Search Results

  1. Educadoralisa

    How to boost my cat's appetite?

    My cat is 18 months. He is not castrated as his testicles are inside and I was given an estimate price for exploring surgery. I will castrate him when I can. When he turned 1 I noted the spaying at home and his appetite has decreased. In July/August he has been seen by the vet as he lost weight...
  2. Educadoralisa

    My Cat Went Missing

    We don't know what happened but my cat is not at home. We haven't seen him going out of the house but he's not here as we searched everything. We put some leaflets out and have been looking in sheds, under cars, gardens... everywhere we could think of. As he is an indoor cat I don't know if he...
  3. Educadoralisa

    My Kitten Only Eats Wet Food

    My kitten is now 9 weeks and since he came home I've been trying to feed him with a mixture of dry and wet food spread out the day. At the beginning he would eat the dry food but now he refuses (any brand) and just waits to be fed with wet food. All my previous cats have been fed with both food...
  4. Educadoralisa

    My Cat Family

    I'm new in The Cat Site and it already helped me so much. I always had pets when I lived in my home country and when I moved to UK it was difficult to live without pets. I finally adopted a kitten in 2016 - Teddy - and one of my friends adopted his sister - Mia. However we don't live together...
  5. Educadoralisa

    New Kitten And Feeling Guilty

    I'm a proud owner of a 2 years old male cat and always wanted to have another cat. Last Monday I adopted a 8 weeks female kitten. Since then I had several issues. The kitten came home full of fleas and I gave my old cat a tablet as he wasn't protected for fleas. I have noticed my older cat's...