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  1. C

    found a slight lump on my lil 9F cat

    hi, i was petting my cat and no noticed a slight lump but i’m not sure if this is normal. she’s not letting me touch it either. can someone please check if any of your other cats have it too? i circled the area in the Pickture
  2. C

    My Cat keeps scratching the new sofa

    hey cat owners ! i’ve had my cats for almost 10 years and they scratched the hell out of our old sofa’s,. we let that slide EVEN WITH SCRATCHING POSTS AVAILABLE and the state of the sofas were unexplainable !! however, after purchasing new sofas and also buying ANTI scratch spray, one cat is...
  3. C

    Has anyone else’s cats changed colour ?

    Hello, so i got my fur baby Romeo (M8) at 8 months old and throughout the years his eye colour randomly changed from a light Brown to a greenish colour. has anyone else’s cat been through a similar thing? does anyone know why a cats eye colour would change ? i’ll attach comparison photos below ...
  4. C

    My cat has white poop

    Hi, my cat has white feces and she seems normal but i know whenever she is unwell she doesn’t show it. i am really worried for her, does anyone know what it could possibly be? i attached a photo. i cant afford to go to the vets anymore because i spent all of my savings and current pay checks on...