Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yes yes yes and yes!!! We've fired customers for being nothing but rude and unpleasant, and I'm not talking normally nice people who are having a bad day. We fired one lady because she was complaining about everything, and we offered to do what we could to fix it and she shot down every suggestion. Then her snotty comments turned onto me, personally, and that was it. Get out, good bye, have a nice life (or don't.) There is absolutely no excuse for it. I've known people who are normally nice and pleasant that have bad days or go through bad times and respond to kindness, but some people thrive on being jerks no matter what. Hasta la vista baby!
Good on ya! Yeah. Life is harsh and challenging at almost all times now. And we can either make it worse, or make it better (or at least hold the line!) For people sharing an apartment building, it's really, really, REALLY bad news to backbite.
Funny story. Years ago, I complained to my apt. manager about next door neighbor who played loud music. The neighbor said that I must have a "nervous problem" and I thought, jeez, I really don't need her adding insult to injury! Years later, though I believe she meant it as an insult to me, I find out I DO have a "nervous problem" in that I'm not neurotypical and I am noise sensitive as a result. Sometimes there's a grain, or more, of truth in things people say as jibes. But in Cindy's case, the woman is being an a$$ and it's good others recognize it.
Hoping you and Geoffrey are well as we begin another week, Cindy! SNORGLES on him from me.:redheartpump::redcat::redheartpump:


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Good on ya! Yeah. Life is harsh and challenging at almost all times now. And we can either make it worse, or make it better (or at least hold the line!) For people sharing an apartment building, it's really, really, REALLY bad news to backbite.
Funny story. Years ago, I complained to my apt. manager about next door neighbor who played loud music. The neighbor said that I must have a "nervous problem" and I thought, jeez, I really don't need her adding insult to injury! Years later, though I believe she meant it as an insult to me, I find out I DO have a "nervous problem" in that I'm not neurotypical and I am noise sensitive as a result. Sometimes there's a grain, or more, of truth in things people say as jibes. But in Cindy's case, the woman is being an a$$ and it's good others recognize it.
Hoping you and Geoffrey are well as we begin another week, Cindy! SNORGLES on him from me.:redheartpump::redcat::redheartpump:
Noise sensitivity is such a weird thing. Some noises don't bother me at all, but some others send me into orbit. Most noises that don't bother me at all drive other people nuts, and some that don't bother others make me almost crazy. Misophonia can be brutal.
artiemom artiemom I hope you and G have had a great week, and you'll be safe if you're in the path of this storm.
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  • #564


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey is ok... OK, I say because he did vomit some liquid yesterday afternoon. It was about 2 hours after giving him his chemo.. so who knows. He is also a bit constipated. Today, I will give him a bit of laxatone.
He is getting a bit weary of all the pill taking; becoming a bit 'feisty' for him. He spit out a Zofran the other night, so I do not know if he even got it. It was too late, and I was not feeling well to retry. Yesterday, he was 'feisty' again, with his morning meds. They were late due to me, again not feeling well.

He really cannot understand my strange behavior towards him. Geoffrey is so afraid of my cough. Yes, I have the RSV...
Went to Urgent Care on Wednesday--per PCP orders. I was given a large 5 day dose of steroids! and told to double my asthma steroid inhaler, and to sue the rescue inhaler every 4 hours... and some cough meds. If not improved, I am to return today or tomorrow to Urgent Care or PCP... Since PCP is off today.. I made an appointment for Urgent Care. They have a few available every day. I was at the borderline of a Viral vs Bacterial Infection. My PCP really wants me to have a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. and I cannot sleep.. weak... low grade temp.
Needless to say, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Plans with family are cancelled. I do not even plan to attend Christmas Mass. That is so unusual for me.. I will watch it on TV.

Geoffrey was so frightened of a coughing spell last night. He kept jumping down from my lap, with each cough. He does not understand things.. He was ok at first with a mild cough, but a deep cough, with some wheezing is frightening.
Last night, When I went to unplug the Christmas lights, Geoffrey was in his carrier, which is about 3 feet away from my recliner. Sweet boy. I thought he wa on my bed.. nope, he was still near me.
He tries to cuddle with me, in bed, but once the coughing begins, he runs off.. automatically. poor thing.

I feel bad for him. He does not understand. He keeps talking to me.. I cannot answer.. voice does not have much volume, and I am on borderline laryngitis.

Ok, enough about me...
Geoffrey is Geoffrey... still losing more fur... not eating as much as he has in the past. I think my illness is discombobulating his world.
He is such a sensitive kitty.. He does not understand. I still try to keep up our routine as best I can. He loves being brushed. I try to do as much as I can.

Merry Christmas to All...


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry to hear you've got RSV, but glad you're getting care, and have meds to help clear it up. Hope you start to feel better soon.

Hugs to you and Geoffrey. And Merry Christmas to you both, from Ruby and me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
*Prayers* for you NOT to have pneumonia, Cindy! and for you to get well very soon. Wishing you a comfortable, warm holiday time with sweet Geoffrey. With Elvis, it's sneezing. If he's on my lap and I sneeze, he's off like a shot.
iPappy iPappy There can be a jackhammer all day long and it doesn't bother me. Leaf blowers, lawnmowers, saws, nailing -- doesn't bother me. Music and people talking/yelling? It makes me SICK for days, because it can be controlled, and it's inconsiderate. It's invading my space. A person's home should be their castle, and invaders aren't wanted. All the machine/tool noise? It's necessary, and a lot of it is fairly constant. I'd rather it wasn't happening, but it doesn't make me feel like the "people noise" does.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I still try to keep up our routine as best I can. He loves being brushed. I try to do as much as I can.
I'm glad you are able to continue your routine with Geoffrey as best you can especially the brushing which he enjoys. He may not understand what you're going through right now but he still knows you love and adore him. :heartshape:

Cindy, I hope your Urgent Care appointment goes well today and the RSV does not get any worse. :crossfingers: Do you think you will schedule a chest x-ray per your PCP?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to recover. Geoffrey is worried about you; our cats definitely know when we are sick. Have as merry a Christmas as you and Geoffrey are able.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
artiemom artiemom : Wishing you and Geoffrey a Happy New Year. Hope you're feeling better now, and that you and your boy had a relaxing holiday break.
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  • #572


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
artiemom artiemom : Wishing you and Geoffrey a Happy New Year. Hope you're feeling better now, and that you and your boy had a relaxing holiday break.
Thanks you so much for thinking of us..
Happy New Year to You and all who follow this.

I have still been sick; Geoffrey has been a love. I am afraid I am giving him the respiratory infection!! He has been sneezing a bit.. or is it from the Clorox wipes, and Lysol Spray?

I have a respiratory infection, causing a prolonged exasperation of asthma, and Bronchitis. .. yup.. tons of meds.. third round of stronger, longer dose of oral steroids, and another inhaled asthma med, along with the inhaled steroid.. and antibiotic.. and cough med..

Poor Geoffrey.. such a love bug. He is so afraid of my wheezing, yet, he wants to be with me.. sweet thing.. and I hear him sneezing, a bit.. dam..

I finally managed to change my sheets today.. Taking my time with things.. resting a lot.. I cannot sleep! Geoffrey knows when I need to lie down. He has been my 'nurse' : Yelling and screaming at me when he feels it is time for me to lie down with him.. for a rest...

Man, I have not been sick since 2019... and this is a doozy.. Not Covid, Not Flu, Not RSV..
but as the last doctor I saw said:
"People are so focused on those three, that they fail to remember there are 6 other viruses out there that cause bronchitis!"

I think my temp finally broke... but, cough is still there.. and I feel as if I am getting a sinus infection--now!! dam..


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm glad you have Geoffrey as your nurse. He knows what's best for his Mom.
Take care of yourself. Hope you start feeling better soon.🤗


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I'm sorry you're still on meds and not feeling well but thankfully you have Geoffrey by your side. He's showing his unconditional love for all you have done for him. :catlove: Sending healing vibes that you feel better soon.:vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #575


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hello everyone.. who is still watching..
I think I am turning a corner with my 'badness".. I have gone over 24 hours without an increase in temp! That is a huge accomplishment. No cough meds for a couple days--cough still there.. Extremely exhausted. No energy.. mind races..
What is coming out of my mouth and what is coming into my mind are outrageous... things I would never say, think, EVER.. all badness. Since I am still on steroids; I am calling it 'Roid RAGE"!! That and the fact, that I still cannot sleep is not help matters of my mind.. I sit around a lot.. and dozing.. need to show how catch up one my rest.. I have really dark circles under my eyes.. another week of steroids.. dam.. but it has helped me.

Geoffrey.. such a sweet boy.. OMG>. He is always with me.. I have really neglected his care.. OMG>. Since I have been sick; 2.5 weeks; especially the past 10 days, I have not been good with him. He has a very dirty litter box--- scooped daily, with clean litter added; however, it needs a full dump & clean, with a brand new litter box.. perhaps this weekend, I can order a new one for him. Pacing myself.

I have not been good with G's meds.. He is getting them.. but, not being given on time (very late) and not as gently as I am with him. I could barely get enough energy to get them ready and medicate him. Poor thing.. He has been vomiting a lot... I think from me not being gentle with him.. and Geoffrey may have caught this virus from me..

Geoffrey has been sneezing.. dam.. If I got him sick, I will never forgive myself. He has been all over me.. not leaving me.. always with me.. on my lap... cuddling in bed with me.. with all my hacking up a lung, junk, etc.. Although, some of the sneezing may have been related to all the disinfectants, I am using, to keep things as clean as I can: Clorox wipes, Lysol spray, Microban spray (all I had in the house at one point). I know the Microban has made him sneezing, in the past..
But, with all the inhalers, rinses I am using, I had to disinfect..

Over the past week, he has vomited several times.. all after medicating. I think he is a bit constipated, also.. not enough Miralax given to him.. dam me... He has not had much of an appetite either.. Pray it is not my sickness ...

Yesterday, He did not get any meds.. He vomited all of them... dam..

Today is my Dad's anniversary.. Actually at around 3:00 AM on Jan 3..... Of course, I could not sleep.. a given.. Geoffrey was after me in all of the after midnight hours. I could not understand why.. Perhaps he sensed my Dad visiting me>> Or not.. Geoffrey was after me all night.
Nope.. Woke up to a huge amount of vomit near the litter box-- kind of a sign of constipation--- with a smaller one next to my recliner..

Poor baby..
Today is chemo day.. I am going to have to bother him with some laxatone also... and pray he does not get sicker..

Keeping his food away from him, for a bit.. dam..


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I really don't think that you are neglecting Geoffrey in any way. You are doing the best you can given how sick you are and he is getting everything that he needs. He is worried about you and understands. I hope that you continue to improve; don't keep telling yourself that you are not taking good care of him.
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  • #577


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
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Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks... Well, I have decided one thing: Artie was my Nurse... Geoffrey is my Doctor ! He is so vocal... Always knows just when I NEED to lie down on the bed, to nap! He can sense how much I need that lie down.
If I try to ignore him, he is all over me-- on the recliner, yelling at me, to lie down. Once I do get on top of the bed, with the blanket, he stops harassing, jumps right up to cuddle.. Invariable, I do feel a bit better, once I have followed "Doctors's Orders"..

When I was sick, Artie never left me. Always with me.. But with Geoffrey, since he is so vocal, he is yelling at me, telling me what to do!! I guess this is the utmost definition of unconditional love. If he is on my lap, recliner, and I have to get up for something, He will jump down, but jump back to my lap, immediately upon my return.

Geoffrey also knows, just when it is time to go to bed. He literally takes me into bed! and tries cuddling before I am set up..
Such a sweet, smart boy..
and such a devoted caregiver. How the heck does he know??

I did contact Vet yesterday, to tell them about how much he has been vomiting. and how much I; to my standards, have not been giving him the best of care, as I had been. I was reassured, as all of you remind me.. that even though I may feel as if I have been neglecting him, or not treating him with as much gentleness as I had been-- Geoffrey is being well taken care of. So kind of them.

As for me... fingers crossed. I had a good nap yesterday.. went to bed normal time.. up very very early this morning--unGodly hour.. and I think I am feeling a bit better. I am not sure.. I will know more as the day goes on. Still not doing anything physical-- no laundry, expensive but, have been sending it out. I just cannot manage going downstairs and up and down and back to the laundry room. Too much for me to physically handle. Just doing one tiny thing a day.. IF I feel up to it. My apartment is a real mess; due to just daily messiness, dust, and the virus germs/grossness in here.. I do have a window cracked open.. rainy, but I need a bit of fresh air in here.

Still not leaving building. Only going to trash room and pick up mail. I do need to pick up more spring water at the buildings' store.. hopefully they have some.. I am not planning on going out until at least Friday or Saturday..and that will only be a quick trip to grocery store--if that.. I still have stuff in here to eat-- freezer is loaded.

Geoffrey is such a love.. OMG.. such a good cat..
He is constipated.. my fault, not giving him enough miralax.. and him vomiting so much.. I have not been as gentle as I should have been when medicating him. I tried to medicate him, in-between my short periods of strength, and nineteen wheezing coughs. So I do feel a bit guilty for what he has been undergoing.. Vomiting is not good for anyone.. poor thing..
But Geoffrey still loves me..


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Geoffrey is such a love.. OMG.. such a good cat.. I have not been as gentle as I should have been when medicating him. I tried to medicate him, in-between my short periods of strength, and nineteen wheezing coughs. So I do feel a bit guilty for what he has been undergoing..But Geoffrey still loves me.
Of course Geoffrey still loves you, there was never any doubt in my mind. :heartshape: He's not only affectionate but intelligent and senses when you're not up to par. Even the vet's office reassured you that G is being well taken care of and not to worry. Once you get your strength back you will feel like your old self again. I know you've mentioned how much G likes to get brushed, have you felt up to doing that? I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, hope it continues and also hope G starts to vomit less often.:crossfingers:
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  • #579


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey--- my love bug... my baby boy... Who is not a baby any longer.
He is such a love...
Still always with me..

After a month of really being sick, I got up this morning, fingers crossed :crossfingers: feeling a bit better.. but this has happened before, and I take a step back. I am really wanting to improve...

I have been pretty much Hibernation in the apartment, doing nothing for a month.. only outings for groceries, Urgent Care, Doctor appointment..
Thrice weekly outings to trash room and pick up mail.

I have lost all modestly in here. I am going downstairs in my fleece lounging PJ's.. and without a bra-- big big busted.. I do not care anymore.
Geoffrey does not care.. he loves me the way I am..

Geoffrey: I was so sick the other day--- lack of sleep, steroid overdosing.. etc.. that I gave him his chemo 2 days in a row..
OMG>. I felt horrible.. I skipped a day, in-between doses..
Since I have been sick, I have been messing up his meds so much.. Yet, he still loves m..

Yesterday, again, Geoffrey yelled at me to lie down on the bed, and take a nap. I followed his orders... woke up a couple hours later, and felt a bit refreshed. Dr Geoffrey knows..

I wish I were able to dump and clean his litter box.. but I still do not have enough entry to do so. I feel so bad for him. I scoop every time I see something in there.. and add fresh litter, wipe down the sides, Swiffer and do a quick vacuum to the floor.. but... it is still not enough.. dam for being old and sick, and alone..
Needing a kitty in my life, yet not being able to care for them.. It hurts my heart..

I am getting so much unconditional love from Geoffrey, which I do not even deserve.
I think I am very slowly improving; because Geoffrey is leaving me alone a bit more during the day, staying on my germ infested bed..dam..

I am daily spraying down the air filter with Lysol, for germs wiping down the sinks and faucets and counters, several times a day with disinfectant spray.. wiping then spraying a lite coat, again, to air dry. I have my bedroom window open a crack, to air out the place.

Sitting on my butt all day.. stretch out on the recliner all day... Had a bit of an appetite yesterday, late in the day.
Need to see if they have any English muffins or fresh bread down in the buildings store. I have to have a snack with the steroid pills. I eat early.. either an English muffin, a small cup of cottage cheese, a baked potato, or half a container of soup.

The constant Principal in this entire episode is GEOFFREY--- HIs LOVE, CARE for me has been so completely remarkable. I never expected or thought he would step up this way.. He has matured so much, since I have been sick. He has shown his true love and devotion to me.

I love him so much...
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