Recent Content by new kittenmom

  1. new kittenmom

    Cat skin care and fish oil?

    I could try egg yolks. I noticed he liked the yolk when I shared some of my fried egg with him the other day. I'm not sure about getting him to eat things with fish oil though. He's not a fan of fish, in fact only two of my little ones like fish. If the pills are small enough, I can get him to...
  2. new kittenmom

    Cat skin care and fish oil?

    So I have always had this seemingly unending battle with fleas. I have five furkids that I have constantly been treating every month with Advantage 2 yet the fleas were coming back sooner and sooner. When they started popping up only a week after I applied the drops I freaking lost it and went...
  3. new kittenmom

    Bathroom Habits

    I unfortunately have tried adding pumpkin, sweet potato and olive oil to his food. He seems to detect it and not eat at all (the booger) Murilax I can dissolve into his wet food with little trouble and I have been adding 1/8 a teaspoon a day as per my vet's instructions. His poos are soft, and...
  4. new kittenmom

    Bathroom Habits

    My guy only does this when he poos. Since I have five cats I have 6 litterboxes in various locations. He is about a year and a half and only really started doing this when he matured sexually and started calling out the window for the ladies. He's the only one of my five who does this too. He's...
  5. new kittenmom

    Bathroom Habits

    So I haven't been back for a while. So much that I went from having one furkid to now five. Not much by choice. People just left them with me. Long story for another forum I'm here to talk about Ushio my young ginger tabby and what he does that baffles me sometimes. You see, when he goes...
  6. new kittenmom

    Anyone Heard Of Prettylitter?

    Sounds like it may be legit then. I'll give it a try if I come across a little more money. I don't usually pay $20 for kitty litter. I usually buy the Tidy Cats brand for about 8 bucks so it's a bit of a financial stretch.
  7. new kittenmom

    Anyone Heard Of Prettylitter?

    I got an ad watching Youtube just now about PrettyLitter. A lightweight cat litter that supposedly can monitor the health of your cat by changing different colors if there is specific imbalances in your kitty's urine. As much as I want to believe it and pay 20 dollars a month I can't help but be...
  8. new kittenmom

    So Kind Of An Awkward Situation.

    I believe our apartment may have accidentally either adopted a stray or maybe even a neighbor's cat. He's an intact young shorthair that is all black with nice yellow eyes. We've taken to calling him Midnight. I have my doubts that Midnight is a stray because he is very friendly and well behaved...
  9. new kittenmom

    Ack! Rothgar Is Chewing On The Wires!

    I think he might be teething a little. His back molars are not as prominent but his adult canines did just come in. When he does chew on my fingers, he does it as a routine before he falls asleep along with grooming himself. He's learning fast not to bite too hard. If he does, that is when I...
  10. new kittenmom

    Ack! Rothgar Is Chewing On The Wires!

    Rothgar has now cleared the stage of chewing on wires after destroying some phone chargers. He has now graduated to fingers. Now I am teaching him "soft paws" and "soft jaws." He's catching on quick enough (He no longer scratches my hands too badly when we play) but he still needs to stop trying...
  11. new kittenmom

    Ack! Rothgar Is Chewing On The Wires!

    That's not too bad at all either. Thanks guys! I'll pass on the message to Rothgar's pet human and we'll kitten proof the place right away.
  12. new kittenmom

    Ack! Rothgar Is Chewing On The Wires!

    I am pretty sure I can. I can also venture a guess that might be cheaper than the apple spray though I will try to get both. It would not surprise me at all if Rothgar tried to chew through that just because he thought he could, but it would be easier to catch him in the act before he pulls a...
  13. new kittenmom

    Ack! Rothgar Is Chewing On The Wires!

    Great idea! I saw apple spray at the store I buy food from! It doesn't smell too bad right? Rothgar may chew on wires, but my cat Rogue doesn't and she likes to patrol the living room late at night while I'm at work and the others are asleep.
  14. new kittenmom

    Ack! Rothgar Is Chewing On The Wires!

    My roommate brought home his kitten Rothgar about a month ago. He's grown into a good natured, vocal and very rambunctious kitten that I have become very fond of. But! As you can see in the tag line, Rothgar has picked up a very dangerous habit. We clap and hiss and tell him no, but he seems to...
  15. new kittenmom

    Hi Guys! Long Time No See

    Hello everybody! We haven't been on in a long time but we would like to update that Little Rogue has now become sweet (yet timid) big Rogue. Playing peakaboo. Her hooman slave even has a sweet new setup just for her! Okay maybe the hooman sleeps up there too, but the bed still belongs to the...