Search Results

  1. D

    Rabies vaccine while on steroids?

    The new vet seemed fine with boarding without rabies shot. She did ask if he was ever aggressive when being handled and I said no. Poor guy has been in hospital a number of times with flares and is always a love bug. I'm just nervous now that he will love bite them! But he wouldn't be climbing...
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    Rabies vaccine while on steroids?

    My cat takes a low dose of prednisolone daily for IBD and chronic pancreatitis. He hasn't had a rabies vaccine since he started this med in 2019. We unfortunately had to change vets recently. We board him with vet when we travel, which isn't often, due to his medical issues. This vet will...
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    Question about cat urinary blockage aftercare?

    Thanks. They said we caught the blockage very early. He actually had peed before we took him! We thought he was having a pancreatitis flare because he started his yowl, but turns out he was just starting to block! So they said all his kidney values were perfect. I called the ED and they said it...
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    Question about cat urinary blockage aftercare?

    Hi, Our pet was released Friday from emergency vet for partial blockage. He had a cath for 2 nights, sent home on gabapentin and a med to relax urethra. So he actually hasn't strained at all when we got home, producing normal to large volume urine every few hours. He's now fully on Royal Canin...
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    Low urine specific gravity but normal blood work?

    His ultrasound in January was normal outside of pancreas! Thanks!
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    Low urine specific gravity but normal blood work?

    Our cat (8) has chronic pancreatitis and is on daily prednisolone since 2020.. Since 2021 he's had low urine specific urine gravity bounces between 1.010 and 1.017. these tests are sporadic and usually done in ED during a flare. Our vet just performed yesterday outside of flare and it's still...
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    Can creatinine levels raise during a pancreatitis flare?

    I looked at his lab results from this past January and from another flare up July 2022 and both times his Bun was 20 and creatinine was 1.8. Maybe it's normal for him during flares?
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    Can creatinine levels raise during a pancreatitis flare?

    My 8 year old cat has chronic pancreatitis. Has had since 2020. Last flare was in January - ED and my regular vet said all his labs looked great. Today we went to vet for a different issue and we saw a different doctor (mine was at surgery). She went through his history and mentioned in January...
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    Yeesh, found small piece of plastic Amazon envelope in cat's poop!

    No, he's not a chewer, just plastic bags at times! So weird. We are normally super careful, this just snuck past us. Thanks all!
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    Yeesh, found small piece of plastic Amazon envelope in cat's poop!

    We are very careful leaving out any plastic bags as every cat we've had seems to want to munch them. Either Thursday morning or Friday morning I shooed Walnut away from an Amazon envelope (the white plastic bag ones) and then threw it out. I swear it was a split second! Everything normal since...
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    Musiaka's journey with IBD and liver issues

    Our cat cat kept throwing up hairballs - turns out he had pancreatitis! I never knew it could be a sign of that, but it was. Good luck to you, we have our "special" cat here too.
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    Please Help, diarrhea!

    Haven't heard back yet. His last dose of metro was yesterday morning and he just had a normal poop! Who knows what's going on!
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    Please Help, diarrhea!

    Yes, thanks, we know all about IBD. His previous ultrasounds have been all normal and he never has bowel issues outside of very rare constipation - they just always say IBD is possible because he has chronic pancreatitis. And now because this latest ultrasound showed colitis (which I still think...
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    Please Help, diarrhea!

    Our cat who has history of pancreatitis and possible IBD (on prednisolone, very low dosage) was seen in ED for constipation. He had an IV and started pooping all night. They sent him home on lactulose. After a day and a half he started diarrhea and a vomit. We took him back, they did an...
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    Good pet health insurance?

    It was $8000 total of months of care/treatments. We do pay up front and turn in claim and they pay back 90% of everything they cover, which was a lot on our plan. You have to be careful of preexisting conditions, those won't be covered. We got the insurance for them as soon as we got them. I...
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    Good pet health insurance?

    We have Nationwide whole pet with wellness. Monthly cost is what some may think expensive. When we had 2 cats was $32 a month for each cat, $250 deductible. But when Cashew got sick it saved us. Yes we had to pay up front, but after meeting deductible they paid us 90% of almost everything. We...
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    FIP - ugh

    I know all about FIP, but nothing with these two has been typical. Honestly they will both be dead and I don't care why. It's horrible. Cashew became very sick after he received his 3yr vaccinations plus a meloxicam injection for his hurt foot - stress which could have triggered the mutation...
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    FIP - ugh

    In the past I've posted about our cat Cashew passing from suspected GI lymphoma - also had EPI (pancreas basically dead). Then his brother Walnut started having some issues. Walnut is now fighting for his life with liver disease - but clear ultrasound two weeks ago. He's also not able to poop...
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    One eye changed color overnight?

    That's called hyphema - blood pooling in eye. My cat had it due to uveitis. You need to bring and try to find out why this is happening and if it's an injury, uveitis and what's causing it.
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    Cat suddenly acting strange

    I actually thought low albumin was the factor in FIP, not high. Because the body starts producing extra globuling, less albumin is produced. All leading the the low a/g ratio. But the fluid is def a sign.