Advice On Age Range And Gender For Second Kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 19, 2017
Hello! I'm considering getting a second kitten and would like to know what age range and gender would work best for my 7 month old fearless and super-playful, sometimes aggressive (towards me at least - she bites me a lot) female kitten Promise. Promise was a rescue kitten, found injured at 2 weeks old and I took her in at 4 weeks. I'm sure it would have been more helpful to get a second kitten right off the bat, but the problem is that I currently live in China and originally rejected the idea as I was worried about moving more than one cat back to America. I still am worried about that actually, as China only allows one animal per passport holder to leave the country. I've heard there are ways around it (potentially expensive), so I haven't completely decided on getting a second kitten yet. I just couldn't bear to leave one or both behind when I return to the US if I couldn't find a way around that law. However, thinking about Promise's current happiness, I really think she'd be better off with a brother or sister to play with. I'm hoping it will help mellow her out a little bit, but also hoping it will help her be happier in general and less lonely when I'm not here. I also have a 7 year old female cat currently living with my mom in America. Bringing her here isn't an option because of her temperament (super scaredy-cat) and China's ridiculous quarantine laws regarding imported cats.

Any suggestions on age and gender? As far as gender, I was thinking a male cat might fit better both now with Promise and in the future if we potentially introduce my older female cat (who has lived with other cats before and loves it). But as far as age, I'm not sure if I should look for one that's maybe a bit older to give it a little boost on the dominance ladder, as I'm pretty sure Promise will dominate any cat (or dog or tiger) she gets around. But I don't know how much older or if that's even going to be possible, given the huge population of ferals here (Promise would have been feral if she hadn't been found injured) and the relative lack of cats-as-pets compared to America. I certainly don't want to add in a semi-feral kitten that wasn't socialized to humans young enough - I've already got my hands full with Promise! Any suggestions?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Personally I don’t think gender makes much difference but as far as age I would go with three or four months. This is still smaller than your resident cat so less of a threat, but close enough in age to be able to defend itself and engage in rough play with your kittie.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
When are you moving back to America? I would check first to see if you would be able to bring both cats back. It would break your heart if you had to leave one behind. I would get a male cat, just because they seem to be so much friendlier in my experience. Do they have foster programs in China? Maybe you could foster a male cat for a few months to get Promise used to other cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Knowing what a pain it is to bring over a cat (you have to ship them then quarantine them.) So if you can afford it I would get a second cat now so they have a buddy through the quarantine process. I wound up leaving my cat with my x-inlaws in Denmark because it was what was best for him, not me. I wish you luck. *The quarantine process differs state to state.

USDA APHIS | Pet Travel - Bringing Cats into the US

Blakeney Green

TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 3, 2017
Upstate NY
Is Promise spayed yet? If so, it likely won't matter whether you get a male or female. If not, I would definitely go for a second female just so there isn't an oops if someone's hormones kick in before you can get them altered.

I would aim for someone approximately her age (give or take a month or two - it doesn't have to be exact) so they're in more or less the same developmental stage.

Her play "aggressive" behavior will likely decrease toward you once she has another cat to practice social cues with.