Search Results

  1. J

    FISS (Feline Injection Site Sarcoma)

    After 3 yrs of battling FLUD which we resolved with a change in litter and a larger box our 11yr old Maine Coon was diagnosed with FISS. We're obviously heartbroken and trying to take a realistic perspective with regards to his life expectancy. We're probably going to have surgery but my...
  2. J

    How difficult to place a cat for adoption?

    I think we're going to have to put one of our Main Coons up for adoption. The Vet is unable to determine a medical reason for his chronic UTI's so we're assuming it has something to do with his home environment that we're unable to discover ourselves. How difficult is it to re-home a cat...
  3. J

    Cheap canned food suggestions for big old cats.

    For 4 years we've been dealing with chronic UTI with one of our main coins. They're 10 yrs old and weigh 17 and 25 lbs. Neither is overweight. We've been feeding them 50/50 wet/dry for the majority of their lives but I think the dry is causing our UTI cat to develop constipation which...
  4. J

    Too much litter cause UTI?

    It has been two months and we're on yet another round of antibiotics for UTI. This particular cat has chronic UTI's and I'm wondering if the depth of his litter box is to blame. We have around 3"-4" inches of crystal litter in each box. I'm just guessing here but we've been dealing with...
  5. J

    L-Tryptophan supplement experience?

    I'm trying to get my cats off Hills C/D urinary + stress and on to a similar but cheaper better quality nonprescription urinary food. The Hills product uses L-tryptophan to modulate stress. I'm interested in your experience or advice. Thanks
  6. J

    Tomato pomace allergy?

    Is it possible for a cat to be allergic to this if they have a food sensitivity for tomato sauce? One of my cats has had diarrhea for almost two months on Young Again and most recently c/d prescription food. My vet is unable to resolve it.
  7. J

    Kidney centric diets and Raw food.. Quick read.

    I found this ver informative. Should I feed my cat with chronic kidney disease a raw diet? Cift notes is cats with impaired kidney function cannot eat a high protein diet. It's not just the phosphorus levels but toxins created via the digestion of protein itself. So when you get upset...
  8. J

    C/D "Urinary" food vs non-perscription

    Can someone provide any insight as to what makes c/d food better than non-prescription which has similar phosphorus levels? C/D Hills Urinary Stress vs say Young Again zero Mature. One of our cats has been on/off developing bacterial UTI's and our vet has said we need to feed them some sort...
  9. J

    IBS 5yr old cat.

    It has been awhile since I last posted. It appears one of my 5yr old cats is developing IBS. It started a little over a month ago after a visit to the vet for their vaccinations (we skipped a year). First bout of small intestine diarrhea occurred about 2 days post vet and then about once...
  10. J

    Cat went from vomiting (always a hairball) 1x month or couple of months to vomiting ~2x/week.

    One of my 3.5 yr old Main Coons started to vomit ~2x/week after his annual visit to the Vet (~1.5 months ago). There was some fur present in the first two occurrences but the last couple of times have been food only and within 20 minutes of eating. The cat is one of two (littermates) and his...
  11. J

    Lack of water intake. Should I be concerned?

    2 Maine Coons age just under 3 yrs old. Water bowl: Drinkwell water fountain for dogs/cats and it is filled with filtered water. We cleaned the fountain and replaced the filter last Saturday and last night (Weds) my wife noticed that the cats have barely touched the fountain and she became...
  12. J

    Old guy is slowing down and arthritis

    The arthritis in my 16 yrs old Maine Coon has progressed rapidly with regards to his rear hips.  He's really stiff back there and as a result he doesn't do much anymore.  He's basically confined himself to the first floor as it's very difficult for him to climb stairs (he stopped sleeping with...
  13. J

    Commercial raw for multiple cats. Any company sell large patties?

    Looking for a company that sells the large patties. Typically this food would be marketed to dogs, but it works wonders for someone who has a multi-cat household such as myself.
  14. J

    Young adult vomiting his dry/wet mix, but not wet only.

    So I have three cats (Sr IBD, Two brothers at ~18 months). One of the younger ones starting yesterday afternoon has been unable keep down his dry/wet mix, but he can eat just the wet alone. I've been feeding them a dry/wet mix for about a month now and have had no problems. The dry has been...
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    ne1 read this?
  16. J

    cat hovering ?

    Cat hovering over ones head and kneads. Happens at any time.
  17. J

    Biological question. Cat breathing.

    My old main coon has a "talent" in that he can exhale both warm and cold breath at the same or time or alternate breaths. He always does it while purring. How in the world can he do this?
  18. J

    Birthday meal

    My three amigos have their birthday today and was thinking about a birthday meal of chopped chicken hearts purchased from a local grocery store. Being that my cats eat NV raw daily do you think they would be okay if I just thoroughly wash them or should I do a quick sautee just to cook off any...
  19. J

    Early AM bored cat starting to scratch carpet.

    9.5 month old and over the past month he gets up at around 5 am and starts walking about the bedroom grumbling, messing with blinds, and has started to scrach the carpet in 3 spots (left & right side of dresser) and near entry way into bathroom. The frustrating part is that in each location...