Search Results

  1. K

    Too Needy, Non-stop Meowing Especially In The Morning

    So from a training perspective, he's looking for attention. Any attention you give him is a positive reimreinforcefor his behavior. I have a demanding diva that learned if she yelled, licked my ears and bit my hair at 5am, I'd wake up, which is exactly what she wanted. In simple language, if it...
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    Chewing Toothbrush. Good Or Bad?

    Video of her crazy chewing.
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    Chewing Toothbrush. Good Or Bad?

    My cat is a big fan of chewing. Always has been, always will be. Started with electrical cords, tape, and a bunch of other dangerous stuff. I now buy her pigs ears and tiny bully sticks. Seems to do the trick. Recently caught her chewing my toothbrush. First thought: ew, need to buy a new...
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    Smelly Poops On Raw

    I always recommend a good probiotic when switching to raw. There is a tread on here of one from Amazon that I've used with success. I'd they have been on the raw less than a month, the PH in the stomach might still be getting used to it. If it's a question of fiber, try using missing link. It's...
  5. K

    Raw 'too Dense?'

    Cat has been on S&C raw frozen DOG patties for ~5 years because I they were originally formulated for both dogs and cats. Rotated between chicken, turkey, duck and lamb for all 5 years without issue. I changed to venison once because the store was out of all other flavors. Cat ended up in ER...
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    Eye Problem

    From the angle, it looks like just shadow. I don't see goop in the corner, I don't see redness around the eye lid. I don't see visible puffy swelling. I'd ask them to send you another couple pictures where the cat is facing a light source, but it looks like nothing to me. Try to relax on your...
  7. K

    Can Cats Gain Weight In A Few Days?

    Cats can pretty quickly gain weight back if they are feeling better. I might suggest making sure that the litter box all looks normal, but if she's feeling better, I'd think she's just gaining weight from a healthy appetite
  8. K

    Ringworm :’-(

    Ringworm is a fungus and can be picked up from a number of sources. As a human, you could pick it up from the gym, a kid's school, or other animals can get it too. I've seen it on guinea pigs and rats and it just looks like a patch of crusty skin. It's very possible that you got it somewhere...
  9. K

    Chronic Cat Cough / Wheezing- Long Term Care

    Back story: cat is now 11 years old, has had feline herpes virus his whole life- very prone to upper respiratory infections. He's on daily lysine supplements. Every time *anything* changes (visitor, repairman) he comes down with an upper respiratory infection. We take him to the vet, the vet...
  10. K

    Best teeth cleaning chew for cats

    My cat loves to chew. She started with electrical cords which was really concerning. I now give her pigs ears and trachea to chew naturally. She is on raw food patties. I've read that raw is best for teeth health because it doesn't build up like kibble does. But she doesn't get raw meaty bones...
  11. K

    Elevation change affect???

    My parents have a weekend cabin a couple hours away up a mountain. Over 8000 ft change in 2 hours. They want to bring the cat with them so he isn't alone over the weekends they are gone. They drove him up twice already and he was a bit freaked out but overall fine. They are concerned with how...
  12. K

    Dog raw food in comparison

    Interesting. What I've read seems to be fairly different with dogs having more fish included, less supplements, and fruit and veggies included. I'd be interested to see what other people do that feed raw to both cats and dogs.
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    1 of my 4 cats doesnt want to learn how to use a cat door

    Can you tie it up just a couple inches so he has to push it just a tiny bit. Maybe having it go from comp!etely open to completely closed confused the poor guy. Maybe he didn't "get it" like the other cats did. Try tying it up an inch or two and bribe him to come through from both...
  14. K

    Wailing Cat -HELP!

    I'm truly a fan of a set or se!mi set schedule for cats. It keeps the cat sane and the humans too. So: 8-9am wake up and breakfast with play before and a bit after. She usually is up for a while watching birds outside and then sleeps most of mid day and afternoon. Evening 6-9pm. Play like...
  15. K

    Dog raw food in comparison

    Please move this post if it really should be in other animals but anyways. I currently feed my cat commercial raw but I've been reading the recipes on here and all the resources posted and I think once I'm ready I'll make the investment in a home grinder and supplements. My real question...
  16. K

    Cats, a Dog, and Guinea Pigs?

    I will say I have had guinea pigs with cats and other small animals and I will say my cats have never had any prey drive to them. My cats would sit up and watch the guinea pigs like it was a TV show. I will say they need more space and care than pet stores say but I think a pair or small...
  17. K

    Occasional Raw

    I tried mixing wet and raw and it didn't sit well so I hurried the transition to just raw. I second that cat sitters don't mind the raw much,but if you need a meal left out do the freeze dried and it'll be fine dry.
  18. K

    Exciting new product I found!

    So I go to the store today to pick up more raw and I saw a new product that has me pretty excited. I've heard the debate on cats getting any fruits and veggies as not necessary but what I've seen is that there is only one commercial frozen raw that has no fruits or veggies in it. RadCat is the...
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    Can rotating proteins lead to litter box issues?

    She has had canned duck, not raw. So it is something I want to try but primal doesn't make duck I don't think and instinct does. Do you think it would be safe to rotate brands with meals? Or is there really no way to know until I try it?
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    Can rotating proteins lead to litter box issues?

    I recently posted about my cat getting sick from steak and having trouble getting her back on to her raw.  I finally did and she is now on Primal brand Turkey frozen with freeze dried as "snacks".     Because of my previous issues with her , I'm really nervous to start introducing any new...