A Harrowing Look for a 4th Cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
I am a human companion who for the past 16 years has been benevolently guided by the firm but fair paw of Bob the 'bobby-cat" who is so named because he's a Manx mix with a bob-tail.

This is Bob. Doesn't he look regal?

I used to work in the Middle East. I was a teacher at an American school for the Saudi Aramco Oil Company in Saudi Arabia for 7 years. I then spent a year at an American school in Beirut, Lebanon. Following the last day of school in June of 1999, the Israeli Air Force bombed the city of Beirut and I spent the night under a heavy wooden desk in my faculty apartment. The building shook with the passage of low flying air craft and I could see tracer fire from a Syrian anti-air craft gun rising into the night sky. In the distance I could hair explosions and the wailing sirens of ambulances and firetrucks ... and each time I thought about coming out from under the desk, another wave of aircraft would streak in from over the Mediterranean Sea and the tracer fire and bombings would start all over again.

It took a few days for the International Airport to reopen but when it did, I was on one of the first flights out of there ... and I never returned.

I flew back to the states and thought that everything was fine until I had a flashback during a storm. I had been shopping for groceries and after hearing a loud clap of thunder, I found myself face down in the parking lot with my groceries strewn about me. People were laughing at me because I was screaming, "AIR RAID!"

I went to see a doctor who referred me to a (gulp) psychiatrist. Was I going insane? It turned out that I had PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. The psychiatrist told me that after returning home to the states, I had let my emotional guards down because I was safe and that had opened the door to PTSD which came with sound associated flashbacks, screaming nightmares, and extreme fatigue because of lack of sleep.

The doctor helped talk me through this and because I was a bachelor who had lost touch with stateside friends during the 8 years abroad, he suggested that I get a pet which could help provide me with some emotional support.

I went to PetsMart with the intention of getting some fish. I realize that fish are not good as emotional support animals but after 7 years in the Saudi desert,  I found myself craving the sight and sound of cascading water and green plants ... so I thought why not get an aquarium and stock it with fish and live plants?

I walked into the PetsMart .... and two hours later walked out with two Manx mix kittens and about $500 worth of kitty supplies. Whoever came up with the idea of pairing animal shelters with PetsMart was BRILLIANT .... and perhaps evil given all of the money I spent.

While in PetsMart, I was drawn to the cutest and most fluffy kitten I had ever seen. He looked like a little Teddy Bear but because he was so timid and reluctant to be held, I felt compelled to take his less attractive brother ... a kitten with a narrow weasel like face who had no fear of being held by a stranger.

I named the weasel faced kitten Bob (and as previously explained, I called him Bob because of his bob-tail). I named his brother Jasper Baby.

Bob and Jasper Baby have been with me through good times and bad. We started out in Texas but moved to Pennsylvania. We then moved to Arizona and after losing three teaching jobs due to state budget cut backs, we moved up to Las Vegas, Nevada and thence to a small rural town in southern Nevada.  There were times when quite frankly, I didn't know how I was going to be able to pay my bills while keeping a roof over my head and food on the table ... but I REFUSED to abandon my cats.

Jasper Baby passed away last year. He was 15 years of age. Here is a picture of Jasper Baby. This picture was taken about 7 years ago. Due to state budget cuts I had been laid off and had been unemployed for several months. It was winter and to save money, I had turned the heat down to 60 degrees. Since Jasper Baby was cold, I pulled out an electric heating pad and JB reveled over having found a warm sunny spot.

Bob remains hale and healthy and his grief over losing his brother was assuaged by the presence of two other cats. One of these cats was Scraps ... whom I literally rescued after he was callously abandoned by a person on the sidewalk in front of my home on a cold October night. Scraps initially ran from me and hid under a neighbor's porch but as the night got colder, he began to wail "EEEE-OWWWW! EEEE-OWWWW!: When I went to see if I could coax him to coming out, he threw himself onto my chest and dug in with both claws. I took him home, warmed him up, and fed him. Since he ate every scrap of food I gave him, I decided to call him Scraps.

This is Scraps.

In Arizona, I rescued another kitten ... Princess Tabitha Panda Kitty Toe Biter which is admittedly a very big name for what used to be a very small cat. I called her a Panda Kitty before being made aware that she was a Tuxedo Cat. I found her in the county kill shelter and she was on the red alert list, due to be put down because no one wanted her. I had gone to the county shelter in support of a friend who had lost her dog about 6 months previously. Although she was still too heartbroken to get a dog, I wound up leaving with another cat.

If I had to write a caption for this picture, I would have written: "And so it was that Tabitha the Princess warrior, brought the evil flip flop to toothy and clawed justice." NOTE - Tabitha used to do to my toe what she was doing to this footwear ... which is why part of her given name is "Toe Biter."

After moving to rural Nevada last year, I looked about for a volunteer group to join. I initially thought about working at an animal shelter but the nearest one was in Kingman, over the state line about an hour or so away. While looking at the shelter's website, I saw an black cat named Buki and since I could not conveniently  volunteer at the shelter, I began sending Buki anonymous gifts through Amazon.com. In addition to toys, a fluffy bed, and a ceramic bowl, I have also been donating kitty litter, canned food, dry food, and kitty treats on a monthly basis.

I am now on Spring Break and I thought it would be nice to meet Buki and to see if he might be willing to come live with me.

In preparation for this visit, last night I baked a dozen glazed berry tarts (pictured below) for the volunteers. I also bought Buki a case of canned cat food, a 25 lb. bag of dried cat food, a bag of kitty litter, and a 1 lb. container of kitty treats.

On Saturday morning I loaded up my car, opened the garage door, started the engine ... and found that the GPS system would not accept the shelter's address. 

I pulled out my phone and found that Google Maps would accept the address ... and so I set out ... 15 minutes behind schedule.

I drove south on Needles Highway and down a winding road to cross a narrow bridge over the Colorado River. The country road gave way to a series of narrow switch backs going up a cliff. I didn't like this road because on one side was a towering cliff and on the other side was a sheer drop. There was no shoulder to pull on to in case of emergencies. There was no passing lane. THERE WAS NO RAIL GUARD and on the rare occasions I dared to take my eye off the road, I could see white crosses and wreckage down below where motorists had crashed and died.

I slowed with each bend because you never knew what might be around the corner and sure enough, in one instance a red corvette with CA license plates was zipping along. It made a wide turn (Into my lane) because of its speed and if I hadn't been slowly going into this turn, I might have been involved in a head on collision. 

In another instance, as I was driving around another bend, I encountered an SUV going the other way. Although the driver was going quite slowly, HE WAS STRADDLING THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD and I had to come to a complete stop because I couldn't get past him. 

I think the driver may have been afraid of driving alongside a cliff with a sheer drop because he stopped as if expecting me to move ... but I had no where to go except backwards and I wasn't moving ... so he finally ... grudgingly ... drove around me, hands clenched on the steering wheel with a woman in the front passenger seat clutching his arm.

I finally reached a little town called Oatman that was jam packed with tourists .... and burros who were roaming the narrow and street and sidewalks without anyone seeming to mind them. There was a minor traffic jam as cars going both directions had to wait for a burro to move out of the way. No one yelled or honked their horn. It almost felt like I was in India with a cow blocking the road.

I once saw something similar on a road in the Kashmir Province in India.  There was a tourist in the taxi ahead of us. He was a real life cowboy complete with boots and Stetson hat and western drawl. When the taxi refused to move, the cowboy got out of the taxi and exclaimed, "Ah'll show y'all how we handle cattle in Texas!" He then whipped off his Stetson and yelled, "HWAH" waving his hat at the cow. The man was subsequently mobbed by angry screaming Hindus because cows are sacred in India. The driver of our taxi immediately threw his vehicle into reverse and backed away from this scene. Over the years, I have often found myself wondering what happened to the cowboy who had been in the vehicle in front of us.

After the burro moved, we were blocked again by STUPID BURRO LIKE TOURISTS who were standing IN THE STREET waiting in a line to enter some business. They were treating the road as though it was a parking lot. When I tapped my horn and used my, "What the heck?" body language .... hands held palm up to either side of me ...they grudgingly moved.

The road seemed to get even more narrow after leaving this town and there were more switchbacks and more soaring rock faces with "beware of falling rock signs and more cliffs.  At one point as I was driving up what turned out to be Old Route 66, the app on Google Maps told me to TURN RIGHT .... but there was no turning right because I would have been driving into a rock face.

I was relieved when the switchback finally descended. Google maps assured me that I was within miles of my destination and indeed, I saw two portable signs for the Luv of Paws Animal Shelter.

The app led me to a building ... which turned out to be a sleazy "club" which sold porn material including (if the signage was to be believed) inflatable girl friends. (Eye roll)

I checked google maps and now the app was directing me to go back UP INTO THE SWITCHBACKS ... and I did not want to go back that way. I don't like narrow roads that rise hundreds of feet above ground level without road guards or shoulders or passing lanes and I did NOT want to drive back through that insane little town with the burros and burro like tourists ... so I proceeded into Kingman and took the long route back home ... which turned out to be much shorter than the trip out had been because I was on an actual highway and not a narrow road.

When I got home I checked a map and found that Google maps had incorrectly diverted me onto a parallel road. I had been within a few miles of the shelter but didn't know it.

I will try again tomorrow.



Here are my three cats ...

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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hello @DC1346  Welcome to The Cat Site.

You certainly go out of your way to help your cats. Such a shame that you couldn't meet Buki after that journey. I hope you make it to the shelter tomorrow, it would be terrible if those lovely tarts went to waste!

At least you took some nice photos of the journey. I love the picture with all the donkey crossing the street. I spent about a year travelling through India so I know what you mean about the sacred cows. They do a great job of slowing the traffic down though, I imagine there would be a lot more accidents if people didn't have to watch out for them.

Scraps has such a sad little face. I have a former feral called Freya who has a similar expression. (I have quite a few other former feral cats too................)

I'm looking forward to reading an update on your trip to the shelter, maybe even hearing about a new addition to the family.

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
As far as the road trip back to the shelter went ... I had to post pone it.

One thing that most people don't know about me is that I am autistic. I am not a drooling idiot savant like the character played by Dustin Hoffman in the movie, "Rain Man." I am more like the character, Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory - save for the fact that I'm older, Asian, and hopefully not nearly as annoying, though I suppose I probably was when I was much younger.

Although I am on the high performing end of the autistic spectrum and have Asperger's Syndrome, I none the less share symptoms with other autistic people.

* I really like schedules because the use of schedules allows me to impose order in my life.

* I find it challenging to interact with people because I lack the capacity to understand unspoken intent. Although I can pick up on the most obvious signs of body language and facial expressions, most of what people unconsciously convey eludes me. It does not help that I don't understand sarcasm at all along with most types of humor. Every interaction I have is a potential social disaster in the making for me because outside of the classroom (which is very structured) I never know when I will unintentionally say or do something to offend someone. For example, after setting up a recent buffet in the faculty lounge for some guest speakers, I put a sign that said, "Please do not touch" on the buffet. There have sadly been instances in the past where having come across a table filled with food, teachers and staff have simply helped themselves. To remove any perception of harshness from this sign, I also wrote "Please do not disturb" in 24 other languages. I thought this was amusing. When I called the sign to the attention of a colleague, she went berserk. "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF TAKING FOOD FROM YOUR STUPID BUFFET! I WOULD NEVER DO THIS AND YOU ARE A RUDE, RUDE MAN."  (sigh)

* As a result of the previous two points, when the weekend rolls around I really need the downtime to recharge my emotional batteries. I turn off my cell phone. I refuse to answer the door (unless I am expecting a visitor. I usually don't go any place.

Yesterday was really stressful for me because going to the shelter (or trying to go to the shelter) was a departure from my beloved routine. I also didn't like the crowded chaos with people and wild burros in the streets of Oatman ... and since I'm afraid of heights, I really didn't care for driving along a narrow road with a soaring rock face on one side and a sheer cliff on the other ... and it didn't help that my GPS system kept telling me to turn into a rock face or to drive off a cliff and on top of everything else, did I find the animal shelter? NO! My GPS system delivered me to a sleazy porn shop.

After sending an email to the shelter manager via my cell phone and returning home,  I received a reply last night and found out that even if my GPS system hadn't directed me to take the wrong turn off, I might not have found the shelter anyway. It turns out that the shelter does not have a sign. The shelter manager said that she used to have a sign but had to take it down some 14 years ago because people would drop off their unwanted pets in the still of the night ... never mind that she may not have had the capacity to accommodate these animals. I cannot help but wonder if her adoption rate dropped off after the sign came down since people who haven't been to the shelter before may have had problems with finding this place.

I came home and took a 3 hour nap. After feeding the cats, I went to bed early and woke up at 3 AM to this. Bob was patting the side of my face (with sheathed claws, thank you very much) because he wanted me to get up and feed him an early breakfast.  I told him it was much too early, rolled away from him, pulled the covers over my head, and went back to sleep. After emitting a sad, "Awwwwwww," Bobby Cat left me alone for the rest of the night.

I slept until 8 AM which is quite late for me as I'm usually up between 5-6 AM. After feeding the cats,  I found that I really didn't want to go anywhere. It probably didn't help that the shelter manager used the words "teeming crowds" in reference to her Open House which I now understand is a one time annual event that coincided with this weekend.

I do not care for teeming crowds.

I have written to the shelter manager to tell her that I'm on Spring Break. I have asked if I could make an appointment for the coming week. We shall see.

As for today (yawn) ... I feel another nap coming on.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
Love your stories!! You are a very good writer, and your descriptions of your cats and tourists stories really gave me a laugh out loud moment last night.

It's ok to have Aspergers. Lots of us out there. [emoji]9786[/emoji]️


TCS Member
Mar 20, 2016
You have fantastic literary flair! I look forward to reading more from you about your adventures in meeting Buki.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I definitely understand the worry about teeming crowds. When I read those words, I winced. I hate crowds of people since it is so very unpredictable and uncomfortable. I hope you get to go to the shelter sometime this week. Your writing is incredible. I was drawn in reading your posts so far!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Welcome to the Cat Site! I love your stories, too, and you will have to keep us updated on Buki. Maybe the shelter could put a hold on him for you. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Amsterdam, NL
Your writing is a joy to read. I look forward to reading it again when cat #4 has successfully joined the family in physical space.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
What an adventurous life you've had!  Personally, I think adventure is over-rated.  I prefer to live in boring times.  Boredom is easily fixed; that's what books are for.

I agree with the others; you're an excellent writer.  (And I should mention that I've been a professional editor, so I recognize good writing when I read it.)

I also am uncomfortable in tight quarters.  I almost never visit casinos, for instance, because the noise presses in on me so much.  They always feel more crowded than they really are, which is probably a deliberate choice on the part of the owners.

I'm glad you're emailing the shelter manager; this should make things much easier for you.  Please let us know how it turns out.  And welcome to TCS.  We're very pleased to have you here.

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
Hello all and thank you for your kind comments!

I've been in touch with the shelter manager and have arranged to have a private meeting with Buki for this coming Thursday morning. Instead of taking the harrowing drive on old Oatman Highway (which incidentally turns into Route 66), I'll take the highway into Kingman. The pet shelter manager was able to give me the name and address of a nearby business ... so my GPS system will at least be able to put me in the area and after that it's just a matter of following written written directions. I'll also have to keep an eye on the odometer as one of the directions says to drive exactly 15 miles up Oatman Highway .... there being no sign to identify the shelter as a shelter.

I'm actually worried about this. Since I'm autistic, I worry about EVERYTHING.  I'd really hate to pull up to the wrong address and to get out, try to open the door, and get shot under the "Stand your ground" Arizona statute because I had the wrong home and was trying to "break and enter."

I wonder if the shelter has a doorbell.

I am taking a calling card of sorts ... a hand towel which has the scent of all three of my kitties. If possible, I will try and get Buki's scent in return.

Pictured below is Buki. 

I am TOLD that he's very dignified, that he's social, and that he's accustomed to living in a multi cat facility. I will be curious to see how he interacts with me. I will also be interested to see if the shelter actually gave him the ceramic food bowl I sent along with a bed and toys. To  be fair to the other cats, I sent several beds ... though not enough for every cat to have his or her own. If Buki seems amenable and if the shelter actually gave him one of the beds I sent, I will bring a replacement bed when I pick up Buki to bring home. Buki may then have his own bed which I'll put in the study  where I'll isolate him for a few days to give my cats some time to adjust to having a 4th cat in the home.

I am thinking of putting a bed in the study so that I can sleep in the same room with him. It might (or might not) help Buki integrate into the house if I spend some time with him and have Buki scent on my body for the other cats to smell. I hope they won't be too upset.

It is Spring Break and I am currently packing to move. I'm closing on the purchase of a new house on April 7th and will be moving on April 15th.

The cats have been helping me  .... sort of.

Bob has insisted upon investigating every box or carton I use. The moment the open box is placed on the floor, Bob is in the box.

Here is Bob in another box.

And here he is in a plastic tote bin ... 

... and here he is napping on top of a box I just packed. Supervising yours truly is apparently very hard work!

Bob has been helped by some extent to Princess Tabitha who has supervised me from afar. 

Scraps ... who HATES MOVING has been hiding under my bed since I broke out the moving boxes this morning. He made a brief appearance for dinner and then disappeared again. At some point I expect to hear the full range of his displeasure. 

"EEEEEOWWWWWW! " We just moved here last summer!

"EEEEEOWWWWWW! " Do you know how long it took for us to divvy up our new territories? 

"EEEEEOWWWWWW!  EEEEEOWWWWWW! EEEEEOWWWWWW! EEEEEOWWWWWW!" I am being abused! My rights are being violated! When was the last time you dusted under this bed?  I'm covered in dust bunnies!


This will have been the first time I've ever moved during the school year. I didn't WANT to move in April ... but my lease expires in May and I've been having problems with getting anything repaired. I haven't had a working dishwasher in 8 months. I haven't been able to use the garbage disposal for 3 months. Half of the electrical sockets in the kitchen stopped working about 4 months ago and the breaker for these sockets won't reset. 

In the long run, it was cheaper for me to buy a new home than to battle with the landlord over making repairs to this one. Since my mortgage will be a good $200 cheaper than the rent, I'll be able to continue supporting the shelter in Kingman with monthly gifts. In terms of the weather, April will also be a better time to move than June. The temperature will soar above 110 degrees Fahrenheit come summer and due to our proximity to the Colorado River, it's going to be hot and sticky. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I have so enjoyed reading about your adventures with your cats.  And don't fret about the Asperger's and being misunderstood here.  As mentioned, there are several members who fall in this spectrum. and several more of us have family members or dear friends who do.  We're just thrilled to have someone who so deeply loves cats with us.  I can't wait to read more of your adventures!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
What a cute picture of your crew! You seem to socialize just fine here on the site. We're all crazy cat people anyway, so you fit right in. Soon people are going to start begging you for recipes. Can you start with those luscious tarts?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
4) If you are using tart shells, perforate the shells you just lined with dough using a fork. You will need perforated holes along the side and the bottom because the holes will vent steam. If you don' perforate them, the steam from the dough will cause it to pucker and rise, deforming your product. If this happens, use the bottom of a spoon to gently press the dough down and then quickly perforate it with more holes. 

5) If you are using tart shells, after the tarts are baked, let them cool until they are cool enough to touch. Turn them face down. Get a piece of silverware. I like using dinner knives. Pick up one tart shell and hold it about a half inch over the sheet pan. Give the bottom of the tart shell a careful rap. If you tap it a few times, it should come out intact. Avoid letting these cool to room temperature otherwise it will be harder ot get them out of the pans.

Filling: There are lots of fillings you can use. I like mixing cream cheese. The one pictured below was made by mixing cream cheese with some Cool Whip and sugar. I have also used flavored cream cheese like berry and have mixed it with strawberry jam.  Before putting the filling in the tart shells, brush the tart shells with melted butter. In addition to giving your product added flavor, the butter will act as a moisture barrier to help keep the crust from getting soggy.l

Spoon the filling into each shell. I like using a teaspoon for this. The bottom of the teaspoon is useful for helping to spread out the filling.

Top the filling with whatever berries you like. As you can see in the above picture, the strawberries had to be halved or in some cases were quartered to fit the tart. After you've placed all of your fruit, make a simple apricot glaze by combining some apricot jam in a sauce pan with a couple of tablespoons of water. Bring the jam to a boil and mix it well with the water. Use a pastry brush to brush the berries. This will give the berries a nice glaze. 

Apricot jam is typically used as a glaze by professional bakers because it has a neutral sweetness and color. Since some berries are not always as sweet as they could be, using an apricot glaze will help "even out" your flavor profile.

You do NOT BTW have to use a cream cheese filling ... milk based puddings work well if you use them before they've set. I would pair these with dollops of whipped cream. You could also use canned pie filling but remember to butter the crust otherwise the moisture from these fillings will soak through the pastry.

Here are some blue berry tarts I made using a fresh made from scratch blueberry pie filling. The natural juices from the blueberry helped to glaze the fruit. 

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
That's fantastic!  I printed this out and will make the tarts the next time I visit my son and his wife, who is a gourmet cook. I'm sure they will impress her! They all look delectable!
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida

Your 3 cats are all beautiful and Buki is a lucky boy to be joining them. He's also very handsome!! 

That was a long a harrowing journey to end up in the parking lot of a smut shack. 

I hope things go better for you on your next journey. I agree with everyone else though. That was a very interesting read with some great pictures. 

You're going to fit right in here. This is the best forum on the web. While our members are mostly women, we have some really great guys here too and we are glad to have another one join. Men who love cats are awesome!! 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
Bob didn't show any particular remorse after I caught him. To keep him out of my snacks, I had to transfer the Triskets to a zip lock bag. Would you believe that Bob had the audacity to beg for a Trisket as I was transferring them? I finally offered him one and he promptly ate it, though he was disinclined to ask for more.

I sometimes wonder if Bob realizes that he's a cat. There are times when he acts like a person. Here is Bob waiting to be fed ... and no, he doesn't eat at the dining room table. The only reason the food bowl is there is because I had to put it down for a moment while I opened a can of tuna fish. Yes ... I sometimes give my cats tuna fish (packed in water) which I mix in with their moist cat food. 

If Bob was a person, he'd probably vote for Bernie Sanders. He's a great believer in redistribution. Here he is, eyeing my lunch which I managed to save before he stuck a paw in it. I was eating some leftover arroz con pollo (chicken with rice) which I reheated in a microwaveable container. In the end, I gave in to Bob's entreating look. I ate the chicken flavored rice and Bob ate the chicken. (sigh)



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Except for the fear of visiting other people's homes, all of that sounds perfectly normal to me.  And even the fear of visiting with friends sounds more like shyness than anything else.

As for Bob, it may be, not that he thinks he's human, but that he thinks you're a cat.  Somewhat retarded, when it comes to purring and catching mice, but surprisingly gifted when it comes to opening cans.  This appears to be a common cat delusion.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
Needless to say, you are a very articulate and interesting person.  Welcome to TCS and we all look forward to reading the continuation of the saga of Bob, Sraps and of course, Princess Tabitha. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
Except for the fear of visiting other people's homes, all of that sounds perfectly normal to me.  And even the fear of visiting with friends sounds more like shyness than anything else.

As for Bob, it may be, not that he thinks he's human, but that he thinks you're a cat.  Somewhat retarded, when it comes to purring and catching mice, but surprisingly gifted when it comes to opening cans.  This appears to be a common cat delusion.

Hah ... yes ... I'm familiar with the theory that was propogated by a British anthrozoologist named John Bradshaw in his book, Cat Sense. This could be one explanation as to why Bob feels it's necessary to go nose to nose with me at least once a night. 

I'll be sitting in my Lazy Boy recliner watching the news and Bob will leap onto one of the wide armrests and will then put his front paws on my chest and will go nose to nose with me. 

The routine is always the same.

I'll say, "I can't see the TV because there's an incredibly handsome cat in the way."  I've always thought that saying something like this is much nicer than saying, "GET OUT OF THE WAY YOU DUMB CAT!"

Bob typically ignores this comment and will look deep into my eyes ... so either Dr. Bradshaw is correct and Bob thinks I'm just a really ugly and hairless cat who walks upright  OR Bob is trying to control my mind through either hypnosis or telepathy. 

You will feed the cat moist yummy food upon request even if it's 3 o'clock in the morning  ... you will clean the litter box at least 12 times a day ... you will carry an abundance of Temptation brand kitty treats to dispense upon request ... and you will make sure that none of the cats ever, ever, EVER see the bottom of the dry cat food bowl ... EVER!

And if wishes were fishes, we'd never want for food ... (sigh)