Recent Content by aeo0689

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    Ok thank you. I felt like she was being rough with him and worried she would hurt him. As stated before she killed the two females so I was weary of her being near him. And again, she's never interacted with him before. He is he last remaining kitten and she was spayed during her c section.
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    One month ago my cat had kittens, she never had anything to do with them. Never nursed (she had no milk) never came near them. She killed two females and one just died shortly after birth. Her kittens were c section babies. The male kitten loves to cuddle me and today mama kitty decided she was...
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    Suddenly territorial

    Thank you!
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    Suddenly territorial

    She was abandoned in my street, I brought her inside and while she was hesitant to go near the other pets she generally ignored them. She would follow me around a lot though. After having her two weeks she went into labor but after 24 hours no progression so we went to the vet. I knew she was...
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    Suddenly territorial

    Thank you! She actually is spayed. Her kittens were born via c section and she was spayed after. We keep her separated from the kitten and also our other pets. She can't get to the kitten but she seeks out the others.
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    Suddenly territorial

    I have had my sugar baby for almost two months and shebhs become very aggressive and territorial. She doesn't want my other pets near me and randomly goes after them and members of the family. She had kittens three weeks ago, never produced milk and never had any contact with the kittens until...
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    Mama cat and c section babies

    Shebhs also become very territorial. She has started attacking my older cat. She didn't have this behavior when she was pregnant
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    Mama cat and c section babies

    Hoping someone can offer me some insight. 7 weeks ago a pregnant cat showed up on my porch and two weeks later she started to go into labor but it never progressed. I took her to the vet where she had a c section. They estimated her to be about 7 months old. She had four kittens, one only...