Search Results

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    Want to play?!! Word Association Game !!

    Tomatillo salsa
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    Litter box deodourizer + essential oils

    I put a mason jar of baking soda with 3 drops of essential oil in the same room as the litter boxes. Covered. Small holes in the lid. It didn't help.
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    How Do You Clean the Litter Scoop?

    I'm glad I found this thread. I'm very careful not to use my sinks - I rent - and it creates a challenge. As for cooking oil, yesterday, I tried "buttering" the litter box (after first scooping of the day) with baby oil. I used the baby oil on the plastic scoop also. I thought it didn't help...
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    Nature's Variety Instinct questions

    @oneandahalfcats: Thank you for posting about the cat and dog foods being identical. Good move by NV to move rabbit sourcing to New Zealand.
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    Food & chronic vomit/regurg questions, please.

    Oy Denice, what a horror story to have him hospitalized and the Vet only coming back with "he's sensitive". I've been surprised that none of the Vets I've spoken to about his vomiting seem concerned to find the cause. Last night I saw an ad on here for a mobile vet local to me. I'm calling...
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    Indulge me? Pics of my kitty cats.

    How cute that he sandwiches himself in between the pillows. Picture? :-))
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    My intro...with two kitties!

    Welcome! M & G are adorable!!
  8. Indulge me? Pics of my kitty cats.

    Indulge me? Pics of my kitty cats.

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    Indulge me? Pics of my kitty cats.

    Now I know why my cel phone has a camera.... ;-) I have more, if you want to see them. LOL! Clapton.... Layla.... I've been told she's a "dilute calico". Uh, ok. Sure. Together...
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    How did you meet your little fuzzbutt(s)

    I love all these stories. There is a loving quality about "animal people" that I never experience with those who do not share their lives with at least one furry being. Kudos to each of you for opening heart & home to an animal (or many!) in need of love. Yep, so I spent my life with dogs...
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    Cute Cat Icon Maker!!

    Oh my! Talk about kawaii!!! I love your kitties. Guess it's time to fire up my laptop... No go on my phone, sadly. Can't guess how you found this widget but awfully glad you did.
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    Should we get a second cat?

    Here's the article. Hope it's helpful if you decide to add another kitty cat to your household: