running these commercials now about hurt and suffering animals, they play the saddest music and I cant bare to see the pictures and the darn thing lasts for a long time. I have to turn my tv off. I cant stand it!!
So does this mean I am a socio path? anti social?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I much prefer my cats, or even other people's pets to people. And I won't look at horror pictures or advertisements, and those kind of shock tactics make me want to give my money to anyone BUT the org running the shock ad. I already know the evil people do. Maybe it works on some people.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2010
I dont believe this, I made this thread maybe 45 minutes ago and that horrible commercial has been on 3 times!!! Makes me so mad!

trouts mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
I kind of feel the same way. I have a soft spot for animals...hopefully I feel a soft spot toward babies and children when we have them though


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
I feel the EXACT same way! I prefer animals over most people through and through. It's the same way when I watch a movie. People can be hurt, big deal, the bloodier the better, but if an animal gets hurt? I freak out!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2006
If you're anti-social, then I guess I am, too. Whenever one of those commercials about abused/neglected animals come on I have to change channels. I can't bear to watch them. I do feel terribly for the children who have nothing, but there are organizations all over the world that send help to the people who need it. The animals, on the other hand, are victims----they don't end up in horrible conditions because their family doesn't have anything. They end up in those situations (usually) because their "owner" let it happen to them. For the life of me, I will never understand how a person can abuse or neglect an animal. They look to us for care and companionship, they trust us implicitly and love us unconditionally. The people who abuse or neglect their animals are the ones that are anti-social.

My aunt used to say, "There's a special place in hell for people who hurt animals." She was one smart lady.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
No you are not crazy since in most cases I feel the same way. People can really hurt you in so many ways and that is why I don't have any close friends. I get along more with men tho since most of them treat me well. I also cannot watch those sad commercials and I do turn them off also. So no you are not the only one who feels as you do.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I feel the same way about those commercials, I hate them! I think they should take the money it costs them to run those so often and put it toward helping the animals. I don't know how effective they are.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
Originally Posted by Misty8723

I feel the same way about those commercials, I hate them! I think they should take the money it costs them to run those so often and put it toward helping the animals. I don't know how effective they are.
You just reminded me of another way some Humane Society spends money for no reason. I keep getting little gifts such as gloves, t-shirts or very pretty blankets with an envelope to send money for the animals. Why don't they just save all that money they spend on gifts and postage and put it towards the animals. That sure makes more sense to me. I donate yearly to the HSUS and sometimes to other organizations to help the needy animals.

Another thing I'm curious about is why don't all those singers in show business who love animals write and sing a song to make some money for our four-legged friends as in We Are The World. That would be another way to make some big bucks, wonder if any of those songwriters thought of that idea. I would buy it for sure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by LaRussa

You just reminded me of another way some Humane Society spends money for no reason. I keep getting little gifts such as gloves, t-shirts or very pretty blankets with an envelope to send money for the animals. Why don't they just save all that money they spend on gifts and postage and put it towards the animals. That sure makes more sense to me. I donate yearly to the HSUS and sometimes to other organizations to help the needy animals
Please donate to your local rescues and shelters instead, they help animals. HSUS is currently being investigated for fraud for using their funds for political uses while they have a tax exempt status (maybe they'll lose it, but I doubt it with how much money they've given out to politicians).

As for the commercials about starving children not affecting some people as much. That's probably just desensitization to some degree.
The HSUS commercials don't make me sad - they make me mad because they're an AR group manipulating people's emotions.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2010
I feel the same way about the comercials. They pick the saddessed possible music to play and the darn things last like 3 minutes! Which if you know or not, comercials are normally 60 seconds or less. They make me furious! I dont give money to anyone anywhere for any cause. I dont have enough to do that, but what I do I feel is more important, I help every way I can. My hubby and I could not tell you how many kitties show up at our door and we always take care of them till we find the right home for them. It is always a magical and wonderful experience cause we always find the perfect matches. And of course we are suckers and we have kept many ourselves. We currently have 6 of our own, all have just showed up.
One beautiful experience was several months ago. This gorgeous black kitty showed up at our door. We fed her and tried to bring her in but she was/is obviously a 1 cat home cat. My cats were fine but she was not happy. So we just kept taking care of her outside. I named her Sassy which to this day she lives up to that name. I dont quite know how it all came together but our neighbor 3 doors down and a nice elderly gentlman. He lives alone and is disabled. Well, Sassy and him fell in love and now they are both happier than ever. I dont know of a more perfect match than them!!!
I say rollin up your sleves and physically helping is better than giving money, especially if you are not 100% sure where that money is really going.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
I think these commercials are effective actually. A lot of them say nothing but the ugly hard truth, no one wants to hear it, and everyone wants to ignore reality and pretend that all of the furry little animals are there to just be cute and admired ...
I am not saying no one on here wants to hear it, I am sure we all know it but....there are people out there who don't, and dont' want to know.
So the commercials are likely having some effect on them. Although I am not talking about commercials that ask for donations, those are pretty dumb. I mean commercials that spread messages to stop dogfighting or to TNR ...I have seen a lot of those by the humane society! And I am glad they are there although they make me cry too..

As far as preferring animals to people friends I can relate. I Think for me specifically one reason why I feel that way could be because I've lost many pets, I know how painful it is. With people, I've been extremely fortunate so far in my life to have all of the people I love with me. I don't know what it's like to lose a child or loved one- so if I see a person dying or starving in a movie or commercial, it doesn't resonate with me in the same way..
The only movies I've ever cried on have been movies like Flicka, Marley and me, the beethoven movies when I was little, all movies with animals!! I have never cried watching a movie where people have died like Titanic or any of those typical movies people cry on...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by crazycatlady777

I say rollin up your sleves and physically helping is better than giving money, especially if you are not 100% sure where that money is really going.
Smaller local groups are usually safe since they don't have any aspirations for power..
And I agree. If you can actually see what the charity does, meet all the people involved (if you wish to), and get physically involved if you wish - it's usually a bit safer.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
I have three kids and 8 grandkids. I love my family to the moon and back. But my kitties are right up there too.

Whenever someone has a new baby and everyone is going nuts over the child and saying how cute...well human babies IMO are not cute. They are rather weird looking. Now a baby kitten.....OMG. When our cat Slick had 6 black and white kittens last March, I would lay on the floor with them and I would be covered in kittens. I can't think of anything better than that!

Humans have all the services available to them, but the animals don't. I think to rescue animals after a flood or terrible storm is such a noble thing. Those who love and help the innocent animals...well there is a special place in Heaven for them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 6, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
I am SO HAPPY to hear I am not alone. I have no real feeling for other humans--except cat people!! I just don't care. But if there is an animal in trouble or being hurt then I have feelings!! I watch tv with my finger on the remote because when those tear-jerking commercials by the Humane Society come on I cannot bear to watch them!! When there is a disaster in the world I always pray for the animals to be saved. There are plenty of people in the world who care about other people; I'm not one of them. I have been told that I am selfish thinking this way, but I disagree. I am selfLESS when it comes to animals. Especially cats.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm lucky in that most of my close friends and relatives are multi-cat families, too. Recently, even my SIL (who never cared for cats) adopted a mama cat with her three kittens and all four cats are now living a good life. They never cared for cats, but these four just kind of entered into my SIL's and BIL's hearts and stayed there. Many of my close friends are part of multi-cat households, too, so they know about loving cats. Heck, even two of my co-workers have more than one cat and we can often be found huddled together talking and laughing about something that one of the furkids did.

We donate to our local animal shelters. Maybe not a lot of money, but now I'll use pet coupons to buy food, litter, and even some toys. Shelters need towels and blankets and when we buy new, we've started giving the older stuff to the shelter; the items are still in good shape. I never thought much about it before, but as I've gotten older, I tend to think more of those things, I guess. I can't volunteer my time because I would end up either in tears or with more cats than I'd know what to do with. And we don't have a lot of money to donate. But this way, I can still help at least a little bit.

I don't like the commercials either, but sometimes I think they're necessary. I'd much rather see the money go for the animals themselves, though, instead of commercials, writing tablets, and pens.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I like to give my help personally. I don't have much money to spare, my vet bills are astronomical. but in the world of the internet I have come to know and care deeply for quite a few people who do rescue work. those are the ones I like to help.

I can't often send cash but have a time or two sent money directly to someone's vet to help. In addition, I will now and then send off packages of cat food to someone I know who feeds strays or ferals. A drop in the bucket I know, but I do what I can.

Regarding someone mentioning crying at animal movies, I cannot watch movies about animals. Makes no difference to me if they are happy endings or not, I cannot watch them.

I took a little girl to see "Hotel For Dogs" when it first came out (it was work related) I cried through the entire movie because all I could think about was all the dogs and cats who have no one to love them. Didn't matter that the movie was meant to be upbeat. The girl with me was very annoyed, she is non-verbal, but every time I blew my nose she looked daggers at me. hehe

I recently took the same girl to see The Princess and the Frog. that should have been a safe bet, but when the little fire-fly died, I cried my head off. At a cartoon fire-fly funeral. geesh.

I know abuse of animals is rampant, I don't need it shoved in my face. I do what I can to educate people by telling them to keep their cats inside, or build outdoor enclosures. I warn, no BEG, people not to rehome their cats (or other pets) by posting "free to good home" ads, because these are the ads the sickos are looking for.

Cats, especially, are targets for these disgusting people. Cats have this reputation for being "independent" so it gives these creeps a feeling of power to abuse them. And, unfortunately, thanks to the internet, when someone posts a video or picture of the abuse they are so proud of, there are a bunch more who think it's funny and decide to copy.

I cry, every day about those suffering animals. do my tears help them? No they don't. nor do they help me, but it is something I cannot get past. I have stumbled on too many pictures of the horror that is done. I will never get them out of my head. And I cry and pray, every day, over the ones still suffering at the hands of so called human beings.

I do what I can. It's not a lot, but its better than nothing, you know?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 1, 2005
On the west side of... of... somewhere.
Count me in this category. I work retail, and sometimes I am just fine with the humans who come through my register... but some? Can we just hold them down and do some procedure to make sure they never procreate? Please?

Now, technically, dogs and such are not allowed in our store, unless they're service dogs... but we have more than our share... most stay in the shopping carts and the humans with them are respectful about it... but man, when we get the friendly little fluffy dogs come through... human? what human? oh, the one who has the money and is pushing the cart.

I wear cat pins on my apron, and I can always tell the animal lovers because they comment on my cat pins. One of them I got from the Animal Rescue Site, which helps feed homeless pets... the purchase of that pin (which brings smile to customers faces) helped feed several bowls of food for homeless pets.

I prefer the company of animals. I like humans well enough... sometimes. BUt even when I'm in pain or having a bad day, I'll walk around my neighborhood and smile at the dogs being walked by their humans. Sometimes I get to pet them. I rarely engage the human. Except to ask about breed.

The way I see the 'helping humans in need vs. helping animals in need'

Humans are capable (willing or not) to escape and ask for help. They can call 911 when in trouble... pets cannot. Fluffy or Fido can't pick up the receiver and dial 911 and say they're being abused and neglected. We have to step up and speak for them. So I'll do what I can. I don't donate to the HSUS... or the other greedy group that shall remain nameless in my post here. I'll help the others. I'll spread education around as much as I can.

Okay... off to wreak havoc and mayhem elsewhere now...


amberthe bobcat

TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2003
In the Cougars den
Originally Posted by crazycatlady777

I have never cared much for people, not even babies and children. But I have always been an animal lover, cats mostly. I have said and meant this many times that if I was able to rescue a person or a cat from a fire I would grab the cat.
The sad and explicit comercials for starving chldren and stuff like that have no effect on me. But they are running these commercials now about hurt and suffering animals, they play the saddest music and I cant bare to see the pictures and the darn thing lasts for a long time. I have to turn my tv off. I cant stand it!!
So does this mean I am a socio path? anti social?
I am the same way and those commercials about the animals, I have to change the channel until it is over. I just can not bare to see the sad looks in the eyes of those poor animals