Search Results

  1. amythyst

    My Kitten From Hell..... :) Help?

    So, I have raised my share of kittens in my lifetime and never one as wild and crazy as my new kitten!  I've had him since around October of last year.  We have 2 other cats, one is turning 11 next month and the other is approximately 8-9.  The 11 year old is a male siamese and the 8-9 year old...
  2. amythyst

    Will My Kitten Ever Stop Annoying My Older Cats?

    I have a little male kitten who is approximately 3-4 months old.  He is very sweet and playful but he really wants to play with my older cats and they are quite not in the mood. :)  The cats do get along... if he isn't annoying them... they will sleep together and even eat out of the same food...
  3. amythyst

    What does she want??!?!?

    Hello! So, I have a 3-4 month old kitten (male), an 8 year old female and a 10 year old Siamese male.  My question is about my 8 year old female.  At least I think she's 8... I got her from a shelter earlier this year and I believe she was a stray because they didn't really have any information...
  4. amythyst

    What Could be Wrong With my Meezer? :(

    Hi guys, just when I get my new kitten settled in and doing well... my older cat starts having issues.  I'm really worried about him... he started acting "different" a few days ago.... like I can't explain it but when you know you're cat you know they are "off".  Then, this morning I saw he had...
  5. amythyst

    Kitten With Poo Problems

    Woah is me... every time I adopt a cat IT HAS DIARREAH!  Ugh!  Ok, venting over. :)  So, we just adopted a really cute kitty on Saturday and I asked at the Petsmart (they adopt through outside cat services) if the kitty had diarreah and they said no nope...none.  I get him home and the first...