Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

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  • #581


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
artiemom artiemom I hope you and Geoffrey are doing well. ❤
Thanks for thinking of us..
FWIW: I am recovering from Pneumonia.. Yup.. the bronchitis morphed into pneumonia.. I am feeling better today.. on the last day of the 3rd antibiotic. Man, I have been so sick for so long.. I am still running a low grade temp, especially at night. dam infections. I swear it is now in the sinuses.. And I blame the lack of hot water, in the apartment, and all the stress I went through, trying to get it back, for how sick I have been. I wish I had a friend who was a lawyer or a close family member, to put the wrath of God into the administration of this building. Just a phone call.
I guess it worked out, because as they say: if you give someone enough rope, they can hang themselves.. Because I could not talk, I did emails.. I have an email ladder of what was said to me. and how I was treated. Now, I have to see how I will be treated by the Building Administrator and the building's Facilities Director-- I reported them for not acting promptly and shorting me on the temperature .... Corporate was so nice. They knew.. They also told me to contact them, again For ANYTHING else, I have issues with.
The hot water is fine now; but, I had to wait until I had a bit of a voice, and volume so that I could report this to the corporate office. Funny, within a few hours of my phone call, I had hot water!! amazing!

Geoffrey is my DOCTOR!! I mean it.. He would not leave my side. He hounded me into lying down on the bed, for a nap, when he felt I needed it. OMG.. cats.. so sensitive.
He has been vomiting a lot, since I have been sick. I know it is probably a coincidence.. but.. I had not been taking good care of him. I was not brushing him, daily, not playing. I even gave him his chemo two days in a row, instead of every other day! My mind was all messed up; His world was all messed up. He is deathly afraid of my bronchial cough. He runs when he heard it; then he jumps back on my lap.
He is so anxious about things, that he is overgrowing himself a lot..It started when I was really sick, coughing, not being able to talk. He was frightened, and scared. He kind of looks like a skunk right now.. with a white patch of missing fur. It is mowed down, like grass; right along the spine.


I think the other day, he started leaving me alone for a bit.. preferring my bed to my lap.. I took that as a sign that he knew I was feeling better.. yup, not normal , but a bit improved.
He is so tuned into me. I cannot believe it.

I mean, Artie was designated my Nurse.. but Geoffrey, man-- he is my Doctor!! Seriously! If you could have seen him, you would believe me.

I think his vomiting is related to my illness. He is overgrowing, producing vomiting. I have not found any fur balls but, I thin that is the problem. and I think he is a bit constipated. He is eating more dry food than wet. I did not have the strength to take the wet food over to him, so I opted for the dry. At least he was eating.

Each and every afternoon, he is on my lap.. and my recliner is now his, when I am sitting in it. I gave up discouraging his scratching of the side of the recliner. I could not physically shoo him away. Geoffrey will sit on the side of the recliner, look at me, then stretch, scratch the side of the chair, then jump on the arm, then automatically on my lap..
And he stays there. From later in the afternoon until I go to bed. Jumps down to nibble his dry food; and back again.
Sweet boy.. I just love him to death..

Had an issue with Wedgewood and getting his Budesonide. They ran out of his capsules!! I ordered it, waited, and then had to call them-- raise an issue, get a new script for a different form of it, and Now, they are compounding it. I should have it by the end of the week. The hassle, but the IMVET;s secretary was great. She got the new script for me. I swear, there are nationwide shortages of many many medications.. Human as well and pets..
I spent so much money on my prescriptions. I am really struggling now, with money. The scripts were so expensive. The Asthma Inhalers are absolutely ridiculous. Out of control. But when you are sick, you cannot do home delivery or shop around. I did find that GoodRX was helpful, cheaper than my copayment. Now, I am going to hoard as much medication as I am able to do so...

Everything has doubled in price. I do not have the stamina, but I need to check up on Geoffreys food supply.,
I plan on doing one thing a day..

Snow on car. It will have to stay there, until I am able to deal with it. I will remote start the car today... perhaps some of it will melt.. not all but some. I cannot go out there; not today.. still resting..

That is about it. I have been inside the apartment for weeks.. only going to drug store, a couple of grocery store visits, trash room, mail, and that is it. I have been sending my laundry out---expensive, but I cannot do it myself.

I am rambling... sorry...


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
He has such a sweet and very wise little expression. What a little beauty!! He sounds like an excellent doctor. It's kind of funny because all through Tag's life, whenever the TV would say "be sure to ask your doctor if (thing) is right for you" and I'd just say "Doctor Tag, what do you think?" :lol:
You have had a seriously rough time with this pneumonia and sickness. I really hope you're feeling better soon, and that it's kicked for good. That lung stuff loves to be stubborn, but it sounds like you're doing things right and taking it easy. :hugs: Over-doing it now, you might get some more things accomplished short term but IME that just makes the illness drag on for longer.
I haven't needed an inhaler for 3+ years and it was almost 300 then and seemed to climb a few dollars every time I got a refill. I can't imagine what it is now. This inflation is beyond insane. :(
Thank you for the update!
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  • #584


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thought I would update.. It has been a while. Yes, I was very sick.. pneumonia with asthma.. and all the symptoms of Covid, Now, the symptoms of long haulers.. SOB, Cough, laryngitis, insomnia, elevated pulse rate, INSOMNIA, weight loss, etc... It goes on and on. The Insomnia and SOB are the worst. Insomnia is horrible. Looking back, I even lost my sense of smell and taste-- but I was also using a sinus rinse and on heavy duty medications.

It is so strange: I tested negative for Covid with 3 PCR's and 4 at home tests... but I have all the signs and symptoms of it.. DAM,.. This month my own PCP, is putting me through a battery of tests.. all negative for infection, but are finding 'other' things... dam. One test leads to another..

As I said before, Geoffrey was my 'doctor' during my worst. He has gotten so clingy to me; because I have been home so much. He is so good.. He was doing so well with me being sick..
He does have acne on his chin, and a huge patch of missing fur along his spine. The IMVET feels it is either from stress or allergies.. but I disagree.. It began late last summer-- Peaked when I got sick..
The only variable in Geoffrey's routine is: I started using Tidy cats Free and Clear litter.. unscented but has the black 'charcoal' bits in it.. I stopped using it; even buying a new litter box for him. Still missing fur.. not improving..

This month I opened up one of 2 cases of Royal Canin PR (Rabbit) food for him. It is a prescription. He has being eating it for years.. I noticed no smell to the fresh can.. and the texture was a bit off. Well, Geoffrey refused it.. Same with a couple other cans.. I opened up an older case, he devoured the food. I contacted Royal Canin and Chewy.. Chewy will reimburse me, BUT I have to send the cases back to them.. this is not helpful. They said they would send a box for me to mail it in, but as of yet, I have never received it..
Royal Canin is of no use!! just wanted the lot numbers.. pass the buck to complaint department!!

Geoffrey is doing so well, playing, eating, so the IMVEt wanted, aGAIN to cut back on the Zofran. From twice a day to once. I went through such an ordeal trying to find someone who would consent to feed and scoop, in case I went into the hospital, ER.. and I was not thinking clearly..
IF I were to be hospitalized for any reason, ALL of Geoffrey's meds would be suddenly stopped. I could not live with myself for him suffering.. and me suffering..
So, I agreed with the VEt.. It would be good if something was cut back a bit..

Well, discontinuing the evening dose, did not help-- after 3 days, he vomited.. so I tried to discontinue the morning dose. It has been successful for ONE WEEK...
Yesterday was a bad day.. he vomited. so much..

I am also not thinking clearly from all the stress, Insomnia, and physical stuff.. I have been feeding him from the bad case of food.. He has been eating it.. not as much, as usual, but did not snub it..

Yesterday, he was so so sick.. He did not eat much canned RC PR Thursday, Friday, had to bring it to him to eat.. Saturday, (Yesterday), he flat out refused it. He has been eating the dry RC PR.

I had to give him the budesonide on a fairly empty stomach--- just a tiny bit of dry food.
Then it was time for his Chemo--chlorambucil.. bad call...
Ten minutes after I gave him the chemo capsule, up it came out.. with a heavy yellow fluid color liquid-- either from the chemo, or bile... He vomited in 3 spots.. usually it is 2...

Waited and hour, gave him a Cerenia, in a gel cap... again, almost immediately, the same yellow fluid, along with the entire Cerenia tablet. dam..

Took his food away.. gave the Zofran at night.. and his Mirataz. he ate small amount of dry food.

This morning, opened up a can from a good case... he ate a bit.. I had to take it over to him.. poor baby..
He is sick.. He is very sick.. NO purring.. meat loafing.. wanting to be next to me-- his mama..

I cannot take him into the Vet this week-- I have tests or a doctors appointment every day!! DAM... Perhaps Friday, but can he wait that long???

I am wondering if ti is bad food.. seriously.. at the price.. there should not be a problem.. dam..
He played this morning.. but it seems as soon as he eats-- he is feeling lousy..

This morning, I gave him the budesondie and the Zofran.. An hour ago, I gave him the Cerenia.. dam.. all he wants is to be next to me.. It is breaking my heart.. I love him.. All of a sudden-- bam.. or was I too involved with myself? and my illness. cus there is so much.. and my crazy mind.. yes, crazy stressed out mind.

I can feel the pit of my stomach turning up... with bad stuff happening in the apartment, me with insomnia, going for workups, and now Geoffrey.. I really cannot take much more of this..Geoffrey ❤. 🙏. Right now, he is resting his head and body against my leg-- as the foot of the recliner is up... all he wants is to cuddle.. and be as close to me as he can..

Honestly... I cannot deal with anything more happening to him. I cannot even financially afford his care, at this point..My rent went up, I need a new car.. I cannot afford either..
He has so many medications.. If anything happens to me, I cannot get anyone to medicate him.. It would be medically boarding him at Angell.. expensive, and how would I get him there, if I was hospitalized?
If it turns out that he is anemic or even diabetic; both from the medications, how will I handle it?? Afford it, maintain it with him? He is so sensitive.. He has been fighting his meds for a couple weeks. He never did before. Geoffrey is tired of them. I cannot blame him. His stool is also getting harder.
Am I jumping the gun?

So many IF's.... What if the loss of fur, and his acne is a sign that his immune system is breaking down?

He is looking sick.. did not want me to brush him.. yet we played when I woke up... dam...

It could be so many things: The decrease of Zofran; bad food; his SCL.. or even anemia, or diabetes..

I am staying home so much, I am focusing on the bad things.. But this is really bad for Geoffrey.. my little boy.. yes, my litter boy.. I am his Mama.. I feel so bad for him, and guilty.. Guilty.

Picture taken yesterday afternoon, after vomiting. He wanted my Rosary Beads!!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
So much news and so much going on in your life right now. First, I am sorry about your health issues and hope it's not long hauler's syndrome. Good luck with your doctor appointments and tests this week. :crossfingers: I know how one test can lead to another. When you're not feeling well it's that much more difficult to take care of Geoffrey but don't be too hard on yourself since you're doing everything you can for him. He loves you dearly and wants to be near you whether for cuddles or reassurance.:catlove: It definitely sounds like the last case of RC rabbit food is not agreeing with his system. When he won't eat it that's a clear sign and I'm glad Chewy is sending you a box to return it. I would talk to the vet regarding what to do if you need to be hospitalized at some point and can't care for Geoffrey or give him his meds. Hopefully it won't come to that so let's hope and pray.🙏 Since you're with G day in and day out you're the best judge of how he's handling his meds and which one might be offsetting his vomiting. Once again I would defer to the vet and ask them your options, always have options if one thing doesn't work for him.

Thanks for the adorable pics of Geoffrey. He looks happy and alert even if he's not feeling like himself. Such a handsome boy. :lovecat:
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  • #586


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
About an hour after I posted; Geoffrey came around! It would have been about 2 hours after the Cerenia.
He was all over me! Begging for me!! He really understands that Mama will try her best to 'fix' him.. He has become so 'clingy' since I have been sick.

I sat down to watch a program. Geoffrey jumped on the side of the recliner (it was not stretched out). I motioned for him to sit on my lap. This is something he never does. He needs me to stretch out and have a blankie on my lap. He listened to my motions! He sat, curled up on my lap, until I got chilly-- windows open- and had to shut them...
Then he went over to snack on his dry food. OMGosh--- he wants his Mama!! He is staring at me, to call him up to the chair. now he jumped on the arm.. wanting my lap....walked over the laptop to the fleece blanket, which is on the sofa.

neely neely I did ask IIMVet what happens if Geoffrey cannot get his meds? He said that is when he will be re-evaluated, when I return.. duh...The local Vet does not provide boarding. I just cannot see involving another vet into his care--since I am using the IMVet exclusively because of all his issues. I am in the process of discontinuing the local vet, whom I had; because they could not add anything more for him. They are not taking emergencies---sending them to other hospitals.
Finding a cat boarding Vet is impossible. I really do not think any of them are doing that, now..

So many things have changed since Covid and the Pandemic entered into our lives...
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  • #588


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey is a very happy boy— very sensitive. He is just a moosh. He eats up my emotions. He knows when I need him.

It seems he gets more attached to me as the days go on..
I do not know what it is, but he has been stuck like glue to me for the past 2 days. Granted, he is not feeling well It seems this causes him to want comfort from his mama— more than ever.
Geoffrey has been on my lap, all afternoon.



TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
The vet situation (boarding in emergency) has to be so frustrating, and scary. And that worry does nothing for your own health, either. Simply not having an emergency vet near by stresses me out terribly!
Probably a no, but is there anyone in your building that you would trust to at least try to medicate Geoffrey if you were hospitalized for any reason? Some technicians do pet sitting as a side job. If there's a tech that lives reasonably near by that knows Geoffrey and knows his needs, they *might* be worth talking to as a worst case scenario back up. Let's just hope that isn't ever necessary. :hugs:
He is just so beautiful. Those 3 pictures of him and your Rosary beads are beautiful and should be framed! I am always a little taken aback by how green his eyes are, too. He is so very lucky to have you, and you to have him. I've seen it on bumper stickers and t-shirts, etc., and it says "Who rescued who? :bluepaw: :greenpaw: " I always think of that when I think of you and Geoffrey. I am so sorry you've been having a tough time, neither one of you deserves it at all.
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  • #592


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey is much better today. He is refusing RC Rabbit Canned food--- from a different batch. He ate voraciously from this same case a couple weeks ago. I ended up mixing some of the RC food with Rawz rabbit. He ate it.. not greatly, but I brought it over to him, a couple of times. He finished his good sized breakfast portion!!

He is not clingy today. That means he feels better. He is very clingy when he is sick and wants his mama.. just like a human kid.. I swear. The bond between us is crazy.. Moreso than what I had with Artie. Artie was my soul-kitty..
a real boy/man cat; strong, sassy, loving to me. Geoffrey has never gotten out of the baby kitten emotionally needy stage.

All day yesterday, it was as if there was a short tether line, physically attaching us. My legs were tired of him lying on them. At one point I was sitting on recliner, munching some food-- in a dish. Geoffrey would not leave my lap!
He stayed there. A very bizarre thing for him to do.

Currently, he is under my bedspread.. I changed my sheets this morning. Geoffrey just loves fresh sheets!
Gave him all his morning pills, and a dose of Cerenia--- just in case. Now, he has his dry food for the rest of the day.
He nibbled a bit, while I was showering.

Spoke with IMVet's sec. She is so good-- so knowledgable. I just love her. Updated her. She said the yellow fluid was most likely bile. It was frightening to see. But, this means that Geoffrey was really sick. I am getting rid of the 2 cases of food--- just in case. It could have been from a bad batch, or from trying to eliminate one dose of the Zofran, or a combo of both.
IMVet will be in house, Wednesday. There are other Vets covering for him. His secretary knows who to contact for advice, if needed. She has done that in the past for us.

Today is a chemo day.. ugh.. I just hate giving it to him; after he has been feeling so poorly.. but he did not get it Saturday--vomited it right back up.. Debating if I should skip today.. ugh... I have an appointment this afternoon; having to leave at 1:30pm... If I give it to him, it will be just before I leave.

As far as his fur loss.. I am not taking him to a dermatologist. He has enough on his plate, and so do I.
How much can a cat go through.. nope.. He is already on so many meds.. nope. As for products, nothing has changed; unless the products changed.
Honestly, I think his fur loss is most likely related to the Budesonide (Steroid) he is taking; with a combination of stress.
When I adopted him, he was stressed to the Max! He was on prozac for several months, to calm down.
Yesterday, when he was on my lap, each time I reached over for some water, or a noise occurred, Geoffrey jumped a mile.. Very frightened. I wonder if he should be back on the prozac.. but, I hate giving him another medication.... too much..
Geoffrey is getting tired of taking meds. I do not blame him. It will be a year, in June...

Just rambling.. thoughts.. disorganized thoughts..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Is he possibly overgrooming due to stress? Lelia did that for a while when we moved in with my husband Sparkle, and it went on for quite a while, but she's had normal fur again for a while now.
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  • #594


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey is still doing ok.. Still a major love bug. I have been mixing some RAWZ in with his GOOD RC Rabbit. He is devouring it. And I am back to giving hm the Zofran twice a day.. Both actions seem to on the correct path!

OMG.. So loving. He is always at me for cuddles. He just sits at the side of the chair, does a couple of scratches; then automatic jumps in my lap--- with or without blanket on my lap.. He just wants love. I have never heard of such a needy cat.. I love him so much..

I need to pick up more meds for him. Either the end of this week or the beginning of next week.

Fur loss is still evident. I am thinking either over grooming from stress, or a side effect from the Steroid (budesonide)..
Many humans, who take the steroid for other issues, are seeing hair loss; so I am thinking more of those lines--- but it could be a combination of both.
He has an appointment with IMVet on March 10.

I really wonder how long he can survive, with his diagnosis of Small Cell Lymphoma.. No one knows, No one can predict. Diagnosis was late last May. Treatment began in June.. he had some rough times, when treatment stopped for a couple of weeks.. Biopsy came back as Level II SCL and IBD... Vet said it was caught early.. but a Level II makes me wonder. He is my love, but his care is so expensive. Sometimes, I feel his life revolves around medications. It is not fair to him.. Geoffrey is getting tired of the meds. Where, in the past, he never fought his meds, he is now spitting them out, not swallowing them.. Not fair to him. Yet, I dare not discontinue any. I saw what could happen.. and would happen if I did..
That is why I am so afraid of anything serious happening to me, requiring hospitalizing. He would get extremely sick.. who knows if he would survive... But, I have No one to medicate him. no one at all.. He takes doses everyone morning, evening and every other day is the chemo, late morning/early afternoon. He would get sick, vomiting, constipation, and who knows what I would come home to...
I really do feel the meds are keeping him alive... and so dependent on me.
Geoffrey is draining me of my savings-- yes, even with insurance. The monthly premiums, the meds, vet care... supplies.. I have to reach a certain amount for insurance to kick in-- the deductible.. dam Yes, I have a ton of other expenses which are draining me also-- due to massive price increases in everything.

I just love my little boy. When he gets sick, I always feel this is the "End".. but when he is good- he is so good.
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  • #595


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I do not know if anyone is reading this thread, anymore. I know I can go off on tangents, and be maudlin.. But, here goes.. a bit condensed..
Yes, more concern for him.

Geoffrey had another BILE vomit, 5 days ago. He had been refusing all food--- his wet and dry RC Canin Rabbit.
It was so frightening to see the vomit--- bright yellow clear fluid. It was a strong one-- splashing in a large area.. I felt horrible for him. It was a Friday afternoon.
I took whatever food was down, away.. waited an hour and gave him Cerenia (in a gel cap).. he proceeded to almost immediately vomit that up... I was a bit beside myself. Tried to keep calm. IMVEt was not in.. so ER was only option. Not a viable option for Geoffrey or me. I put down some dry food for him.. gave him a full dose of Mirataz, that night.
He nibbled a tiny bit.

The next morning, he was refusing his wet food... gave him his morning meds: Zofran, Budesonide-- skipped the Chlorambucil.. Still not an appetite.. Waited a few hours more, gave him another Cerenia (in a gel cap). he proceeded to vomit that up, again... dam..

I opened up a can of Rawz Rabbit (my emergency food), mixing it with some RC Rabbit.. he ate some! So he had the mixture, slowly cutting back on the Rawz for 4 days... Giving him a full dose of the Mirataz
Back to the RC Rabbit canned and dry.. This resulted in a poor appetite..

To make a long story short: The vomiting happened 5 days ago; Geoffrey still has a poor appetite. He has finished the Rawz can. I cannot tell if he is fussing or not.. When he is in a 'flare', he looks for strange things to eat; as in my shower curtain-- not plastic, but water resistant; looking for scraps of paper, 'fluff', anything. He has been doing that.

I gave in this afternoon. I found not one, but 2 cases of Rawz in my closet! I tried adding a bit to his RC rabbit.. Yup, he gobbled it up.. Dam CAT..

Geoffrey really has me on a roller coaster.. Not good for my health-- and his. He is so stubborn, that he will refuse food, if it is not what he wants, to a point of getting himself sick... dam

BUT,,, this is not to say there is nothing wrong with him. He had 2 episodes of BILE vomiting, in the month of February.. two weeks apart. Geoffrey, in the over 4 years that I have had him, NEVER vomited BILE.. it has always been food.. Never bile. I was kind of frightened, but tried to remain calm for his sake, and for mine.
He gets Zofran twice daily...
Something is not right about this.

I am giving him the full dose of Mirataz, when he has a poor appetite.
I feel the meds are keeping his weight up. I am at a point where I feel that all the meds are making him feel and look normal...
Geoffrey has a lot of fur loss-- my assumption is that it is due to the steroid. What else is occurring I do not know..
I fear he is anemic.. I really do.. he is a bit paler in color. I can tell.. sleeping a lot more--- needing ME a lot more.. He wants his Mama when he is not feeling well.

It is a roller coaster..

If he is anemic; Do I, got for the weekly B-12 shots--- or attempt to do them at home.. Despite the expense-- which I really cannot afford at this point in time~~ things are financially hard right now.... I feel that me either/or taking him to the IMVET for an injection or ME attempting to give him one, will really be detrimental to our relationship. I noticed last month, that he is beginning to fight me when I pill him. He is tired of meds.. He is fighting me, sometimes. Geoffrey never fought his meds before. G has always been so good at taking them. Now, I am noticing him, trying to shy away from me, when he expects them.. and even after he gets his meds..Sometimes, I have to literally shoo him out from under the bed.. sigh..
If I have to give him a shot-- who knows how he will be..
After all we have been through, I would hate to have him revert to hiding from me...

As it is, Geoffrey meds are: Morning 2 meds (budesonide & Zofran-- at same time). Mid-day, Every other day: Chlorambucil... Nightly: Mirataz (washing out other ear) & Zofran.. Also: occasionally Laxatone... And Daily Miralax added to his chaser pill syringe..
I feel that his life is really revolving around medications..
They are keeping him as healthy as can be.. but what is the emotional and financial toll?
I love him..

This disease, SCL, Cancer is so hideous..
Meds can help-- for a while-- but WHEN is enough, enough...
Geoffrey looks good. But, I live with him... knowing all his intricacies. all his nuances.. all the bad moments.. ALL the GOOD times..

Again, I love Geoffrey.. He will be my last cat, for ever. I cannot emotionally nor financially afford another cat. He has taken its toll on me.. I love having him around.. I love cuddling with him.. I love his purrs, I love his sleeping with me.. I love the way he is always with me, when I am sick... I love his 'looks' of love... his kneading.. his softness. I love talking back and forth with Geoffrey.. I love the way he seems to know what I am feeling and when I need love. His softness, his purrs..
I love knowing I have someone waiting at the door for me to come home. His talking to me.. his 'bbbrrrumps"..
But, I am 68 years old.. with no one to help me with him, if I get sick. I am alone.. Geoffrey is the one constant in my life.
Geoffrey's love is constant..
With all we went through, 4n year ago--when I adopted him.. Wow.. We have both accomplished so much. Geoffrey has advanced in leaps and bounds with confidence ( with me) and love.. It is amazing..

Sorry for being long and down.. but, I cannot help feel there is something more than SCL going on with him..

We have a regularly scheduled IMVET appointment on March 10. There will be blood drawn, so we will see.

Thanks for any and all who read this...
I appreciate you...


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
I am anxious to hear what the IM vet makes of it. It's very strange he kept the zofran and budesonide down, but not the cerenia, not once but twice. Was it always in a gel cap?
:hugs: You have been through way too much.
The B-12 shots, I would be tempted to try at home before a weekly vet visit, if he allows it. IDK what the needle for a B-12 shot is like, but if it's tiny like a syringe for insulin, odds are he won't even feel it. I would be tempted to ask the vet about B-12 drops, daily or EOD or whatever they think, but the last thing he needs is something else creating any kind of food aversion, so that idea is probably scrapped. :(
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  • #599


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, the little Stinker! Yesterday, He ate all the RC rabbit with the added Rawz. This morning, I cut back on the amount of Rawz in the RC Rabbit. It still worked! He ate it-- almost all of it.. Just a few crumbles left. Geoffrey is a juice lapper. I add water to his wet food.

Today was a chemo/chlorambucil day. Geoffrey is really tired of pilling. He tried spitting out the 2 morning meds, and tried to get out of my grip, when I gave him the chlorambucil.. poor thing.

I am wondering what his blood tests will show.. that is March 10. and I wonder what Dr B will say about the fur loss. and the bile..... Knowing Dr B, he will suggest a dermatology appointment-- which I already vetoed. Geoffrey has had more than enough of Vets, medications, and testing... I feel the fur loss is due to the steroid.
About the bile.. I think Dr B will probably say to wait for the blood test results.

I wonder if B-12 can be given my mouth.. without resorting to injections. sigh...

Too much time on my hands for worrying... I worry about everything..

I do have to ask Dr B about some type of calming agent. I am going to get new windows in my apartment.. a damed if I do damed if I don't situation.
And they will be replacing the elevator at the end of the corridor.. Poor Geoffrey will be going nuts with all the massive noise.
This will take place in April/May/June... too long.. I will be a basket case also..

It is a tiny apartment. I only have the bedroom and the bathroom to hide him in.. poor thing. He is already skittish at sudden movements and noises.. especially unexpected ones..


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
There are oral B12 preparations, usually liquid, and made for cats. What I don't know is if there are preferred ways of administering it for maximum absorbency. Wedgewood has capsules and liquids.
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