Search Results

  1. howtoholdacat

    Need a laugh?

    Found this blog post today and it slayed me! It could be about one of my cats except I don't free feed as this blogger obviously does so I don't have quite the same problem. It's sarcastic by the way so don't take the post seriously! It's meant to entertain.
  2. howtoholdacat


    There is a stray cat in the neighborhood that meows incessantly on my neighbor's front porch. It sounds like it's in distress but every time I go out to see what's wrong with it, it runs off. I've never seen this cat before and I thought maybe it was trapped or hurt but it's not trapped and...
  3. howtoholdacat

    A Very Bad Day

    My cat Friday is 12 years old. We've been treating him for hyperthyroid for about 12 months. We knew that he had kidney disease and started him on KD. 3 months ago, his levels were good enough that our vet didn't want to start him on medication. He hasn't been himself the last couple of...
  4. howtoholdacat

    Spitting while playing

    Seti is a spitter. Not sure why but when he's really wound up and having fun (usually while leaping into a pile of laundry) he spits. It's hysterical and I've never heard a cat spit unless they're frightened. Does anyone else's cat do this?
  5. howtoholdacat

    Know any good cat blogs?

    I'm looking for good cat blogs to read. What do you like?
  6. howtoholdacat

    Your craziest animal story

    This blog, Door In Face, is looking for crazy animal stories (and tells a few of its own!) I figured TCS probably has some of the craziest animal stories out there! Even if you don't have a story to tell, the blog post is funny!
  7. howtoholdacat

    Funny cat story! I'm on an internet roll for finding funny cat things. Check this one out!
  8. howtoholdacat

    Funny comic strip that only cat lover can appreciate! This cracked me up! Hope you cat people enjoy it as much as I did.
  9. howtoholdacat

    Cat Anatomy Question

    Do cats have lips or is that just the edge of their face? My husband and I are debating this and your answer could help me win!
  10. howtoholdacat

    Hyperthyroidism and the litter box

    Friday has a hyper thyroid. We recently discovered it and started him on meds. Prior to this, he was urinating and defecating outside of his box. His vet theorized that as he's aged, it's more difficult for him to get into and out of his box so I bought him a box with very low sides and added...
  11. howtoholdacat

    Could use encouragement

    Seti makes crystals. This is kind of a relief because sometimes he pees in strange places. He's very emotional and I've always attributed the urine to him being upset with one of our other cats as he's never shown signs of illness. In fact, he still doesn't have an infection but we ran a...
  12. howtoholdacat

    When he's upset, he pees on my stove

    Seti's a weird one, no doubt. If he gets upset he pees on the stove. Very charming. I don't think he can help it. He had a traumatic kittenhood. He seems to do fine if I keep the litter boxes unbelievably clean and if I spend plenty of time reassuring and comforting him. But if he gets...
  13. howtoholdacat

    Someone Tried to Break In!

    Some jerk tried to break into my house today in the middle of the day. It was lunchtime and I had left to do my pet sitting when they used items from my FRONT porch to break a window on the back of my house. Thankfully, my deaf 14 year old dog isn't so deaf she can't hear glass breaking and...
  14. howtoholdacat

    Round 987987979846

    I rescued two kittens today. At least I think I did the right thing. Their mom is a neighbor's cat that was never spayed. You know the story. Another neighbor has been trying to trap the mom for quite some time with no success. I came home from the gym and found mom on my porch which was...
  15. howtoholdacat

    Never seen this behavior before

    My husband is cooking dinner which is probably where things first went wrong. The oil got too hot and the house got smokey. Seti started making the strangest noises. He's scared of the smoke. In all my years working with cats I've never seen one act this way. I spent a long time loving on...
  16. howtoholdacat

    Wellness Food for Seniors Need some advice

    Friday has lost some weight in the past six months. He's still a healthy weight it was just a noticeable change so I had his blood work done this week just to make sure he's healthy. His vet called and said everything looked good but the levels for his kidneys were up slightly from six months...
  17. howtoholdacat

    Solution for cat who plasters himself to me while I'm sleeping

    Seti is a bed hog! He can't just lay by my feet. He fuses with me on a molecular level. I can't roll over or sometimes even get comfortable because he gets so close to me but I found a solution! I gave him his own teddy bear to curl up with at night. I get a break and it's so cute to see...
  18. howtoholdacat

    I don't say it enough...

    ...I hate people. Found another "stray" (read: neighbor gets cats then sticks them outside) this morning. She's so small she's practically see through and she's pregnant. Once again my neighbor and I will trap her and find her a home. I wish I could figure out who gets these cats and puts...
  19. howtoholdacat

    Preemptive strategizing need creative thoughts

    There's a place that my husband and I would like to buy. It's a town house that's built around a courtyard that has flowerbeds and trees but is totally walled in (inside the townhouse) on all four sides but there's no roof. I think the cats will love the townhouse and getting to go "outside"...
  20. howtoholdacat

    The Hemmy Saga Continues and this is funny stuff

    So I've been posting about my cat Hemmy. In case you missed in, Hemmy is about 9 years old. He's a neutered DLH male cat that's had a whole host of medical issues throughout his life the big one being chronic UTI's that resulted in an emergency amputation of his penis to allow crystals to flow...