Search Results

  1. M

    How To Keep Kitty Safe By Windows

    My cat has a window that he loves. He sits on the windowsill and stares are anyone walking by. I have a screen on the window but it's opened three times and one time he got out (I was close by so he didn't get lost and we are on the first floor so the fall wasn't bad). I can't go extreme with...
  2. M

    Does this look normal?

    My sweet Scottish fold boy was neutered yesterday and his incisions looked fine. I couldn't get a super good look at them but I noticed they were just a bit pink. Today I left for school and did not put a cone on him (I did last night but my mom was watching him today so I didn't think I needed...
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    Kitty's red eyes

    My kitty seems to have tired red looking eyes sorta....anyone got any idea what it could be? It doesn't look too bad but it also doesn't look normal... He's going to the vet early next week for vaccinations so I'll probably ask his opinion then. Thanks in advance
  4. M

    Best thing to take care of fleas on a kitten

    My kitten is 6 months old and weights probably under 5 pounds...he was weighted about a month ago and was 3 pounds. We got Revolution for him (doctor recommended it) but he was still itchy. Today i found a flea crawling on his face and quickly killed it. Any brands you guys recommend and have...
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    Runny poos

    My cat has (as the title states) runny poos. I've heard adding certain things to their diet like yogurt can make their poo more solid? I'm trying to get him a vet appointment as soon as possible but in the time being I just want to help him in some way. He's drinking plenty of water and eating...
  6. M

    What water to give my kitten?

    My kitten has a uri (and is getting medication), but he's also had diarrhea recently. I'm not sure if it's because I changed his water? I first gave him water that I drink from wholes food (we fill up gallons of water and bring them home). Buuuut I was then told cats should only drink purified...
  7. M

    Best shampoo for kitty

    Hi I got a 4 month old kitten and he's gotten a bit dirty.,.ive cleaned him partially with a wet cloth but it's not enough. I'm wondering what shampoo is safe for my kitten/what you recommend. Would prefer something non-scented because I'm sensitive to scents and don't think my cat would...
  8. M

    Kitty going outside of litter box

    Yesterday we left the house and let the kitty wander. He's been using the litter box well so far but when we got back he peed on the couch and had pooped on the carpet. We've tried to clean it with stain remover and baking soda. We are also getting a small litter tray for the living room since...
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    How to clean tear stains (stubborn kitten!)

    I think my kitty may have a URI (finding out this week). He's being having stuff coming from his eyes and I've been trying to clean them with a wet cotton ball but it's not working, he really doesn't like it. Any tips?
  10. M

    Best type of cat id tag

    I'm getting a new kitty in our home in less then a week! Having a collar with a good tag is important to me but I don't know if I should get the traditional style kind (circle and jingles a bit on collar) or one of those slide on collar kind from boomerangtags? Both tags I'm talking about are...
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    What size collar to get a 4 month Scottish fold kitten

    In a month my little Scottish fold boy will be in my home and I want to have him wear a collar in case he accidentally runs out and gets lost. I'm deciding between a 10inch or a 12 inch collar. I would hope the collar would work from 4month-adult life if possible, but I wouldn't mind buying a...
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    Longhair vs shorthair

    I'm just wondering why some people get longhaired cats. I've always preferred shorthair because it has less of a grooming requirement, I could never get a Persian cat haha. I knowing grooming isn't all a cat comes down to I'm just wondering if you do have the preference of a longhaired cat, why...
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    Questions about Microchipping

    Hi I'm new to thecatsite and didn't know quite where to ask these questions. I'll be having a new member joining our family around the end of September and have been getting stuff ready around the house for our new kitty. I for sure want to get the kitten microchipped but I don't fully...