Search Results

  1. J

    Am looking to bring in a second kitten

    My question is, I have an existing kitten that is 9 months old, ideally would bring in a new kitten while resident cat is still kitten. However there is lots happening in the house over the next few months. So was thinking to wait till September. Do you think waiting that long would make it more...
  2. J

    Is peeing randomly a sign of stress and pain?

    I ask because the truth is that my 15yo resident cat is on her last leg. For 7 months she has been plagued by this horrible feline fibroid Scarcoma in her mouth that after three surgeries, most teeth removed Has come back with a vengeance. It is no longer just in her mouth but seems to have...
  3. J

    Looking to adopt a new cat should it be a Boy or Girl?

    Hello I have two female cats now, one very old at 15, and another still a kitten at 9 months. So the older cat really wants nothing to do with the kitten as all she wants to do is play, and old lady wants nothing to do with it. So we were thinking of getting another kitten. What would be easier...
  4. J

    Kitten pees in other spots outside litter box

    So my Kitten Taffy, who is 8 months old, occasionally pees in “unauthorized” spots in the house, like the Christmas tree skirt, upstairs bathtub, chair in guest bedroom etc. we have several litter boxes, which she uses along with older resident cat. But sometimes she just pees in these other...
  5. J

    Is it Nature or Nurture that makes a cat cuddly?

    Lola our resident cat it very clearly a cat that is bonded with my family. While she is not a cuddler and does not like to be carried, she follows us around the house, always sits near us and even sleeps with my Son nestled up to him when he lays down on the sofa. But she doesn’t want to be...
  6. J

    Feline Fibroid Sarcoma Papilloma

    So poor Lola, is yet again afflicted with ANOTHER ailment. First she was diagnosed with pre-kidney disease and was put on a diet which she finds less than tasteful, then she finds out there is a new Kitten in the house (Taffy) which she found offensive and a horrific change to her peaceful life...
  7. J

    Is Low phosphorus food bad for Kittens?

    I ask the above question as I have an older cat the is pre-Kidney disease and is on a prescription diet. But was told that I cannot have the Kitten eat it as they include some things to help with Kidney function that could over time be harmful to kitten. Unfortunately older cat is a grazer and...
  8. J

    Litter that does not spread

    Hi I have three litter boxes for two cats. This is relatively new for us as we have a new kitten. So previously we just had one in the basement for our older resident cat, Lola. But for the kitten we decided to add two more in areas it’s easier for her to get to, like in bathroom and living...
  9. J

    How to feed cats with different diets

    So I have an older cat who is newly on a renal Diet which she hates, and 5 month old kitten eating kitten food. While I feed them at specific feeding times, they both eat their food a little bit at a time. So the result is older cat eats the kittens food unless I pick it up. Right now it works...
  10. J

    Does playing hide and seek encourage aggressive play?

    Myself and the kitten sometimes lately have been playing a sort of hide and seek, where I look to sneak up on her and just peek at her, she responds by seeking me out and stares at me. If I shift to the other side of the couch she respond in turn. If I move back she moves forward like this. I...
  11. J

    Mouse lockdown

    So not sure where to post this, but this looked like the right place. I worked late today and got home about 9 pm. The house was silent. The door to bedrooms And basement was closed. I could hear my older cat Lola meowing in the basement. I have two boys 5 year old and a 9 year old and if I’m...
  12. J

    Proper use of screen door for kitten intro

    So I have been working for over a month now to get my resistant resident cat, Lola, to accept our new kitten(Taffy). After a rushed start that didn’t go well, I have restarted and have been giving Lola visual of the kitten at 5-10 minutes at a time while I hold the kitten. I feel it’s...
  13. J

    How do I interpret swishing tail?

    My cat Lola just jumps onto my desk while I am working. She sits on my notebook. I pet her and tail swishes more, but she seems to be seeking me petting her. I thought a swishing tail is annoyance and such. So feel confused
  14. J

    Cat Behavior Consultant

    Just curious if anyone has ever used a Behavior consultant to help with Cat behavior issues? Was it worth it? I have been trying to work through integrating our new Kitten with our reluctant and unappreciative resident cat, and have received much good feedback here, but of course no one here...
  15. J

    Introducing new kitten to mature cat

    Hi All I have read the articles on Kitten introduction, and read other related discussions on the topic. All very helpful and informative, but wanted to ask about my specific situation, I have a mature cat, aged 14, who in the past lived with other cats and dogs and got along quite well with...