Name Three Things - 2020

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Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
@glad your got your car fixed

regular stuff

I have a small load of laundry in and that will be it other than dishes.

will warm up into the 40s today. I'm glad that Julian and Daniella will be able to get out and about. I'm sure
they're tired of being wrapped in throws. May have a bit of rain and light snow later on. Good day for, reading,
movies, and naps.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Thank you! Well, I told my husband that the mini cakes were a total bust and that to save him, I’d have to eat them all myself. I’m just that kind of person. Selfless. :lol: Actually, they were fantastic little morsels of chocolate wonderful-ness. :)


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm up with the girls this morning. Last night, our temps bottomed out in the 20s. The top of the driveway is icy and slippery. I'm not taking Muffin outside because I'm so afraid I'm going to slip, fall, and lose her. We had about an inch or so of snow overnight and it's snowing very lightly now. Blah.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. (I tried a mug of the White Cane hot chocolate last night and it was really rich. That's probably about the best packaged hot chocolate I've had.)
  • Two or three loads of laundry this morning. I also need to scoop. When Rick gets up, I'll change the bed sheets and wash the dirty ones.
  • A quick vacuum about the living room and kitchen, but nothing major.
  • Once Rick starts watching football, I'll likely go hang out in the shed for a while.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yesterday, I did mange to watch my favorite Christmas movie. I know it word for word. This time I was able to really watch the acting ability of Jimmy Stewart.. Wow.. amazing actor.... And the others.. I was watching ti from a different view.. but still got to enjoy it...

* Got up, found a large furball... yuck.. After I sat down for coffee, I discovered anoher area of vomit... ugh.. That is dried up and waiting for me.. right in the middle of a snowman !! on a Christmas Throw.
*Watched Mass on tV
*late regualr morning stuff
* do a wash and dump of litter box and bathroom...
*watch movies... I want to finish up this past season of "Call the Midwife"... and then Watch The Santa Claus, with Tim Allen.
*Sandwich for supper.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Yesterday I posted that I was going to save my weekend chores for the weekdays. Well...that didn't go well. What really sealed the deal was putting clean towels in an uncleaned bathroom. :lol: Mind you, my house is generally clean but I do find satisfaction with actually scrubbing and wiping stuff on the weekends so I know it is really clean.

It bugged me so bad that I got up, got dressed and started in on cleaning. Got the kitchen wiped down, my bathroom scrubbed, and my bedroom and the living room dusted. Just need to clean the boys bathroom and vacuum.

The rec room/entire downstairs is my husband's domain so he is in charge of cleaning it as I only go down there briefly to do laundry. The boys' bedrooms are their responsibility.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
regular morning stuff

Kaylee will be back tomorrow!!

I have a pair of jammies and smalls washing in Dreft. I have extremely dry skin and am sensitive to a lot of fabrics, laundry soaps, etc.
When I was in 8th grade I had a severe case of poison ivy. In addition to the creams the pharmacist compounded, doc had me bathe in
Dreft. I called Drug Mart and asked the pharmacist if he thought this would help. He told me it wouldn't hurt so I'm going to try it..
Dishes, straighten up living room. May go with Daniel to Swenson's for burgers, cheese teezers, a large California, and a chocolate malted
.Swensons Drive-In Restaurants, "America's Best Cheeseburger"


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Yesterday, I went outside with the pick-ax and attacked that patch of ice at the top of the driveway, right behind the cars. That helped to get rid of a lot of it and I'm no longer slipping all over the place. Thank goodness. I was back here drinking my coffee this morning and Muffin started yelling, "Mom! Mom! When we are going out? C'mon, Mom, I wanna go out! Out! Out, I tell you!" So I said, "OK! I didn't even finish my coffee, but OK!" Put my Sloggers on, grabbed the pink blankie, and almost tripped over Muffin on the steps because she raced me down the stairs. Met me at the door, I bundled her up, and away we went. There were four birds at the suet over at the she shed and she chittered at them for quite a while. Purring, kneading, and chittering. She's really something. We came back inside, she told Rick about the birds, ran back to the bedroom door, and "Mom! I'm ready for my nap! Mom!" I opened the door, she ran in, hopped in her stroller, and is now sound asleep. When I die, I want to come back as one of my cats. It takes so little to make them happy.
  • Finishing my coffee now. I got up around 8:00 or so.
  • We're going to Target. I reached my pandemic breaking point last night. I was in the shed, reading on my iPad and noticed that it said 10% charged. But it was supposed to be charging as I was reading. Well, the cord at the connector at the iPad was really frayed. And that was my breaking point. I know I said, I'm not going out shopping for just anything. But I cannot exist without my 10-foot cord. And I'm not even waiting two days for A-Prime to deliver one. Off to Target in a few minutes. I'm going to also order a 3-pack on Amazon, so that Rick has one, too. And then two for "just in case". I can't go without a charger when I'm reading. Nope, not gonna happen. Tis what tis.
  • A good vacuuming this afternoon, followed by a Swiffer in the living room and kitchen, wiping down the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Started Season 8 of the X-Files. This is when Mulder disappears and SA John Doggett (Robert Patrick) comes in. Duchovy's contract was up and he was "written out". I debated whether or not to watch Season 8 and 9, but started 8 last night. I have so enjoyed watching the X-Files, one of my favorite shows on tv. (I'd dearly love to have the entire thing on DVDs, but can't see spending that much money.)


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Yesterday: did all I mentioned!

*Up early for errands
*1/2 cup of coffee
*made bed
*Out by 6:15 AM....
*Grocery store, Walgreens, Gas Station, Rite-Aid....
*Home, with everything put away, by 9:25Am

*Now relaxing with more coffee, listening to Christmas Music.. My favorite type of music.. I like the 'different' types of songs... not the usual ones.
*Will take a shower, soon
*Rest of morning stuff---much later...

Not expected to leave building until well After Christmas. I am all set... Bad weather coming in also....

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
today i wrote a letter back to Debilla ( 3 pages long lol)
working on my game that i just started
getting caught up online while jon sleeps


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom We don't plan on leaving our property now until well after the New Year. We're good.
We are to get quite a bit of rain on Thursday with the possibility of flooding, jams, etc. from all the snow And then it's to get quite cold on Christmas Day, which means that all those puddles will become ice.
The good news? We passed the Winter Solstice.....every day from now on, the day length will be extended! We'll get through this!

Tired this morning. I was up until 1:00 with my nose in a book (well, on the iPad in a book)
  • Breakfast for the girls, running the dishwasher, and sitting back here with my coffee.
  • I want to give the kitchen a good cleaning today.
  • Trash day. Rick dug out a spot down by the road yesterday so that he could put the trash can in its place tonight.
Oh, BTW, we went over to my sister and BIL's on Sunday afternoon for about 15 minutes. We had those wine glasses. I asked my BIL to open the gift; usually my sister does it. He took a glass out of its box and said, "OMG!" And then he shed some tears. He dearly loved that cat and the name of the cat is the name of his little winery. My sister immediately took a picture of one of the glasses and texted it out to the family. It was such a great idea. So between the glasses and large wheel of baby Swiss, it worked out well.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester Your little Muffin is soo adorable!! How long has she been going for walkabouts with you?
I bet it was nice seeing your sis and bil.

regular stuff

Kaylee will be here in 15 mins, must make out a list

Reopened that deep cut, It looked healed and the scab was coming off as I put Neosporin on so I gently
removed what I could but then the wound became deeper so I cut off the scab that had come off easily.
The deeper part seemed ready as well so I tugged on it and OMG, the scab was about 1/2 deep so I'm back to
keeping a bandage on. It was bleeding this morning. What a moron am I.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
*out early for hair cut.. desperately need it..
* Starbucks on the way home..
*finish morning stuff
*Put clean laundry away.
** nothing else planned!! nothing else to do... except clean.. and I do not feel like ti.. My butt is getting bigger and bigger.. and I keep ruching on chocolate.. I got so much of it..

Winchester Winchester I was not planning on going out until after New Years, but I do need to pick up a refill on an expensive script, before the new year.. sigh... deductible and all that..


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Yesterday was busier than today should be. There was a morning visit to his family doctor for annual wellness check, an afternoon visit to his cardiologist, also for annual visit. Both visits were more focused on his upcoming stent procedure early next year. Tomorrow he needs blood draw for pre-procedure testing. And tomorrow is supposed to have a deluge. Here's hoping the temperature goes up and stays up. There's a flood warning for tomorrow. Better than snow, right?

This morning I intend to go to the farm market for more cider, more apple cider donuts, and whatever vegetables take my fancy. Stop at the local hardware store for two 1-inch hose clamps so Himself can rig an extension to one of the bird feeder support poles. Then I can put up the suet peanut butter cake I made.

Keep a fire going in the wood burning stove - it was in the 20s when I got up so the warmth is welcome.

And see what else comes along today.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
My butt is getting bigger and bigger.. and I keep ruching on chocolate.. I got so much of it..
ha!!!!! I had Kaylee buy 3 Hershey bars yesterday, can't wait to have one.

regular stuff

Kaylee is at the store for things she missed on the list yesterday, ha!!

Need to rest so I can attend Eve at Nicole's.

We may get 4-6 inches of snow on Eve and Nicole is ecstatic, she's like a little girl when
it snows on Christmas.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Evelyn is doing quite well! They moved her back into her old room. She will be getting the first of the vaccines next Tuesday. She told Rick that she can now receive packages again, so.....where are her cookies?! :lol: They have a Care Meeting via Facetime this afternoon, so Rick is going to make sure she can, in fact, get packages. If so (and he already told her this), we'll get up between Christmas and New Year. Hopefully I can get her Kindle, too. Still cannot visit. But she's OK.
  • Molli and I lounged until 8:00, then Muffin started scritching at the bedroom door for her after-breakfast breakfast. So we dragged ourselves out of bed and I turned the coffee on and gave them their snack. I awakened at 6:00 with a headache; thankfully Rick got up with the girls. I still have it around my eyes, but it's not bad.
  • I was back here with my coffee and Muffin came back to tell me she wanted to go out. Put my Sloggers and sunglasses on, grabbed the blankie, let her go down the steps first(!), and wrapped her up. We went out for a little while, she yelled at the birds by the suet, she chittered at the woodpecker in the pine tree. And she purred and kneaded the whole time (she just loves being outside).
  • I need to scoop boxes, once the trash-weenies pick up the trash. I'll go down, bring the can back up to the house, put a new bag in, and get rid of the litter.
  • There's really not much going on today.
Mia6 Mia6 When Banshee was alive, she loved to go outside. We'd walk around the yard, she'd check out the trees and bushes, and she'd chitter at the birds. We walked every day, rain, shine, or snow. In the winter, she'd get wrapped in a blankie (not the pink one that Muffin uses). At night, she and I would sit on the back deck on the swing, so she could watch the bunnies in the back yard. In many ways, Muffin reminds me a lot of Banshee; she's so laid-back and nothing seems to bother her (except for Mollipop, that is). I tried taking Molli out for walks, but she wasn't really into them much. She's an inside girl. I tried it with Tabby, but I don't quite trust her not to leap out of my arms; Tabby is our wild child. The first time Muffin and I went out, she was perfectly behaved. Although I've taken her out on occasion for the last few years, we've been going out regularly since early summer. She doesn't seem to actually want to go out when the weather is bleak, but boy, if the sun is shining, she's ready. I'm wondering how she would act in a sweater; sometimes the blankie doesn't seem to be warm enough. esp when the wind is blowing. I don't take her out, though, unless she comes to me first. Which she does. (Pre-Covid, Muffin and I drove over to my sister's village. I'd put her in her stroller and we'd walk through town for a while. She loved that, too.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Got to the grocery store already as it is supposed to heavy rain tomorrow and maybe some freezing rain mixed in on Friday.

Maybe throw in a load of laundry today. Probably whites.

Go through filing cabinet and declutter old paperwork and bills so it will be ready for 2021.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
answer pen pal letters later cause i have alot to do online
play video game offline later
talk to mamanyt1953 when she gets online

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
i wrote 3 pen pal letters
stuffed christmas cards with teas for jon's family
played my game but still havent found the cats that becca wants ....


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Headache is pretty much gone, thank goodness. We're in for gusty winds and 2 to 3 inches of rain today. Flood warnings. All that good stuff. Then the temp will crash tomorrow and we'll be icy until temps even back out.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am sitting back here with my coffee. Rick will scoop at some point.
  • I have the first of two loads of laundry in the washer.
  • Making sticky buns this morning. Tomorrow we'll enjoy them with hot chocolate while opening gifts.
  • And while I'm playing with dough, I'm going to throw together some dough balls for pizza.
  • A good vacuuming and a Swiffer.
  • I need to wrap Rick's gifts today.
  • Must get the cheesecake out of the freezer and into the fridge to thaw.
Got a text last night: Mom, how do you make your pizza? I have your cookbook, but your dough has changed.
So I wrote the recipe out and emailed it to him. I think they're having pizza tonight, too.
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