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  1. K

    Hot water

    I feel so horrible right now :( i was making mac and cheese and was going to drain the pasta. My cat tripped me up and some of the hot water sloshed out of the pot. It landed on his back leg/thigh area. I don’t really see redness or anything like blisters. He licked the water off but didn’t...
  2. K

    Urinating issues…

    Hi! Lately, we’ve been having trouble with our three year old cat. He’s been urinating on our carpet :( at first we thought maybe he didn’t like the litter boxes/too many cats were using them (we have four total) so we switched to the Breeze litter boxes which we like a lot better (the ones...
  3. K

    Essential oils!

    Hi everyone! I recently have thought about starting candle making as a hobby. However, I’ve heard that essential oils can be harmful to cats. Is this ALL oils or just certain scents or if they’re used a certain way? The brand I’m looking at is Eternal Essence Oils on Amazon and I’d obviously...
  4. K

    Trimming nails

    Hi everyone! I have a polydactyl cat who grows an extra nail between her toes and thumb (like between the pointer finger and thumb for a human). It tends to grow and curl in on itself, into her paw pad. Obviously this is uncomfortable for her. I want to learn how to trim this nail myself at...
  5. K

    Allergies or something more…?

    Since yesterday morning, my cat has been sneezing somewhat frequently. It slowed down this morning but he’s doing it again this evening. He’s also had eye boogers that I’ve had to get out of his eyes. Could this just be seasonal allergies or are these symptoms something more? He’s my only cat...
  6. K

    Squinty eye/ointment

    Hi everyone! Recently our cat developed a squinty eye. It was watering and eventually forming some crusties. We took him to the vet and they said his heart and lungs sounded good, they also put some dye in his eye and didn’t see any scratches. They gave us some ointment to apply twice a day for...
  7. K

    Different sized pupils

    So I know that different sized pupils are a sign of injury in cats. I just looked at my cat and could’ve sworn one of his pupils was a little bigger than the other but it was hard to tell. So my question is, is it noticeable when they’re different sizes? I looked at images on google and all of...
  8. K

    Imitation vanilla

    Does anyone know if imitation vanilla is toxic to cats? I was making whipped cream and flavored it with imitation vanilla. Some got splattered on my toaster and one of my cats decided to help me clean it. The whole batch of cream had about 1.5 to 2 capfuls of vanilla and he licked up probably...
  9. K

    Houseplants and cats

    Does anyone know any houseplants that are safe for cats? Obviously I don’t want my cats actively eating my plants but I really want some plants around my house. I’ve avoided getting them because I have three curious cats (plus a fourth that we’re sitting)who probably won’t hesitate to chomp a...
  10. K

    Can a phone flashlight hurt cat’s eyes?

    Hi everyone. My cat jumped on a laundry basket which was empty, causing it to tip. I wasn’t sure if she hit her head of not (don’t think she did but I’m a worrier) and I thought I remembered reading somewhere to check for different size pupils and how they react to the light? So I used my...
  11. K


    So, my cat just got stuck between my wall and bed. He seemed to be diving down to the floor but the mattress had moved too close to the bed wall and he couldn’t fit. He was sort of stuck upside down with his front paws on the floor but his body squeezed between the bed and wall. Could being...
  12. K

    Scabs on spine

    I recently took in my uncle’s cat for the foreseeable future. He’s a large tuxedo, around 6/7 years old I believe. I’ve noticed that he has little scans all over the base of his tail and up his spine. They stop several inches before his neck. There aren’t any on his head, neck, or sides. Just...
  13. K

    Polydactyl cat, ingrown nail?

    One of our cats (2.5 years old, female) has an extra toe on each front paw. Today she was laying in my lap and cleaning her left paw around her “thumb.” I took a closer look and to my horror, it seems like there’s a nail in between her normal toes and extra thumb, and it almost looks like it’s...
  14. K

    Banana peppers

    Are any part of banana peppers toxic to cats? Seeds, flesh, etc?
  15. K

    Vanilla Greek yogurt!

    Hi everyone. I was just making some yogurt bark and my cats LOVE yogurt. They were all over the counter while I was trying to work, so to distract them I plopped a spoonful of yogurt on a plate and put it on the floor. It wasn’t until after they finished licking it up that I wondered, could...
  16. K

    Nature’s Miracle..?

    Hi everyone! Today we bought a spray for our carpet after noticing one of our cats has Gone to the bathroom in the bedroom closet a couple times. We bought Nature’s Miracle Just for Cats No More Spraying (stain and odor remover with repellent). I feel like it lifted the scent pretty well and I...
  17. K

    Please help! :(

    I was sitting in bed when I heard a weird crunching sound from underneath me. I looked under my bed and found my cat (male, two year old) chewing on a sandwich baggie. I pulled it away from him but if looks like he ate HALF of it. Will it pass? Or should I be calling the vet??
  18. K

    Cat ate egg carton!

    So I was going to boil some eggs and I left the carton out on the kitchen counter while I showered. When I came out, the corner of the carton was clearly nibbles on and about a dime sized circle was missing. The container is the styrofoam type. I have three cats so no way to tell which ate it...
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    Head damage

    This probably sounds like a really dumb question but I’m a worrier. So, a few minutes ago I had my laundry basket on the corner of my bed by the wall. My cat climbed onto the basket, causing it to lose balance and fall over towards the wall. I don’t think she really hit her head but maybe a...
  20. K

    When to worry about diarrhea

    Hi everyone so, I just got home and saw my cat use the litter box that I just cleaned. He had a pretty good amount of diarrhea (think the standard size bowel movement but liquid). He seems to be his usual self, playing with toys when we toss them and he just took a few bites of food. my...