Recent Content by VadGTI

  1. V

    Cat peeing/pooping on the bed

    We actually had a vet appointment a month ago to check for a UTI but had to cancel because something came up. She's not exhibiting any signs of a UTI. Pees normal amounts, no blood in urine, no crying. Eating normally, behaving totally normally.
  2. V

    Cat peeing/pooping on the bed

    This started several months ago. We don't know how old she is, but we've had her since 2008 and at that point, she already had kittens (we found her living under our house with one surviving kitten and kept both). She's always had random pee/poop issues where we'd find that she sometimes peed...
  3. V

    Thank you, everyone.

    For your assistance over the last several months. As some of you may recall, I joined a few months ago because our Cody was having repeated bouts of constipation, complicated by hip arthritis, as well as change in personality and increased pacing/meowing lately. Pacing and meowing, especially...
  4. V

    Pacing and meowing, especially at night

    You know, that's a thought... I'm pretty sure she's still reacting to noises relating to food, but I'm going to pay attention tonight to confirm. She may just be chasing her siblings when they run to the sound.
  5. V

    Pacing and meowing, especially at night

    I'm not sure re: physical check, but she did go in for a "full physical/exam" that day.
  6. V

    Pacing and meowing, especially at night

    I just looked back at the testing paperwork. They ran a T4 test (actually a Total T4, so TT4). The result came back as 2.3, with normal range being 0.8 to 4.7. So she was right in the middle for thyroid issues.
  7. V

    Pacing and meowing, especially at night

    Hi, yes, she's been to the vet twice since March. Blood tests and urinalysis coming back totally fine. They couldn't figure out the constipation issue and we started doing home enemas but that has resolved in the last few weeks (I'm running a poop log now, so I know we're on the right track).
  8. V

    Pacing and meowing, especially at night

    Hi! You may remember me from such threads as: Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas? and Arthritis treatment As some of you may recall, we've been battling constipation related issues for several months. That seems to have worked itself out, knock on wood. She...
  9. V

    Arthritis treatment

    This is a bit of a follow-up to my thread re: constipation (Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?). As an update on that issue, we've now had several days of regular poops, so knock on wood. However, despite the fact that she's pooping regularly, she still cries in...
  10. V

    Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

    So, an update, chronologically: Tuesday, April 26 - We administer an enema (per the post above) - multiple bowel movements Wednesday, April 27 - Another small, runny bowel movement ... Then nothing...And more nothing...We start getting worried. She's on the following during this time period...
  11. V

    Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

    There was no specific instruction by the vet. There was one in March and one in April. During the April visit, the vet told us what enemas to use but did not actually specifically explain when to use them. The vet actually reached out to us for a check-up and we told her we will be doing an...
  12. V

    Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

    I can't find an edit button, so I just want to also say thank you for your help to everyone who posted. We're going to take all the advice to heart.
  13. V

    Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

    I wanted to provide an update. The enema arrived this afternoon and we just gave it to her about 15 min ago. She immediately had a large bowel movement. Here's the strange part: It was soft. The previous visits to the vet noted the presence of large amounts of hard stool after the enema...
  14. V

    Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

    She eats mostly wet, with several morsels of dry (because she loves dry food as well) as snacks during the day. Since this started, she's been getting much less dry (just a few pieces).
  15. V

    Recurring constipation despite multiple vet visits - Any ideas?

    Funny you ask this. My partner is in charge of the Miralax. A few hours ago, while reading various posts on here, I decided to ask if she was dissolving it. Nope, she was just stirring it into the food! So the cat just got the first properly prepared Miralax dose an hour or so ago.