Search Results

  1. V

    Cat peeing/pooping on the bed

    This started several months ago. We don't know how old she is, but we've had her since 2008 and at that point, she already had kittens (we found her living under our house with one surviving kitten and kept both). She's always had random pee/poop issues where we'd find that she sometimes peed...
  2. V

    Thank you, everyone.

    For your assistance over the last several months. As some of you may recall, I joined a few months ago because our Cody was having repeated bouts of constipation, complicated by hip arthritis, as well as change in personality and increased pacing/meowing lately. Pacing and meowing, especially...
  3. V

    Pacing and meowing, especially at night

    Hi! You may remember me from such threads as: Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas? and Arthritis treatment As some of you may recall, we've been battling constipation related issues for several months. That seems to have worked itself out, knock on wood. She...
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    Arthritis treatment

    This is a bit of a follow-up to my thread re: constipation (Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?). As an update on that issue, we've now had several days of regular poops, so knock on wood. However, despite the fact that she's pooping regularly, she still cries in...
  5. V

    Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

    New member, looking for some help. The X-rays described below are here In February, we started noticing that one of our cats (a 12 year old female in a multi-cat household) would walk around the house meowing. In early March, we noticed that this behavior was now...