2013/14 How many cats do you have and how many is your limit


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 25, 2013
North Georgia, USA
This is such an interesting thread and thanks, everyone, for sharing. Four cats seems like it would be a good, manageable number. And I do remember a time in the very, very distant past when that is the number I had. The reality is that we have 7 inside the house, 3 on the sunroom, 5 that live in the Cat Castle and 12 that are allowed outside during the day but get kenneled at night. Obviously, it was never our intention to have this many cats, but either they found us or we came across them in such a bad situation or state that we couldn't turn our backs on them. Most of the house cats ended up as house cats because, at some point, each of them were so sick and/or needed so much care it was easier on me to have them inside. I guess the door only opens one direction because once they recuperate they end up staying in. 

@luciafernanda  asked about house size: honestly, it doesn't matter how big the house is, it's more about how big your bed is, that's where all of the cats are going to be most of the time anyway! Really, our house is large enough for those in it and all of the confined cats have access to screened porches, lots of vertical space, and hiding places. Like you, @Tammat, I never tally the annual costs (vet, food, flea meds, housing). I really didn't want to retire anyway! 
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Alright I'm really nosey so I'm just going to ask

People with lots of cats, how big are your houses?

Maybe a better question would be what's your limit per room? Six cats doesn't sound like a lot if you have a huge house or live in the country...in my three room apartment it would be disgusting ;)
Why would it be disgusting?

In my experience, space is not the restricting factor. Other than the first two rescues, we kept the cats that would not otherwise have survived, and that we couldn't adopt out either due to socialization or health problems.

Cats in the wild need large territory because they hunt. Domestic indoor-only cats do not hunt, therefore they only need space to play, run, jump and enough room to be properly stimulated.

We lived in an RV when the first stray entered our lives. We began TNRing, and socialized and kept or adopted out what kittens/cats that could be (after the first two rescues, we only kept the special needs kitties). We did a lot of fostering, even when we officially had 2, then 3, then 4 of our own. We moved into a house with 5, added 1 during that 4 year period, then moved back into the RV full time. We've placed a lot of cats in homes since moving back in here in 2008, but we've also added 2 more rescues, for a total of 8 cats.

We're fortunate in that we don't have any territory issues, and the 8 successfully use 3 large litter boxes. We've made a lot of adaptations for the cats. We took out the "dining area," and put in bookshelves with cat window seats on them, two large cat trees pushed up to that, a multi-level (including area inside) cat castle next to that; we emptied out the overhead cabinets in that section, and they use those. We make sure there are multi-levels everywhere: they can pretty much navigate the entire place without touching the ground (other than getting from the front to the bedroom), much of it with multi-level choices. No one can be cornered anywhere, there's multiple access points and exists to every place here. We can come home and see just one cat.

The RV is 38 feet long and 8 feet wide, no slide-outs.

I am allergic to cats, so we do have air purifiers, and we dust/vacuum frequently.


It's not ideal, we know that. The funny thing is that the original five that were first rescued and first called the RV home were so very happy to move back here full time. They didn't take advantage of the space in the house other than when we got them going with wand toys - and there's the space to do that here, just with more of a focus on vertical movement than horizontal. But with proper time, attention, and stimulation, it works and we have a clowder of happy cats. Our home is not disgusting, and it doesn't smell.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
Alright I'm really nosey so I'm just going to ask

People with lots of cats, how big are your houses?

Maybe a better question would be what's your limit per room? Six cats doesn't sound like a lot if you have a huge house or live in the country...in my three room apartment it would be disgusting ;)
I have 3 cats in a 2 bed/bath house. People always comment on the fact that they cannot smell my cats or litter boxes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
I have 3 cats in a 2 bed/bath house. People always comment on the fact that they cannot smell my cats or litter boxes.
That's funny. I also have 3 in a 2 bed/2 bath two-story condo. My brother was over helping me set up my digital piano. When he was sitting on the living room floor, he asked, "Don't you have three cats?" I said, "Yeh, why?" He said, "Because I don't see one ******** cat hair."  Me = OCD 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
That's funny. I also have 3 in a 2 bed/2 bath two-story condo. My brother was over helping me set up my digital piano. When he was sitting on the living room floor, he asked, "Don't you have three cats?" I said, "Yeh, why?" He said, "Because I don't see one ******** cat hair."  Me = OCD  :lol3:

Oh my house is a wreck! My poor cats have gone 5 days with no scooping of litter boxes (no, that's not the norm). You just can't smell it. Raw feeding is da bomb!

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
LDG, you rock. I agree with you. Cats make up for lack of floor space with vertical space. My husband just built a cat enclosure for me that leads from my home office outdoors. He wants the number to stay at 3. Last night I went to a 7-11 next to a construction site. It was dark but I saw a little white and gray kitten scampering across the parking lot. I got down low and called out to her she turned, considered me and then ran into the fenced off lot. The lot is preparing to lay concrete so I went back today and gave the workers my number to call if they should spot her/him. I just can't leave a little baby out there. I feel that while we do have financial limitations there are more cats than there are homes. If I bring a cat in who has been on her own it is the right thing.You do what you can, I give the best vet care that I can, the best food that I can, and all the warm cozy places etc. My point is a cat is far better off here in my home than on the streets, I am having cat shelves put up to show hubby how space for cats can increase. He loves our cats and I think he is just afraid that I will turn our home into a sanctuary.Geez, we only have 1 kid left at home and 2100 square feet of house. I am clean and do y best. I feel working at home as I do I have a lot to give. I hope someone here backs me up so I can show my husband I haven't lost my mind. I am not out looking for more cats but if there is one in need in front of me-well of course I have to do something. It is getting cold outside.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 25, 2013
North Georgia, USA
LDG, you rock. I agree with you. Cats make up for lack of floor space with vertical space. My husband just built a cat enclosure for me that leads from my home office outdoors. He wants the number to stay at 3. Last night I went to a 7-11 next to a construction site. It was dark but I saw a little white and gray kitten scampering across the parking lot. I got down low and called out to her she turned, considered me and then ran into the fenced off lot. The lot is preparing to lay concrete so I went back today and gave the workers my number to call if they should spot her/him. I just can't leave a little baby out there. I feel that while we do have financial limitations there are more cats than there are homes. If I bring a cat in who has been on her own it is the right thing.You do what you can, I give the best vet care that I can, the best food that I can, and all the warm cozy places etc. My point is a cat is far better off here in my home than on the streets, I am having cat shelves put up to show hubby how space for cats can increase. He loves our cats and I think he is just afraid that I will turn our home into a sanctuary.Geez, we only have 1 kid left at home and 2100 square feet of house. I am clean and do y best. I feel working at home as I do I have a lot to give. I hope someone here backs me up so I can show my husband I haven't lost my mind. I am not out looking for more cats but if there is one in need in front of me-well of course I have to do something. It is getting cold outside.
If you're looking for encouragement for "just one more", you've certainly come to the right place! 
Good luck convincing your husband, but since he's already built you an enclosure it doesn't sound like he'll be too hard to convince. You come across those needy little guys when you least expect it and no matter how hard you try to ignore them, they sneak back in your mind in the dark hours. Next thing you know  it's the middle of the night and you're at an abandoned building with food, carrier and flashlight! Wait, that's my story; In your case your giving your phone number out to strange construction workers! 
(pretty sure I've done that, too). Hope you find the little kitty. You are totally right, your home would certainly be a tremendous improvement over street life. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
My limit was 3, and we were all happy together, me and my three girls, then 2 kittens were left on my doorstep in a country where cats are considered vermin, so my limit became 5. Then seven years ago I moved to another country with the five and one died. So I thought four was an ideal number. Then I found a cold kitten in the barn one January, she rapidly adopted us (and more importantly, Wellington, who had lost his brother, adopted her as his new companion) so the limit moved up to five again. To cut a long story short, five years on I was up to eight, and thought I was in over my head, though I could afford to keep them and they all seemed happy. But I swore no more, that was it. And then since July this year, another 3 have been left with me. I am really trying to find a home for the 11th, a four-month old dilute tortie, but as I failed with the previous two, I am not hopeful. I guess what I am trying to say is that my limit is however many Fate has seen fit to send me. And somehow we manage - I love all of them and recognise their individuality. But it does get hard to give each one of them that special time, there are simply not enough hours in the day.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Nice posts, susank521, and LDG.

We have room in our house and yard for cats--for us it was more an issue of making room in our lives for the time it takes to take care of these little critters. It's a commitment, for sure.

Like I mentioned, I never in a million years intended to have 7 cats. But we made a promise to a friend and I'd have never been able to live with myself if we hadn't kept it. Here's the funny part--as much as I've felt shell shocked having these extra cats, when my neighbor (who's found literally hundreds of forever homes for cats and dogs in our community through her volunteer efforts) told me yesterday about a black and white kitten who needs a home.......I actually considered it! :doh3:

Crazy Cat Lady Land, here I come..... :lol3:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
LDG, you rock. I agree with you. Cats make up for lack of floor space with vertical space. My husband just built a cat enclosure for me that leads from my home office outdoors. He wants the number to stay at 3. Last night I went to a 7-11 next to a construction site. It was dark but I saw a little white and gray kitten scampering across the parking lot. I got down low and called out to her she turned, considered me and then ran into the fenced off lot. The lot is preparing to lay concrete so I went back today and gave the workers my number to call if they should spot her/him. I just can't leave a little baby out there. I feel that while we do have financial limitations there are more cats than there are homes. If I bring a cat in who has been on her own it is the right thing.You do what you can, I give the best vet care that I can, the best food that I can, and all the warm cozy places etc. My point is a cat is far better off here in my home than on the streets, I am having cat shelves put up to show hubby how space for cats can increase. He loves our cats and I think he is just afraid that I will turn our home into a sanctuary.Geez, we only have 1 kid left at home and 2100 square feet of house. I am clean and do y best. I feel working at home as I do I have a lot to give. I hope someone here backs me up so I can show my husband I haven't lost my mind. I am not out looking for more cats but if there is one in need in front of me-well of course I have to do something. It is getting cold outside.
Rescuing kitties in need doesn't necessarily mean adopting them, either. They can be vetted and fostered, and adopted out. :D

We can't foster given we have no way to quarantine rescues. But kittens that will quickly socialize go into the local foster network; the vet techs at one of the vet practices we use helps us adopt out kitties. As there are no local rescues that will take FIV+ cats (so far, knock wood, FeLV hasn't been an issue here), if they are adult, they are released here to become part of the feral colony. :rub:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
... I guess what I am trying to say is that my limit is however many Fate has seen fit to send me. And somehow we manage - I love all of them and recognise their individuality. But it does get hard to give each one of them that special time, there are simply not enough hours in the day.
So well said, Jenny! :rub: They find their way to us... we do what we can. Thankfully, we've been able to adopt out (or place into the foster network) the vast majority of cats that have found their way to us. :heart2:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2013
Florida, USA
I started with one...then came another...then I fostered two more and kept one. So now I've got three of my own, and four tiny foster-kittens...seven cats, who knew?!?!?!

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
I know you are right. I would be a horrible person to have involved with a rescue. My education is in animal behavior. I used to work with dogs. Several years ago I did adoption counseling for the county shelter. I basically rejected almost everyone.I have found homes for a few cats who seemed to end up on front step. Good homes BUT I have see so much of the worst way people treat animals. I have known to many people who adopt on a whim and then don't live up to their commitments. I have no faith, if I rescue you can be sure in 98% of the cases I will keep them here. I know, its an awful attitude but it is the truth.I was blessed last year tho, my neighbor took a 6 year old cat from me. She had been here, I had vetted her and my vet said she was great . This is my former vet I have spoken of before- he was awful. Long story short she wasn't great. She had a hernia and when they shaved her to operate they found old wounds- 5 pellet shots still in her body- no wonder she didn't want anyone to pick her up. They still kept her, paid for all her care and love her like crazy. There are some good [eople out there, just not enough. That is why I love this site. I can feel good about humanity when I see that there people who care so much about the animals that share their lives.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 25, 2013
North Georgia, USA
I know you are right. I would be a horrible person to have involved with a rescue. My education is in animal behavior. I used to work with dogs. Several years ago I did adoption counseling for the county shelter. I basically rejected almost everyone.I have found homes for a few cats who seemed to end up on front step. Good homes BUT I have see so much of the worst way people treat animals. I have known to many people who adopt on a whim and then don't live up to their commitments. I have no faith, if I rescue you can be sure in 98% of the cases I will keep them here. I know, its an awful attitude but it is the truth.I was blessed last year tho, my neighbor took a 6 year old cat from me. She had been here, I had vetted her and my vet said she was great . This is my former vet I have spoken of before- he was awful. Long story short she wasn't great. She had a hernia and when they shaved her to operate they found old wounds- 5 pellet shots still in her body- no wonder she didn't want anyone to pick her up. They still kept her, paid for all her care and love her like crazy. There are some good [eople out there, just not enough. That is why I love this site. I can feel good about humanity when I see that there people who care so much about the animals that share their lives.
Poor kitty! Thankfully she finally ended up in right hands. I must disagree on one point... you would be the BEST kind of person to have involved with rescue. Meaning the best for the cats, perhaps not for your personal peace of mind. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 1, 2013

Not sure where to put this but here it goes.  How many of you have more than one cat?  Do you find that your cats are happier with someone around?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 23, 2013
Bountiful, UTah
I have 5 cats and it depends on the cat, I have one who prefers solitude as far as other cats are concerned, others who prefer to team up and snuggle with each other, and they all love human attention, although Tigger my youngest prefers attention on her own terms.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
Julie might be OK as an only cat, but Mason and Gadget need company. Julie gets along with the boys OK enough; the boys just really like to play and getting into stuff. Julie and Mason are litter mates but are still very different personalities.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 7, 2013
Katy, Texas
I own three cats: Oreo, Jumbles and Bear! Jumbles (The only female) might do okay without Oreo and Bear, but I know that Oreo and Bear could never live by themselves. They are so social with each-other and they would probably get very bored  without each-other. All three of them love human attention, though! 
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 1, 2013
Thanks for your replies!   We have one cat that the moment named Louis,  he is almost 8 months old.  We also have two dogs that are six.    I have always had one than one cat and we thinking maybe we should get a friend for Louis.  We only got him a month ago after a year of not having a cat in the house( our last cat penny died at 16).  Have a feeling maybe I should wait until after the holidays before we get another cat.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 17, 2012
Athol, Massachusetts
I have five cats and a dog. It really depends on the cat, as said above. Noelle would love for me to get rid of everyone else and be the sole kitty of the house. =P Sophie is hit or miss; she doesn't much care for Noelle, but loves the kittens. I think she does best with cats that are younger than her, so she can play mommy/big sis/assert her dominance. As long as it's clear that she's Big Kitty in Charge, she likes company. And then the three little ones (who aren't so little anymore!) love each other and Sophie and anyone who will let them cuddle (they keep trying to cuddle the dog, who wants nothing to do with them, and has only deigned to tolerate them).

Sophie was my first, and Noelle my second. I got Noelle hoping to have a companion for Sophie, but it didn't work out that way. So you have to know your cat, and I think also really investigate the kitty you're adopting. I would get him a companion sooner rather than later, while he's still young (Sophie was set in her ways by seven months!). And maybe get him a slightly younger kitten, just so he doesn't feel his status as the Man of the House is disrupted. As they age, the difference in age will be pretty minimal, but right now, it'll be enough to help them settle into a friendly, sensible social order.