Search Results

  1. iambic

    Homemade kitty shelf!

    So me, being the intrepid person that I am, decided that Imogen needed a new scratching/playing/napping place. As I didn't want to spend a bookoodle of money, and since power tools are awesome sauce, I decided to build my own! (With much help from the boyfriend, of course.) A little bit of...
  2. iambic

    Would an automatic litter box help solve inappropriate bathroom habits?

    Hello all; it's been a while. Imogen and I have reached a sort of tacit agreement. She understands the litter boxes (she has three) and what they are for, but sometimes, she just chooses not to use them. I've learned to understand her, even though I don't like it. Here's the thing: since the...
  3. iambic

    Vet yearly coming up, what to do about shots?

    Hi guys, I'm deferring to your much wiser opinions here. Imogen's yearly check-up is coming up next week, and I was wondering what to ask the vet for as far as vaccinations. After last year's check-up and shot regimen, she developed a very large cyst on the injection site on her hip that didn't...
  4. iambic

    Imogen is missing

    So I've been spending the past day and a half alternating between crying and worrying. For those who don't remember, I adopted Imogen as a shelter kitty in January, and we've had litterbox problems ever since. About a month ago, it got so bad that...nevermind, I don't want to go there right now...
  5. iambic

    Anyone heard of/used Grandma Mae's cat food?

    As seen here: I went to get a new bag of Natural Balance Ultra today and walked away with Grandma Mae's County Naturals instead. It was a few dollars cheaper for the same amount and seemed to have ever so slightly better ingredients. Two of the ladies...
  6. iambic

    The claw clipping compromise

    When I first got Imogen she had no problem letting me trim her claws. Now, it's like pulling teeth. Or rather, she acts as though I'm going to pull the claws out! I tried to clip them yesterday, and we had to have a a rather long "discussion" about her overreactions during the attempted...
  7. iambic

    Stress pooping/separation anxiety? Would another cat help?

    Hi y'all. Anyway, I'm sure some of you have heard about my Imogen's disgraceful litterbox habits before, but here's the latest. I've been using the Feliway religiously, and I even got to the point where I could leave Imogen out with full run of the apartment and she would both pee and poop...
  8. iambic

    Feliway and open windows...

    So...she did it again. After switching to World's Best Cat Litter (which she seems to love!) and having a great run with the Feliway/partial sequestration (she's still not allowed in the living room/kitchen while I'm at work), Imogen had her first accident in a long while...she pooped on the...
  9. iambic

    Soooo very proud of her!

    So, this weekend, I had to cover the annual Pet Fair as part of my job (I'm a reporter with a small-town paper...not too shabby an assignment, right? ) Anyway, as pets were welcome at the event, and I wanted to attract people to talk to me and give interviews, I decided to bring Imogen along...
  10. iambic

    Anyone heard of the Sokoke breed?

    I was doing a little bit of boredom research at work today and stumbled upon a picture of the Sokoke cat breed. I was floored: the pictures and descriptions match my Imogen to a T! I had previously labeled her a classic tabby DSH, but now I'm starting to think that she may have at least a bit of...
  11. iambic

    So I learned the hard way... never let the Feliway run out. I was hoping I wouldn't have to keep buying the stuff, and that once Imogen got used to using the litter box like a good cat, she would be fine. Not so much. The past three or four days I've found clumps of poop all over the bathroom floor, and even a couple...
  12. iambic

    My good deed for the day :)

    Today has been the first truly gorgeous day in a long time, and I had just returned from taking Imogen on her first ever "walk" (details on that later), when I decided it would be a great time to spring-clean out my fridge and take some old things to the compost can outside. Of course, the...
  13. iambic


    I was playing Imogen's favorite game of chase-the-balled-up-Netflix-paper-around-the-couch and kitty had followed the toy all the way up to the top of one of the arms. Now, I have a large, sectional L-shaped couch, so it's pretty big. I threw the paper for her to jump after it; it landed on the...
  14. iambic

    Imogen doesn't like Mozart...

    I had Imogen curled up in my lap and was playing the beginning scene of the movie "Amadeus" on my laptop...kitty was watching halfheartedly, starting to drift off in cozy repose, when suddenly... BUM BUM! BUMBUDDA BUM BUM! And the famous Mozart music blasts from the screen! Imogen jumped...
  15. iambic

    Spinning in circles?

    I've noticed Imogen is more than a little weird (in fact, my boyfriend lovingly calls her "retard kitty") but this has me concerned: she will spontaneously break out into sudden, violent "spinning attacks." In other words, she'll stop dead with whatever she is doing and basically chase her tail...
  16. iambic

    More problems with Imogen...

    She's doing much better now with the litterbox thing, but just yesterday I noticed something strange. She had a tiny tiny white dot on her nose that had not been there before and could not be rubbed off. I wondered if she had somehow bumped or scratched it. I also noticed that she seemed to...
  17. iambic

    Is this middening? If so, will Feliway help?

    Hello all, I'm new here, this is my first post, and since I'm sure you guys are all very knowledgeable cat lovers, I'm hoping you can give my some advice about my insane little Imogen. A bit of backstory: I recently moved to a new town to start a new job and all that yadda yadda, so I decided...