Search Results

  1. whisperer

    New Dog, Terrified Cat

    My cat, Buddy, has never been scared of dogs. He walks right past our other two (60 lbs and 90 lb) dogs with no problem. However, we recently got a new puppy. A nine-pound Corgi. Buddy tried his normal buff approach, growling as he walked by, but when he did this, our new dog Oliver barked. He...
  2. whisperer

    Hungry and Whiney?

    My cat Buddy has been very hungry for the last four days or so. He always has a full bowl of kibble and we give him one can on soft food daily (he is very skinny naturally, so we make sure he always has plenty of food. We've had him checked by the vet multiple times, nothing to be worried...
  3. whisperer

    Tortoiseshell... Kind Of?

    So, I have a beautiful mixed breed cat I received from someone giving them away about a year ago. This girl was almost solid black when we got her, except for a white patch on her chest, a white strip down her chin, and a few scattered brown hairs on her cheek and rump. Fast forward ten months...
  4. whisperer

    Human= Medicine, Human=Someone I Don't Like Anymore

    So, as my cat has bladder crystal problems, I've been giving him diluted apple cider vinegar when he's not medicated as to help him with the problem. I give it orally by syringe! and obviously he hates the taste of it. Now, he avoids me. As once was a completely lovey, sweet cat; my favorite...
  5. whisperer

    EMERGENCY! My cat is hardly breathing!

    Of course we're taking him to the vet right away! Right now! He started with his bladder issues again yesterday (he has crystals) and we woke up this morning to find him hardly moving and hardly breathing! He's generally healthy and he's not too overweight! I checked his throat and I don't see...
  6. whisperer

    Chasing His Tail

    So, my cat Neko already has a problem with obsession, like his obsession with eating non-edible things (he has pica.) However, I don't think this is obsessive... I don't know how to label it. When the tip of his tail gets wet, he will NOT stop chasing it. He will spin into walls, chairs, and...
  7. whisperer

    The Joys of Living With a Pica Cat

    So, my little guy Neko has pica (I made a thread about it a few months ago.) He eats anything and everything he can get his paws on, which has resulted in multiple vet scares :( I've had to completely Pica-Proof my home. We don't really have a problem with all the work. Anything for our...
  8. whisperer

    My Cousin's Cat

    Normally, I wouldn't post somebody else's pet lose here, but it was just too sad :( I was babysitting my little cousin, and his cat had recently died of cancer. We were playing a board game, and I looked up at the clock and said "Oh, look, it's 11:11. Make a wish." After he made his wish, I...
  9. whisperer

    Possible New Adoption- Questions

    So, I've recently come across a purebred Somali for sale. He's a beautiful ruddy male from champion lines, but he is just a pet (for reasons I don't know.) I assume he is under the height limit, for he looks quite small and he is a year and a half old. The people own two other Somalis, and I...
  10. whisperer

    Obsessive Eating of Inanimate Objects

    My kitten Neko seems to have a strange obsession with eating things he is not supposed to- string, small plastic or rubber things, etc. pretty much anything he can fit in his mouth! I have locked away everything he can eat, which includes all his and the other cats' toys. That doesn't make the...
  11. whisperer

    Bad, Frequent Diarrhea

    My 7 y/o calico car, Sophie, has been having bad diarrhea lately. She has been not using the litter box, which we thought was because we acquired two new kittens recently, but have been second-guessing. She has had diarrhea her whole life, resulting from a sick kitten hood. It is just worst...
  12. whisperer

    Time to See a Vet?

    My kitten (4 months) Neko ate two thick rubber bracelets, a scrap of plastic, and some tape... First a thick rubber bracelet (which he threw up over the past three days, along with the plastic scrap,) and we just found the most to-eaten tape and other bracelet. We are for sure it is him. We have...
  13. whisperer

    Hello from 5!

    Hey! I just joined this site today! I have 5 cats (Buddy, Sophie, Charlie, Neko and Penny.) excited about learning more of cats!
  14. whisperer

    Hello from 5!

    Hey! I just joined this site today!