Name Three Things - 2020

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Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
(Pre-Covid, Muffin and I drove over to my sister's village. I'd put her in her stroller and we'd walk through town for a while. She loved that, too.)
Oh I bet she looked so adorable!! Maybe get her a pink sweater to match her blankie? I hope the headache wasn't to severe.

regular stuff

Kaylee is off today

Washing throws and blankies for my J and we're supposed to have 4-6 inches of snow. They weren't around much yesterday
It was close to 50 so they were out and about.

I ate 2 Hershey's bars yesterday, so good!

I think I may venture over to Nicole's for Eve. I'll be the only one with a mask.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
regular stuff

we have about 5-6 inches of snow but very cold only 14,

I stayed home last night. Nicole brought over food.

I have one and a half pound of cooked cocktail shrimp. Don't think I'll go to Nicole's
as there will be a lot of people and no masks required. Three of them have been working
all week so better safe than sorry.

will watch Home Alone and snuggle with Big Cal

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!:gift::musicnote: 🎄⛪🎅❄


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick got up with the girls this morning. Molli and I snuggled until 8:00, then we got up, too. After enjoying hot chocolate and some sticky buns. Rick and I opened a few gifts. Nothing exotic, just a few things. (Oh, I have to tell you.....yesterday, Rick got up and left the house, said he'd be back in a few. Went down to the Giant to buy a PF white coconut cake. He said I always try to do things for him and he felt bad that I didn't have my cake. I said that the whole purpose was not to make a special trip! And he said he didn't care, that I should not have to go without A cake, even tho it wasn't THE CAKE. And it's even wrapped in the freezer. I love that man.)
  • Rick peeled potatoes and cubed bread, then he peeled and chunked sweet potatoes. Meanwhile, I went to town on dicing onions and celery, making the gravy, etc. I chopped the leeks and cut the asparagus. Got the Amish potato filling in the fridge and ready to throw into the oven. Made some iced tea. Rick kept looking at the cheesecake and whimpering, so I cut a slice for him to enjoy. He said it was decadent....I'll take his word for it. Bleah.
  • So now it's just a matter of taking casseroles out of the fridge and throwing everything into the oven for dinner this afternoon. Except I'll need to make and fill the chops. They're going into the NFG to bake.
  • Muffin and I went outside this morning. We have very little in the way of snow left; we had a ton of rain yesterday and last night and it melted everything down into one huge smooshy mess. She was sitting in the window, looking around. I finally got a chance to sit down....she came over to the top of the steps and started yelling. I put my Sloggers on, grabbed the blankie, wrapped her up, and away we went. It's windy and it's cold, but she seemed OK. She's napping away in her stroller.
  • Wishing everybody an absolutely Purrfect Christmas! Enjoy!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
regular stuff

we have about 5-6 inches of snow but very cold only 14,

I stayed home last night. Nicole brought over food.

I have one and a half pound of cooked cocktail shrimp. Don't think I'll go to Nicole's
as there will be a lot of people and no masks required. Three of them have been working
all week so better safe than sorry.

will watch Home Alone and snuggle with Big Cal

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!:gift::musicnote: 🎄⛪🎅❄
I think you are better staying home... Better to be safe.. lonely, but safe... We are here for you..

So glad you have Nicole.. ((hugs)) and Cal... and the outside crew... ((hugs))

Rick got up and left the house, said he'd be back in a few. Went down to the Giant to buy a PF white coconut cake. He said I always try to do things for him and he felt bad that I didn't have my cake. I said that the whole purpose was not to make a special trip! And he said he didn't care, that I should not have to go without A cake, even tho it wasn't THE CAKE. And it's even wrapped in the freezer. I love that man
OMG... I think I love Rick, also.....

Mia6 Mia6 I think I may come over for some shrimp cocktail!! i have been craving it all week...

We were expected to get a torrential storm today. Woke up to only a bit of rain, and slight winds.. The southeast part of the state got hit very badly... power outages, etc.. We are very lucks.. All the snow is gone..

The ham and kielbasa are in the oven.. I sautéed the pineapple. It is on top of the ham..
Made the pineapple glaze in the microwave.. I made it to taste.. It is good!!!! yummy! I looked at recipes and improvise my own...
A first for everything..

Just have to make potatoes and the breaded, sautéed green beans...

Sitting here with a Yule Log on TV.. relaxing music.. on line with my friends... slowly sipping a glass of wine..
Relaxing.. really enjoying the 'moment'... as the phrase goes, I am really 'in the moment'... this is nice... no cares.. just peace... quiet in here.. so nice...My angles are lit.. just rush, cares..

Geoffrey is under my bed..
Gave him his presents... as usual, he ignores them... so hard to buy for..


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I hope everyone had a great day yesterday. We ate way too much, as we always do on Christmas. It was nice and quiet. Had a relaxing afternoon, then started in on dinner. Called Bob around 3:30 and told him he could leave to come down to the house for dinner. He came down, Rick went out to greet him and gave him his dinner. He gave us a beautiful cat print for Christmas. It's gorgeous. Rick and I enjoyed our dinner and there are plenty of leftovers for tonight. Just a nice day. The older Rick and I get, the more we appreciate quiet, relaxing holidays. (I remember when our son was little, he'd get us awake at 3:00 on Christmas morning. We'd tell him it was way too early, so he'd crawl into bed with us until 6:00, when he couldn't take it anymore and we'd get up. When he got older, we were awakening him at 8:00. We always get up now at 6:00 to feed the cats their breakfast. But it's funny because our son now talks about how The Grands have them awake bright and early, just like he used to do to us. The tradition continues. Oh to be a child again at Christmas!)
  • I'm up with the girls this morning. Gave them their breakfast, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. I'll scoop in a bit.
  • Going to see if I can pre-order The Scorpion's Tail (Preston/Child) from Barnes and Noble; it's to be released around late-mid January. It's the new Nora Cross novel. Old Bones, the first book in the series, was excellent.
We don't plan on doing much today. There will be football for Rick and I'll probably spend the afternoon with Muffin in the shed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Clean up cat puke (Boone's first)
Clean bathrooms
Wash towels and bedding


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Sounds like everyone had a nice Xmas

We got about 9 inches of snow and I'm snowed in! My neighbor's step-dad picked her and
her son up around 5:00pm so they could spend it with her family. They were staying all night.

Regular stuff

Fell asleep around 5:00pm awoke at 9:00pm, couldn't fall back to sleep, took pain meds, went
back to sleep till 3:00am and have been up ever since

DIdn't go to Nicole's,as were both snowed in. I pigged out on cocktail shrimp, cheese and crackers,
salami, honey baked ham, rolls, and vegetable dip. They had prime rib , mashed potatoes, green salad,
fruit salad, cheesecake, and pumpkin cake plus spinach dip served in a scooped out big round loaf
of pumpernickel., (the 80s called and want it back!).

artiemom artiemom
Winchester Winchester
Sounds like both of had a fine Christmas!!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Mia6 Mia6 Do you have someone who shovels you out? Thinking of your front door, back door, walkway, sidewalk... I hope so...

That is a ton of snow. Relax today..
Yes, it was a nice day.. really nice.. tired from cooking. My kitchen is so tiny that I do not have any work space to really cook.. so I did a ton of twisting, instead of walking. My knee was talking to me last night.. Took some tylenol.. better today.

Christmas Day was so warm. We did not get the storm that was expected. We had a bit of rain, and some wind, but not bad. The ocean was fierce.
During the morning, the temp inside was 77 degrees, without any cooking!!
I had to put the AC on..
Then it dropped incredibly, once 6pm arrived...

*regular morning stuff
*have to put clean laundry away
*nothing else..
*have to put the Christmas CD's away.

Happy Da after Christmas to all...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Put away all the ornamental Christmas vignettes - tomte, white horses and sleigh, etc

Having sprayed the oven last night I cleaned it. Took the oven racks (which had been removed before spraying oven) and laid on a towel in the downstairs bathtub, sprayed them with a grill cleaner. Let sit, scrubbed with small brush, rinsed. Back in oven. Better, not completely clean.

All the towels involved with oven and racks now swishing around in clothes washer. Didn't dare to let them sit and have the gunk dry on them.

And there's still the afternoon in which to find more things to do.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick got up with the girls this morning. Molli and I lounged until 8:00, then we dragged our butts out of bed.
  • Muffin has already been outside for a walk this morning. I was back here drinking my coffee and I heard the "Mom? Mom! It's time!" meow. She met me at the door, I wrapped her up and away we went. No birds to yell at this morning. I have learned never to tell her "Wait til I'm done with my coffee" because she, like most cats, is quite impatient, esp when she really wants something. So we had our jaunt and all is right in her world.
  • I need to scoop boxes in a few minutes.
  • We're not doing much today. I'm going to try to work on getting things done during the week and not doing a blasted thing on the weekend. This afternoon, while Rick watches football, I'm going to the shed. I will start Season 9 of the X-Files today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Start an Instagram page for Boone and Gracie ✅

Dust and vacuum the house

Take down some of the Christmas decor


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Do you have someone who shovels you out? Thinking of your front door, back door, walkway, sidewalk... I hope so...
It's up to the tenets. Daniel shoveled yesterday, It was sooo deep.

Winchester Winchester Sounds like Muffin is demanding a daily walkabout. so sweet, did she spend time with you
in the she shed"

regular stuff

washed throws that the gang was using, about 12!! only one more to go

going to have a hot bath soaking in lavender epsom salts

I still have a piece of prime rib to eat..will wrap in foil and reheat in a 250 degree oven


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Muffin was in the shed for about an hour the other night. She investigated for a while, then jumped up on my lap and we watched some X-Files (well, she pretty much napped). Yes, she's gotten used to her daily walks. Right now? Well, it's 7:30 and she's meowing to go out! No way that's going to happen; way too early and I'm not going there. Not until around 10:00 or so. So either she's moaning because she wants to go out or because she already wants her after-breakfast breakfast. I don't know which, but either one is not going to happen yet.
  • Breakfast for the girls, no dishwasher to empty bc we didn't run it yet as there's not much in it. I'm sitting back here with my coffee, listening to Muffin moan (I really think) of starvation in the hallway.
  • I need to call the agent who works with our Medicare. She changed me to a new drug plan and they're saying that I didn't have a drug plan prior, so will have to pay a penalty. Which is crap. I got the letter on Saturday and they had to have the return statement by yesterday. I was on the phone with them all afternoon yesterday, trying to get it cleared up. I can't send something to them by Dec 27, when I got the original letter on Dec 26! She took my information, said she'd file the application for dispute, etc. I'm going to call our agent and see if she can help. She's the one who filed the original paperwork.
  • Two loads of laundry. Rick will strip the bed when he gets up and I'll put fresh sheets on.
  • A good vacuuming about the house, followed by a good swiffer. I want to wipe down the kitchen and bathroom.
  • And then out to the she shed to water the plants and vacuum and swiffer.
Believe it or not, I have to bake cookies! Rick's mother wants white chip and macadamia nut cookies and I think there's two of those left in the freezer. But she really wants them. She also wants a good slice of Rick's cheesecake. She wanted a slice of the Pepperidge Farm coconut cake, too, but I already said that wasn't going to happen. He explained that I didn't order The Cake, but that we'll order it for my birthday in January and I'll make sure she gets a chunk of that. She was not amused and she let Rick know it. Rick told her that I made sticky buns; she wanted a sticky bun, but Dear Richard make short work of those. Now that we can get her Kindle, she wants books. She's not a happy camper.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
how do you use instagram ? i have heard of it but never used it though
Just make an account and start posting pictures. You can "follow" certain pages so you never miss a post. Kind of like how some follow others on here.

Boone and Gracie already have a few followers just from yesterday. Plus some dog site wants the cats to represent them. 🤣


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester Sounds like Evelyn is back to her old self, ha!! and dear Muffin will get her walk in.💖

regular stuff

what a scandalous mess my place is in, Nicole came by the day after Xmas with gifts and food. We spoke
on the phone the next day and she said What exactly does Kaylee do??? Your place was always immaculate
blah, blah, and Daniel felt the same way and that set me off..... crying. He is going home to Corolla on the 5th
but is coming back. She said they want to get the place in order. I'm just so dang sensitive but she's right.
Kaylee must learn how to dust. Remove everything from the surface you're cleaning. I like wood to be cleaned
with Murphy's Oil Soap.Windex on tv screens, pics, etc.

I told Kaylee what she said in a gentle way and she asked Jon if she could work an extra hour today because her
other clients have put their services on hold. So, things will change around here for the better.

I'm on my last load of laundry, I've done 3.K is st the store


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Have not been on for a couple of days because I did not feel well!~~~ post Christmas Bloat and downness... too much sugar! and carbs/...
Better today...

Winchester Winchester I love hearing about Muffin.. I really do...
Evelyn sound fully recovered--Thank God!! Back to demanding sweets!!! :yess:
Love it...:redheartpump:

Mia6 Mia6 :hugs: I know you are very sensitive about your house; but, seriously, Kaylie has not been good for you. I know aides are very hard to come by..and they do whatever they want.. some never come around.
Can you have a heart to heart talk with Jon.. and ask for a better aide? Or have your sister intervene for you.. That may be better, coming from her...It takes the stress off of you, making her the bad guy...
Your Sister can say that : she and her son stopped by and were appalled by the condition of your place.. and it is due to Kaylees lack of responsibility to details.. You really have to keep a close watch on all the aides. I know, my dad had some winners.. I was known as the bit@@

*up, played with Geoffrey, fed him...made breakfast for myself.
*did not go on line..
*took shower, dressed and put in a work request for a couple of things in here.. at 9am..
*Manny came up before 10am and fixed them: took the front cover off the AC/Heater wall unit; cleaned it really good, vacuumed my carpet, and replaced the oven light for me..
*Did rest of morning stuff
*Tossed out the rest of leftovers, some trash...washed down Litter Genie
* Played with Geoffrey and a Cat Dancer toy... he was driving me crazy.. getting into everything. He wanted attention, play....
* on line now... cup of decaf coffee

in a little bit, I will start car, check it out... call in a couple of scripts for tomorrow... and perhaps being taking down the Xmas stuff... I am putting the snowmen away.. was going to keep them up, but.. I have had enough.. May keep one angel and the tiny nativity set up for a while..

That is it for today...

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
Just make an account and start posting pictures. You can "follow" certain pages so you never miss a post. Kind of like how some follow others on here.

Boone and Gracie already have a few followers just from yesterday. Plus some dog site wants the cats to represent them. 🤣
wow that sounds like alot fun klunick! i am try that for my cats


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom My parents had a helper who was a real winner. She borrowed money from Mom and, of course, she never paid it back. She'd show up for work in short shorts and halter tops. My parents, for some strange reason, trusted her completely. My sister and I couldn't stand her. She really didn't do much of anything, cooked a bit, but nothing big. She did vacuum. After Dad died, she talked Mom into giving her a key (she said she had some problems with a boyfriend). We found out about that and about the loan and things really hit the fan. She was a real winner. The thing is, we got her away from Mom, but we're sure she's still working for the company. Rick's parents had some people who were pretty good, but even they didn't do what they were supposed to do. It difficult to find people who are actually willing to do the work that's required. The pay isn't all that great and a lot of people just pretty much show up and that's it.

And I'm not trying to disparage those who do that work. There are some really good people. One of Rick's mother's aides was pretty much a saint. She was Mennonite and that woman really worked. She went for groceries and packed everything away, she cooked, she cleaned, she helped to bathe them, she helped take care of The Beast. She was really good. To this day, she and Rick's mom stay in contact. But it's the luck of the draw in some ways.
  • Molli and I lounged until 7:30 this morning. I gave the girls their after-breakfast breakfast and made my coffee. Took Muffin out for her walk, came in, and finished my coffee. It's really windy outside this morning.
  • I'm doing a load of kitty stuff in the washer this morning. Rick is going to scoop, then I'll do a quick vacuum in the living room and kitchen.
  • I need to bake the cookies today for Rick's mom. I also need to put some books on her Kindle. She called me yesterday to enlarge the font again, but I'm pretty sure we're at the largest size the Kindle has. I'll have to check it. Rick brought it home on Monday, disinfected it as best he could and put it in the basement. I'll bring it up, disinfect it again, and work on it. I don't know how to deal with the Kindle because of Covid. It bothers me to even handle it, to be honest. Maybe I'm being too squeamish? I don't know. Things are supposedly OK at the home now.
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